THIS IS WHY ONLY 1% SUCCEED – A revealing interview with Robert Kiyosaki

👣 7 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


From Rags to Riches: Empowering Steps to Financial Independence!

Ready to unlock the secrets to financial success? 💰

Ever wondered why some folks seem to have the Midas touch while others struggle to make ends meet? 🤔

Let me clue you in on a little something: it’s all about understanding the game of money! 💡

We’re diving deep into the world of finance, exploring everything from alternative income streams to tax optimization strategies. 📈

But hold onto your hats, because this journey isn’t your average snooze-fest! 😴

We’re talking avocado farmers in Panama, blueberry enthusiasts in your backyard, and even turning empty nest bedrooms into cash cows! 🥑🏡💸

So, if you’re tired of spinning your wheels and ready to level up your financial game, buckle up and join the ride! 🎢

Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on this wild adventure to wealth and prosperity! 🌟

#FinancialFreedom #MoneyMindset #LetsGetRich

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Recognize the Current Economic Landscape


Understand the unprecedented nature of the current economic environment, characterized by global interconnectedness, economic uncertainty, and rapid changes influenced by factors like social media and technological advancements.


  1. Acknowledge the unique challenges posed by the current global economic scenario, including the interconnectedness of markets and the impact of events worldwide.
  2. Recognize the significance of social media and technology in shaping economic trends and behaviors, emphasizing the need to adapt to evolving platforms and communication channels.
  3. Consider historical contexts to grasp the magnitude of the current situation, such as comparing past economic downturns to the present and understanding the implications of global debt levels and monetary policies.

Specific Details:

  • Reflect on the historical context provided, including the example of how economic events a century ago differed from today’s interconnected global economy.
  • Highlight the role of social media and technology in amplifying the effects of economic events and shaping consumer behavior and market sentiments.

Step 2: Prepare for Economic Challenges and Opportunities


Anticipate the potential impact of economic downturns and identify strategies to navigate through uncertain times while capitalizing on emerging opportunities.


  1. Evaluate personal and business finances to assess vulnerability to economic downturns and identify areas for improvement or diversification.
  2. Develop contingency plans to mitigate financial risks, such as establishing emergency funds, reducing debt, and diversifying income sources.
  3. Stay informed about economic trends and market developments to identify potential investment opportunities or areas for innovation and adaptation.

Specific Details:

  • Conduct a thorough review of personal and business finances, including savings, investments, and expenses, to determine financial stability and areas of vulnerability.
  • Create actionable plans to address financial weaknesses, such as reducing discretionary spending, exploring alternative income streams, or reallocating investments based on risk tolerance and market conditions.

Step 3: Embrace Financial Education and Transformation


Commit to ongoing financial education and personal development to adapt to changing economic landscapes and cultivate resilience and success.


  1. Invest in financial literacy resources, such as books, courses, or seminars, to deepen understanding of economic principles, investment strategies, and wealth-building techniques.
  2. Cultivate a growth mindset and willingness to adapt to new opportunities and challenges, embracing lifelong learning and personal development.
  3. Seek mentorship or guidance from experienced professionals or mentors in finance, entrepreneurship, or other relevant fields to gain insights and perspective on navigating economic uncertainties.

Specific Details:

  • Explore a variety of resources for financial education, including online courses, podcasts, and reputable financial publications, to gain diverse perspectives and insights into wealth creation and management.
  • Engage in networking and community-building activities to connect with like-minded individuals and access support and mentorship opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Step 4: Explore Alternative Income Streams


Consider diversifying income sources through entrepreneurial ventures or alternative investments to enhance financial stability and resilience.


  1. Research and identify potential opportunities for generating additional income, such as starting a side business, investing in real estate, or exploring passive income streams.
  2. Evaluate the feasibility and potential returns of each opportunity, considering factors like market demand, investment requirements, and personal interests or skills.
  3. Take decisive action to pursue selected income-generating avenues, leveraging existing resources and networks to maximize success.

Specific Details:

  • Engage in brainstorming sessions or discussions with peers to generate ideas for alternative income streams tailored to individual strengths and interests.
  • Seek inspiration from examples of successful entrepreneurs or investors who have diversified their income portfolios, such as the individuals mentioned in the transcription segment who are involved in avocado farming, blueberry cultivation, and real estate rental.

Step 5: Understand Different Types of Income


Gain a comprehensive understanding of various income sources, including earned, portfolio, and passive income, to optimize financial strategies and minimize tax liabilities.


  1. Educate yourself on the distinctions between earned income (e.g., wages, salaries), portfolio income (e.g., capital gains, dividends), and passive income (e.g., rental income, royalties).
  2. Assess your current income sources and identify opportunities to transition from earned income to more tax-efficient forms of income, such as passive investments or business ownership.
  3. Consult with financial advisors or tax professionals to develop personalized income optimization strategies aligned with long-term financial goals and risk tolerance.

