Tony Robbins Interview with Frank Kern and John Reese

👣 48 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


From Doubt to Domination: The Vital Steps Every Achiever Must Take

Ready to level up your game? 🚀

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a loop, hustling hard but not seeing the results you crave? 🔄

It’s like running on a treadmill and going nowhere fast! But guess what? You’ve got more potential than you think! 💪

Imagine this: You’re shooting hoops, trying to sink that game-winning free throw 🏀, but every time you step up to the line, doubt creeps in. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there. 💥

But here’s the kicker: What if I told you that mastering your mind could be the game-changer you’ve been searching for? 🧠

Picture this: You visualize yourself sinking that shot, feeling the ball glide through the net with precision.

You condition your mind to believe in your ability to nail it every time. And before you know it, you’re hitting those free throws like a pro! 🎯

But it’s not just about sports. It’s about life, baby! Whether you’re aiming for that dream car 🚗, that dream job 💼, or that dream life 🌟, it all starts with belief and action. So why settle for mediocrity when you can shoot for the stars? ✨

If you’re ready to unleash your full potential and turn your dreams into reality, stay tuned. We’ve got the keys to unlock your greatness, and trust me, it’s gonna be one heck of a ride! 🎢

Are you in? 😉

#UnlockYourGreatness #DreamBig #BelieveAndAchieve

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Introduction to the Financial Situation


Tony Robbins introduces the context of the current financial landscape, highlighting challenges faced by individuals and businesses due to the global economic downturn.


  1. Acknowledge the impact of the recent economic collapse on people’s financial situations globally.
  2. Recognize the struggles of individuals and businesses in adapting to the changing financial climate.
  3. Understand the importance of finding alternative approaches to traditional business methods in the face of economic uncertainty.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the need for innovative strategies in response to changing customer behaviors and financial concerns.
  • Highlight the ineffectiveness of traditional business approaches in addressing current financial challenges.

Step 2: Utilizing Modeling as a Strategy


Tony Robbins discusses his approach to problem-solving, emphasizing the effectiveness of modeling successful individuals and businesses.


  1. Embrace the concept of modeling success by learning from individuals or businesses that excel in a particular area.
  2. Seek out experts or leaders in relevant fields to understand their strategies and techniques.
  3. Apply the acquired knowledge to one’s own situation and adapt it to achieve desired outcomes.

Specific Details:

  • Explore non-traditional education paths and unconventional success stories for valuable insights.
  • Understand the importance of adding value to customers or clients as a fundamental aspect of success.

Step 3: Networking and Learning from Internet Marketing Experts


Tony Robbins shares his experience of networking with internet marketing experts to gain insights into innovative business strategies.


  1. Actively engage in networking opportunities to connect with industry experts and thought leaders.
  2. Seek out individuals who have achieved success in non-traditional ways, such as internet marketing.
  3. Establish relationships with experts to learn from their experiences and approaches.

Specific Details:

  • Focus on building genuine connections with experts rather than solely seeking information.
  • Prioritize learning from individuals who have demonstrated success in adapting to changing market dynamics.

Step 4: Creating Educational Products and Tools


Tony Robbins discusses the intention to create educational products and tools based on insights gained from interviews with industry experts.


  1. Identify opportunities to share acquired knowledge and insights with a broader audience through educational products.
  2. Develop content that addresses specific needs or challenges faced by individuals or businesses in the current economic climate.
  3. Utilize various formats such as videos, podcasts, or written materials to disseminate information effectively.

Specific Details:

  • Tailor educational content to provide practical solutions and actionable strategies for financial success.
  • Consider collaborating with industry experts or leveraging their expertise in creating educational materials.

Step 5: Offering Free Content as a Value Proposition


Tony Robbins mentions offering free content, such as interviews, as a way to provide value to his audience.


  1. Prioritize providing valuable content to the audience without immediate monetary expectations.
  2. Share insights, interviews, or discussions that offer actionable advice or inspiration to the audience.
  3. Use free content as a means to establish credibility, build trust, and attract a larger audience.

Specific Details:

  • Focus on delivering content that resonates with the audience’s interests and challenges.
  • Use free content as a teaser or introduction to more comprehensive educational products or services.

Step 6: Introduction to the Interview with Frank Kern and John Reese


Tony Robbins introduces the upcoming interview with Frank Kern and John Reese, highlighting their expertise in internet marketing and their insights into human behavior.


  1. Set the context for the interview by providing background information on the interviewees and their expertise.
  2. Generate curiosity and interest in the upcoming content by highlighting the relevance and potential impact of the interview.
  3. Prepare the audience for the topics to be discussed and the insights they can expect to gain.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the significance of the interviewees’ perspectives in understanding human behavior and decision-making.
  • Highlight the practical relevance of the interview to the audience’s personal or professional development goals.

Step 7: Identifying Customer Behavior Challenges


The speakers discuss the challenge of a large segment of customers not achieving results or not utilizing purchased products effectively.


  1. Recognize the common issue of customers failing to take action or follow through on purchased products or services.
  2. Acknowledge the desire for increased success stories and positive outcomes within the community.
  3. Understand the potential impact of increased customer engagement and utilization on overall community achievements.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the importance of addressing customer behavior challenges to improve product efficacy and customer satisfaction.
  • Emphasize the need for shifts in mindset and behavior to promote greater engagement and utilization of products.

Step 8: Understanding the Psychology of Follow-Through


The speakers delve into the psychology behind why some individuals struggle to follow through on commitments or instructions.


  1. Explore common psychological barriers that hinder individuals from taking action or following through on commitments.
  2. Compare the challenge of following through on commitments to other common struggles in life, such as weight loss or quitting smoking.
  3. Acknowledge the complexity of human behavior and decision-making processes.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize the significance of understanding individual motivations and barriers to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Highlight the contrast between individuals who struggle with follow-through and those who successfully break through barriers to achieve goals.

Step 9: Modeling Successful Behavior


Tony Robbins emphasizes the importance of modeling successful individuals or businesses to achieve desired outcomes.


  1. Identify successful role models or mentors in relevant fields who have achieved desired outcomes.
  2. Study the behaviors, strategies, and actions of successful individuals to emulate their success.
  3. Apply learned principles and strategies to personal or professional endeavors with the aim of achieving similar results.

Specific Details:

  • Focus on adopting behaviors and strategies that have proven successful for others, even if initial doubts or limitations arise.
  • Emphasize the significance of persistence and gradual progress in achieving desired outcomes.

Step 10: Celebrating Small Victories


The speakers discuss the importance of celebrating small victories and recognizing progress along the journey to success.


  1. Acknowledge and celebrate incremental achievements and milestones, regardless of their scale.
  2. Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on moments of success and progress, no matter how small.
  3. Use past successes as motivation to continue pursuing goals and overcoming challenges.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage a mindset shift toward valuing and celebrating progress, regardless of the magnitude of achievements.
  • Emphasize the emotional impact and motivation gained from recognizing and celebrating small victories.

Step 11: Revisiting Initial Successes for Inspiration


The speakers revisit initial successes to reignite motivation and enthusiasm for future endeavors.


  1. Reflect on past successes and achievements to reignite feelings of excitement and motivation.
  2. Recall the emotions and satisfaction associated with initial successes as a source of inspiration.
  3. Use past successes as a reminder of the potential for future achievements and breakthroughs.

Specific Details:

  • Revisit specific moments of success or achievement to evoke positive emotions and enthusiasm for current and future endeavors.
  • Leverage past successes as a foundation for setting and pursuing new goals, reinforcing confidence and belief in one’s abilities.

Step 12: Maintaining Perspective on Success


The speakers emphasize the importance of maintaining perspective on success and finding joy in both small and significant achievements.


  1. Cultivate a balanced perspective on success by valuing both small and significant achievements.
  2. Avoid becoming solely focused on monetary or material measures of success, recognizing the importance of personal fulfillment and satisfaction.
  3. Embrace a mindset of gratitude and appreciation for all levels of success, regardless of scale.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage a holistic view of success that encompasses personal growth, fulfillment, and contribution to others.
  • Foster an attitude of gratitude and appreciation for the journey toward success, recognizing the value of every step taken.

