The Windows Of Wealth And Cash Flow

👣 26 Innovative Steps: From Content to Conversion!


Unlocking Prosperity: Essential Steps to Financial Mastery

🚀 Hey there, savvy folks! Ever wondered why money comes and goes like it’s auditioning for a reality TV show? 🤔 Well, grab your curiosity hat because we’re about to drop some financial wisdom that’ll make you rethink your whole money game! 💰💡

👉 Imagine this: you’ve got a houseplant 🌱, and you want it to thrive. But instead of watering it, you keep buying fancy vases to put it in. 🙄 Crazy, right? That’s what most folks do with money! They get caught up in bills, bills, bills and don’t even think about the secret sauce behind wealth.

🏡 Home sweet home? Nah, it’s more like 💸 Bills, bills, and did we mention bills? We’ve got a simple yet life-changing secret for you: it’s not about how much you make, but what you do with it! 🤯

💡 Enter our treasure trove of financial ninja moves! We’re talking income-producing assets that make your money work FOR you. It’s like having a personal ATM 🏧 that never runs out of cash!

💪 You’re just a few steps away from transforming your financial life from a rollercoaster 🎢 to a well-oiled money-making machine. Say goodbye to financial stress and hello to wealth-building wizardry! 🪄💰

Ready to level up your money game? Stay tuned for some game-changing tips and tricks that’ll leave your bank account dancing! 💃🕺

#WealthWisdom #MoneyMatters #FinancialFreedom #GetRichSlowly


Step 1: Recognizing the Role of Perception in Wealth Creation


Understand that your perception of wealth and how you view financial matters plays a crucial role in your ability to create wealth.


  1. Acknowledge that wealth creation is not solely determined by how easy or hard it may seem.
  2. Realize that your personal perspective on wealth and money matters more than the external circumstances.
  3. Accept that there are various ways to create wealth, and your perception influences which path you choose.

Specific Details:

  • Internal beliefs and attitudes towards wealth can significantly impact your financial decisions.
  • Embrace the idea that your mindset and perspective can be changed to align with wealth creation.

Step 2: Introduction to the “Window of Wealth” Concept


Learn about the concept of the “Window of Wealth” and how it relates to different perspectives on wealth creation.


  1. Understand that the “Window of Wealth” is a concept that involves looking at financial matters from different angles.
  2. Recognize that the concept compares people’s diverse perspectives to how they view an accident at an intersection.
  3. Internalize that the way you look at financial situations influences your actions and decisions regarding money.

Specific Details:

  • The “Window of Wealth” analogy uses a common experience (viewing an accident) to illustrate the concept.
  • Emphasize that everyone views financial situations differently, leading to distinct approaches to wealth creation.

Step 3: Exploring the Four Panes of the “Window of Wealth”


Delve into the four panes of the “Window of Wealth” and understand their significance in wealth creation.


  1. Identify the four panes of the “Window of Wealth,” representing different perspectives on money.
  2. Realize that the angle from which you view money influences your financial outcomes.
  3. Reflect on your own perspective and how it aligns with one of the panes.

Specific Details:

  • The four panes of the “Window of Wealth” symbolize distinct ways people perceive and approach money.
  • Understanding which pane aligns with your current perspective can help you make conscious financial choices.

Step 4: Hajj – The Perspective of Borrowing Money


Explore the first perspective, “Hajj,” which represents the approach of borrowing money.


  1. Recognize that “Hajj” is a perspective where individuals rely on borrowing money to meet financial needs.
  2. Understand that this perspective involves seeking loans or credit to fund expenses.
  3. Reflect on whether you currently identify with the “Hajj” perspective in your financial life.

Specific Details:

  • “Hajj” highlights the tendency to rely on external sources for financial support.
  • Evaluate whether this perspective aligns with your current financial habits and if it contributes to wealth creation.

Step 5: Understanding the “Hajj” Perspective


Learn about the “Hajj” perspective, which involves believing that the best way to acquire money is by having a job.


