Why Financial Security Blocks Financial Freedom

👣 15 Innovative Steps: From Content to Conversion!


Unlocking Financial Freedom: The 15 Must-Follow Steps

🚀 Ready for a wild ride? 🎢

Stop right there! Don’t make the common mistake of thinking that Financial Security is the same as Financial Freedom. 🤔💰 They’re like 🍕 and 🍔 – both great, but definitely NOT the same! 😉

Here’s the deal, my friend: Life is all about choices. 🤷‍♂️ And guess what? The choices you make are influenced by how much risk you’re willing to take. 💥

Think of it like this: You’re at an amusement park 🎡, and there are two roller coasters 🎢 you can hop on – one says “Security” and the other says “Freedom.” 🙌

You pick the “Security” coaster, and guess what? You end up with… well, not much! 🙅‍♂️ But if you choose the “Freedom” coaster, you’re in for a thrill ride 🌟 that can take you places you’ve only dreamed of! 🚀

Imagine having the freedom to make choices, say “yes” when you want to, and “no” when you don’t. 🙋‍♀️ No more being stuck in the same old rut. You’re in control, baby! 💪

But hey, I get it. Some folks like to play it safe, stick to the familiar, and call it “security.” 🤷‍♀️ Well, here’s a little secret: The greatest risk of all is NOT taking any risks! 😱

So, what’s the takeaway? Choose the door marked “Freedom” and let’s embark on a journey together. 🚪💼 We’ve got a roadmap with exciting stops along the way – from supporting loved ones to making informed choices. 🛤️

Curious? 🧐 Ready to take that plunge? 💦 Then check out our step-by-step guide to unleashing the power of financial freedom! 📈✨ You won’t want to miss it! 🔥

Stay curious, stay awesome, and let’s roll! 🙌🤩 #FinancialFreedom #ChooseFreedom #AdventureAwaits


Step 1: Distinguishing Between Financial Security and Financial Freedom


In this step, you will learn to differentiate between financial security and financial freedom, understanding that they are not the same and even opposites.


  1. Recognize that financial security and financial freedom are distinct concepts.
  2. Understand that choosing financial security may result in neither financial security nor freedom.
  3. Grasp the idea that opting for financial freedom can lead to both financial security and freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Financial security refers to a sense of safety and stability, often associated with a steady job or income source, while financial freedom implies the ability to make choices without financial constraints.
  • Choosing the path of financial security may mean sacrificing potential opportunities for greater financial gains and personal freedom.
  • Embrace the idea that taking calculated risks in pursuit of financial freedom can lead to a more fulfilling life with choices and independence.

Step 2: Defining Freedom as a Choice


This step delves into the concept of freedom as the power to make choices.


  1. Understand that freedom involves having choices in various aspects of life.
  2. Realize that choosing security may limit your ability to make choices.
  3. Embrace the idea that freedom often comes with the acceptance of risks and uncertainties.

Specific Details:

  • Freedom allows you to say “yes” or “no” to opportunities and decisions, giving you control over your life.
  • Seeking security may mean making choices that prioritize stability over personal preferences and aspirations.
  • Accept that pursuing freedom may entail the possibility of failure, but the rewards of success can be far greater than the drawbacks of failure.

Step 3: The Value of Risk-Taking for Freedom


This step emphasizes the role of risk-taking in achieving freedom and highlights the potential rewards.


  1. Recognize that freedom often requires taking risks and venturing into the unknown.
  2. Acknowledge that the potential benefits of achieving freedom outweigh the fear of failure.
  3. Cultivate a willingness to embrace risks as part of the journey toward freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that security and comfort zones can be limiting, whereas stepping into the unknown can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Accept that not all risks will result in success, but each risk taken brings you closer to the possibility of achieving both financial security and freedom.
  • Embrace the idea that the pursuit of freedom is an ongoing journey, and setbacks are part of the process.

Step 4: Differentiating Between All Nos and All Yeses


This step focuses on understanding that not all “no” responses are equal and the importance of targeting the right audience.


  1. Recognize that not all “no” responses have the same impact on your goals.
  2. Understand that it’s essential to define your target audience and offer to maximize success.
  3. Tailor your efforts towards those who have the ability and interest to benefit from your offer.

Specific Details:

  • In sales and entrepreneurship, some “no” responses may come from individuals who lack the capacity to engage with your product or service effectively.
  • Identifying and serving the right audience can significantly impact your success rate.
  • Focus your energy and resources on engaging with individuals who are both capable and willing to take advantage of what you offer to achieve better results.