Step 13: Achieving Validation through Experience


The speakers discuss the validation that comes from experiencing success firsthand, which reinforces confidence and eliminates fear of failure.


  1. Emphasize the importance of experiencing success firsthand to validate one’s abilities and chosen path.
  2. Recognize that validation comes from personal experience and overcoming challenges rather than external validation.
  3. Understand that validation eliminates the fear of failure and reinforces confidence in pursuing goals.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage individuals to persist in their endeavors until they achieve tangible success, regardless of initial doubts or fears.
  • Highlight the significance of personal validation in building confidence and belief in one’s capabilities.

Step 14: Understanding Fear as a Motivator


The speakers explore fear as a motivator for action, emphasizing the difference in fear between those who follow through and those who do not.


  1. Recognize fear as a common barrier to action and follow-through in achieving goals.
  2. Understand that individuals who successfully follow through are often more afraid of not achieving their goals than they are of failure.
  3. Encourage individuals to leverage fear as a motivator for action and perseverance.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the contrast in fear between overachievers who fear missing out on opportunities and individuals who settle for mediocrity.
  • Emphasize the importance of having a strong reason or motivation to overcome fear and take decisive action.

Step 15: Emphasizing Progress Over Perfection


The speakers stress the importance of progress over perfection in achieving success, focusing on the significance of incremental achievements.


  1. Encourage individuals to prioritize progress and forward momentum over achieving perfection or immediate success.
  2. Highlight the value of taking small steps and making incremental progress toward goals.
  3. Emphasize the satisfaction and motivation gained from recognizing and celebrating progress along the journey.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage individuals to focus on taking the next step forward, regardless of how small, to maintain momentum and momentum.
  • Highlight the psychological impact of progress on motivation and perseverance, fueling continued effort and commitment.

Step 16: Recognizing the Role of Rock Bottom in Transformation


The speakers discuss the role of reaching rock bottom as a catalyst for transformation and breakthroughs.


  1. Acknowledge that many individuals experience significant breakthroughs or transformations after reaching rock bottom.
  2. Understand the necessity of experiencing hardship or adversity to reach a point of must or necessity for change.
  3. Encourage individuals to embrace challenges and adversity as opportunities for growth and transformation.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight personal experiences of reaching rock bottom as pivotal moments for initiating change and pursuing goals.
  • Encourage individuals to view challenges as opportunities for growth and leverage adversity as a catalyst for transformation.

Step 17: Transitioning from Desire to Must


The speakers explore the transition from desire to must, emphasizing the shift in mindset and motivation necessary to pursue goals with determination.


  1. Recognize the difference between desire-driven goals and must-driven goals, where the latter involves a sense of necessity or urgency.
  2. Encourage individuals to identify what truly motivates them and drives them to take decisive action.
  3. Emphasize the importance of conditioning the mind to prioritize must-driven goals and commit to pursuing them with unwavering determination.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage introspection and reflection to identify what truly matters and drives individuals toward their goals.
  • Highlight the necessity of transitioning from a comfortable or complacent mindset to one of urgency and determination in pursuing goals.

Step 18: Experiencing Euphoria Beyond Monetary Gain


The speakers discuss the euphoria experienced after achieving significant success, emphasizing that it transcends monetary gain.


  1. Understand that achieving significant success brings about feelings of euphoria and accomplishment that surpass mere monetary gain.
  2. Recognize that success is often about breaking through barriers and achieving personal milestones rather than solely financial rewards.
  3. Emphasize the emotional and psychological impact of achieving milestones and overcoming challenges on one’s sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage individuals to focus on the personal growth and breakthroughs achieved through success rather than solely on financial rewards.
  • Highlight the satisfaction derived from breaking through barriers and achieving personal milestones as a source of lasting fulfillment.

Step 19: Transitioning from Fear to Recognition of Capabilities


The speakers discuss the transition from fear to recognition of one’s capabilities, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and belief in one’s potential.


  1. Acknowledge that fear may initially drive individuals to pursue success, but eventually, recognition of one’s capabilities becomes the primary motivator.
  2. Encourage individuals to recognize their strengths and abilities as a source of motivation and confidence.
  3. Emphasize the importance of embracing challenges as opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight personal experiences of recognizing and leveraging one’s capabilities to overcome challenges and achieve success.
  • Encourage individuals to cultivate self-belief and confidence in their abilities as they pursue their goals.

Step 20: Committing to Daily Mind Conditioning


The speakers discuss the importance of daily mind conditioning to strengthen mental resilience and foster follow-through on goals.


  1. Emphasize the significance of daily rituals or practices to condition the mind for success and perseverance.
  2. Encourage individuals to engage in activities such as reading, listening to motivational content, or physical exercise to maintain mental strength and focus.
  3. Highlight the role of consistent daily practices in building momentum and sustaining progress toward goals.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples of daily rituals or practices that individuals can incorporate into their routines to condition their minds for success.
  • Stress the importance of consistency and dedication to daily mind conditioning practices for long-term success and resilience.

Step 21: Setting Clear Goals and Progression


The speakers discuss the importance of setting clear goals and focusing on incremental progress to achieve success.


  1. Encourage individuals to set specific, measurable goals that align with their aspirations and desired outcomes.
  2. Emphasize the importance of breaking down goals into manageable steps and focusing on incremental progress.
  3. Highlight the satisfaction and motivation gained from making progress toward goals and achieving milestones along the way.

Specific Details:

  • Provide guidance on setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals to clarify objectives and track progress.
  • Encourage individuals to celebrate each milestone achieved along the journey toward their ultimate goals, reinforcing motivation and commitment.

Step 22: Transitioning from Desire to Must


The speakers discuss the transition from desire to must, emphasizing the shift in mindset and motivation necessary to pursue goals with determination.


  1. Recognize the difference between desire-driven goals and must-driven goals, where the latter involves a sense of necessity or urgency.
  2. Encourage individuals to identify what truly motivates them and drives them to take decisive action.
  3. Emphasize the importance of conditioning the mind to prioritize must-driven goals and commit to pursuing them with unwavering determination.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage introspection and reflection to identify what truly matters and drives individuals toward their goals.
  • Highlight the necessity of transitioning from a comfortable or complacent mindset to one of urgency and determination in pursuing goals.

Step 23: Leveraging Fear as Motivation


The speakers discuss the role of fear as a motivator for action, emphasizing its potential to drive individuals toward achieving their goals.


  1. Recognize fear as a natural response to challenges and uncertainty, but also as a powerful motivator for action and growth.
  2. Encourage individuals to leverage fear as a source of motivation and determination to pursue their goals.
  3. Emphasize the importance of reframing fear as a positive force for driving progress and overcoming obstacles.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples of how individuals can channel fear into productive action by focusing on the potential rewards and benefits of achieving their goals.
  • Highlight the psychological impact of harnessing fear as a driving force for personal and professional growth.

Step 24: Elevating Standards through Exposure


The speakers discuss the importance of elevating standards through exposure to higher levels of success and achievement.


  1. Encourage individuals to surround themselves with people who have higher standards and aspirations to inspire personal growth.
  2. Emphasize the impact of exposure to success on reshaping perceptions of what is possible and achievable.
  3. Highlight the role of changing standards in driving individuals to strive for greater levels of success and fulfillment.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage individuals to seek out mentors or role models who exemplify the level of success they aspire to achieve.
  • Emphasize the importance of regularly exposing oneself to environments and communities where success is celebrated and pursued.

Step 25: Understanding the Power of Certainty


The speakers discuss the significance of certainty in driving action and commitment toward achieving goals.


  1. Recognize certainty as a key determinant of whether individuals take action or remain stagnant in pursuing their goals.
  2. Emphasize the importance of cultivating a sense of certainty in the potential outcomes and benefits of taking action.
  3. Encourage individuals to align their beliefs with a sense of certainty to overcome doubts and obstacles in their path.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples of how certainty fuels action and commitment, leading to tangible results and progress.
  • Highlight the detrimental impact of uncertainty on motivation and perseverance, leading to indecision and inaction.

Step 26: Unlocking the Holy Grail of Belief


The speakers introduce the concept of the “holy grail of belief” as the driving force behind success and momentum.


