You Will Never Be Able To Sell Until…

👣 8 Innovative Steps: From Content to Conversion!
You Will Never Be Able To Sell Until…
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Step-by-Step Guide to Implement Effective Sales and Marketing Strategies

🚀🎯 Hey, sales master!

Have you ever felt like an archer trying to hit a moving target? 🏹🎯

I understand that feeling! But today, I bring you an arsenal that will change your game. 🛠️🌟

I’ve discovered some steps that are like sharp arrows to hit your sales target every time. 🎯💥

Ready to stop shooting in the dark and start hitting with expert precision? 🏹👀

I’m going to show you how to transform your sales tactics from “why isn’t this working?” to “this is a surefire hit!” 🎉🎯.

From strategies to identify and reach your ideal customer to techniques for closing sales with the precision of an archer, these steps are your secret quiver. 🏹🔍

Tired of feeling like your sales efforts are shots in the dark? 🌑🤷‍♂️

It’s time to aim with confidence and skill! 🎯🔥

Get ready for a sales experience that will make you feel like a legendary archer. Don’t miss out on these steps that are like having an eagle eye in the world of sales! 🏹🦅

#SalesArcher #BullseyeSales #HitYourTarget


Step 1: Create Value Content on YouTube


This step focuses on creating valuable and educational content on YouTube that attracts an audience and builds trust without the need for paid advertising.


  1. Start a YouTube channel centered around your area of expertise.
  2. Publish videos regularly, preferably daily, alternating between long and short formats.
  3. Ensure that the content is educational, providing real value to your audience.
  4. Avoid directly selling in your videos; instead, focus on delivering knowledge and solutions.

Specific Details:

  • The ideal ratio is 10 to 20 value content videos for every promotional video.
  • Use Dunbar’s 7-hour rule: create content that adds up to a total of 7 hours to establish trust with your audience.

Step 2: Apply the Farmer’s Law in Marketing


This step involves adopting a mindset of patience and trust in the marketing process, similar to that of a farmer planting seeds and waiting for them to grow.


  1. Consider every video and every interaction with your audience as a seed planted.
  2. Don’t push for immediate results; trust the process.
  3. Continue providing value without the immediate expectation of a sale.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that by consistently providing value, viewers will eventually feel indebted to you, which can lead to future sales.
  • The farmer’s law is based on the idea that every good action will result in a good long-term return.

Step 3: Create and Distribute Written Content


This step focuses on creating written content, such as books or guides, that address specific problems of your target audience.


  1. Write a book or guide that addresses a common problem in your niche.
  2. Ensure the content is practical and actionable.
  3. Distribute the book to your audience, either for free or at a cost.

Specific Details:

  • The content of the book should be valuable enough that the reader feels compelled to seek more of your services or products.
  • Use the book as a tool to establish your authority and knowledge in the subject.

Step 4: Develop Sales and Closing Skills


This step involves improving your sales and closing skills, focusing on the quality of customer service and understanding their needs.


  1. Practice being a better buyer to better understand the sales process.
  2. Deliver sales presentations to groups, reserving individual closing for high-value offers.
  3. Ask questions during the sales process to better understand the customer’s needs.

Specific Details:

  • Use the technique of asking “What did you like most about the presentation?” followed by “What other questions do you have?”.
  • For high-value closes, personalize the process and close the sale directly instead of sending a payment link.

Step 5: Implement the ‘Antarctica Cold Calling’ Strategy


This strategy focuses on creating sales opportunities through cold calls but with a more personalized and value-oriented approach.


  1. Identify potential customers who may genuinely be interested in your products or services.
  2. Make cold calls, but ensure they are highly personalized and relevant to the recipient.
  3. Offer immediate value on the call, rather than just trying to make a sale.

Specific Details:

  • Research the potential customer before the call to make it as relevant as possible.
  • Focus on how your products or services can solve a specific problem the potential customer may have.

Step 6: Apply the Reciprocity Principle in Sales


This step is based on the principle that offering something of value to potential customers can lead them to want to reciprocate.


  1. Offer something of value to your potential customers without expecting anything in return immediately.
  2. This can be useful information, free advice, or a sample of your product or service.
  3. Maintain a giving-first attitude, with confidence that this will generate long-term sales.

