Walk Like A Wise Man Not Like A Fool

👣 27 Innovative Steps: From Content to Conversion!


Mastering Life's Essential Steps: Ignorance to Brilliance

🚀 Hey there, rockstar! 🤩 Ever wondered how to level up your life game? 🌟 It’s not about chasing bags of money 💰 or getting a fancy ride 🚗. Nah, it’s all about WISDOM, baby! 🧠💡

🧐 Think about it: We all start as clueless little humans 👶, but we grow up gathering knowledge 📚 along the way. That’s cool, but here’s the kicker 👉 Knowledge alone won’t cut it! 🙅‍♂️

💡 You gotta upgrade to UNDERSTANDING 🤯. It’s not just knowing stuff; it’s getting what it all means! But wait, we’re not stopping there. 🛑

👀 Next level is WISDOM, and here’s where the magic happens! ✨ Wisdom is the art of APPLYING what you’ve learned. 🛠️ So, if you don’t put that knowledge to work, you’re basically rolling with the fools 🤪 (and trust me, you’re no fool!). 🙌

📆 Time’s tickin’, my friend! Every day you live is one less day you have. So, it’s time to walk in wisdom 🚶‍♂️, work with purpose 💼, and live YOUR best life. 🌅

💪 Ready to level up? Stay tuned, ’cause we’ve got the roadmap to help you become a wisdom ninja 🥋. Don’t miss out, ’cause ain’t nobody got time for mediocrity! 🕒🚫

#Wisdom #Success #LevelUp


Step 1: Acknowledge Ignorance as a Prerequisite to Wisdom


Before acquiring wisdom, it’s essential to acknowledge your initial state of ignorance, which is the absence of truth.


  1. Understand that ignorance is a natural starting point for everyone; no one is born with all knowledge.
  2. Recognize that ignorance is the absence of truth, meaning there are things you don’t know or understand.
  3. Accept that ignorance is a condition that can be overcome with knowledge and understanding.

Specific Details:

  • Babies are born in a state of ignorance, not knowing anything about the world around them.
  • Ignorance is the starting point for acquiring wisdom.

Step 2: Accumulate Knowledge as the Second Prerequisite


Knowledge is the accumulation of truth and facts. It’s the foundation upon which wisdom is built.


  1. Begin the process of gaining knowledge by actively seeking to learn about various subjects and topics.
  2. Understand that knowledge is acquired through reading, studying, asking questions, and seeking information.
  3. Keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and concepts.

Specific Details:

  • Knowledge is not inherently powerful but provides the potential for power when used effectively.
  • Continuously expand your knowledge base by exploring different areas of interest.

Step 3: Achieve Understanding as the Third Prerequisite


Understanding is more than just knowing; it involves comprehending the meaning and significance of the knowledge you acquire.


  1. Go beyond surface-level knowledge and strive to grasp the deeper meaning of what you learn.
  2. Seek to connect the dots between different pieces of knowledge to form a more comprehensive understanding.
  3. Apply critical thinking and analysis to gain insights into the significance of the information you’ve gathered.

Specific Details:

  • Understanding bridges the gap between knowing facts and applying them effectively.
  • It’s not enough to have knowledge; you must understand how to use it wisely.

Step 4: Wisdom as the Application of Truth


Wisdom is not just knowing the truth but applying it in your life. It’s the practical use of knowledge and understanding.


  1. Understand that wisdom is achieved when you actively apply the knowledge and understanding you have gained.
  2. Be mindful of situations where you can put your knowledge and understanding into practice.
  3. Make conscious choices to act in alignment with the truth you know.

Specific Details:

  • Wisdom involves taking action based on what you know is right and true.
  • It’s essential to bridge the gap between knowing and doing, making your life a reflection of your wisdom.

Step 5: Beware of Foolishness as the Abandonment of Truth


Foolishness occurs when one abandons the truth they once knew and understood, often driven by desires or external pressures.


  1. Stay vigilant against the temptation to abandon the truth for temporary desires or worldly ambitions.
  2. Recognize that foolishness can lead to regret and missed opportunities for personal growth.
  3. Continuously remind yourself of the importance of adhering to the wisdom you’ve acquired.

Specific Details:

  • Foolishness can result from succumbing to fleeting desires or the need for external validation.
  • Wisdom is an ongoing journey, and it’s crucial to guard against backsliding into foolishness.

Step 6: Embrace an Awareness of Your Limited Time


Wisdom involves recognizing the finite nature of life and making the most of your time.


  1. Acknowledge that life is limited, and each day that passes is one less day you have to live.
  2. Cultivate a sense of urgency in your actions, focusing on making each day count.
  3. Avoid procrastination and prioritize activities that align with your goals and values.