  1. Explain the “holy grail of belief” as the pivotal factor that separates those who succeed from those who falter in achieving their goals.
  2. Outline the components of the belief system, including potential, action, belief, and results, and their interconnectedness in driving success.
  3. Encourage individuals to examine and strengthen their belief systems to foster greater success and achievement.

Specific Details:

  • Illustrate how potential, action, belief, and results interact within the belief system to produce outcomes and shape behavior.
  • Provide practical strategies for enhancing belief and confidence in one’s abilities and potential for success.

Step 27: Unleashing Potential through Action


The speakers emphasize the importance of taking action to unlock one’s full potential and achieve desired outcomes.


  1. Stress the critical role of action in translating potential into tangible results and accomplishments.
  2. Encourage individuals to overcome limiting beliefs and doubts by taking consistent and decisive action toward their goals.
  3. Highlight the transformative power of action in building momentum and driving progress toward success.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples of how taking action can overcome barriers and uncertainties, leading to breakthroughs and achievements.
  • Offer practical strategies for initiating action and maintaining momentum in pursuit of long-term goals.

Step 28: Shifting Beliefs to Align with Potential


The speakers discuss the importance of aligning beliefs with one’s potential to unlock greater possibilities and opportunities.


  1. Encourage individuals to challenge and reshape limiting beliefs that hinder their ability to tap into their full potential.
  2. Emphasize the need to cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibility to expand one’s vision and ambitions.
  3. Provide tools and techniques for reframing beliefs and fostering a more empowering and optimistic outlook on personal potential.

Specific Details:

  • Offer exercises and practices for identifying and challenging limiting beliefs that inhibit personal growth and achievement.
  • Highlight the transformative impact of aligning beliefs with potential in unlocking new opportunities and pathways to success.

Step 29: Nurturing Action-Oriented Beliefs


The speakers emphasize the importance of cultivating beliefs that inspire action and resilience in pursuit of goals.


  1. Encourage individuals to adopt beliefs that empower and motivate them to take decisive action toward their aspirations.
  2. Highlight the role of belief in shaping behavior and mindset, influencing the actions and choices individuals make in pursuit of success.
  3. Provide strategies for nurturing action-oriented beliefs and overcoming self-doubt and hesitation.

Specific Details:

  • Offer affirmations and visualizations to reinforce positive beliefs and instill confidence in one’s ability to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Emphasize the importance of surrounding oneself with supportive environments and communities that reinforce action-oriented beliefs.

Step 30: Fostering a Culture of Momentum


The speakers discuss the importance of fostering a culture of momentum to sustain progress and achievement over time.


  1. Emphasize the value of momentum in driving continuous progress and growth toward long-term goals.
  2. Encourage individuals to create rituals and habits that support consistent action and maintain momentum in their pursuits.
  3. Provide strategies for overcoming setbacks and maintaining motivation during challenging times to sustain momentum.

Specific Details:

  • Offer practical tips for creating daily rituals and routines that support sustained progress and momentum toward goals.
  • Highlight the importance of resilience and perseverance in overcoming obstacles and setbacks to maintain momentum over the long term.

Step 31: Breaking the Cycle of Limited Beliefs


The speakers discuss the detrimental cycle of limited beliefs and its impact on actions and results.


  1. Recognize the harmful effects of limited beliefs on potential, action, and results.
  2. Encourage individuals to challenge and overcome self-limiting beliefs that undermine their confidence and motivation.
  3. Provide strategies for breaking the cycle of limited beliefs and fostering a mindset of abundance and possibility.

Specific Details:

  • Offer examples of how limited beliefs can create a self-fulfilling prophecy, reinforcing negative outcomes and diminishing confidence.
  • Highlight the importance of identifying and reframing limiting beliefs to unleash untapped potential and achieve greater success.

Step 32: Cultivating Certainty and Conviction


The speakers emphasize the importance of cultivating a sense of certainty and conviction in achieving desired outcomes.


  1. Encourage individuals to develop a deep-seated belief in the potential success of their endeavors, fostering unwavering certainty and conviction.
  2. Provide tools and techniques for reinforcing belief and confidence through visualization, affirmation, and positive self-talk.
  3. Highlight the transformative power of certainty in driving action, perseverance, and ultimately, success.

Specific Details:

  • Offer visualization exercises to help individuals vividly imagine achieving their goals and experiencing the associated rewards.
  • Suggest affirmations and mantras to reinforce positive beliefs and instill unwavering confidence in one’s ability to succeed.

Step 33: Embracing the Power of Action


The speakers underscore the significance of taking decisive action in manifesting desired outcomes and overcoming self-doubt.


  1. Stress the critical role of action in translating belief into tangible results and achievements.
  2. Encourage individuals to take bold and decisive action, even in the face of uncertainty or fear.
  3. Provide strategies for overcoming resistance to action and maintaining momentum toward achieving goals.

Specific Details:

  • Offer practical tips for breaking down tasks into manageable steps and initiating action with a sense of purpose and determination.
  • Highlight the importance of consistent action in building confidence, momentum, and ultimately, achieving success.

Step 34: Harnessing the Power of Positive Results


The speakers discuss the transformative impact of positive results on reinforcing belief and driving continued success.


  1. Emphasize the importance of celebrating and acknowledging small victories and successes along the journey toward larger goals.
  2. Encourage individuals to recognize the correlation between positive results and reinforced belief in their ability to succeed.
  3. Provide strategies for leveraging positive results to fuel motivation, confidence, and sustained progress.

Specific Details:

  • Offer techniques for tracking progress and achievements to maintain momentum and motivation during challenging times.
  • Highlight the psychological impact of positive reinforcement on belief and mindset, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience.

Step 35: Fostering a Growth Mindset


The speakers advocate for cultivating a growth mindset focused on continuous learning, improvement, and resilience.


  1. Encourage individuals to adopt a mindset of curiosity, openness, and adaptability, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.
  2. Provide resources and support for ongoing learning and development to expand skills, knowledge, and capabilities.
  3. Highlight the importance of resilience in navigating setbacks and failures, viewing them as valuable learning experiences on the path to success.

Specific Details:

  • Offer recommendations for seeking feedback, seeking out new experiences, and embracing failure as integral components of the learning process.
  • Provide examples of individuals who have embraced a growth mindset to overcome obstacles, achieve breakthroughs, and realize their full potential.

Step 36: Creating a Supportive Environment


The speakers stress the significance of surrounding oneself with a supportive environment and community to reinforce belief, motivation, and success.


  1. Encourage individuals to seek out mentors, peers, and communities that foster positivity, encouragement, and accountability.
  2. Provide resources and platforms for connecting with like-minded individuals and accessing support networks tailored to personal and professional goals.
  3. Highlight the role of social support in bolstering belief, resilience, and perseverance during challenging times.

Specific Details:

  • Offer guidance on identifying and cultivating relationships with mentors and peers who inspire and challenge individuals to strive for greater levels of success.
  • Provide recommendations for joining mastermind groups, networking events, and online communities dedicated to personal and professional growth.

Step 37: Visualize Your Goals


Visualizing your goals involves creating a clear mental image of what you want to achieve, reinforcing the belief that it’s attainable.


  1. Identify your desired outcomes, such as owning specific items or reaching certain milestones.
  2. Imagine yourself already in possession of these goals, feeling the emotions associated with accomplishment.
  3. Visualize the details: the sights, sounds, and sensations of achieving your goals.
  4. Repeat this visualization regularly, ideally daily, to keep your goals at the forefront of your mind.

Specific Details:

  • Focus on specific desires, like owning luxury cars, rather than vague aspirations.
  • Engage all senses during visualization to make it more vivid and compelling.
  • Use affirmations or mantras to reinforce your belief in the inevitability of your success.

Step 38: Seek Inspiration


Seeking inspiration involves finding role models and sources of motivation to emulate and learn from.


  1. Identify individuals or entities who have achieved what you aspire to accomplish.
  2. Consume content related to their success, such as books, magazines, or online resources.
  3. Study their strategies, mindset, and journey to success.
  4. Look for common traits or actions that contributed to their achievements.

Specific Details:

  • Utilize resources like entrepreneur magazines or industry-specific publications to gain insights into successful individuals or businesses.
  • Regularly expose yourself to success stories to maintain motivation and focus.
  • Take notes on key lessons or strategies to incorporate into your own journey. Do I continue?