Specific Details:

  • The reciprocity principle works best when the value offered is personalized and relevant to the customer.
  • Avoid the immediate expectation of a sale; instead, focus on building a relationship.

Step 7: Optimize the Sales Closing Process


This step involves perfecting the sales closing technique, especially for high-value products or services.


  1. After presenting your offer, ask questions that guide the customer through the decision-making process.
  2. Use strategic questions to lead the customer to the conclusion that your offer is the best choice for them.
  3. Close the sale directly and confidently, asking for details like the name and payment method.

Specific Details:

  • Example of strategic questions: “Would you prefer to start benefiting from this now or later?” and “How do you spell your name for registration?”.
  • Ensure the customer has all necessary information before reaching the closing point.

Step 8: Implement the SWSWSW Principle


This principle translates to “Some Will, Some Won’t, So What? Someone’s Waiting.”


  1. Accept that not all potential customers will convert to sales.
  2. Don’t be discouraged by rejections; instead, focus on the customers who are waiting for your products or services.
  3. Maintain a positive attitude and keep moving forward, seeking those who will appreciate what you offer.

Specific Details:

  • This principle helps maintain a healthy attitude towards rejection and focuses on positive opportunities.
  • Remember that each interaction is a learning and improvement opportunity.


Introduction to Sales and Personal Experience

“When I think about how difficult it seems for some people to learn how to sell, it surprises me, but it shouldn’t because when I started selling, I was terrible. I began selling insurance and investments in October 1985 and didn’t make my first sale until April 1987. In a very short time after my first sale, I became the top seller in our office month after month. In this video, I’m going to share with you how I did it, and it doesn’t matter if you’re selling real estate, insurance, cars, shoes, information, coaching, agency work, network marketing, or anything else. I’m going to share with you how I sell, and selling to me now is easier than taking a nap, and I’m good at taking naps, I make sure to take at least one every day, sometimes two. So here we go.”

The Challenge of Sales and the Law of Averages

“Selling is difficult. The number one reason why selling is difficult is that you want people to buy. That’s the number one mistake new salespeople make: they want people to buy. One of the reasons selling is easy for me is that I’m not attached, like, I don’t pretend, I don’t care if they don’t buy, I really don’t care. Now, how can I say I don’t care if they buy? I’m in sales, I talk to people, I make presentations, but I say I don’t care if they buy because I understand a law called the law of averages, and the law of averages says that for every X number of presentations I make, I’ll make Y number of sales. For each person, that average will be different. So, for some people, that law of averages says that for every 10 presentations I make, I make one sale. For another person, it’s for every 20 presentations I make, I make one sale. For another person, it’s for every 30, for someone, it might be for every four presentations I make, I make one sale. What’s really cool is that you can increase your average through a concept called pre-indoctrination.”

Pre-indoctrination and Teaching

“Pre-indoctrination sounds fancy, but it’s not. Think about the word doctrine. What does the word doctrine mean? The word doctrine means teaching. So, IN doctrine means teaching that’s inside of them. So, if you can teach them something about the result they’re already looking for before making the offer, the likelihood of them saying yes to the offer increases exponentially. It’s amazing.”

The Impact of YouTube and Pre-indoctrination

“We are halfway through the tenth month, and our business has generated over $15 million in revenue, and we haven’t spent anything on advertising. Do you know why? Because we have a YouTube channel that gets about 2.1 million views per month. On October 9th, we got 78,000 views on one video. Now, when I talk about pre-indoctrination, I believe they find it credible, and then I get to know them well enough to believe they have your best interest at heart. You must believe to some level that they are better off getting the result you can’t get. So, overall, I don’t sell things on my YouTube channel. I mean, occasionally, we can promote a challenge or something, but generally, I don’t sell things. I probably do 10 to 20 value-based content videos on YouTube for every time someone sees me do a promotion. Think about that.”