  1. Recognize that “Hajj” represents the viewpoint that a job is the primary source of income.
  2. Understand that having a job implies selling your time in exchange for money.
  3. Acknowledge that some people may work jobs they dislike because they feel compelled to do so.

Specific Details:

  • “Hajj” emphasizes the idea that a job is the conventional means of earning money.
  • Consider whether your current approach to income aligns with the “Hajj” perspective and if it meets your financial goals.

Step 6: Challenging the Belief in Job Necessity


Question the notion that having a job is an absolute necessity for financial security.


  1. Accept the possibility that you don’t need a traditional job to support yourself financially.
  2. Reflect on your past job experiences and whether they brought you fulfillment.
  3. Open your mind to alternative income sources beyond traditional employment.

Specific Details:

  • The transcript highlights the speaker’s personal experience of quitting their last job and choosing a different path.
  • Emphasize that challenging the conventional belief in job necessity can lead to alternative and more fulfilling opportunities.

Step 7: Embracing Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship


Explore the idea of self-employment and entrepreneurship as alternatives to traditional jobs.


  1. Consider the benefits of self-employment, where you create your own income-generating opportunities.
  2. Explore the entrepreneurial path, which involves starting and running your own business.
  3. Research different business ideas or ventures that align with your interests and skills.

Specific Details:

  • Self-employment and entrepreneurship offer greater autonomy and potential for financial growth.
  • Start by brainstorming potential business ideas and assessing their viability.

Step 8: Determining Your Path Towards Financial Freedom


Evaluate your financial goals and choose a path that aligns with your desire for financial freedom.


  1. Assess your current financial situation and identify your long-term objectives.
  2. Determine whether self-employment, entrepreneurship, or other income streams best match your goals.
  3. Create a plan of action to transition towards your chosen path.

Specific Details:

  • Tailor your financial journey to your unique aspirations and preferences.
  • Develop a clear roadmap to guide your transition towards financial independence.

Step 9: Recognizing the Importance of Automation and Delegation in Business


Understand the significance of automation and delegation in the context of building a business.


  1. Acknowledge that true businesses utilize automation and delegation to scale and operate efficiently.
  2. Realize that relying solely on personal effort limits your growth potential.
  3. Recognize that automation involves leveraging technology to perform tasks, while delegation involves outsourcing tasks to others.

Specific Details:

  • Businesses that thrive prioritize automation and delegation to free up time and resources.
  • Embrace the idea that these strategies are essential for expanding your business and achieving greater success.

Step 10: Distinguishing Between Owning a Job and Owning a Business


Differentiate between owning a job and owning a business, highlighting the importance of the latter.


  1. Understand that owning a job implies doing all the work yourself without automation or delegation.
  2. Recognize that true business ownership involves utilizing systems and leveraging technology.
  3. Grasp that owning a business allows for more freedom and scalability compared to owning a job.

Specific Details:

  • Owning a job often leads to limited income and time constraints.
  • Embrace the idea that transitioning to true business ownership involves implementing systems and freeing up your time.

Step 11: Embracing Automation and Delegation for Time Freedom


Emphasize the role of automation and delegation in reclaiming time and achieving greater balance.


  1. Prioritize automation by using technology to streamline repetitive tasks.
  2. Consider delegation as a means to leverage other people’s skills and time.
  3. Shift from being the sole worker to becoming the owner of a system that operates efficiently.

Specific Details:

  • Automation and delegation are key components in achieving a healthier work-life balance.
  • Use these strategies to create more time for strategic thinking, business growth, and personal fulfillment.

Step 12: Aligning Priorities with Values


Highlight the importance of valuing people and meaningful connections over money.


  1. Recognize that your perspective on money should prioritize people and their well-being.
  2. Understand that valuing relationships and creating value for others leads to a more fulfilling life.
  3. Make choices in your business that prioritize the well-being of your clients and employees.

