You will achieve your FINANCIAL FREEDOM if you DO THIS… | Robert Kiyosaki in Spanish

👣 4 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Unlock Your Path to Prosperity: Key Steps Revealed!

Hey there, Financial Freedom Seekers! 🌟

Ready to crack the code to wealth and success? 💰

Let’s talk about something we ALL need but rarely get taught: MONEY MANAGEMENT! 🤑

Ever wonder why some folks seem to have it all while others struggle to make ends meet? 🤔

It’s not luck, it’s know-how! 🎓

Dive into the secrets of financial literacy with me and unlock the path to prosperity! 🗝️

From educating yourself on market trends to building killer relationships with finance gurus, we’ve got all the insider tips to help you level up your financial game! 📈

Don’t get left behind in the rat race – join the movement and let’s hustle together towards financial independence! 💪

#FinancialFreedom #WealthBuilding #MoneyMatters

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Educate Yourself


Begin your journey towards financial success by educating yourself about the current financial landscape and potential strategies for navigating it effectively.


  1. Dedicate time to research and study the current global financial situation, including market trends and potential challenges.
  2. Seek out reliable sources of financial education, such as books, online courses, seminars, or reputable websites.
  3. Focus on understanding key concepts related to finance, investment, and economic trends.
  4. Stay informed about significant events and developments that may impact the financial markets and your financial decisions.

Specific Details:

  • Utilize a variety of resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of financial matters, including both traditional and online sources.
  • Consider reading books authored by financial experts and exploring reputable financial websites and forums for insights and analysis.
  • Take advantage of free or low-cost online courses offered by reputable institutions or financial professionals.
  • Engage actively in discussions and forums related to finance to exchange ideas and gain insights from others’ experiences.

Step 2: Assess Financial Risks and Opportunities


Evaluate potential risks and opportunities in the current financial landscape to make informed decisions about your financial strategy.


  1. Assess your current financial situation, including assets, liabilities, income, and expenses.
  2. Identify potential risks that could affect your financial stability, such as market volatility, economic downturns, or changes in interest rates.
  3. Evaluate opportunities for financial growth and wealth accumulation, such as investment options, business ventures, or passive income streams.
  4. Consider seeking professional advice from financial advisors or consultants to help assess risks and identify suitable investment opportunities.

Specific Details:

  • Conduct a thorough review of your financial goals and objectives to align your investment strategy with your long-term aspirations.
  • Utilize financial tools and calculators to assess the potential returns and risks associated with different investment options.
  • Diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate risks and maximize potential returns over time.
  • Regularly review and adjust your financial strategy based on changes in the economic and market conditions to stay adaptive and resilient.

Step 3: Build Relationships and Learn from Experts


Foster connections with individuals who possess expertise in finance and business to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights.


  1. Attend seminars, workshops, or networking events focused on financial education and investment strategies.
  2. Engage with professionals in the finance industry, such as financial advisors, real estate investors, or business mentors.
  3. Seek out individuals who share similar philosophies and approaches to wealth accumulation and financial success.
  4. Be open-minded and receptive to learning from others’ experiences and perspectives.

Specific Details:

  • Actively participate in discussions and forums where finance professionals and entrepreneurs share insights and advice.
  • Consider joining investment clubs or groups where members collaborate on investment opportunities and share knowledge.
  • Attend conferences or conventions featuring keynote speakers and panel discussions on finance, entrepreneurship, and wealth building.
  • Utilize social media platforms and online forums to connect with experts and enthusiasts in the finance and investment community.

Step 4: Stay Informed and Analyze Market Trends


Stay updated on current market trends and economic indicators to make informed decisions about your financial strategy.


  1. Regularly monitor financial news outlets, websites, and publications for updates on market developments, economic forecasts, and industry trends.
  2. Utilize financial analysis tools and resources to track market performance, stock prices, and investment opportunities.
  3. Pay attention to macroeconomic factors, such as interest rates, inflation rates, and geopolitical events, that may impact financial markets.
  4. Continuously evaluate your investment portfolio and adjust your strategy based on changing market conditions and emerging opportunities.

Specific Details:

  • Set up alerts or notifications on financial news platforms to receive real-time updates on market movements and relevant news articles.
  • Analyze historical data and performance metrics to identify patterns and trends that may inform your investment decisions.
  • Consider consulting with financial experts or advisors to gain additional insights and perspectives on market trends and investment strategies.
  • Stay disciplined and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations, focusing instead on long-term financial goals and objectives.