Specific Details:

  • The awareness of the limited time can be a powerful motivator for living a purposeful and meaningful life.
  • Make choices that reflect your awareness of the fleeting nature of time, ensuring you invest it wisely.

Step 7: Take Intentional Action to Make Each Day Count


Wisdom is about taking intentional action to maximize the quality and impact of each day of your life.


  1. Set clear goals and priorities that align with your values and aspirations.
  2. Create a daily routine that includes activities and tasks that contribute to your personal growth and fulfillment.
  3. Continuously evaluate and adjust your actions to ensure they reflect your awareness of life’s brevity.

Specific Details:

  • Living with intention means making deliberate choices that contribute positively to your life journey.
  • Regularly assess your progress and make necessary changes to make the most of your time.

Step 8: Buy Back Your Time and Make It More Valuable


Wisdom in your work involves buying back your time, making it more valuable by outsourcing tasks that can be done by others.


  1. Identify tasks in your personal and professional life that can be outsourced or delegated to others.
  2. Invest your money in services or individuals who can perform these tasks efficiently, freeing up your time.
  3. Prioritize activities that align with your goals, values, and relationships, and allocate your time wisely.

Specific Details:

  • Buying back your time means paying others to handle tasks that can be performed by them, allowing you to focus on more valuable activities.
  • This practice not only saves time but also enhances the quality of your life by investing in meaningful experiences.

Step 9: Rescue Your Time from Loss


Wisdom requires you to protect your time from being wasted on unproductive or non-fulfilling activities.


  1. Evaluate your daily routines and identify areas where time is being lost on unproductive or repetitive tasks.
  2. Implement strategies to eliminate or streamline such tasks to rescue your time from being lost.
  3. Be mindful of how you allocate your time and prioritize activities that contribute to personal growth and fulfillment.

Specific Details:

  • Time lost on unproductive activities cannot be regained, so it’s crucial to take proactive steps to rescue your time from such losses.
  • Make conscious choices to minimize time wasted on activities that do not align with your goals.

Step 10: Improve Opportunity Through Wise Time Management


Wisdom involves enhancing your opportunities by effectively managing your time and making the most of each day.


  1. Develop efficient time management skills by setting clear goals and priorities.
  2. Create a daily schedule that allows you to maximize your productive hours and seize opportunities.
  3. Continuously assess and adjust your time management strategies to improve your opportunities for personal growth and success.

Specific Details:

  • Effective time management enables you to make the most of your limited time, increasing your chances of success and personal fulfillment.
  • Prioritize tasks and allocate time to activities that align with your long-term goals.

Step 11: Live with a Sense of Urgency


Wisdom encourages you to live with a sense of urgency, recognizing the finite nature of life.


  1. Embrace the awareness that time is limited and that each day is one less day you have to live.
  2. Approach your daily activities with a sense of urgency, focusing on meaningful experiences and purposeful actions.
  3. Avoid procrastination and make intentional choices to live each day to the fullest.

Specific Details:

  • Living with a sense of urgency can be a powerful motivator for making the most of your time and achieving your goals.
  • Use your awareness of life’s brevity to prioritize what truly matters to you.

Step 12: Understand the Time Value of Money and the Money Value of Time


Wisdom in managing your finances involves understanding the time value of money and the money value of time.


  1. Recognize that money invested over time can grow in value due to compound interest and smart financial decisions.
  2. Understand that every hour of your life you buy back with money is an opportunity to invest in meaningful experiences and personal growth.
  3. Prioritize the value of your time over the accumulation of wealth, realizing that time is a finite resource.

Specific Details:

  • Money is not just a pool to be viewed; it is a tool to be used wisely to buy back time and create more valuable experiences.
  • Embrace the idea that the value of your time and the quality of your life can be enhanced by using money to delegate tasks and invest in meaningful moments.

Step 13: Redefining Wealth and Value


In this step, we need to redefine the concepts of wealth and value, emphasizing that wealth is not just about money but the ability to create value for others.


  1. Understand that wealth is not solely measured in monetary terms but also in your ability to contribute positively to others.
  2. Recognize that money is a means to store and transfer value within a community.
  3. Internalize the idea that your wealth is determined by your capacity to create something valuable for people beyond yourself.

Specific Details:

  • Wealth is not about hoarding money but about making a meaningful impact on others’ lives.
  • Money is only valuable within a community that recognizes and values it.
  • Wealth is easier to accumulate in urban areas due to a larger population to serve.

Step 14: Disconnecting Revenue from Time


In this step, we aim to change our perspective on generating revenue by disconnecting it from time-based thinking.