Specific Details:

  • Building a successful business involves valuing people over profits.
  • Prioritize creating a positive impact on the lives of others through your business.

Step 13: The Three Pillars of Fulfillment: Creation, Connection, Contribution


Understand the three pillars of fulfillment: creation, connection, and contribution.


  1. Recognize that fulfillment comes from creating valuable things or services.
  2. Embrace the importance of connecting with others and building meaningful relationships.
  3. Understand that true fulfillment involves contributing to those who cannot reciprocate.

Specific Details:

  • Building a business that aligns with these pillars can lead to a more satisfying and purposeful life.
  • Reflect on how your current endeavors fulfill these three aspects and make adjustments accordingly.

Step 14: The Power of Owning Systems


Recognize the power of owning systems in your business to free up time and increase efficiency.


  1. Understand that owning systems involves leveraging technology and delegation.
  2. Prioritize creating and implementing systems for various aspects of your business.
  3. Acknowledge that systems allow you to scale your business and make more money.

Specific Details:

  • Systems streamline operations, allowing you to focus on strategic aspects of your business.
  • Embrace the idea that systems are the key to achieving financial freedom and creating more time for yourself.

Step 15: Transitioning from Owning a Job to Owning a Business


Understand the transition from owning a job to owning a business and the potential for financial growth.


  1. Differentiate between owning a job (doing all the work) and owning a business (utilizing systems).
  2. Realize that owning a business offers more financial freedom and scalability.
  3. Embrace the idea of investing in systems to create a sustainable business.

Specific Details:

  • Owning a job limits your income and time, while owning a business allows for exponential growth.
  • Consider the long-term benefits of transitioning to a business ownership model.

Step 16: Embracing Automation, Delegation, and Technology


Highlight the importance of embracing automation, delegation, and technology for efficiency and success.


  1. Prioritize automation to streamline repetitive tasks and save time.
  2. Embrace delegation as a means to leverage other people’s skills and time.
  3. Invest in technology systems to support your business operations.

Specific Details:

  • Automation, delegation, and technology are essential components of modern business success.
  • Use these tools to achieve a better work-life balance and optimize your business operations.

Step 17: Prioritizing People Over Profits


Emphasize the significance of valuing people and their well-being over monetary gains.


  1. Recognize that your perspective on money should prioritize people and their needs.
  2. Understand that fostering meaningful relationships and creating value for others is key to fulfillment.
  3. Make business decisions that prioritize the well-being of your clients and employees.

Specific Details:

  • Building a successful business involves valuing people’s welfare and creating a positive impact.
  • Align your business practices with a focus on enriching the lives of others.

Step 18: The Three Pillars of Fulfillment: Creation, Connection, Contribution


Understand the three pillars of fulfillment: creation, connection, and contribution.


  1. Recognize that fulfillment comes from creating valuable products, services, or content.
  2. Embrace the importance of connecting with others and building meaningful relationships.
  3. Understand that true fulfillment involves contributing to those who may not be able to reciprocate.

Specific Details:

  • Building a business that aligns with these pillars can lead to a more satisfying and purposeful life.
  • Reflect on how your current endeavors fulfill these three aspects and make adjustments accordingly.

Step 19: Financial Patterns of Different Income Groups


Understand the financial patterns and behaviors of people in various income categories.


  1. Recognize that your financial status is influenced by your perspective and perception of money.
  2. Differentiate between how rich, poor, and middle-class individuals manage their finances.
  3. Challenge the belief that the primary purpose of money is to pay bills.

Specific Details:

  • Rich, poor, and middle-class individuals have different approaches to managing their finances.
  • Poor individuals often work solely to pay bills, leading to a cycle of financial struggle.

Step 20: The Purpose of Money


Examine the perceived purpose of money and how it affects financial decisions.


  1. Reflect on your own beliefs about the purpose of money.
  2. Understand that money can serve various purposes beyond paying bills.
  3. Shift your perspective on money to create opportunities for wealth accumulation.