Dunbar’s Research and Building Trust

“There’s research called Dunbar’s research, where they found that a person has to spend seven hours with you before they feel like they know you, like you, and trust you enough to buy something from you. Unfortunately, you’re trying to sell something to the person as soon as you meet them, and it’s like saying, ‘Hi, my name is Myron, will you marry me?’ No, my friend, I just met you. The day I met my wife, I went back to my residence and told my brother that I had met the girl I was going to marry, but if I had told that to the girl, I would have had to marry someone else because it would have been over before it started. How many hours are there in a day? 24, or depending on whose day it is. My indoctrination days are long. On day 11, we had 10,641 hours. My indoctrination days have thousands of hours in them. People are watching me for thousands of hours. Do you think they feel like they know me? People I’ve never met call me Uncle Myron.”

The Farmer’s Law in Marketing

“And here’s the cool thing: I’m not trying to sell them anything. Why? Because I know I don’t have to. When the farmer plants the seed in the ground, he doesn’t go there every day saying, ‘Are you going to grow or not?’ He trusts the soil, the sun, and the water to do what only they can do. When I go on YouTube, I’m not trying to get anything from anyone. I just say, ‘Hey, I learned this really cool thing that all of you are going to love,’ and then I get really excited about it, and people say, ‘Oh my God, that thing changed my life.’ And when they say, ‘I can’t believe you’re teaching these things for free,’ it means they feel like they owe me something. I don’t feel like they owe me anything, but I don’t mind if they feel like they owe me something. So when they find something I have for sale, they think, ‘If this man helped me so much for free, I can only imagine how much he’ll help me if I pay him.’ That’s why I call my YouTube channel my community service content. It’s what I share with the world just to help people, even if I never meet them, even if they never pay me a cent. I understand the farmer’s law: every action is a seed, every word is a seed, every thought is a seed, every dollar is a seed that I’m planting in the garden of my future. I plant good seeds, it’s impossible not to harvest a good crop. So, I simply plant good seeds, good seeds, good seeds. Literally, I upload a video on YouTube every day. Every day, whether it’s a long-format or short video, I give people who want to hear from me something to listen to every day. You don’t have to be so obsessive. I’m just obsessive, what can I say? But I only make a major offer once a month. In a month of 31 days, they get 30 days of community service, 31 days of community service, one offer.”

The Power of Providing Solutions Through Content

“The last time you watched this video, you were in this room. When was the last time you wrote a book that solved your ideal customer’s problem, and all they had to do was read the book, and it would help them? This book here, I have a guy in Canada, English is his second language, French is his first language. He read this book. He said, ‘Myron, I read the book, I did what was in the book.’ This is a terrible French accent, I know, don’t judge me, pray for me. ‘I did what was in the book. I pulled all my funds out. Done.’ He made $800,000 in the last two months. He did what was in the book. You know what else he did? He came and bought my inner circle for $155,000. I didn’t have to go knock on his door. I didn’t have to ask him. He said, ‘You helped me so much in that book that I want to give you some of this money to help me make more.’ Are you getting what I’m saying? Look, what I realized is I’m not in a hurry to make a sale. You’re in such a hurry to make a sale that you scare people away. You know what I do? I publish content. You know what I do? I wait for them to come to me.”

Attracting Customers by Being Findable

“Here’s what I know. Look, here’s the amazing thing. People don’t really like me enough to buy something because I need to make a sale. So, needing to make a sale won’t serve anyone. It won’t serve me. It won’t serve them. So, I better just take care of them, and if I take care of them enough, they’ll come looking for me to pay me for more. Here’s what I realized. I realized that there are already in the world right now, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who would be delighted to pay me, millions of people who would be delighted to pay me if only they knew I exist and have their solution. And look, the reason I make so much money and make so many sales is that I don’t go looking for those people. I make myself so easy to find that they stumble upon me and ask, ‘Where have you been all my life?’ And you’re so concerned about what you think someone will think about the sound of your voice or how your hair looks or how you look or how much you weigh that you don’t put content out into the market to serve them. I just tell the truth.”

The Importance of Serving Others with Your Knowledge

“And here’s the thing, all of us know something that will help someone else more than it helps us. We all know something. There’s a group of people in the world waiting for the homemaker Martha Stewart to write a book on how to decorate your home, and now she’s a multimillionaire, with a ‘B,’ my friend. We think it’s some big breakthrough. Well, it is. Here’s the breakthrough: go serve people. Whoever wants to be the greatest among you, let him be the servant of all. Care more about them getting their result than getting their money, and I promise you’ll start making sales. That’s how it begins.”