  1. Shift your mindset from earning dollars per hour to earning dollars for the value you provide.
  2. Focus on delivering value regardless of the time spent, emphasizing quality over quantity.

Specific Details:

  • Instead of trading time for money, consider how your skills and expertise can solve problems or meet needs.
  • Value-based thinking allows for unlimited income potential and breaks free from the constraints of hourly wages.

Step 15: Buying Back Your Life


This step focuses on the idea of using money to regain control of your time and life.


  1. Recognize that the most valuable thing you can buy is the freedom to control your time.
  2. Prioritize investments and expenses that contribute to your overall life satisfaction and fulfillment.

Specific Details:

  • The value of material possessions diminishes compared to the value of time and life experiences.
  • Be mindful of how you allocate your resources to align with your life’s purpose and happiness.

Step 16: Discovering Your Life’s Purpose


This step involves understanding the concept of discovering and living according to your life’s purpose.


  1. Define success as finding and fulfilling your life’s purpose.
  2. Begin the journey of self-discovery to identify your strengths, passions, and talents.
  3. Commit to using your unique qualities to serve others and make a positive impact.

Specific Details:

  • Success is not measured solely by wealth but by aligning your actions with your life’s purpose.
  • Self-discovery is an ongoing process that involves introspection, seeking your passions, and identifying how you can benefit others.

Step 17: Living in Your Creative Space


This step emphasizes the importance of living within your creative space to fulfill your life’s purpose.


  1. Identify your creative space by recognizing your talents and interests.
  2. Dedicate your efforts to activities within your creative space that allow you to make the world a better place.
  3. Serve others through your unique abilities, focusing on creating a positive impact.

Specific Details:

  • Living within your creative space means utilizing your natural talents and passions to contribute to society.
  • The key is to find joy and fulfillment in serving others through your unique gifts.

Step 18: Continuously Learning and Growing


This step emphasizes the importance of continuous self-improvement and growth.


  1. Commit to lifelong learning and personal development to enhance your skills.
  2. Stay open to new opportunities and adapt to changing circumstances.
  3. Strive to become more effective in creating value for others as you refine your abilities.

Specific Details:

  • Constantly seek ways to improve your skills and expand your knowledge.
  • Adaptability and flexibility are crucial in navigating the ever-changing landscape of creating value for others.

Step 19: Embrace Collaboration and Community


In this step, we highlight the significance of collaboration and community in achieving success.


  1. Recognize that working with others and building strong relationships can amplify your impact.
  2. Seek opportunities to collaborate and share knowledge with like-minded individuals.
  3. Contribute positively to your community to foster a supportive environment.

Specific Details:

  • Success often involves connecting with others who share your values and goals.
  • Building a network and being active in your community can create a supportive ecosystem for your endeavors.

Step 20: Embracing Differences and Collaboration


This step emphasizes the value of embracing differences in relationships and working collaboratively with others.


  1. Acknowledge that each person has unique strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Recognize that differences can lead to both friction and fulfillment in relationships.
  3. Cultivate the ability to work effectively with people who are different from you, understanding that it doesn’t make them wrong, just different.

Specific Details:

  • While differences can sometimes create challenges, they can also lead to personal growth and richer relationships.
  • Maturity involves learning to collaborate with those who have complementary skills and perspectives.

Step 21: Yielding to the Will of God


This step focuses on yielding to the will of God, even before fully understanding it.


  1. Be willing to follow God’s plan for your life, even if you haven’t yet discovered it.
  2. Embrace the idea of presenting your life as a living sacrifice, fully dedicated to God.
  3. Understand that yielding to God’s will often requires stepping out in faith and obedience.

Specific Details:

  • Yielding to God’s will is an act of trust and surrender, even before you know the specifics.
  • Being willing to follow God’s path can lead to discovering your purpose along the way.

Step 22: Renewing Your Mind


This step highlights the importance of continuously renewing and renovating your mind.


  1. Understand that renewing your mind involves replacing old habits and thought patterns with biblical principles.
  2. Commit to tearing out the old baggage and building your life on new truths from the Word of God.

Specific Details:

  • Renovating your mind means actively replacing old thought patterns and behaviors with new, godly ones.
  • The process of renewing your mind is ongoing and requires consistent effort and commitment.

Step 23: Proving the Will of God


This step explains the process of proving and aligning with God’s will.


  1. Recognize that God’s will is good, acceptable, and perfect.
  2. Start by embracing God’s good will and progressively move towards aligning with His perfect will as you grow in faith and understanding.

Specific Details:

  • God’s will is a progressive journey, starting with understanding and accepting what is good.
  • As you grow in faith and align with His good will, you will move closer to experiencing His perfect will.