Specific Details:

  • Many people associate the primary purpose of money with paying bills, limiting their financial growth.
  • Challenge the idea that money exists solely to cover expenses and explore alternative ways to utilize it.

Step 21: Financial Autopilot and Bill Payments


Discuss the concept of financial autopilot, where income is mainly used to pay bills.


  1. Acknowledge the tendency to put income on autopilot by using it to cover expenses.
  2. Consider the consequences of constantly working to pay bills without accumulating wealth.
  3. Explore strategies to break free from financial autopilot and build a prosperous future.

Specific Details:

  • Many people fall into the habit of working solely to meet their financial obligations, hindering wealth creation.
  • Breaking free from financial autopilot involves changing your perspective and financial strategies.

Step 22: Shifting Financial Beliefs and Practices


Highlight the importance of shifting financial beliefs and practices to build wealth.


  1. Recognize the need to change your financial mindset and habits.
  2. Embrace the idea that money can be a tool for wealth creation and financial freedom.
  3. Explore strategies and actions that align with your new financial beliefs and goals.

Specific Details:

  • Shifting your financial beliefs and practices requires a conscious effort and a willingness to explore new perspectives.
  • Understand that money can be a means to achieve financial freedom and prosperity.

Step 23: The Purpose of Money (Continued)


Continuation of the discussion about the purpose of money and how it affects financial decisions.


  1. Reflect on your beliefs about the purpose of money, especially regarding borrowing and investing.
  2. Understand how income-producing assets can be a valuable component of your financial strategy.
  3. Learn how to leverage borrowed money to invest in income-producing assets.

Specific Details:

  • Borrowing money to invest in income-producing assets can be a strategic financial move.
  • Income-producing assets can generate income that covers expenses, pays off debt, and buys wealth-reducing liabilities.

Step 24: The Income-Expense Cycle


Discuss the income-expense cycle and how it affects different financial classes.


  1. Understand the concept of the income-expense cycle, which varies for rich, poor, and middle-class individuals.
  2. Recognize the importance of shifting your focus from expenses to income-producing assets.
  3. Consider how income from assets can cover expenses and create financial freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Rich individuals prioritize income-producing assets, allowing these assets to cover their expenses and create wealth.
  • Shifting focus from expenses to assets can change your financial trajectory.

Step 25: The Income-Expense Windows of Different Classes


Examine the size and significance of income and expense windows for rich, poor, and middle-class individuals.


  1. Compare the size and impact of income and expense windows for different financial classes.
  2. Recognize that income-producing assets play a crucial role in expanding your income window.
  3. Explore ways to grow your income-producing assets to achieve financial freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Rich individuals have a significant income window, primarily driven by income-producing assets.
  • Income-producing assets allow you to cover expenses, pay off debt, and create wealth, shifting your financial perspective.

Step 26: Shifting Focus to Income-Producing Assets


Highlight the importance of shifting your focus from expenses to income-producing assets to build wealth.


  1. Embrace the idea that income-producing assets are the key to financial freedom and wealth accumulation.
  2. Identify potential income-producing assets that align with your financial goals.
  3. Develop strategies to invest in and grow your income-producing assets over time.

Specific Details:

  • Shifting your focus to income-producing assets can lead to financial freedom and a wealthier future.
  • Consider various types of income-producing assets, such as investments, businesses, or rental properties, to diversify your portfolio.



Hey there, are you one of those people who would like to be wealthy but don’t know how because I think there’s a lot of people out there like that? Well, most people think that they’re not wealthy because it’s too hard to become wealthy, but I promise you creating wealth has nothing to do with how easy or how hard it is. It has more to do with you and it has more to do with your perception of the way wealth is created than it actually does the way wealth is created because wealth is pretty much, there are some ways that there are a handful of ways that pretty much anybody could create wealth, but only a few people do. So, I’m going to teach you today a concept that I call the window of wealth and the cash flow patterns of the rich or the cash flow patterns of everybody.