Step 39: Practice Mental Rehearsal


Mental rehearsal involves mentally practicing desired actions or outcomes, reinforcing confidence and certainty in your abilities.


  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without interruption.
  2. Close your eyes and visualize yourself performing the desired action, such as shooting free throws or achieving a goal.
  3. Engage all senses in your visualization, imagining the sights, sounds, and sensations associated with success.
  4. Repeat the mental rehearsal regularly, ideally daily, to strengthen neural pathways associated with the desired outcome.

Specific Details:

  • Focus on the process rather than the outcome during mental rehearsal, emphasizing the execution of actions with precision and confidence.
  • Use positive affirmations or self-talk to reinforce belief in your abilities and the inevitability of success.
  • Incorporate vivid imagery and emotions into your mental rehearsal to make it more effective and compelling.

Step 40: Physical Technique Enhancement


Physical technique enhancement involves combining mental rehearsal with physical practice to improve performance.


  1. Stand with your feet together and extend your right index finger straight out in front of you.
  2. Turn clockwise as far as you comfortably can while observing where you naturally stop.
  3. Close your eyes and visualize your finger coming back up, imagining it moving further with each repetition.
  4. Mentally “play” with the idea of turning twice as far as before, envisioning it with excitement and anticipation.
  5. Repeat the visualization, gradually increasing the imagined distance each time.
  6. Open your eyes and repeat the physical action, turning as far as you can comfortably.

Specific Details:

  • Maintain a playful and curious mindset during the physical practice, treating it like a game to enhance engagement.
  • Pay attention to any increase in range of motion after combining mental rehearsal with physical practice.
  • Reflect on any unconscious beliefs or limitations that may have influenced your performance before and after the exercise.

Step 41: Harness the Power of Belief


Belief plays a crucial role in achieving success, as it shapes your actions and outcomes. Harnessing the power of belief involves cultivating unwavering confidence and certainty in your abilities and goals.


  1. Recognize any limiting beliefs or doubts that may be hindering your progress.
  2. Challenge these beliefs by visualizing success and reinforcing positive affirmations about your capabilities.
  3. Engage in regular mental rehearsals where you vividly imagine achieving your goals, instilling a sense of certainty and inevitability.
  4. Monitor your self-talk and internal dialogue, replacing negative thoughts with empowering statements that affirm your potential for success.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that your potential is not determined solely by your current abilities but also by your beliefs and mindset.
  • Practice visualization techniques regularly to strengthen your belief in your ability to achieve your goals.
  • Seek inspiration from success stories of individuals who have overcome similar challenges or achieved similar goals.

Step 42: Utilize Visualization for Performance Improvement


Visualization can be a powerful tool for improving performance by mentally rehearsing desired outcomes and reinforcing a state of certainty and confidence.


  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.
  2. Close your eyes and vividly visualize yourself performing at your best, whether it’s in sports, business, or any other endeavor.
  3. Engage all your senses in the visualization, imagining the sights, sounds, and sensations associated with success.
  4. Repeat the visualization regularly, incorporating feedback and adjustments to enhance its effectiveness.

Specific Details:

  • Practice visualization sessions where you imagine yourself achieving specific milestones or overcoming obstacles.
  • Focus on the process rather than the outcome during visualization, emphasizing the actions and mindset required for success.
  • Use visualization as a tool to build confidence and reduce performance anxiety by creating a mental blueprint for success.

Step 43: Utilize Audio Conditioning


Audio conditioning involves using tapes or recordings to condition the mind for success, instilling empowering beliefs and attitudes.


  1. Find audio resources such as tapes or recordings that contain motivational or educational content relevant to your goals.
  2. Listen to these resources repeatedly, immersing yourself in the content and absorbing its messages.
  3. Create a routine or ritual around listening to these audio resources, incorporating them into your daily life.
  4. Pay attention to the messages and insights conveyed in the recordings, internalizing them to shape your mindset and behaviors.

Specific Details:

  • Seek out audio resources that resonate with you and align with your goals and aspirations.
  • Dedicate focused listening sessions where you can fully engage with the content without distractions.
  • Utilize audio conditioning during various activities such as commuting, exercising, or before bedtime to maximize its effectiveness.

Step 44: Leverage Visualization in Sleep


Visualization during sleep involves conditioning the subconscious mind for success by incorporating visualization techniques before bedtime.


  1. Before going to sleep, engage in a visualization exercise where you vividly imagine achieving your goals or desired outcomes.
  2. Focus on positive imagery and emotions, allowing yourself to feel the sensations associated with success.
  3. Repeat this visualization nightly to reinforce the desired beliefs and outcomes in your subconscious mind.
  4. Consider using sleep tapes or recordings specifically designed for visualization and positive affirmations.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure your visualization before sleep is focused and vivid, engaging all your senses to make it as realistic as possible.
  • Use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to enhance the effectiveness of visualization before bedtime.
  • Keep a journal by your bedside to jot down any insights or breakthroughs that may arise during or after visualization sessions.

Step 45: Challenge Skepticism with Courage


Challenging skepticism involves recognizing the fear behind skepticism and replacing it with courage and belief in the potential for success.


  1. Acknowledge any skepticism or pessimism you may feel towards opportunities or endeavors.
  2. Realize that skepticism is often rooted in fear of disappointment or failure.
  3. Reframe skepticism as a lack of courage and a willingness to take risks.
  4. Embrace the courage to believe in possibilities without requiring immediate proof or guarantees.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that skepticism may be a defense mechanism to avoid potential disappointment or failure.
  • Challenge yourself to adopt a mindset of courage and belief, even in the face of uncertainty.
  • Recognize that it takes more courage to believe and pursue opportunities than to remain skeptical and guarded.

Step 46: Embrace Belief over Skepticism


Embracing belief over skepticism involves recognizing the power of belief in driving action and creating results.


  1. Shift your mindset from skepticism to belief, understanding that belief fuels action and determination.
  2. Refuse to let fear or past disappointments dictate your beliefs about future possibilities.
  3. Commit to believing in the potential for success, even in the absence of immediate evidence or guarantees.
  4. Cultivate a mindset of optimism and possibility, trusting in your ability to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Specific Details:

  • Practice affirmations or positive self-talk to reinforce your belief in your ability to succeed.
  • Surround yourself with supportive and optimistic individuals who encourage belief in your potential.
  • Take inspired action based on your belief in your goals, rather than waiting for proof or validation from external sources.

Step 47: Recognize the Moment of Change


Recognizing the moment of change involves identifying the pivotal moment when you decide to take action and make a significant shift in your life.


  1. Reflect on times in your life when you made a conscious decision to change course or take a bold step forward.
  2. Identify the specific moment when you said “enough” or “I’m doing it” and committed to pursuing a new direction.
  3. Acknowledge the power of decisive action in catalyzing personal transformation and growth.
  4. Embrace the realization that change can occur in an instant when you make a firm decision to move forward.

Specific Details:

  • Journal about pivotal moments in your life when you experienced significant shifts or breakthroughs.
  • Pay attention to the emotions and thoughts associated with these moments, as they can provide insight into your decision-making process.
  • Understand that change often begins with a single decision or declaration to break free from the status quo and pursue something new.

Step 48: Start Where You Are


Starting where you are involves taking action and making progress without waiting to master every aspect of your journey.


  1. Begin by identifying the next logical step or action you can take towards your goals, regardless of how small it may seem.
  2. Avoid the trap of waiting until you feel fully prepared or knowledgeable before taking action.
  3. Embrace the concept of progress over perfection, understanding that imperfect action is better than no action at all.
  4. Commit to continuous learning and growth as you navigate your journey towards success.

Specific Details:

  • Break down your goals into manageable tasks or steps that you can start working on immediately.
  • Focus on taking consistent action, even if it means making mistakes or facing setbacks along the way.
  • Celebrate small victories and milestones to maintain momentum and motivation on your journey.