Step 5: Embracing the Door of Freedom


This step encourages you to choose the door marked “Freedom” and embrace the potential for a fulfilling and adventurous life.


  1. Embrace the idea that choosing the path of freedom can lead to a life of adventure and fulfillment.
  2. Be willing to accept the uncertainty and risks associated with pursuing freedom.
  3. Make choices that prioritize your ability to decide your own path and destiny.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that opting for freedom may lead to a daring and adventurous life where you have the power to make your own decisions.
  • Accept that the pursuit of freedom might involve stepping outside of your comfort zone and taking calculated risks.
  • Embrace the belief that the rewards of a life filled with choices and independence are worth the challenges and uncertainties along the way.

Step 6: The Greatness of Having a Choice


This step reiterates the significance of having choices in life and the greatness that comes with it.


  1. Emphasize the importance of choice in shaping your life and decisions.
  2. Acknowledge that the ability to make choices is a powerful tool for personal fulfillment.
  3. Continue to prioritize freedom as a means to have more control over your life.

Specific Details:

  • Choices empower you to shape your life according to your desires and preferences.
  • Recognize that the ability to choose how you serve others and live your life is a privilege worth pursuing.
  • Make a conscious effort to prioritize freedom over security when making significant life decisions to maximize your potential for greatness.

Step 7: Balancing Risks and Rewards


This step emphasizes the importance of balancing risks and rewards when pursuing financial freedom.


  1. Understand that taking calculated risks is an integral part of achieving financial freedom.
  2. Continuously evaluate the potential rewards against the risks involved in your decisions.
  3. Be prepared to adapt and adjust your approach as you navigate the path to freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Financial freedom often requires making strategic choices that involve varying degrees of risk.
  • Regularly assess the potential benefits and drawbacks of your decisions to maintain a balanced approach.
  • Flexibility and adaptability are key when pursuing freedom, as you may need to adjust your strategies based on the evolving circumstances.

Step 8: The Endless Possibilities of Freedom


This step highlights the limitless possibilities that come with choosing the path of freedom.


  1. Embrace the idea that freedom opens doors to endless opportunities and experiences.
  2. Be open to exploring new ventures and taking advantage of the possibilities that arise.
  3. Maintain a positive and adventurous mindset as you embark on your journey to freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Freedom allows you to explore various avenues in life, from personal growth to entrepreneurship and beyond.
  • Keep an open mind and be receptive to new opportunities and challenges that come your way.
  • Cultivate a sense of excitement and adventure as you discover the boundless potential that freedom offers.

Step 9: Making Informed Choices


This step emphasizes the importance of making informed choices when pursuing financial freedom.


  1. Invest time and effort in gathering information and educating yourself about the decisions you make.
  2. Seek advice and guidance from mentors or experts who have experience in your chosen path to freedom.
  3. Make decisions based on a well-informed and calculated assessment of the risks and rewards.

Specific Details:

  • Informed decisions are crucial for minimizing unnecessary risks and maximizing the likelihood of success.
  • Utilize available resources, such as books, courses, or consultations, to enhance your knowledge and expertise.
  • Continuously update your understanding and adapt your strategies as you gain more insights into your chosen path to freedom.

Step 10: Embracing the Adventure of Life


This final step encourages you to view life as a daring adventure and embrace the unknown.


  1. Shift your perspective to see life as an exciting journey filled with opportunities.
  2. Embrace the idea that embracing the unknown can lead to a more fulfilling and adventurous life.
  3. Choose the door marked “Freedom” and embark on your personal adventure with enthusiasm.

Specific Details:

  • Life becomes more fulfilling when viewed as an adventure where each choice and experience contributes to personal growth.
  • Embrace uncertainty and the potential for unexpected outcomes as part of the journey toward freedom.
  • Make a conscious decision to prioritize the pursuit of freedom and the experiences it brings, even when faced with challenges and uncertainties.

Step 11: Taking Action to Support Loved Ones and Causes


This step focuses on the importance of using your freedom to support the people you love and causes you care about.


  1. Recognize that your ability to support loved ones and causes is determined by the level of risk aversion you have.
  2. Understand that choosing the path of freedom allows you to have a greater impact on those you care about.
  3. Take concrete actions to support your loved ones and contribute to causes that are meaningful to you.