Step 24: Accepting God’s Will as Good and Perfect


This step focuses on the importance of accepting God’s will as good and perfect, even when it doesn’t initially feel or seem that way.


  1. Embrace the understanding that God’s will is ultimately good, regardless of immediate circumstances or feelings.
  2. Acknowledge that God’s plan may not always align with personal preferences or expectations but trust that His purpose is perfect.
  3. Apply the principle of accepting God’s will as good, even in challenging situations.

Specific Details:

  • Accepting God’s will as good, even when it doesn’t feel good, requires faith and trust in His wisdom.
  • By aligning your mindset with God’s perspective, you allow His will to become perfect and complete in your life.

Step 25: Walking in the Wisdom of the Will of God


This step emphasizes the concept of walking in the wisdom of God’s will, applying His wisdom to all aspects of life.


  1. Make a deliberate effort to apply God’s wisdom to your daily walk, work, and decision-making.
  2. Understand that walking in the wisdom of God’s will involves aligning your actions with His principles and guidance.
  3. Strive to live a wise and productive life by seeking His wisdom in all aspects of life.

Specific Details:

  • Applying God’s wisdom to your walk, work, and life decisions requires consistent effort and a commitment to seeking His guidance.
  • Walking in the wisdom of God’s will leads to a life of purpose, fulfillment, and productivity.

Step 26: Conclusion and Action Steps


This step summarizes the key takeaways and encourages action.


  1. Reflect on the principles discussed in this video, including the concepts of wealth, value, collaboration, and accepting God’s will.
  2. Take practical steps to apply these principles in your daily life, both personally and professionally.
  3. Commit to ongoing growth and renewal of your mind as you walk in the wisdom of God’s will.

Specific Details:

  • Implementing these principles may involve adjusting your mindset, habits, and decision-making processes.
  • Remember that the journey of aligning with God’s will and wisdom is ongoing and requires continuous effort and faith.

Step 27: Taking Action


This step encourages viewers to take action based on the insights shared in the video.


  1. Apply the principles discussed in this video to your life, starting with redefining your concept of wealth and value.
  2. Seek opportunities for collaboration and embrace differences in your relationships.
  3. Practice accepting God’s will as good and perfect, even when faced with challenges.
  4. Begin the journey of walking in the wisdom of God’s will by seeking His guidance in your daily decisions.

Specific Details:

  • Real transformation comes from taking action and implementing these principles in your life.
  • Start small, but be consistent in your efforts to align with God’s wisdom and purpose for your life.


Wisdom and its Prerequisites

Have you ever wondered how can I become more wise? You know, the scripture says wisdom is the principle thing; therefore, get wisdom with all that getting, get understanding. But where do you get that wisdom? Do you go down to, like, the publics and say, “I’d like seven pounds of wisdom, please. How much is it per pound?” Uh, I don’t think so. But I’m gonna share with you some Concepts about how we’re supposed to be wise, uh, from the book of Ephesians.

In Ephesians chapter five, here’s what it says in verse eight: “For ye were sometimes Darkness but now are ye light in the Lord. Walk as children of light, for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth, proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are approved are made manifest by the light, for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.”

Wherefore, he saith, “Awake thou that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” And then it says, “See that ye walk circumspectly.” That word circumspectly means wisely. See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil. And then it says, “Wherefore be ye not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is, and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit.”

So, it’s really interesting. It says in verse number 15, I think it was, it said, “See that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise. Don’t walk as a fool, but walk as a wise person.” The scripture says, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but the companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

And so, I think we have to first define wisdom. And I know I’ve defined it before in other videos, but I’m going to define it again today. But before I define what wisdom is, I have to define the prerequisites of wisdom. So, wisdom has some prerequisites.

Prerequisites to Wisdom

Some prerequisites to wisdom, and prerequisite number one is, in fact, I’m going to write that, prerequisites. I think that’s how you spell it, which means these are pre-requirements. Prerequisite number one is ignorance. Congratulations, you were born with it, right? All of us were born with it. We were born ignorant. We didn’t know anything. Now, what is ignorance? Ignorance is the absence of Truth.

Ignorance is the absence of Truth. If you don’t know truth, then you’re ignorant. Anything you don’t know when we were born, we didn’t know our head from our foot. We didn’t know our hands from, like, our shoulder. We didn’t know anything, right? And so, we were ignorant. But over time, we began to learn things. I believe probably one day I was sitting there slobbering on myself as a baby, I was going like this, and my mom said, “That’s your hand, baby. That’s your hand.” And I eventually learned that was my hand. But then I found out, guess what? I had another hand. And I found out they’re not the same hands. I got a left hand and a right hand. I got a left foot and a right foot. I was like, “Wow, so not only do I have hands, I have different orientations of hands.” Okay, cool.