Specific Details:

  • Research tax laws and regulations applicable to different types of income to identify potential tax-saving opportunities or incentives for investment in certain asset classes or business activities.
  • Explore case studies or real-life examples illustrating the advantages of passive income over earned income in terms of tax efficiency and wealth accumulation, as highlighted by the experiences of successful investors mentioned in the transcription.

Step 6: Prioritize Financial Education and Literacy


Invest in continuous learning and financial literacy to build a solid foundation for making informed financial decisions and achieving long-term wealth accumulation.


  1. Allocate time and resources to self-education through books, courses, workshops, or online resources focusing on personal finance, investing, and tax planning.
  2. Engage in discussions and networking opportunities with knowledgeable individuals or mentors in the fields of finance, entrepreneurship, and wealth management to gain insights and perspective.
  3. Cultivate a growth mindset and curiosity about financial matters, remaining open to new ideas and strategies for achieving financial independence and success.

Specific Details:

  • Create a personalized learning plan encompassing various aspects of financial management, including budgeting, investing, retirement planning, and asset protection.
  • Actively seek out reputable sources of financial information and advice, verifying the credibility and expertise of authors or instructors to ensure the quality of education and guidance received.
  • Regularly review and update your financial knowledge and skills to adapt to changing economic conditions, market trends, and regulatory environments.

Step 7: Implement Tax Optimization Strategies


Implement tax optimization strategies to minimize tax liabilities and maximize after-tax income, leveraging legal and legitimate methods available within the tax code.


  1. Consult with tax professionals or financial advisors to identify tax-saving opportunities and strategies applicable to your financial situation and objectives.
  2. Utilize tax-advantaged accounts and investment vehicles, such as retirement accounts (e.g., IRAs, 401(k)s), health savings accounts (HSAs), and 529 college savings plans, to reduce taxable income and grow wealth tax-efficiently.
  3. Consider strategic timing of income recognition, deductions, and investments to optimize tax outcomes, taking advantage of tax deferral, capital gains treatment, and other favorable provisions.
  4. Stay informed about changes to tax laws and regulations, proactively adjusting your tax planning strategies to align with evolving requirements and opportunities.

Specific Details:

  • Explore tax credits and deductions available for specific activities or investments, such as energy-efficient home improvements, charitable donations, or education expenses, to lower taxable income and increase tax efficiency.
  • Evaluate the potential benefits of income-shifting strategies, such as gifting assets to family members, establishing trusts, or forming business entities, to redistribute income and reduce overall tax burdens.



I wrote “Padre Rico, Padre Pobre” because I knew this moment was going to come, and we’re living in an unfamiliar world. It’s a terrifying world, heavens, and probably the most dangerous time. There’s nothing to compare it to because there’s never been a global economy before. For example, 100 years ago, if there was a stock market crash in England, it didn’t affect anyone. But now, if the US market falls, the world falls. Moreover, with social media and everything we’re doing, it’s like we’ve never been here before.

Economic Outlook

I’m excited because I make more money in downturns than when it goes up. But for the average person, I’m afraid it’s getting worse. And I hope I’m wrong, but I think we’re heading towards a global depression. How does this affect the average worker, the small business owner? What will the next three months look like? Because it doesn’t look good. People are already being laid off, companies don’t have cash flow in most of these businesses. How do we get out of that?

National Debt Comparison

Let me take one more step just to give you the magnitude of it. The national debt from World War II is $25 billion. Nowadays, they’re printing $125 billion every day. That’s like five World Wars II per day. They’re printing so much money, think of it like a hot air balloon with a hole. They’re desperately trying to fix that hole, but it doesn’t matter.

Financial Crisis and Debt

No matter how much they try, the tear has gone beyond. It’s going down. So, in financial terms, our debt-to-GDP ratio has now gone from 60 to 90 to 105 to 120. We’re bankrupt, and they’re going to print more and more money, which means savers are losers, just as I predicted. Your money will be worth nothing in a few years. So, my message is the same as that of other guests: this is the moment of metamorphosis. Financial education, in terms of “Padre Rico,” is really a financial transformation. And the definition of metamorphosis is very important.

Metamorphosis and Financial Transformation

The definition of metamorphosis is the evolution or transformation from an immature form to an adult form. Metamorphosis is like when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. And it’s always said that there’s nothing to predict a butterfly inside a caterpillar. So, all of you listening right now, if you have financial problems, think of yourself as a little caterpillar, and this crisis is your cocoon. The question is, what do you become? Do you come out as a victim, saying the world did this to me, capitalists are corrupt, the rich are scoundrels, and all these things? Or do you say, this is the best thing that ever happened to me? Just like my health, I’m the epicenter of the coronavirus. All it does is inspire me to be healthier. You either become healthier and wealthier, or you ruin yourself. It’s your choice. It’s between your ears, your heart, your body, your mind, your spirit, your attitude. This could be the best thing that ever happened to you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. You become a butterfly, or someone squashes you like a little worm. It’s your choice.