Hey guys, it’s Tony Robbins. Listen, I’ve got a video here for you today that I think you’ll really enjoy. I am, for the last, I guess nine months or so, since the economy took its giant collapse all over the world in different areas financially, I’ve been meeting people that are trying to figure out what to do financially. And I’ve bought so many people in business who are trying to figure out what to do; their customers are responding in a different way, they’re hanging on to their money and they’re concerned. And so I thought, you know, the traditional approaches to business are not making a difference. What I’m best at is modeling. You have always, what I wanted to fear something out, I go to people that are the best in that area and figure out what they’re doing and teach myself how to do that and then teach others do the same once I’ve proven it’s worked with myself. I said I want to find the best of the best and I’ve been really fortunate of the lastest, I’d say probably seven, eight, nine months, to have spent some time interviewing and getting to know and becoming good friends with many of the top people in the internet marketing. I mean, people that they’re not the likely people you normally look at. I look at them as the new money masters, you know, they’re guys that, you know, they didn’t have a traditional education and ladies that didn’t, but they found a way to add value. So whether you’re looking for your opportunity to figure out how to have a second income stream or you have some form of business you’re considering being in or you’re in and you want to learn some tools, I thought I’m going to create some great products for this, but I thought I’d just send you out first a neat little interview that I did with them. These guys called me up and said, “Could we come by? I’d love to chat with you.” I said, “We’re gonna chat, let’s put it on film.” So we just knocked around and what they wanted to ask me was look, you know, we spend enough time with you, we know you know how to get people to take action. I said, “Well, come on over and let me kind of get inside your heads a little bit. Let me see why you follow through, why do so many people say they’re gonna do something and then never follow through, and a few people do something inside their head and heart that gets them to follow through.” So I just thought you might enjoy this conversation we’ve had. It’s with Frank Kern and John Reese, two of the best of the best in this industry. And, you know, I think you’ll find it interesting. Maybe you’ll be triggered a little bit to think about what will get you to follow through too. This is my little gift to you. I hope you enjoy. We got the dialing. Bring Tony. What’s up, good bear, how about you? I’m good. Listen, we can, we can, uh, we’ve got a serious issue. I think it’s affecting our market and we need your help. We actually don’t know if we can solve this problem, but we think that you can. So we want to barge in today. We’re kind of riding around anyway. I know you’re shooting and stuff, but if you got a couple minutes so we can Popeye that, sure would be helpful. Okay, okay, see my friend by the court, we’ve done it. Yeah. So why are we in a hotel anyways? They use this place a lot to shoot stuff because it’s got a really nice background. Oh, so nice outdoors, done different guest and interviews and TV commercials. Alright, thank you. Hey buddy, what’s up? Hey, you do, man. What’s all this? You know what? A leadership film enough. That’s awesome to see. Yeah, well, come on in then. I’m curious to what this major problem, yeah, I told John it was an intervention about his ability sniffing problem, so we.

Discussion on Industry Challenges

We’re doing some talking, and the big problem in our industry we think is a bit of a mystery. No one has the exact answer. We were actually talking about trying to figure it out. That, you know, so many people in our market get these courses that, you know, him and I both for our own respective businesses spend hours and hours of time, you know, recording these, you know, building these education products, these training products that show people how to grow a business or build a business. But there’s this large segment of our customers in our market that we’re in that really don’t get results. They don’t do anything or they’re just, you know, for whatever reason it’s not for them, it’s just, you know, we were just talking about how great it would be if there were just, you know, so many more success stories, right? If everyone who actually bought stuff, not necessarily just our stuff but all of the stuff within our community, if the people who bought it, everyone who bought it just actually used it, you know, and just followed the directions and followed through. How amazing that would be like what we would accomplish as a community as a whole if that happened. So our challenge is what needs to happen? What kind of shifts need to happen to get people to follow through, to get people to actually use the product? What needs to happen?

You’re talking about the same mystery that people have, you know, why does somebody, you know, get that fat or they’re out of control and they hate themselves but then they go have another piece of chocolate? Or, you know, why does the person who’s just the doctor just told they have cancer or lung cancer and so you got to stop smoking and some study shows seventy percent of people keep on smoking? So you’re not talking about a minor issue here, right? It’s part of life but there is an answer because there are people who do follow through and they’re people that never did before and then they’ve never followed through in their life and now finally they break through and that’s what I try to focus on is what those people do. You know, in my case, in the business world, I look at people like you, people like Dan Kennedy. What are these guys do, okay? I’m just gonna do that to the best of my ability and sure, you know, I’m this like, well, oh no, I can’t write copy as well as Dan Kennedy. I don’t have as much energy and drive as Tony Robbins. Well, you start out trying to make cuts come on $300 a week a week 352 what truthfully you went from $300 bucks to I remember you said your first time you believed if I remember was when you made like 2,500 bucks on vacation while you’re on vacation that was one the true internet marketing dream was realized, yeah, because I saw the downloadable product and I wasn’t even there to have to ship anything. I was like, oh my god, this is so great, you know, twenty-five hundred dollars and to me that was a gazillion, you know, because my rent I think was like four hundred dollars or something. And when you told me that story before you just do it again and you get so so your big grin on your face you get more excitement in your face when you talk about doing 18 then when you talked about doing the 18 million which I know you’re proud is that 11 you didn’t get all the money but you with 18 million bucks for somebody in 24 hours right? Yeah, look at your face it’s like no one hears excited as 2500 bucks yeah there’s.

Recognition of Achievement

No difference, no there’s even more because there was a moment when you recognized what was possible but you didn’t recognize it until you actually experienced it, but you only experienced it because you had to, or I’m gonna keep going till you found it, keep going till you found it, it’s like the validation that the fear doesn’t have to matter anymore, that you don’t, there is no other, that you know not having the plan B and knowing that you’re going down the one path towards what you want, yeah, it’s the validation in your brain that hey, this works, it may not work yet on the level I want it to but it works, I’m just proving it to myself right, and for that, I win, it’s game over, I’ve already won, yeah, because I’ve proven it to myself right, so it validates everything in my mind that I want to do, now just at a higher level, I’m doing more of it, that’s it right, you just now leverage, you know, just stack it, so what are these people need to get started? Why aren’t they starting? We all know the answers, fear, but the difference with you guys or me or anybody’s followed through is we’re more afraid of what life would be like if we don’t follow through than the person is willing to settle for what they got and kind of hope it’ll change and maybe purchase something for the moment and then not follow through with it, it’s almost like people overachievers have a little more fear, they’re a little more afraid of missing out, they’re afraid of not being there, or they got a strong enough reason to follow through, so I’d say if you’re looking at home you want to give somebody some value go where do I start, I’m sick of this, that’s a damn good place, that’s probably where they bought the product in the first place but from that for just a minute what’s that they bothered they bought the product just escape from that stage just a moment, yeah, so guess what makes people excited is progress, you don’t have to be at the goal yet to feel alive again, you have to make progress in the first step to progress and make the decision and buying the product but they don’t do the second step which is open the damn thing up, I think another powerful distinction that you’re hitting on here is the fact that a lot of people that have breakthroughs in their lives like including Frank and I both in different you know success stories situations whatever you want to call them is that you know people typically hit rock-bottom, yeah, before that must is a reality, you’re right, so in thinking of that, you know, because a lot of things as well like we hear in marketing you know like if you had a gun to your head right now and you had to make money in the next you know 48 hours what would you do and that really resonates with people but so I just wanted to bring this into the conversation because I think a big part of the market of all these people aren’t people that have their backs completely against the wall yet, that’s right okay so they’re not in a must situation yet they’re in a desire situation where they’re okay in their lives they do have big dreams and ambitions they want greater things but it’s not pushing them yet to the point where they will do what it takes to master us so what do you think how how do people go from not having their backs against the wall when they have no choice to say I’m totally sick of this right – to conditioning their minds to go from their situation where they are which may be okay yeah to getting something greater well you’ll think about this what pisses you off and what excites you is all relative you know 300 hours a week no $2,500 excites him more that.