The Window of Wealth

So what is the window of wealth? Well, if we think of what a window is, a window is something that is in a wall, usually in a house or a building, and we can either look out, we put the window there so we can see outside of the structure that we are in or we can see inside the structure we are out of. So, for the sake of this illustration, we’re going to be inside the structure, but before we even go inside the structure, let’s pretend that there’s an intersection. Let’s pretend that there’s an intersection, and this intersection at the corner of this intersection there’s an accident, okay, there’s an accident right here at this intersection. There’s somebody standing on this corner, there’s somebody standing on this corner, there’s somebody standing on this corner, and there’s somebody standing on this corner. This person sees one thing, this person sees something else, this person sees yet something else, and this person sees yet something else. They all see the same accident.

Now I know what some of you are wondering, why did he put a dollar sign where an accident happened, right? How many are thinking that, anybody was anybody thinking that? Okay, okay, a couple, okay. Here’s why I put a dollar sign where an accident because if you have an accident, it’s gonna cost you some money. And for most people, if they ever create any real wealth in their life, it will be by accident, okay? Okay, so that’s why I put a dollar sign there. So all of us when we look at this intersection, we see something different, why? Because we’re all looking at it from a different perspective. So I submit to you the perspective that you have when you look at a thing has more to do with what you do next than the thing itself. And it doesn’t matter what the thing is, if you look at health, if you look at wealth, if you look at relationships, if you look at personal development, if you look at business development, if you look at fitness development, it doesn’t really matter when you look at something, what you see is more determined by your perspective than actual reality.

See, people say, well, you create your own reality. Well, the reality is you don’t. There’s not a single solitary person in the history of the world who has ever created their own reality. You create your own perceptions and reality and therefore you create your own experience as a reality, but reality is what it is. Reality is like truth, it is just what it is. And so, and there’s no “Your Truth,” “My truth,” “His truth,” “Her truth,” “Their truth,” no, there’s just the truth. Anything that’s not the truth is a lie. So, we’re looking at this situation, and we all see something different. So what we’re going to do is for the sake of this illustration, we’re going to take this accident that happened and we’re just going to turn it into… In fact, what I’m going to do with that right there is I’m going to erase it because I don’t need the perspective anymore, y’all. I think you understand perspective without it being written up there. Okay, so we’re going to do is we’re going to take this window, this intersection, and we’re going to turn it into a window.

The Window of Wealth Structure

The window has four window panes, and when we look out of our experience of life, that would be the wall into the world of finance, that would be money. And when we look at money, whether or not how we look at the money, the angle at which we’re looking at money from determines more whether or not we are rich or poor or middle class because how we look at money will determine how we get money and what we think of money, like what we think of. Okay, I need to get some money. What am I going to do? I’m gonna go borrow it. I need to get some money. What am I going to do? I’m gonna go sell some of my time for it. I need to get some money. What am I going to do? So we all have different things. We have different ways of looking at money. Now, this is the window of wealth.

Hajj: Believes in Having a Job

So why is his name Hajj? Because he believes that the best way to get money is to have a job. Now, what does “have a job” mean? It means that I sell my time, some portion of my time for somebody else’s money. So Hajj thinks, “Well, you say, do you like your job? Well, you have to have a job,” which means they don’t like their job but they’re doing it because they feel like they have to. Now, I’m going to tell you something that’s going to be shocking, and I know you’re not going to believe it. Some of you are not going to believe it. Some of y’all watching on YouTube, you ain’t gonna believe it, but I’m gonna tell you right now. Here it is. Here’s the truth: You don’t have to have a job. I have not had a job since 1994.

