Why So Few Succeed | Robin Sharma

👣 11 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Your Journey to Success: The Unmissable Steps

Ready to ignite your inner champion? 😃

Ever wondered why some people seem to have that extra spark in life, while others are like 🪣, just drifting along? 🌊

Let me tell you, it’s all about those early morning choices! 🌅

Think about it – legendary athletes didn’t become champs overnight. Muhammad Ali himself admitted he wasn’t a fan of those early training sessions. But he knew that “suffer now” meant “live as a champion” later. 🥊

And what about that 95% of folks who seem to be addicted to distractions and leisure? 📺🍿

Well, they’re missing out on the secret sauce of success – the LS-G formula: Learning, Study, and Growth! 📚🤓

But hey, if you’re reading this, you’re no ordinary cork floating in the sea of mediocrity! 🚣‍♀️ You’re ready to dive deep into a world of anti-majority behavior, where we trade 📺 for 📖 and 🍻 for 📝!

Stay tuned for something BIG! 🚀 And tag 3 friends who need a dose of inspiration! 🙌

#LearnGrowSucceed #UnlockYourPotential #GameChanger

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: LSG Mindset – Learning, Study, Growth


In this step, we will adopt the LSG mindset, focusing on learning, study, and growth to pave the way for success. This mindset is crucial for achieving your personal genius and reaching your potential.


  1. Rekindle Your Curiosity: Recall the curiosity you had as a child. Commit to being curious, questioning, and overflowing with awe and wonder about the world around you.
  2. 2x 3x Mindset: Embrace the 2x 3x mindset, which involves doubling your income and impact while tripling your investment in two core areas:
  • Personal Mastery: Dedicate time each day to enhance your personal skills and knowledge. This could include reading, taking courses, or practicing new skills.
  • Professional Capability: Invest in improving your professional skills and expertise. Seek opportunities for growth within your career or business.
  1. Practice Anti-Majority Behavior: Differentiate yourself from the majority by:
  • Creating vs. Consuming: Shift your focus from consuming content to creating and contributing to your field or industry.
  • Embracing Discomfort: Understand that growth often comes through discomfort and challenges. Welcome discomfort as a path to building willpower and expanding your creative capabilities.

Specific Details:

  • Make a daily commitment to learning something new, whether it’s a new skill, a new language, or gaining deeper knowledge in your field.
  • Set clear goals for doubling your income and impact, and triple your investment in personal and professional growth areas.
  • Challenge the status quo by actively creating and innovating instead of passively consuming what others have created.
  • Embrace discomfort and view it as a necessary step towards achieving your goals. Remember that growth occurs when you push your boundaries.

Step 2: Building Inner Resilience


This step focuses on building inner resilience by willingly stepping into discomfort and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.


  1. Acknowledge the Value of Discomfort: Understand that discomfort and challenges are essential for personal and professional growth. Recognize that discomfort can lead to strength.
  2. Embrace Hard Work: Embrace hard work as a means to grow and expand your capabilities. Challenge yourself to push beyond your comfort zone regularly.
  3. Face Criticism and Opposition: Accept that creative individuals often face criticism and opposition. Use criticism as constructive feedback and motivation to improve.

Specific Details:

  • Keep in mind that great achievements, monuments, and world-class accomplishments often require enduring discomfort and persevering through adversity.
  • View discomfort as a training ground for building inner strength and resilience.
  • Whenever faced with criticism or opposition, maintain a positive mindset and focus on your long-term goals and aspirations.

Step 3: Emulating Great Athletes


This step encourages you to emulate the dedication and work ethic of great athletes by recognizing the correlation between their championship performances and their early morning practice sessions.


  1. Champion’s Mentality: Understand that a great athlete’s performance in championship games is a reflection of their commitment during early morning practice sessions.
  2. Embrace the Struggle: Acknowledge that it won’t be easy, just as Muhammad Ali once said he didn’t like early morning training sessions. Accept that suffering now can lead to long-term success.

Specific Details:

  • Great athletes, like Muhammad Ali, often faced grueling training sessions and challenges to achieve championship-level performance.
  • Recognize that the commitment and hard work put into early morning practice sessions contribute significantly to overall success.

Step 4: Discovering Your Compelling Cause


This step focuses on identifying a compelling cause or purpose for your life, which serves as a powerful antidote to apathy and boredom.


  1. Find Your Cause: Reflect on your life and discover a cause or purpose that truly inspires and motivates you. It could be related to your profession or personal life.
  2. Define Your Values: Identify your top five values that guide your decisions and actions.
  3. Magnificent Obsession: Determine what drives you passionately and gets you out of bed early in the morning with enthusiasm and determination.

Specific Details:

  • Take time for introspection to define your cause, values, and magnificent obsession.
  • Your cause should be something that resonates deeply with you and gives your life meaning and direction.
  • Knowing your values and purpose will help you stay focused and avoid distractions.