So we begin to replace ignorance by gaining the second prerequisite, which is knowledge. Now, what is knowledge? Knowledge is the accumulation.

Wisdom and Its Progression

of Truth, and we begin to accumulate the truth. And when we begin to accumulate the truth, then we have knowledge. So we know things. We know what our hand is, we know what our foot is, we know what our eyes are, we know what our ears are. We gain this knowledge. And a lot of people say knowledge is power. I don’t believe that. Knowledge is potential power. Right? And so we have to understand not the more knowledge we have, the more potential for power we have, but we don’t necessarily have more power just because we have more knowledge. I’m gonna see if I can move this thing over here. I can’t, okay, so I’ll do that after the next video.

So, now the third prerequisite is understanding. Now, what is understanding? Understanding is the assimilation of Truth. See, knowledge is when I know what it is. Understanding is when I know what it means. So this is one of the things I say about the Bible a lot of times. People have biblical knowledge, but they don’t have biblical understanding. They know what the Bible says, but they don’t know what it’s saying. They know the logos, but they don’t know the Rhema. And the Rhema is what it means. It’s what it’s saying. The logos is what it says. So, the scripture says we’re supposed to walk wisely, not as fools.

Okay, well, what is wisdom? Wisdom is the application of Truth. It’s only wise when I actually do it. So the application of Truth is wisdom. If I don’t apply the truth, now there’s one thing that comes after wisdom. What comes after wisdom? Well, the thing that comes after wisdom is foolishness. What is foolishness? Foolishness is the abandonment of Truth. Of Truth. So we walk away from the truth.

Okay, so that’s foolishness. So a person who walks away from the truth, you’ve learned the truth, you understood the truth, you apply the truth for a while, and then you walked away from it. Why? Because maybe your flesh caused you to walk away from it. Maybe your desire to experience something, to feel something, made you walk away from it. Maybe it was your worldly ambitions, your need for other people to think something about you, right? So that’s foolishness. So you walked away.

So the Bible says we’re supposed to walk circumspectly. So the wisdom of your walk is doing the things, applying the knowledge that you have. If you don’t apply the knowledge that you have, you’re not wise. You might be smart, but everybody who’s smart’s not wise. There are a lot of people who are smart fools. I’ve met a lot of smart fools. Can…

Live Like You’re Dying

I get a witness. Where are my people? Okay, so we understand that just because somebody knows something, that does not make them wise. So the Bible says we’re supposed to walk wisely. What does that mean? That means the things that we know to do, we should do. And if I don’t do the things I know to do, I’m walking like a fool. The Bible says, “Don’t walk like a fool, but walk like a wise person.” So make sure you’re taking steps in wisdom.

Now, what do we do when we start walking in wisdom? When we start walking in wisdom, one of the things we learn to do is we learn to realize that we’re expiring. We become more aware of the fact that we are expiring. What did the psalmist say? He said, “Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” What does it say in Ecclesiastes? It says, “Whatsoever thy hand finders do, do it with thy might, for there’s no work nor device nor service in the grave where that goes. You’re not gonna have time to learn anything after you’re dead. Too late to learn when you’re gone. It’s too late to earn when you’re gone. It’s too late to do. It’s too late to love. It’s too late to do anything.”

So what we have to do is we have to walk in the wisdom of an awareness that we are expiring and stop acting as if we think we’re going to live to be 875 years old. We have to go through life with a sense of urgency. If I’m going to be about something, I need to be about it now. So that’s the first thing we find out. It says that we need to walk according to wisdom.

Alright, let me ask you a question. What is the wisdom of your walk? Are you aware of the fact that you’re dying? And are you making every day count because you’re aware that every day you live is one less day you have to live? Are you acting as if, “Oh, it’s just laissez-faire. I’m just gonna go through life and just kind of do what I feel. I’m just gonna chill. I’m just gonna hang out. I’m just gonna waste time. I’m just chilling. I’m just wasting some time.” Are you insane?

We have to have a level of intensity about the number of days we have left. If I’m going to live to be 140, I only have like 30… what do I have? 140? I only have like 80… um, like 78 years left, right? I gotta be about the business. What if I don’t live to be 140? Then I have less, right? So I gotta act like I know this deal ain’t gonna last forever. And because of that, there’s a Country Song. Country music songwriters are so funny.