Quitting the Job

I remember my last job. I remember it very well. I remember the last day at my last job. I remember getting fired right after I quit or quitting right after I got fired. They happened so close together I’m not even sure which one happened first. And I remember my wife and I were working at this children’s home, and it was very politically motivated because they were trying to get promotions and stuff. I just don’t do that. I just, I don’t. This is what you see is what you get. I don’t play games. I ain’t running for office. I’m not gonna lie to you to make you feel good. I ain’t gonna lie to you to keep from hurting your feelings. I’m not going to tell you what you want to hear so you’re not mad at me. I don’t know how to do any of those things. This is just what it is, right?

Some other house parents who work there accused us of stealing some food, which both implies that I’m dishonest and stupid – dishonest because I was stealing, stupid because I decided to steal food. Like if I’m gonna steal something, ain’t gonna be no food, right? And so, the administrators called us into the office and they’re talking to us about this ridiculous accusation that is so ridiculous it does not make any sense, it’s like utterly ridiculous. And so, he’s one of the administrators, his name was Stu, he said something, and my wife said, he stood, he pointed at my wife, he said, “You think this is funny?” I stood up, I said, “I’ll tell you what, you better not holler at my wife again. I don’t holler at my wife. You’re gonna holler at my mom? You must be some kind of out your mind. I said, you better not holler at my wife again.” He said, “I’m in charge of this meeting.” I said, “You can be in charge of the whole wide world, holler at her again, see if we don’t have some problems up in this Administration Building. And no, not in Christian love either. No, I no something, no, no, somebody’s about to get hurt. You ain’t hollering at my wife.” He said, “That’s it, you’re fired.” I said, “You can’t fire me. I quit 20 minutes ago, right?” I had to have the upper hand.

I remember we were walking back to the cottage to pack up our stuff and move into our house that I bought a couple years prior. And I said to my wife, “I will never do this again. I will never subject you, I will never subject me to this kind of treatment ever again. I will live in a tent in the forest first.” Probably not the thing you should say to your wife when you just got fired in front of her, but it was the thing that came to my mind. I just knew I was done. And I believe one of the reasons people just kind of capitulate through life is because they don’t have a situation that brings so much irritation to them that they have the level of resolve that says, “I will never do this again.” The reason people stay at jobs they hate is because they’re okay with it. They don’t love it, they don’t even like it, but oh my, well, I mind it. I’m done. I’ve not had a job since.

Having a Job vs. Starting a Business

Okay, so “have a job,” there’s nothing wrong with having a job. Having a job and working to make money to pay for things is better than not having a job and expecting somebody else to take care of you. It’s better than not having a job and feeling like you need to hit somebody else in the head and take what they work for. It’s better than not having a job and stealing, right? But the reason I drew Hajj’s face like that is because when I had a job, that’s what my face looked like.

OJ: Owns a Job

This guy right here, he says, “I hate my job. I’m gonna go start a business,” but he doesn’t know how to start a business, so what he does is he goes and buys a job. His name is OJ. What’s that stand for? Own a job. Now, one of my mentors a long time ago, a guy named Ben, he said, “You can get a job for free. Why would you go and buy one?” No, no, no, no, no. A lot of people who think they’re starting businesses are really buying jobs. What does that mean? They’re buying a job because what they’re doing is they’re going out and

OJ: Owns a Job Continued

They’re spending money to start providing a service to a bunch of people, but they’re the one doing all the work. They have no automation, and they have no delegation, so they don’t have a business. If you don’t have automation and you don’t have delegation, you don’t have a business; you have a job that you paid for.

Automation and Delegation

Okay, so what does that mean? Automation means that I have technology that does some of the work for me, right? Delegation means I pay other people to do some of the work for me. So automation and delegation are what buy back your time. But one of the reasons people don’t have automation and delegation is because their perspective of money is off, and they love the money more than they love the people.