Step 5: Anti-Majority Behavior


This step encourages you to divorce yourself from the majority by embracing anti-majority behavior, which involves breaking free from the busyness and complexity of everyday life.


  1. Simplify Your Life: Prioritize what truly matters and simplify your daily routine. Avoid getting caught up in unnecessary complexity and distractions.
  2. Focus on Your Goals: Clearly define your goals for the next 90 days and the steps required to make it the best quarter of your life.

Specific Details:

  • Anti-majority behavior involves making deliberate choices to stand out from the crowd by prioritizing meaningful goals and eliminating distractions.
  • Regularly reassess your goals and values to ensure alignment with your compelling cause and magnificent obsession.

Step 6: Exponential Productivity


This step introduces the concept of exponential productivity, where you achieve results that only 5% of the population attain by being willing to do what only 5% are willing to do.


  1. Willingness to Do What Others Won’t: Embrace the mindset that to achieve exceptional results, you must be willing to undertake actions and behaviors that the majority of people avoid.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the importance of taking actions and making choices that set you apart from the majority, even if they seem challenging or uncomfortable.
  • Understand that achieving extraordinary results requires a commitment to doing what the majority won’t do.

Step 7: Embrace the Lifestyle of Isolation and Effort


This step emphasizes the importance of embracing a lifestyle characterized by isolation and significant effort, leading to remarkable accomplishments.


  1. Early Risers: Commit to waking up early as part of your daily routine, just as great individuals do. Use the early morning hours for focused effort and self-improvement.
  2. Painstaking Attention to Detail: Develop a habit of paying meticulous attention to detail in everything you do. This precision can set you apart from the majority.
  3. Choose Learning Over Entertainment: Prioritize learning, study, and growth over entertainment and leisure. Dedicate time to acquire knowledge and expand your horizons.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that greatness often requires periods of isolation and intense effort, which can be challenging but ultimately rewarding.
  • Challenge yourself to wake up early to create a dedicated time for self-improvement, learning, and focused work.
  • Cultivate a mindset that values the pursuit of knowledge and personal development more than passive entertainment.

Step 8: Embrace Misunderstanding and Uniqueness


This step encourages you to embrace being labeled a “freak,” “oddball,” or “misfit” for your unique dedication to personal growth and excellence.


  1. Expect Misunderstanding: Recognize that as you stand out from the crowd, some people may misunderstand or criticize your choices. Be prepared for this and remain steadfast.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that being misunderstood or labeled differently is often a sign that you’re on the right path to pursuing your personal genius.
  • Embrace your uniqueness and stay committed to your journey, regardless of external judgments.

Step 9: Joy Through Learning


This step highlights the relationship between learning and personal joy, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a white belt mentality and continuous growth.


  1. White Belt Mentality: Cultivate a mindset of a lifelong student. Always think like a beginner, remain open to learning, and maintain a hunger for knowledge.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that learning ignites personal joy and keeps your enthusiasm alive.
  • Continuously seek new knowledge and perspectives to keep your mind engaged and your joy intact.

Step 10: Avoiding Self-Betrayal


This step warns against self-betrayal, emphasizing that neglecting your potential can lead to low self-worth and a lack of fulfillment.


  1. Honor Your Potential: Commit to honoring your potential by taking action, learning, and growing. Avoid wasting your talent and time on distractions.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize that neglecting your potential can result in a reservoir of low self-worth and apathy.
  • Stay true to your path of personal growth and fulfillment to avoid falling into self-betrayal.

Step 11: Spread the Message and Engage in Conversations


This step encourages you to share the inspirational and tactical message you’ve learned with others, promoting discussion and mutual growth.


  1. Share the Message: After finishing this session, share the content with three of your friends to spread the inspirational message.
  2. Engage in Conversations: Discuss the content with the friends you’ve shared it with, deepening your understanding and refining your insights.

Specific Details:

  • Sharing knowledge with others not only benefits them but also reinforces your own understanding and commitment to growth.


Hyatt’s Robin Sharma on Success

Welcome to this episode titled “Why So Few Succeed” by Robin Sharma, the author of “The Leader Who Had No Title” and “The 5 a.m. Club.”

If you look at the majority of people, in many ways, they are like a cork bobbing in the ocean; they’re drifting along. Someone once said, the statesperson thinks about future generations, the ordinary person thinks about the rest of the day. Unfortunately, so many good people with massive potential to achieve their personal genius have betrayed it because they just got pulled into reactivity, pulled into the noise of our modern life, pulled into diversions and distractions and trivial attractions.

So what I wanted to do in this episode is to be of service to you and deconstruct why so few people succeed. I’ve come up with an acronym: LS G. And so few people who could succeed actually do succeed because they’ve given up on learning, study, and growth (LSG).