They love double entendres, right? And there’s a song called “Live Like You’re Dying.” Like, “What would you do if you knew you were dying?” It’s like, you know, “I’d… I’d [Music] um, um, something about go 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu.” Right? They’d go bull riding, go skydiving, go… and you do all of these things that we keep putting off. Why? Because when we think about it, which most people try not to do, when we think about it, we realize that the quality of our life is not measured by the number of years of experience we have doing a thing, but by the number of experiences we put in our years. And see, a person can live to be 70, 80, or 90 years old and have 10 years’ worth of experiences in those 70, 80, 90 years because they just keep doing the same.

Buying Back Time

things over and over or somebody can live to be 35 years old and put 100 years of experiences in those because they don’t just keep doing the same things over and over and over and over and over. It’s really interesting. Like people say, “Well, Myron, this is all I know how to do. I’ve got 40 years of experience driving this forklift.” But I’ve got bad news for you. You don’t, because it doesn’t take that long to learn how to drive one. You’ve got two weeks of experience repeated over a 40-year time period. And that’s how most people live their lives. They learn a skill, they add nothing to the skill, and they just do that same thing over and over and over again. Keep living Groundhog Day every day for the rest of their lives. So we need to apply some wisdom to our walk.

Okay, so we need to walk according to wisdom. Cool, that’s not all. We need to apply wisdom to our work. How do I apply wisdom to my work? Because that’s what it says next. This one’s going to shock you. It says in verse 15, it says, “See that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time because the days are evil.” Now, a lot of people, this is another one of those verses a lot of people know what it says, almost nobody knows what it’s saying. This scripture is telling me to work according to wisdom. What does that mean? It means when I work according to wisdom, I work to redeem the time, redeem my time. Now, what does that mean? What does the word “redeem” mean? That’s what I’m going to go into right now.

So redeem means the first definition that we find when we look it up in the Strong’s Concordance, redeem means to buy back or buy up. So I’m supposed to buy back my time or buy up my time. You’re tracking, y’all tracking? Okay, so I’m buying it back, I’m buying it up. Then the second definition is rescue from loss. So I’m supposed to buy back my time, rescue it from loss. And the last one is improve opportunity. So I’m supposed to buy back my time, rescue it from loss, and improve opportunity.

You say, “Myron, what does that have to do with applying wisdom to my work?” Here’s what it has to do with it. The scripture says I should buy back my time. Let me ask you a question. When you buy coffee, what do you use to buy it with? Coffee money. When you buy clothes, what do you use to buy that with? Money. When you buy a car, what do you buy that with? Money. So when you buy your time, what are you going to use to buy time? Money. How do you buy time with money? You buy time with money by paying someone else to do something that saves you time. So I have a landscape company that comes and cuts my grass every week. If I were to cut my grass every week, it would probably take me at least an hour and a half of my time. When I pay somebody else to do it, I bought that hour back. Oh, I don’t even think y’all understand the significance of what I’m telling you right now. So now I bought that hour back, and I can use that hour to invest in my relationship with my wife, invest that into your relationship with my children, invest that into your relationship with my granddaughter, invest that into my health by working out. I can do something else with that time. Why? Because I bought that time back. Okay, so I’m buying back my time.

Guess what? I have a pool. But if I don’t clean my pool, why? I pay somebody to clean my pool. They come by and clean it every Tuesday. So I… I don’t know how long it would take me to clean the pool. It might take me another hour and a half. So I pay somebody to clean my pool, and guess what? I bought back some more hours of my time. But I’m married. It’s not cool for me to just buy back my time. I need to not just buy back my time. I need to buy back some of my wife’s time, right? So what did I do? I hired a…

Housekeeping and Time Management

Housekeeper she comes by she cleans the house three days a week she does the laundry she owns the clothes she folds.

The clothes she does the vacuuming she mops the floor she cleans the bathrooms.

And so I bought back my wife’s time why because when I come home from work I don’t want to watch my wife clean the house I want us to be able to sit down and invest that time into our relationship.

And so now I’ve bought back some of her time and I bought back some of my time like when I come here like there’s stuff that gets done here that I don’t do there’s stuff here I don’t know how to do so what I do I make my time more valuable by spending my money on time buying back my time.

Time Value of Money

It’s really interesting how you know how if you invest your money over time you become wealthy that’s because there’s something called the time value of money.

And if you invest money at a certain rate of return over a long enough time period that money becomes more because of the time value of money don’t like the present the current value of money is not the only value the money has we have to there’s such a thing as a financial calculator and one of the things you there’s a button on the financial calculator that’s FV what’s FV stand for future value so you can calculate the future value of money.

Here’s what you need here’s what we understand based on compound interest or simple interest or investing here’s what we understand time makes money more valuable.