The Purpose of Life: Creation, Connection, Contribution

So one of the things you’ll do when you begin to build a real business, when you really understand how life works with an overarching perspective, God’s design, which I believe the purpose for all of our lives is creation. We’re supposed to create stuff that other people value, and then connection. We’re supposed to connect with other people because none of us have all of the sauce, right? So we all need each other for different aspects of life. Okay, so creation, then we need connection, and then we need contribution. We need to do something for somebody who can’t do anything for us. Although you cannot feel fulfilled unless you have creation, connection, and contribution. You can feel partially fulfilled with only one of those, partially fulfilled with only two of those, but unless you have all three, you go through life, you don’t know exactly what it is, but something’s missing. And you can evaluate your life right now, and if you’re feeling like, “I like what I do, but I don’t feel fulfilled,” the reason you don’t feel fulfilled, I promise you, is one of those three things is missing.

Trapped in Entrepreneurship

So what they do because they wanted to start a business so they could make more money and not have a boss, they traded one boss in for a whole bunch of bosses called clients, right? And so now, instead of paying by, you keep all the money. But if you paid somebody, that person would free up mental bandwidth for you that would give you the ability to create more offers that could benefit your business more, and then you could hire somebody else.

Delegate What You Hate

See, here’s what we should all be seeking to do. I’m gonna tell you something that’s really hard for me to wrap my mind around: there are people in the world who love doing the aspects of your business that you hate doing, right? It’s hard to imagine that the stuff that I hate, that somebody would love it. But there are people who are like, “Oh no, that’s my jam. I love that.” I’m like, “Right?” So I just said, “I don’t, and I would rather pay somebody to do it an amount of money that makes them happy. I don’t have to do it. Now I’m happy. Everybody wins. It still gets done for my clients; they’re happy. Everybody wins, right?” So because I love the people that I hire more than I love the money that I pay them, I’m going to hire good people and pay them well. Does that make sense? Because I love the people that I serve, the people who buy things from me, I’m gonna make sure that I pay for enough automation, enough delegation to make sure the stuff that I do for them is delivered to them.

OS: Owns a System

In a way that’s satisfying to them. Does that make sense is what I’m saying? Okay, so cool. So when you have a job and own a job over here, the amount of money you make is very, very limited. Over here, this person has no time and no money because usually they negotiate an agreement with their employer to make just a little bit less money than it takes for them to survive, and the boss generally pays them just enough to keep them from quitting. Can I get a witness?

SMS: Owns a System Continued

Okay, this person over here, they have way more money. They have money. They have money. They have money. But they have no time. This person over here has less time than this person over here. This person has less time than this person. Why? Because they are doing all the work. They’re the chief cook and bottle washer, hence they are the chief cook and bottleneck.

OS: Owns a System Continued

Now, this guy right here, this guy’s name is O’s. OS. What’s that stand for? Own a system. It could be OSS. It could be US. Own some systems. What is a system? It’s a way of doing something in the most efficient and synergistic manner. It’s what is a system? A system is leverage. And the beautiful thing about leverage is this: you can always make up for what you lack in ability. Isn’t that exciting? Like, I don’t have to be the best at everything because I can leverage some of the money I make and pay somebody who’s good at what I’m bad at, and everybody wins. So owning systems has to do with owning technology systems and owning delegation systems. So automation systems, delegation systems, and the more of my business I can delegate and automate, then the more money I can make. And now I have a whole lot of money and a whole lot of time. Sign me up for that. I am telling you, when you decide this is the person I’m going to be, everything in your life changes.

Owning Systems and Creating Content

I’m a person who owns systems. We have systems for everything I do. So I already know I love to learn stuff. But I know I’m not the only person in the world who loves to learn stuff. Just so happens, the other side of that is I love to teach stuff. There’s a whole bunch of folk who would love to learn the stuff I’ve learned to teach. So maybe I should make something for them. So now what I do is we have this YouTube channel, and I make sure we are almost religious about the idea that we make sure we give our audience valuable lessons daily.