Recognition of Achievement (Continued)

Memory to this day than even the million bucks, you know, you didn’t get the first 24-hour version right or you brick in the form in a million bucks that had been out of your mind, tell me about that for a second, what did that feel like he made a million bucks in 24 hours, nobody in history of the Internet’s done it euphoria, yeah, unbelievable, what wasn’t even about the money, that’s exactly right, that’s exactly what really about the money, no, what was that thing like, oh that’s how many cars I can buy, oh it just wasn’t, it was just, it was just breaking through like another like barrier of progress, so at that point it wasn’t about your back to your wall at that point what it was really about other point for my fear but the point for your fear and for some people and I think it’s some cases it’s also a recognition of Who I am and what I’m capable of, so for somebody whose life is already great, this is about what if I could take on another skill that could create more freedom for my life and just saying I’m not having to go out and try and do it all perfectly right now what I’m gonna do for the next eight weeks I’m gonna do what liquor a little ritual I’m gonna do one thing a day to condition my mind right so then I get strong so I follow through I’m gonna read something I’m gonna listen to something I’m gonna immerse myself I’m gonna go for an intense jog or I’m gonna go lift weights but I’m gonna do it consciously to get in a state where I’m gonna follow through everyone does people follow through when they’re in state second I’m gonna get clear about why this is a must for me not cuz my backs against the wall but because I wanna master your life that could create some freedom I’m not gonna master it overnight but I got the system I got the plan what do one thing a day I’m gonna work on one subject week this week is gonna be about figuring out what the right product or industry is next week gonna be basics of building traffic in each week I wanna make a little progress and I’m gonna get to a goal whatever that is I’m gonna make a thousand bucks my 300 bucks in a week I’m gonna get to my twenty-five hundred that first twenty-five most excited believe the first $300 life-changing I’m member I’m supposed to be a truck driver making 24,000 a year because I’d be making the most anybody in my family to ever met that work out for you yeah well thank God I’m not on the truck right I think you could survive the truck pull my finger bad I could do it with my teeth my teeth right 36 grand a year was the golf I could make three grand in a month why did that was out of my mind and then it was like kind of make 10 grand a month then it was 10 grand in a day that 100 grand a day then could I make a million dollars in a day today were made 400 million dollars in a day in stock buy the company took public my personal stock probably after I did it though it doesn’t really count they told me when I was on stage I had this audience about 15,000 people the Continental Center was bring a stretch break I was doing they loved rocking the house surpise going crazy and it goes for a million bucks right now is like wow that’s cool like okay that’s a no I’m so stupid it’s like what’s next and I went right back to what I loved once you break through then it just becomes a game the people that are getting your products have not yet broken through in most cases the breakthrough happens by conditioning your mind every day by feeding it a role model or story it’s putting yourself in a peak state and you follow through by getting physically strong it’s creating a little ritual of doing a little bit each day and then you get momentum but the most important thing of all what we start out with why absolutely why is it a must for you it doesn’t have to be here against the wall but it has to be something you’re hungry for because the only difference in people is hunger and if you’re not hungry get around people that are hungry and something will hit you you watch a conversation you get around people are doing better and all of a sudden you start going my wife sucks I remember I went to a guy.

Revelation of Personal Standards

In LA, it’s one of the most multi-billionaire guys I’ll never forget, and I lived in the Del Mar castle. I was really proud, that was like the symbol of me having picked myself from being poor to providing for my family this great place. Dalton castles in Europe overlooking the ocean not far from you, and I went this guy’s house, he’s a billionaire, he took me down to his wine cellar. I don’t even bring wine when did this whole thing at the other night, I was depressed, I lived in the Del Mar tenement as far as I was concerned, it really was, I was like I live in a crappy place and all my standards changed, all of a sudden I wasn’t willing to settle for living that, all of a sudden my back was to the wall in a different way because as a man I knew was capable more so people can change their standard by getting around where it’s better, people can change their standard by getting associated what’s true like the bills they got to solve the problems they got to do it or they can do it because they’re excited because there’s something new they want to take off everyone’s different but they gotta find the why and they got to come up with some daily rituals to get them going and just do a step at a time that’s where you get momentum that is awesome so you know think about what’s the Holy Grail between somebody taking action or not it’s one word certainty The Holy Grail when somebody is absolutely certain they you know the carbon warded believes right but you know you can believe in a general level or you can believe what’s certain when you’re absolutely certain that if I do this it’s gonna get that result and that results gonna change my life you’ll do it when you think it absolutely is not gonna work you’re never gonna do it the middle no-man’s land of maybe it’ll work maybe it won’t that’s the piece that kills people right so if it’s a must for you you got to make it work right in our case right that’s an example there’s none of us for you and you’re not sure you don’t know what to do so I years ago I’d look around and say okay how do people get themself to follow through they haven’t been following through what’s the difference and I started interviewing hundreds of people literally and eventually thousands could add thousands of my vids so I’d ask the group to give me their feedback they came up with his model it’s like the holy grail of belief or the holy grail of Momentum’s like the difference between what makes the rich get richer and the poor get poorer right and the difference we all know is mindset but like how’s that built so Mindset this is ideally this stupid little fertile boxes and I’m scribbling here for it you think about the first thing that determines whether you can do something or not and I put that in this first box at the top here on the left side it’s potential like what’s the potential of the M’Baye like when you guys started you proved something no one had done in history around the four-minute model right for godly knows how many centuries they’re trying to run a four-minute mile Roger Bannister does it how did he do it do you remember you did it in this industry right you made a million bucks in a day no one had ever done that in history right now if you did it a bunch of the guys were doing it the case became possible Roger Bannister just go physically practice he made a shift in his hat he practiced in his head because he could never achieve it physically so he had a change of his head first so the result became certain enough he believed it and his body got him through after Roger Bannister in that four-minute mile within two years 37 people ran a four-minute mile when no one in history had ever done it here’s how it works the potential for anybody getting your product is extraordinary they could do what you’ve done as much more or less they can do whatever they want to do the potential’s there the markets proven that whether or not they tap into potential has a lot to do with what action they take which is the question key to me was right like you know copy owns potential if they’re not taking action and we all know that the action that take is gonna determine the results they get that’s pretty obvious so most people have a belief

Cultivation of Certainty and Belief

About what their real potential isn’t matter what you tell them and that affects how much action they take and of course that affects the result and then ironically that result reinforces their belief and then that belief that’s it so I’ll give an example let’s say a person has unlimited potential we all agree but they take little action little results why because they have to start with a problem with their belief they don’t believe it’s really gonna happen for me maybe for Frank currents because we’ve got the cool hair and stuff or maybe it’s for you because you’re so driven but it’s not me maybe Tony Robbins because she’s a freak got these big teeth whatever their process is right but what happens is if you believe that there’s Results very little potential how much actually gonna take and when you take a little potential with a little action what kind of results you get lousy little results we need a little results what does that do to your belief you go see I told you this was a waste of time soldier this wouldn’t work and then what happens you tap even less potentially take even less actually even the worst results and your belief gets even weaker and this sucker feeds on itself until you are in a downward spiral poisonous it’s poisonous in its self-fulfilling now what if something could happen that could come along and fill you with a sense of absolute certainty not like I believe but mean well you know and you guys this case mine as well we knew because we had to because we burned the boats there was no other option we had the the way we that we were gonna live that way we all did it in different ways and for different reasons but in essence that was it if you get yourself in a state of certainty that this is gonna work I’m gonna find the way and if this is work I will make the way then you tap a lot more potential and when you’re certain your potential you take massive action when you take massive action you Take massive action really believe in something you get great results when you get great results your brain goes see I told you I was a stud I told you this thing would work out now you even stronger you have more potential take great adduction be results that’s how you went from 300 bucks in a week to 2500 and five days to a hundred thousand and a month to a million bucks in a day same thing with you and we get momentum so when the rich get richer the poor get poorer now some people go out they go well I’m gonna take a bunch of action all right I’m gonna open this product we’re gonna try it they’ll say to you I even did it but it’s like a Salesman who goes and knocks on the door he knocks on 100 doors and says verbally his face says it because he doesn’t believe it’s gonna work so his voice his body the execution is so weak maybe if he talks 400 people somebody’s gonna buy out of pity who’s gonna want his kids to starve right but he’s not gonna get the result so the core difference in people is how do you produce certain day when the world isn’t giving it to you you go out and try and you try in your case you’re How do you produce a hundred thousand a debt nothing’s working how do you keep yourself going the way you did it the way I did it the way you’re doing it we mean I’ve done it consciously is we didn’t change our potential that was there and it wasn’t even taking more action taking more action where the beliefs not gonna work it’s not gonna change anything we got results in our head that made us feel certain as if it had already happened to or false for you true right so give me an example some people know I’m not just making this crap up well I mean just like when I had nothing I already knew I was driving like Ferraris and Porsches and stuff because I always wanted those cars I already knew I was going to have them it was inevitable right I never you know that was just my inevitable outcome but how did you do that did you have a ritual did you think about it regularly was at one time you thought about it or was it something you have an obsession towards I had an obsession towards it I mean I used to go I weren’t used to work in a video store which is the last job I ever had in my life thank God and I used to go to work almost every day and I used to bring two magazines with me to read on my breaks entrepreneur magazine to read about business and everything else to read about what other people are What are you doing with Auto Trader doing looking for role models and I used to carry an auto trader with me and I used to look at Porsches that were for sale and people always used to ask me what are you doing with that auto trader magazine I’m like well I’m just picking out the Porsche that I’m gonna buy right when I’m what you probably got you a lot of crap people made fun of me I actually.