I know I said that kind of fast I’m gonna say it again time because of investing time makes money more valuable.

Watch this because of delegation money makes time more valuable.

Delegation and Technology

We all have cars cars are nice but they and they buy back some time right so if like having a car gets you from point A to point B a lot faster than your tennis shoes right so we bought back some time when we bought a car right we bought back some time by having running water in our house we don’t have to go out to to the pond behind our house and get buckets of water to wash our clothes so we bought back time through technology and through the Techno leverage of Technology but we also buy back our time not just through automation but also through delegation.

Now here’s what’s really cool if there’s such a thing as the time value of money there’s such a thing as the money value of time what is the money value of time every hour of my life that I buy back by paying somebody else to do something I’m either not good at don’t like to do don’t want to do or don’t or don’t know how to do is an hour of my life I’m buying back in fact I might.

The Value of Time and Money

Pay somebody to do something for an hour that it takes them an hour but it saves me three because I’m not good at it. Are y’all tracking?

Here’s part of the problem. Here’s one of the reasons why the Bible’s not just telling us to be wise in our walk but it’s telling us to be wise in our work. One of the ways that we can be wise in our work is to work in a way that buys back our time. The scripture says we should use our money to get time back. We do the exact opposite; we use our time to get money, and we wonder why we can’t get ahead. I’m doing it backward. Are y’all tracking?

So we go out and we sell our time to the highest bidder. Ten dollars an hour, twenty dollars an hour, thirty dollars an hour, fifty dollars an hour, a hundred dollars an hour, and we sell our time to the highest bidder. We wonder why we can’t get ahead. We can’t get ahead because we’re not walking according to the wisdom of our work by buying back our time.

Now here’s what’s really interesting. I pay you to do something for me that I don’t want to do, can’t do, don’t know how to do, don’t have time to do, or whatever the reason. I’m not going to do it. If I pay you to do that for me, then everybody wins. You get something you want, you get the money, I get something I want, I get the time back. The reason we do the trade is that both of us are getting more than we paid for.

What does that mean? You want the money more than you want the time, and I want the time more than I want the money. So everybody gets what they want.

Here’s the problem. Here’s where you get stuck. When you love the money more than you love the people, that’s where you get stuck. What does that mean? That means if you love the money so much that you don’t want to pay anybody for anything, you just do it yourself because you can save the money because you’ve bought into the LIE that money is a pool to be viewed and not a tool to be used, accumulation.

People say accumulation of wealth. Wealth is not money. If you don’t believe me, go watch the video that I did on the fact that wealth is not money. What is money? What is wealth? Wealth is the ability to create value for someone other than yourself. That’s what wealth is. If you’re stranded on a desert island with 15 billion dollars in briefcases and nobody else is there, how much is it worth? Well, it might be worth if it’s dry paper to use to start a fire. Other than that, it’s worthless.

So money is a way to store value as long as you are in a community of people who value that store. Money is a way to transfer value. It’s not the only way; it’s a way to transfer value. But money itself is not value. Money itself is not wealth. Wealth is your ability to create something for someone other than yourself. That’s why it’s easier to earn a lot of money in a city than it is in a rural area because there are more people to serve. Are y’all tracking? Is what I’m saying making sense?

So we want to walk wisely according to our work, and how do I do that? I do that by two things. There are two things that would be…

Discovering and Living Your Purpose

It’s very wise for me to disconnect my Revenue generation from time. Stop thinking in dollars per hour and start thinking in dollars for value. But what is value? Okay, so let’s talk about what that is. I’ll talk about that on a different video because it would take too long. So, I’ve talked about it on other videos anyway, so just go watch all of my videos, and you’ll have the answer.

Okay, so now I’m going to disconnect my Revenue generation from time; that’s number one. And then number two, I’m going to use my money to buy back my life. The most valuable thing I’ve ever bought in my life is not a house, it’s not a car, it’s not an article of clothing, it’s not a vacation. The most valuable thing I’ve ever bought in my life is I bought back the rest of my life. That’s the most valuable thing I’ve ever bought. I would recommend you do the same thing.

The Will of God and Your Purpose

Now we’re talking about walking wisely according to our work, and we talked about walking wisely, walking in wisdom, period. Then we talked about applying wisdom to our work. And then we need to walk wisely according to the will of God. What does the will of God mean? I’m going to define that for you as well.

In verse number 17, it says, “Wherefore be not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” So, I’m not going to go into the details of being filled with the spirit because I just did a video on that a couple of weeks ago. So, I’m not going to do that, but I’m going to go into the detail about walking according to the wisdom of the will of God.