Specific Details:

  • Your financial and personal freedom enables you to make a positive difference in the lives of your family, friends, and the causes you are passionate about.
  • Embrace the idea that by choosing freedom, you have the opportunity to provide for and support those who matter most to you.
  • Take intentional steps to use your resources, time, and energy to help others, thereby leaving a meaningful impact on the world.

Step 12: The Make More Offers Challenge


This step introduces the “Make More Offers Challenge” and encourages participation.


  1. Consider joining the “Make More Offers Challenge,” which is designed to teach entrepreneurs the four moves that can scale any business.
  2. Click the provided link in the description to learn more and potentially become a part of this educational challenge.

Specific Details:

  • The “Make More Offers Challenge” is a valuable opportunity for entrepreneurs to enhance their knowledge and skills in scaling businesses.
  • Participating in the challenge can provide you with insights and strategies to achieve financial freedom and success.
  • Stay informed about upcoming challenges and take advantage of opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Step 13: The Cycle of Strong Men and Good Times


This step discusses the cyclical nature of strong men and good times, emphasizing your role in creating positive outcomes.


  1. Acknowledge the saying that “strong men make good times” and recognize your potential to contribute positively.
  2. Understand that your willingness to take calculated risks can shape the cycle and create better times.
  3. Strive to be the strong individual who brings about good times through your actions.

Specific Details:

  • The saying highlights the role of strong individuals in shaping the quality of their times and circumstances.
  • By embracing risks and making choices that lead to personal growth and success, you can positively influence the cycle.
  • Aim to be the catalyst for good times by not shying away from opportunities that offer unlimited upside potential.

Step 14: The Greatest Risk of All


This step emphasizes the idea that the greatest risk is to avoid taking any risks at all.


  1. Understand that choosing security and avoiding risks may lead to limited opportunities and unfulfilled potential.
  2. Acknowledge that not taking risks can ultimately risk your existence and livelihood.
  3. Embrace the fact that calculated risks are necessary for growth and achieving financial freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Avoiding risks and clinging to security can result in missed opportunities and a stagnant life.
  • Recognize that playing it too safe may lead to a life of regret and unfulfilled potential.
  • Embrace the concept that the pursuit of freedom, despite its inherent risks, is the path to a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Step 15: The Choice Between Security and Freedom


This concluding step reiterates the choice between security and freedom and encourages you to prioritize freedom.


  1. Reiterate the fundamental choice between security and freedom.
  2. Make a conscious decision to choose the door marked “Freedom” as the path to a more fulfilling life.
  3. Understand that security is an illusion, and true potential lies in embracing freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that choosing the path of freedom can lead to a life filled with choices, personal growth, and independence.
  • Recognize that security, often perceived as a safe choice, may limit your opportunities and personal development.
  • Make a commitment to yourself, your loved ones, and the causes you care about by choosing freedom as your guiding principle.


Topic: Security vs Freedom

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that Financial Security is the same as Financial Freedom. In fact, don’t even make the mistake of thinking that security is the same as Freedom. A lot of people say, “Why is what’s the financial security?” And they think they mean, “I just want Financial Freedom.” They’re not only not the same; they’re actually opposites. In this video, I’m going to show you how to make sure you pick the right door for you.

I heard Robert Allen say a long time ago, “There are two doors in life.” How many doors are there? There are two doors in life, and by the way, we know they’re doors because they have doorknobs. So, there are two doors in life: one is marked security, and the other is marked freedom. Then he said, “If you choose the door marked security, you get neither. If you choose the door marked Freedom, you get both.”

I like what Helen Keller said. Helen Keller said that security does not exist in all of nature, neither do the sons of men as a whole experience it. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. This is a woman who is blind and deaf. Let me ask you a question: Is your life a daring adventure, or are you turning it into nothing at all?

Benjamin Franklin said, “If we seek security, we have no independence.”

Topic: What is Freedom

I submit to you that freedom, by its very nature, burns the bridge of security, and so people who take risks always feel like it might not work. That’s part of the price you pay for freedom.

What is freedom to me? Freedom is a choice. Freedom means I have a choice. I can say yes or I can say no. I can go do the thing or not go do the thing. If I want to buy the thing, I can buy the thing or not buy the thing. So, for me, freedom is I have a choice. I am not compelled by my circumstance, by another person, by a situation to do a thing. But if I’m seeking security, I don’t get to make the choices because when you seek security, someone else makes your decisions for you.