Personal Belief and Fulfillment

Had a boss at that job tell me, “you know you really shouldn’t do that to yourself, John because it’s very, very likely that that is never gonna happen. It’s very likely that you’re never going to have that car.” Yeah, that’s the kind of belief he was trying to put in my head, and I was like, “no, you don’t realize that it’s inevitable that I will drive here. It’s sometime in the near future with that car when I’m not working for you and drop movies off for you to put back on the shelf.” And that actually happened, and it was one of the most fulfilling days of my entire life.

The great thing was when I pulled up in this car, I was, you know, I was in my mid-20s, yeah, a car that most mid-2002 car was, it was a Porsche 911 Turbo convertible, never there’s beautiful cars what I what out, yeah what what is your most beautiful car? I always dreamed to happen but you know for a few years ago I was circled the ads which was gonna buy when I finally got it and I pulled up at the store, you know, I had all these people, some people who were still working at the $7 an hour job were there years after I left, and I’ll never forget this even the boss and stuff, and the reaction the people was like, “wow, that is awesome, is that your dad’s car?” And all I said to them was not exactly, good thing I just smiled and just left. But it was, you know, I just, it’s the weirdest thing but I just knew it was going to happen. You knew it because I conditioned myself, you did, you did.

High School Experience and Determination

Oh, when I was in high school I was not a popular kid but I was passionate and intense and I’ll never forget some people give some particular girls gave me some crap and they’re a guy too, and I wrote in their journals or their, you know, the annual yearbook at the other route, you know, someday I said, “you treated me like hell, someday I’ll be rich and famous and you’ll be an effing truck driver and you’ll be sitting there, I’ll be with my rig, I’ll be beat with this beautiful woman of my life rich and you’ll be watching me on television thinking you Ill be with my rig, wish you would have treated me better.” I actually wrote this [ __ ] in people’s annuals because I went to a ten-year high school reunion, that’s right, but it’s like I burned the bridges baby it’s like their this is how it’s gonna be.

Mental Conditioning and Performance Improvement

So, I’ll give you a perfect example of this, you know, they did studies, men even done at this where they want to say how much does the mind at that performance so take basketball, I’ve worked a lot of NBA players and turned them around and one of the problems many’s laugh is a little choke on the free-throw line, you know, well, everybody knows in that case if you normally shoot really well and now you’re not, something’s interfering, some is getting in front of your state some uncertainty right, obviously so they take a group and said we’re gonna make them better, how do you make somebody better who’s got this mental block, so they take a group of guys and they’re gonna do free throws and they do one group where they just practice for six weeks totally intense practice and I forget the number of free throws but they got to do this many throws every day take a second group and they have to not practice at all obvious and they take a third group and they don’t let them touch a basketball all they do is have.

The Power of Mental Practice

Practice makes perfect, them practice in their mind but the key is it’s not practice makes perfect it’s perfect practice makes perfect as corny as that sounds so these guys see themselves making the shot every single time conditioning their mind and body that it’s perfect every time they’re not interrupted by a reality that would screw with them so at the end of six weeks they tally it up and now they give him a test to see who has the highest free-throw percentage kind of success what do you guess it’s gonna be even the happiest person says obviously it’s not the guys that didn’t practice but which one is it the mind or is it the ones that actually practice assuming the mind yeah you would assume because it’s true you intuitively know the truth that practicing is not enough it’s getting yourself so certain so many times that now when you go to do it there’s no hesitancy and you execute it’s having that absolute certainty that makes you tap your full potential take massive action get massive results be reinforced having stronger belief this is what makes somebody a star at anything it’s like Jack Nicklaus the golfer yes visualized every shot and where it was going landing right where he wanted it.

Visualizing Success and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Before he ever hit it every single time, they just take a practice swing and they kind of hope for the best and point in the right direction and hit it, and some of them, if they’ve had some bad hits, what are they really focusing on, you know what I don’t so I’ll show you a little stupid little physical technique for this so stand up the cameras show so try this for a second so just put your feet together and then put your right index finger straight out in front of you like this okay and all I want you to do is what you just turn clockwise comfortably as far as you normally turn just notice where you naturally stop go ahead and turn clockwise people at home can do this too keep your feet straight and notice we stop come back around to me back around tomato pretty good okay good you’re really good though drop your hand now let’s do something really simple close your eyes and visualize just feel I want you to imagine your finger coming back up again and this time see and feel it coming up don’t actually make it happen but feel like it’s happening imagine your mind that you’re actually doing it you’re seeing it you’re feeling it and then make it like a game will you turn twice as far this time like you’re a little kid you know somebody measures you and you go I’m taller come on measure me this week that desire to do a little further and then in your mind do it again you’ll see it straight together and in your mind fill your finger coming up see it coming up and magical on three times as far this time and then one more time bring your finger up and you’re like an owl your feet are straight and you turn all the way around and it comes all the way around to the front see it and feel it and enjoy each time like it’s a game like you can’t wait to go for it and you know you do every time then when you can feel that it feels good then open your eyes and now put your finger straight in front of you and turn as far as you can comfortably and see what happens this time got pretty close back now notice that the cameras got but you don’t have to ask for camera you can ask yourself come back around did you go further this time yesterday a lot shorter a lot further for you about the same yeah the average person will go 25% further now here’s the question so did you have the potential to turn as far as you did the second time the first time yes why didn’t you I didn’t believe it I guess we have beliefs about stuff we don’t even know we have beliefs you have a unconscious belief but how far you can turn comfortably the first time I did it when I pointed straight back yeah I thought I was that probably shouldn’t even go that far like it was gonna mirror that yeah I wasn’t capable of going in it’s like and how much further to go this time and the cameras over there right now here’s the difference the potential was there the first time and you took action and you got a result but it was fifty percent less than what you did later on and the only difference is they changed your belief how did I change your belief we didn’t work harder on your potential we didn’t take more action I got you to see the result in advance I get to see it vividly two or three times that’s all I’m going further Visualization and then your brain with oh I know what to do boom it went there isn’t that what you did by looking at your cars every single day and envisioning it isn’t that what you did when you created whatever the vision was it was three hundred dollars twenty-five hundred dollars a million bucks in a day that’s what’s missing for these people they’re not getting that execution is everything but it doesn’t happen if you don’t get the psychology set of a state of total certainty and you can you just change that 50 percent in three minutes with the visualization.

Personal Experience with Visualization and Achievement

I got one good visualization and Russert I was like I sure hope I don’t fall down I want you to get you know you ask the question what is that difference in people this changes people’s certainty people are uncertain they’re gonna succeed they want it but they’re afraid the best way to deal with the fear is get a big enough reason to makes you have to succeed or condition yourself where you see it and feel it so often that you’re certain that you just do it all it really takes that’s awesome you know this worked I was thinking this way you were talking about going to the same time so we can hear this I used to drive around in my car doing the cold Cohen with the credit card machines and one way that would avoid cold calling the beam of light cold calling and knocking on doors and everything will be to listen to your stuff and listen to Jim Rohn stuff or I’ll Drive around no particular doesn’t just to listen to it strangely I still like to drive around I prefer to listen to that stuff in the car practice because where you got imprinted down the coast and check out the ocean yeah so I Drive for him and I would envision myself holding those types of Seminoles well teaching people that kind of stuff and three weeks ago I was teaching a seminar in San Diego and I was talking about beliefs and envisioning things and I had to stop now shared with the audience I was like you’re not gonna believe this but I actually used to envision this very moment wow do you right now only really Andre Agassi works makes a difference I’ll tell you what I worked with Andre Agassi in 1993 I think it was he’d been number one he’d talked at 32nd in the world and he was ready to literally ready to quit with no exaggeration his father was managing him and he was so angry with his life and he went through some I think wrist surgery at the time and he’s working on a swing and yeah he was dating Brooke Shields at that point they weren’t married in his current marriage obviously and so she said you got to come see Tony because I don’t even motivation because he’s not motivation man he’s strategy he’ll show you how to make that shift in your hands it comes I work with a guy and the beginning is saying you know do your magic stuff oh yeah great thank you and I said tell me tennis ball perfectly and I’m trying to get him in the zone to remember that time like you vision where he was perfect at it it was of course I have and I get a vision over and over again and finally he’s in the zone he’s feeling that again right he’s seeing it and he’s feeling certain and the swing is going perfect and I said how’s that.