Financial Education and Market Analysis

If you’re going to be a wealthy man, it’s better that you learn two things right now. Taking into account what’s happening in the world today, I think it’s better that you start educating yourself because we are in serious financial trouble, very, very seriously. With this, the repo market collapsed again, which it already did in 2008. I meet people who tell me, “I’m going to, the FED is going to raise the rates, get into the real estate market,” and I’m like, “Where were you 10 years ago when everything was going up at great speed?” We had a dinner a couple of nights ago, and this person was telling me that they had just gotten a real estate license and that now they were actually thinking, “What the heck is this people, the Fed is going to raise the rates, we are at war with Russia.” I mean, what the hell are you all thinking, those of you who have a 401k, especially the elderly, could be in serious financial trouble because the US has stopped producing, we have stopped doing things. We have a “bubble,” and all the US has done is produce bubbles. So, we have a bubble in real estate, a bubble in stocks, a bubble in bonds, everyone is happy, they think they are getting rich today, and I’ve never perceived it as terrifying. On the other side of the coin, as neither knows or what McElroy knows now, they wouldn’t have been able to see their butt until after 2008. Since we bought real estate when it crashed, the problem is that the witch is everywhere. The perfect storm is the biggest bubble in the history of mankind, so it’s going to be big. This is the perfect storm, I mean, you just mentioned the repo market, we have interest rates that are going to skyrocket, the Fed’s already announced it, and inflation is out of control. I’m paying six dollars for a gallon of gas; we have problems with the US supply chain, the Ukrainian situation could turn into World War III at any moment. All of this simply leads us to the perfect storm. I also see us heading into a recession very quickly. I also believe this will end with the 401ks there, with the pensions, well, this is the book I wrote with a friend of mine titled, “Who Stole My Pension.” This is going to be one of the biggest problems for my generation, the boomer generation, because we were the first generation with a 401k. The 401k was created, I think, in 1974, and it was like, Jesus, it’s going to save us because we were going to be given a pension. In my opinion, it was one of the biggest screw-ups I remember because they sell it to these people who know nothing about investments, and now they’re counting on Wall Street. Suing pension funds to keep them alive in their final years. Here’s this book written by, who made a fortune suing pension funds because they’re criminals, they’re criminals, they simply stab people. I see very frequently people coming to me saying, “Well, my pension is guaranteed; I have it in writing, it’s a contract, they assured me.” They worked 30 or 35 years, busting their butts, thinking they were going to have lifelong income, and then their spouse dies, and it’s going to continue to be paid, only to find out that these pensions are being challenged in court successfully. And when I say successfully, it means the company is winning, the employee who long-term gave everything they had to have a golden parachute is seeing their benefits cut by 30 to 50 percent, and this is just the beginning. I talk a lot about this in that book because now we’re starting to see a wave of lawsuits because there’s no money in these pension plans, they’re underfunded. So, I don’t care if there’s a contract or not, if there’s no money, there’s no money in it. In 1974, the first 401k was marketed; it was called ERISA, Employee Retirement Income Security Act. I was still in the Marine Corps; I was flying out of Hawaii, and I went to listen to these.

Insights from “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”

I thought, these guys don’t do anything but lie through their mouth. My father was rich, and the advantage he had, he had a rich father and a poor father, and my poor father in the village, he was a poor helpless and desperate father. He ran the Hawaii State school system, and he thought the 401k was wonderful. Water had to be joking. My father is rich; he was my best friend’s father. He said, “Oh my God, they’re talking about a deal to steal money from stupid people called employees.” So, I saw it differently, that was 74, the first thing my rich dad told me was if you’re going to be a rich man, you’d better learn two things right now. First, be an entrepreneur because you have to learn to sell. My first Real Estate course, second, learn about real estate because real estate is debt and taxes. What did he mean by debt and taxes? So, in 1974, I took my first real estate course, and it opened my eyes because I understood that I didn’t need money to buy real estate, and I also didn’t pay taxes. Just before leaving the Marine Corps, I got a job at Xerox and learned to sell, so I learned sales and then real estate. So, why am I a rich man and why do you take courses, learn to sell, and learn about real estate? My poor father, the one with a doctorate, said, “Go back to school, get an MBA and a doctorate.” I’m not going to. I met John; I’m not going to end up like him, a poor man with a 401k. By then, I used to attend all these little seminars on why you should buy a 401k; online school teachers flock because the next profession after being a school teacher was selling 401ks. There I met John; at first, I didn’t like him at all. I told him he was an enemy to me. John used to train people to sell things, so we really come from the same point of view, it’s education, not selling people, it’s not right, absolutely 100%. So, when I met him after Rich Dad, Poor Dad, back then around 2000, 2008 to be more precise, the repo market collapsed, house flipping, the house of cards fell. I warned CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, telling him the house of cards is going to fall because I studied these things, and I find him telling me that people were doing house flipping. It was funny because he would tell me it was a type of real estate, and I would reply that it was probably a flip, was what he told me. You know, I also hate flippers; I don’t like flippers or 401k sellers, so I kept talking to him when he told me he was doing house flipping. For me, it was like oh my God, who, and he was one of the first guys I met who really followed what my rich dad had taught me to do, which was like acquiring real estate with no down payment, to use 100 percent debt, and not pay taxes with that. He and I have become damned billionaires; we’re billions of dollars in debt, but debt makes people rich with financial education. So, what happened after 2008, after the collapse of the repo market, after the house of cards fell as I warned on CNN? We made fortunes because it was a collapse. So, what you’re saying is we’re going to crash? I’m not saying it’s going to be the biggest opportunity of your life if let me tell you, it’s that we’re heading towards a crisis, possibly towards a depression, and as people have already said, they don’t have money. When our friend Joe Biden removed the Kingston excise tax, inflation skyrocketed. Disaster for the poor; this annihilated the poor because they can’t afford to eat. Since oil, I’m an oil guy who went to school and worked for Standard Oil when the price of oil rises, fertilizer rises, fertile eggs rise, food rises. My question is how close is disaster for the poor in America in days, and it’s not an exaggeration, it’s coming, there’s no doubt about it. I could teach you all the statistics you want, and traditional financial planning methods don’t work, period. And I hope you enjoyed the video, make sure to hit the subscribe button to see more amazing videos like this, this has been Brilliant Minds, thank you for watching.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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