The neurobiologists and neuropsychologists will tell us that the human brain craves learning, curiosity, and novelty. Unfortunately, a lot of us, we learned in school, but the moment we left school and walked out into the world, we’ve given up on our personal commitment to growth. So, I’m inviting you with great love and respect to reclaim the curiosity you once knew as a child when you were overflowing with awe and wonder. You see, our natural state is the way we were as children; we’re built to be curious, passionate, full of energy, and to question things.

You look at a little child, and it’s like, “Mommy, Daddy, why? Why? Why? Why?” You look at an adult, and they’ve contracted their curiosity; they’ve given up on the magic in the world. They no longer grow. So, the mindset I want you to start practicing is the 2x 3x mindset: To double your income and your impact, triple your investment in two core areas – your personal mastery and your professional capability. And how do you do that? Again, you do it through learning, study, and growth.

I guess what I’m suggesting to you is you look at most of the population and you commit yourself to what I call “anti-majority behavior.” If you want to have a great life, a soaring life, a creative life, a productive life, an ultra-prosperous life, look at what most people do and do the opposite.

So most people love consuming as opposed to creating. We live in a civilization of consumers – buy this, eat this, do this, consume this. But the top 5%, those who play in the rare air of world-class, are not consumers; they’re creators.

Secondly, most people, the 95%, are pleasure-seekers. If you look at the true warriors of humanity, the true empire builders, the true titans who are constructing a better world, they’re less about pleasure-seeking because they understand that growth comes through discomfort. Willpower is built through voluntary acts of quote-unquote “suffering.” I mean, to do hard work is to grow, to push yourself on a project to places that frighten you is to expand your creative capabilities. I hope I’m making sense for you here, but pleasure-seekers don’t.

Why So Few Succeed

If you look at the Taj Mahal, Piazza Navona in Rome, the Great Wall of China, the Mona Lisa created by da Vinci, or the Sistine Chapel created by Michelangelo, or any great company like Apple under Steve Jobs or Elon Musk’s companies, these companies took grit, suffering, and relentlessness. Any creative person has to face the arrows and slings of critics. To get to the world-class level, you have to go through the doorway of discomfort.

How do you build a strong inner core? You do it by walking into the metaphorical hard winters of growth. Think of a great athlete; their performance in the championship game is a reflection of how they showed up in the early hours of practice. It wasn’t easy. Muhammad Ali once said he didn’t like those early morning training sessions, but he said to himself, “Suffer now and spend the rest of your life as a champion.”

The 95 percent of people are also pretty bored, which is why they’re addicted to distraction. If you do not have a cause, a burning fire, and a purpose for your life, no matter what you do – taxi driver, teacher, firefighter, carpenter, baker – a compelling cause is the antidote to apathy.

Most people don’t spend time thinking. They’re busy being busy, caught up in the complexity of everyday life. You must divorce yourself from the majority and engage in anti-majority behavior.

Here’s the brain tattoo: To have the results that only 5% of the population have, you must be willing to do what only 5% of the population are willing to do. It won’t be easy.

Any great piece of work in the world has come as a result of huge efforts in isolation for long periods of time and estrangement from society. When you live with dedication, you’ll be called a freak, an oddball, a misfit, but that’s a sign that you’re honoring your personal genius.

Two key points: First, when you honor your potential as a lifelong student, when you live with a white belt mentality, always learning and growing, you electrify your personal joy. Learning fires your joy.

Second, pain is potential unexpressed. If you betray your potential, you start to disrespect yourself at a conscious and subconscious level. This builds a subconscious reservoir of low self-worth, leading to apathy and mediocrity.

Don’t resign yourself to mediocrity; you belong in the rare air of world-class achievement.

I hope this episode has inspired you and challenged you to stand up and step up your game as a learner so you can live a world-class life.

Here’s your homework: After finishing watching this, share this episode with three of your friends. Help spread this inspirational and tactical message, and then have a conversation with those friends about what you’ve learned because the teacher learns the most.

Some people ask how to get into the room for my two-day event, Personal Mastery Academy, where you can learn about exponential productivity and building various empires in your life. You can find details on my website, RobinSharma.com, or at PersonalMasteryAcademy.com.

Others inquire about my four-day event, The Titan Summit, where we delve into epic productivity, the neuroscience of mastery, living past a hundred with world-class health, building great companies, and making history with the rest of your life while living beautifully. It’s an event at the highest level, and you can find details at RobinSharma.com or TheTitanSummit.com.

Lastly, you can connect with me on social media. I love building relationships with those who read my books and watch these episodes.

Remember, there are no extra people on the planet. Small daily improvements every day over time will get you stunning results. Lead where you’re planted, and I wish you all green lights. See you in the next episode. This is Robin Sharma.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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