Taking Responsibility

Now, if you’re in trouble today, my message is not so kind. This is a tough talk, not a pleasant one. The crisis is in your head. That’s the bad news. The good news is you can change the crisis by changing what’s inside your head. And so, I hate to brag, but I’m extremely well off financially today.

Taking Responsibility for Change

Because as I was warning everyone, this crisis was coming, but it would be irresponsible of me to warn people about the crisis and not personally make the changes myself. So, the good news is that the crisis is in your head. The bad news is that it’s in your head. The most important thing you can have now is not job security but meaningful work. So, you and I don’t need money, but we do need meaningful work, and it’s our meaningful work that gets us through tough times. The good news is that my company keeps generating profits with the product. The bad news is that the supply chain has closed, but that’s a good problem. We have tons of cash. I have gold, I have silver, and I have challenges in the real estate market, but that’s going to make me stronger. That’s the only attitude I can have. Otherwise, I just say, well, I shouldn’t bother. I need a bailout, I need a stimulus. I’m one of those. What can I do? I go back to being an employee, entrepreneur, self-employed, investor. I go and find a business, start a business. I reposition myself professionally. There’s a 123-step process on what I can do to be prepared for it. I have a friend in Panama who has an avocado farm. He’s sitting in Panama growing avocados because people have to eat. Another friend is growing blueberries. Another friend of mine is in Seattle, has a big house. All his kids moved out, so he turned the bedrooms of his kids into one-bedroom apartments, using a kitchen and a bathroom within their little bedrooms. Now he rents out four bedrooms. Today he’s making much more money than before because many workers travel to you. So they check in, they arrive on Sunday night, and they leave on Friday night. So the little house is making more money. The question is, everyone can do something, but you have to figure out what you can do. The reason the rich don’t work for money is number one, high taxes. You see, there are three types of income: earned, portfolio, and passive income. Earned income is, “I have a job.” If I’m a doctor or a programmer, that’s earned income because I’m working for it. If I buy, say, an apple for ten dollars and sell it for twenty, that’s portfolio income, capital gains. But passive income, which is cash flow, never marries. And that’s why many are screaming right now in America, taxing the rich. I say, good luck, because most of those who complain don’t know the three types of income. And anyway, the rich don’t have a job, they have assets. That’s why the average poor person sends their child to school, they don’t learn this.

Taxation and Financial Education

As mentioned in a newspaper article about Hart Asner, it explains how the Grammys, the Kirchners, don’t pay taxes and make millions of dollars. The reporter can’t understand because they never teach these three types of income in schools. They judge and say they’re wrong and it’s a scam. We see this over and over again. Amazon doesn’t pay taxes. What do you tell people when they come to you and say, “Robert, it’s not fair, they’re not paying taxes”? Well, there are always three sides to a coin: heads, tails, and the edge. So which side of the coin are you on? From my side, it’s fair. But here’s the difference: everyone can do the same as I do because tax laws are for everyone. We don’t say tax laws are only for the rich. Tax laws are for everyone to use if you have the right financial education. And I’m an advocate for financial education because without that education, you’d have to pay taxes. Very few people will believe what I do: earning a million dollars and paying zero taxes. My rich dad taught me that by playing Monopoly. That’s how it all started: four green houses, one red hotel, the McDonald’s formula. I write about them, the six McDonald’s kings, the McDonald’s crack. McDonald’s is in the business of real estate, so they sell burgers but buy real estate, so they don’t pay taxes. This man, Bezos, has $16 billion. How much tax did he pay on those $16 billion? And all of that is legal. Anyone can do it. Most people lack education, so you’ve learned about money as a child watching your father, watching people invest in real estate, and said, “Wow, not only can you make money, but you can keep the money.” That’s a big problem many people don’t understand. They think, “Look how much money I made. How much tax did you pay?” It could be half. And you’ll always say, “This is the law. The law applies to all citizens. You can do it, but most people don’t. Sometimes, as you said, they don’t have the education because you need to have a plan if you’re going to do risky things. Well, that’s not risky for me. What’s risky is having a job, paying taxes, and saving money because they’re printing it. That’s the worst part of it. And that’s why there’s fake money, fake teachers because the teachers don’t know, and fake assets because Wall Street, the City of London, Lehman Brothers, or Goldman Sachs won’t tell you this.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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