Mental Conditioning and Success

I said but are you thinking about the swing you’re not thinking about the swing you’re not thinking about how to do it you just seen the result you want so vividly that it’s there so all he did was train him how to go on that state over and over again he won the next weekend the second weekend he came in second within six months it was number one in the world again and he gave me unbelievable credit but all it was was conditioning the mind you did it with tape so did I I we was talking about this earlier Pam and I that I used to go when I was 17 years old down a downtown Los Angeles this place called Knight education K ni ght like in the night I’ve saved up all my money where as a janitor and I’ll get these tapes and listen to these things over and over and over again I went there for years and I didn’t have enough money and I leveraged everything I had but I knew how to train my mind it’s the one thing I knew how to do man’s name was Mario I saw him in his 80s yeah obviously knows how my life turned out and it was very proud of the role he played and in that process he’s tell people the story this guy’s a real thing he didn’t just start out this way this how Tony listen these tapes he conditioned himself right this is the real stuff he passed away a few years ago I’m calling his house and he passed away in his his sleep tapes daughter was there and she wanted to share with me that how I touched his life and so forth but the best thing was I thought you know what I want to get those tapes I want to get that stuff that condition you know I want to go back to that moment like you did of you know that moment was visualizing now I’m living it and she said he left all this in his will to you so I have all these tapes now that are from the time when I originally went through and like I go to sleep and these sleep tapes that conditioned my mind to believe that I could succeed even want to sleeping or to build energy in my body and anybody wants to succeed is God and no it doesn’t just happen you can buy a product but you also with that product have got to condition yourself you gotta make it a must you got to get a ritual and if you do it whatever used to dream about you thought was so huge you’ll just live it you’ll live it like you live this yesterday like we’re all living the life that we envisioned because we had to and because we played this game with our head we got the belief to be real by seeing it enough times and feel it enough times to our brain believed it and then it made it happen which raised the potential which made us take more action which got us better results which raised our beliefs again that’s right rich get richer and the poor get poorer so instead of bitching about it change it and decide change like a self-fulfilling prophecy completely most people do most people do the opposite of that right they get the product or they think about doing it what are they envisioned it’s not working so they vision it not working through the inversion on Merkin they feel uncertain if they fall uncertain how much potentially that little if anything and so they send back your product I mean listen the damn thing you know and guess what what does that do by the way they make that it’s another allows you result in their life I didn’t even follow through on that and they believe even less this process is the Holy Grail it’s where the whole game changes and anybody can do it and they can do it in a few minutes and if they do it a few minutes each day then they get a different life they do it a few minute one time their life changes for the day it’s we’re defined by our rituals everybody’s got rituals certain things they do every day and what we have in common and anybody that I know of who has a life that they’re living that was once a vision as we saw it again and again again even when it didn’t work even when you lost on a grant I’m working as a janitor there’s something we would not give up on if somebody watching want to change their life they got aside what they won’t give up on and then put themselves in the stay that momentum by a couple little rituals and I think especially

Overcoming Skepticism and Taking Action

When it comes to anything related to making money like making money products or promises or courses people are so inundated with scams and all this garbage, true garbage, that their natural thinking is that they’re so skeptical it’s like they fall into the conditioning of well if anything’s ever going to work that thing has to prove it to me before I believe anything. So when they go to approach the thing to make more money with they’re like well I’m starting at zero and this thing has to prove to me that it has any potential at all before I believe that it will, don’t you agree with that’s the case unfortunately this case but here’s the truth when somebody says to me and my business even more because a lot of people think I’m a motivator I hate that term that’s never been what I’ve done I do believe in energy and I’m passionate you know they see 10,000 people in the room rock and mega all he’s motivating them I believe in peak state you get top athlete you get in a concert and you get into state right the problem is to defend themselves that it will be disappointed again they lower their expectations so someone will say to me well I’m skeptical or I’m pessimistic and my response to them is no man you’re gutless it takes no guts to be skeptical you don’t have to have any capacity to be a critic and now with the web you don’t even have to own that you’re the one being the critic and burn somebody and you know anonymously right I said you know what it takes guts to believe and if you think something’s gonna do it for you without you putting your guts on the line you might as well forget it right now so this idea that I’m skeptical or they got to prove it to me it’s the biggest lie what that really is is your fear talking you’re so scared of failing you only want to get your hopes up and if you don’t get your hopes up you might say well what if they get their hopes up and somebody gets disappointed how many disappointments that we experienced in our business career in our lives the difference is some people take disappointment let it destroy them other people take disappointment let it drive them and you get to choose are you gonna turn this thing into why it didn’t work and a bunch of stories and excuses are you gonna take this thing that didn’t work and figure out what are you going to you to make it work and it may not happen the first time second time the third time but the people that are relentless find the way and it’s the common denominator and all these guys that are kind of our friends our family money masters you know knew many masters is they all did it with will nobody here inherited this stuff everybody figured it out and keep figuring it out and it’s gonna keep changing and you say you know what you know 1% of 99% of the money being made to be made by 1% of the people because only one percent of people will condition their mind and condition their body and follow through some daily rituals the rest will tell a story about why it didn’t work and how wasn’t their fault and you got two things life you got results you got a story you know and too many people think that 1% is somehow entitled to it and you just proved it they’re not which is you know it’s just all in the head which can be changed with some conditioning basic condition you just proved it yeah that’s fun that’s why I made get the ads in person powers because I understood that from the very beginning I could originally was thirty days and years later people say hey you know I’ve heard all the great results everything else man but you know I don’t have 30 days and I’d be behind the glass you know focus group watch these people don’t want to shake it like you want 30 days to change your life you know okay I’ll make it seven days no just one because after seven days you get momentum and we think about it when in people’s lives change in a moment it doesn’t change in 10 years you’re like me to suck for 10 years but there’s one moment when your life changes the moment you decided you said no more and I’m doing it and you kick yourself in the ass and you made yourself go do something right when you finally said enough no more I quit or let’s begin or I love you there’s a moment when somebody’s life changes and that can be gotten in a couple of days so people want you don’t have to wait until they’ve mastered everything they got to get started and do what’s next and just put themself in a state where they start making some progress their days I think that’s the answer that can help solve that problem a lot of people they’ll just pay attention to it and do it the bottom line is you know all three of us and some of the people that we consider is family they’re part of this process we’ve all done well we don’t need to do this stuff we’re able to do the stuff because underneath it all people can see in your eyes Frank when you talk about $2,500 you made that day and the joy right are you talking about not willing to you know and just I don’t care what they say tell me able to sit here and I should lower my expectations I’m gonna be driving my car in here and they’re gonna be delivering a video to me there’s something inside of every human being that will make it click then I’ll make it so that today is not like yesterday and tomorrow will be different forever and that process is an emotional hook and what I hope is people watching the stuff maybe something in here will piss him off enough or remind them of something or say there is a plan and it isn’t just luck and if I just get my big enough why and I get a little system forget to do conditioning myself and if I start to feel overwhelmed and just do one next step and then keep learning and keep moving forward I will get there if we accomplish that out of this conversation then this conversation was kick-ass and fun not just for us but it’ll be something that will be really proud of a long time whether it happens it not really has nothing to do with us but whether or not people take it in as real and do something with it I hope they will

Post/Page #56057
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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