Topic: Life is Awesome

And so, for me, I would rather take the risk of it not working because the upside of it working is infinitely greater than the downside of it not working. See, if this one works, if this goes well, if this goes well, life is okay. If this one goes well, life is awesome.

You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of selling. A lot of people think they don’t like selling, but one of the things I realized in selling as well as in life: all no’s are created equally, all yeses are not. That’s why it’s critically important for you as an entrepreneur to decide who you’re going to help and how you’re going to help them. Because if you decide, if you don’t decide and you say, “My thing is for everybody,” just not, and you go out and you talk to everybody, and somebody who doesn’t have the ability to pay for your offer is willing to take advantage of your offer and says yes, well, that’s not that great. But if a person who has no ability to take advantage of your offer says no, and a person who has the ability to take advantage of your offer says no, both of those no’s are identical. You end up exactly in the same place. But if a person who has the ability to take advantage of your offer says yes, and a person who doesn’t have the ability to…

Topic: The Consequences of Choosing Security

If I take the risk and someone who doesn’t have the ability to take advantage of my offer says yes, and someone who does have the ability to take advantage of my offer says yes, those are very different outcomes. So when I go through the door marked security, if it goes bad, it’s going to be bad. If it doesn’t work, my life is down here.

But if I go through the door marked security and it doesn’t work, I’m still down here. But if I go through the door marked security and it goes well, then I might be right here, and I might think this is great. But if I go through the door marked Freedom, my life ends up up here, and I know this is great.

It’s so amazing to have a choice in how you serve the people you serve, how you help the people you love, how you support the people you love, how you support the causes that you care about. All of those things are determined by the level of risk averseness that you approach life with.

Topic: Make More Offers Challenge

Hey, thanks for watching this video. I hope you’re enjoying it. But I want to take some time to invite you to join us at the Make More Offers Challenge. The Make More Offers Challenge happens once a month where I invite a bunch of entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs to come and have me teach them in detail the four moves that can scale any…

Topic: Make More Offers Challenge (Continued)

I want to invite you to join us on the Make More Offers Challenge. Click the link in the description below, and you will be glad you did. Join as a VIP and make the rest of your life the best of your life. And now, back to the video you are watching.

Topic: Make Strong Men

You’ve heard the saying, we’ve all heard the saying: “Strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men.” It’s a cycle. Make sure that you are that strong man, that strong woman who’s going to create good times because you’re not so risk-averse that you don’t even take the risk where the upside is unlimited and the downside has a bottom.

Do you realize, as an entrepreneur, if you decide you want to build a successful business, the upside is literally unlimited, while the downside is limited. If you start a job that you don’t like just because you want to be secure, your job is only as secure as the acumen of the business owner who started the business, and it’s only as secure as you stay in good relationships with that person.

I decided a long time ago that some chucklehead is going to mess up my opportunity. I want that chucklehead to be me. I don’t want some other clown messing up my opportunity.

But I don’t know; it seems so risky. The greatest risk of all is risking your existence and your livelihood, and the livelihood of the people that you love the most on somebody who doesn’t know your name; they only know your number. And when I say your number, I’m not talking about your phone number; it’s about your social security number, your employee…

Topic: The Greatest Risk

The greatest risk of all is to not risk anything. You choose freedom.


In conclusion, freedom is a hard road that leads to a beautiful place, while security is a soft road that leads to a place where average people go to die. There are two doors in life: one’s marked security, the other is marked freedom. You choose security, you get neither. You choose freedom, you get both.

I am so thankful that many decades ago, I chose the door marked freedom. Despite the bumps, potholes, pitfalls, dangers, toils, and snares along the way, I walked through that door marked freedom. People around me didn’t always understand why I kept doing it when it clearly didn’t seem to be working. They didn’t grasp the principle that all work works. There’s no such thing as work that doesn’t work. It may not be working for you, but it’s working on you, and it will work on you until you become the person for whom it can work.

The longer you put off letting it work on you, the longer you are putting off letting it work for you. So, for the sake of your children, your grandchildren, the people you love, and the causes you care about, choose the door marked freedom. Forget about the door marked security; it’s an illusion.

I hope this message blesses you, helps you take your life to another level, and inspires you to make a decision to be the best you can be, leaving a mark on the world that is the best possible mark. Stay blessed, and we’ll see you in the next video.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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