I believe that success can only be defined one way: discovering the purpose of your life, developing yourself for that purpose, and deploying yourself in that purpose. If you do anything else, you’ve wasted your life. I’m going to say that one more time: success can only be defined as discovering the purpose for your life, developing yourself for that purpose, and then deploying yourself in that purpose. That is the purpose. That’s the definition of success. If you do something other than the thing you were created for, you’re not successful. You might make a lot of money, you might be rich, but you’re still not successful if you didn’t do what you were created for.

What is the will of God for my life? I’m going to tell you what your purpose is, and I’m going to say it in a sentence. Then you have to go discover how to fill in the details. I’m going to give you the numbers now; we used to paint by numbers. I’m going to give you the numbers, and you can go paint it later. You ready? Here it is: Your purpose, my purpose, is to live in your creative space and make the world a better place.

How do I live in my creative space? I discover the things that I’m good at and the things that I love to do, and I do those things to serve people other than me. It’s so simple. How could it be that simple?

One of the reasons it’s not good for man to be alone is because no human being, no man, no one man, no one woman has everything. No one man, no one woman is good at everything. What’s amazing, what’s mind-blowingly amazing is I am really good at the stuff that I’m good at, and the stuff I’m bad at, I’m worse at that than I am good. The things I’m good at. But there are so many things that I’m bad at that my wife is great at, and there are things that she’s bad at that I’m great at. If we were both great at the same things, one of us would be unnecessary. In fact, both of us would be unnecessary to each other.

And by the way, I know those differences create friction sometimes. But beyond the friction, they create fulfillment. We can get past the friction; we can get to that place of fulfillment.

There are people in your life that you don’t love, but you ain’t going to like them all the time. Can I get a witness? The reality is a part of our maturity is developing our ability to work well with people who are different from us. Now, when Opposites Attract, it’s great until they attack. But then after that, what we have to do is give people room to be different from us and understand that doesn’t make them wrong; it just makes them different.

I believe this about the will of God: You won’t discover the will of God for your life until you yield to it before you know what it is. You have to be willing to do what God has created you for even before you discover it.

Living According to the Will of God

Therefore, Brethren, “beseech” means beg. I beg you, therefore, Brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your body a Living Sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. It’s reasonable for us who’ve been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb to yield our bodies as a Living Sacrifice. In the Old Testament, they had burnt offerings where they would kill animals, cut them in pieces, put them on an altar, and burn the whole thing. It’s an illustration that God can have all of this.

Well, our lives are supposed to be living burnt offerings. We’re supposed to burn all the energy of our lives as an offering to God. Anyway, then it says, “Be not conformed to this world.” The word “conformed” means to be made like something with pressure from the outside, like a cookie cutter. Don’t be made like the world with pressure from the outside.

But be transformed, which means metamorphosized, like a caterpillar goes into a cocoon and from the inside out becomes a butterfly. So the Bible says, don’t be made like the world with pressure from the outside but be transformed, metamorphosized by the renewing of your mind from the inside. The word “renew” is not just renew; it means renovation. When you renovate something, you tear out all the old stuff and then put in new stuff. Renovation is not covering up the old stuff with new stuff; it’s tearing out the old stuff and putting in the new stuff.

I submit to you that the biggest problem modern-day churchianity has is that we don’t renew our minds. We don’t tear out all of our old baggage, all of our old habits when we discover a principle in the Word of God. We don’t say, “Okay, I’m going to start doing this, I’m going to stop doing that, I’m going to tear that old way out, throw it away, and I’m going to build my life on this new strategy, on this new truth.” It’s an old truth, but it’s new to me.

He says, “Be not conformed to this world, don’t be made like the world with pressure from the outside, but be transformed by the renewing, renovating of your mind.” Then it says, “That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” That’s not three different wills; God doesn’t have a good will, an acceptable will, and a perfect will. God’s good and acceptable and perfect will are the same thing.

The order in which they’re stated is good first, acceptable second, perfect last. Good is what God knows His will is for your life and my life. God knows it’s good. Acceptable is what God desires it to be for us. He desires for us to accept it as good, even when it doesn’t feel good, sound good, or taste good. When we accept God’s good will as good, even when it doesn’t seem good, then and only then is God’s will perfect or complete.

How do we do that? That’s called walking in the wisdom of the will of God. When we do that, when we apply God’s wisdom to our walk, to our work, and to yielding to His will, we will live a wise and productive life instead of a foolish and destructive life. I trust that this blesses you. If you haven’t done so already, like the video, share it, comment, and all the other YouTube stuff that people do on YouTube. In the meantime, I’ll see you next time. Peace out, Cub Scouts.

Post/Page #39424
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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