Selling as Persuasion, Not Convincing

“Law of averages, well, we talked about the law of averages. We talked about not trying to make a sale. I’m never trying to get someone to buy. For me, selling isn’t about me trying to get them to buy. For me, selling is persuading them, which is not the same as convincing them. I think convincing is the opposite of selling. I think convincing is what people who are bad at sales do because they are so bad at sales, and that’s why people think they don’t like selling because they don’t like it when someone tries to convince them. I don’t like it when someone tries to convince me. Friend, leave me alone. I already said no. Leave me alone. You don’t have to convince. You can’t convince me if my ‘no’ doesn’t mean maybe, not right now. But I know what I want.”

The Importance of Being Desired by Your Market

“This story illustrates the power of being desired by your market. I had an experience with a tailor named Tiffany Sanders. She called me, saying that she made custom suits and thought I might be interested. In fact, I was looking for a tailor at that time. She came, showed me her work, and I ended up buying five suits for $26,000. The thing is, I didn’t know her, I didn’t want her to call my phone, I didn’t know the person who gave her my number, but I already wanted the custom suits. There are already millions of people in the world who would be delighted to buy what you’d like to sell if only they knew you exist. She made a cold contact, but it wasn’t cold to me. I already wanted a tailor. There are people out there who already want what you have; they’re just waiting for you to show up so they can buy what you’re selling.”

Improving Sales by Being a Better Buyer

“One of the first things you should do to improve in sales is to get better at buying. Stop having an attitude every time someone wants to sell you something. Become a better buyer, a happy payer. Everything reproduces after its kind. The people who pay me are so happy to pay me because the people I pay, I’m so happy to pay them. Quick payment makes fast friends.”

Group Sales vs. Individual Sales

“My recommendation when it comes to selling and training is that groups are better than one-on-one. If you can find a way to sell what you sell to a group rather than selling it to one person at a time, you’ll make a lot more money, much faster. Make your presentation to a group, and then, if the offer is over $5,000, close the sale one-on-one. That way, people for whom it’s not a fit can be screened out without wasting your time. For our higher offers, like $55,000 or more, our salespeople close sales one-on-one. Anything below that, we don’t schedule calls; we just tell them to buy if they want to. But when you’re new, if you’re selling something for $5,000 or even $2,000, you might want to start scheduling calls with people just so you can get better at it.”

The Sales Process and Questions to Ask

“The presentation is done in front of the group, maybe it was a webinar, a challenge, a video sales letter, or an automated webinar. Then, you ask the first question I always ask in sales: ‘So, what did you like most about what you saw in the presentation?’ They tell me, and then I ask, ‘What questions, if any, do you have?’ I answer their questions, and then I ask, ‘What other questions do you have?’ I hope they ask me 15 questions because if they ask me 15 questions, they’ll buy. If they ask me seven questions, they probably will buy.”

Handling Objections and the Power of Questions

“In sales, overcoming objections is crucial. I don’t allow questions to become objections. An objection is a question you allow to fester by not answering it in your presentation. Some people might disagree with me, but I don’t try to overcome objections. For example, if someone is unsure why they should choose my coaching program over another, I simply tell them to choose the other one. I have not one ounce of ‘convincing’ in me. I keep asking them questions until they run out of them. Then, I ask if I can ask them a few questions. This is based on the law of reciprocity. I ask what appeals to them the most from what they saw, and usually, they mention both options I presented. Then I ask if they had the opportunity to benefit from both options before or after, which one would they choose. They usually say ‘before.’ That’s when I start closing the sale.”

Effectively Closing the Sale

“When I close a sale, I don’t send a payment link; I close them on the spot. I ask for their name and then which card they’ll use for the initial payment. I take their card details and inform them about the transfer instructions for the balance. I ensure they understand the onboarding process and the schedule for the first training. This closing sequence has helped me close millions of dollars in sales, both online and in person. It’s not theory; it’s practical and effective. If you take these strategies seriously and implement them, you’ll improve in sales. Remember, some will buy, some won’t; so what? Someone is waiting. It’s already done. I hope this helps you make sales, earn money, and free your family. Goodbye.”

Post/Page #36444
Picture of Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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