Building a YouTube Channel

Now, if I would have started with that as an objective, I wouldn’t have started Keeping It Real. I wouldn’t have started becoming intentional about YouTube April 1st last year. I didn’t say we’re gonna do a YouTube video every day. No, I had to work my way up to that. I had to figure out how to do one a week, you know what I’m saying? I’m like, okay, we’re gonna do one a week. I think I can do one a week, right? And so we started doing one a week, and then we started doing another one. So the first month, we actually did eight videos. I’m like, okay, we did eight videos. Okay, well, that wasn’t terrible. We’ll do it again. And so like right now, our Bible study starts in about 15 minutes, but I invite my friends who come to our Bible study, hey, y’all want to come watch me record some videos? Y’all win because I teach y’all stuff that I know, and I get to re… I win because I have an audience to talk to, not just a camera because when I’m just talking to a camera, my tongue gets stuck in my mouth. Another world comes out, and it ain’t flattering. So that’s what happens when I just try to talk in front of a camera. It just doesn’t work, so I need to be looking at some eyeballs so I can feel like I’m teaching somebody, not just talking about some stuff. Because then while I’m talking to people, I can look in their eyes, and I can see when they’re a little confused about something I said, and then I can clarify. Or I can look in their eyes when they think I said something funny, and then I can really turn it up. Okay, so all that right there.

Owning a System Leads to Efficiency

So I win because I got somebody to talk to. It makes my content better. People on YouTube win-ish because, like, I look at the camera very seldom. I’m looking at y’all most of the time. And I, most people, when you’re doing a YouTube video, you should look at the camera. Okay? I know there’s a lot of sugars out there in the world, but I don’t do them. So I’m just going to talk to the people who are here. And every now and then, I’ll look up at the camera, let y’all know I remember you here. Okay, gotcha. And so we decide, “I’m gonna create a YouTube video every day. We’re gonna produce a YouTube video every day.” So what do we do on Wednesdays and Fridays? We do two videos a day. We do live on Wednesday, then we do a recorded. So now we release three live videos a week. So every month… Is that right? No, every… We released three weeks. So every week, we get ahead by one video. Why? I don’t know about y’all, but I like to take vacation sometime. So if I’m going to take vacation, I need to get ahead of the game. And so that’s what I mean by owning a system. So what I do is I’ll stand up here and run my mouth for an hour or 30 minutes or whatever, and then Larry’s back there pushing buttons to make all these cameras do what all they’re supposed to do. And then Carino creates a thumbnail, Omarimo does some editing, and Jose’s making videos and getting shots and doing stuff. And they’re all doing all that stuff they know how to do. And then we all go to our respective place. I’ll go study; they’ll go edit and do stuff. And then Zach will post the link for the live video, the title for the live video, and then they’ll connect and push buttons, and stuff will go where it’s supposed to go. See, that was… How was that for technical? That was very detailed, okay? So you want to own systems. When you own systems, what happens is you start making so much money you have to do something with it.

Working for a Paycheck

So, here’s how people exist, they go to work and sell their time so they can pay their bills. They hate going to work, selling their time so they can pay their bills, so they go buy a job. I change colors, but it’s okay. So, they go buy a job, and when they buy a job, they work harder, longer hours, never get to see their family, but they make more money.

Building Systems and Delayed Profits

Okay, so now what happens next? Well, when you move up here, you start building systems so that you can create wealth. Here’s the problem, though. When you first move into this arena and you start building systems, you don’t make any money while the systems are being built. The cultural hypnotic societal mechanism is to go to work, go to school, study hard, get good grades, graduate, go get a good job with a good company, and they’ll pay you. Then when you retire, they’ll take care of you. They’ve gotten us so addicted to a paycheck that that addiction to getting paid once a week keeps us from doing this because we might have to work on this for a whole month or two months or six months or a year.

Jeff Bezos worked on Amazon for 10 years, losing money every year for 10 years before he became one of the richest people in the world. Elon Musk literally was one day from filing bankruptcy when he closed his government contract deal for the thing that saved their company back in whatever year that was because when you’re building systems, they don’t make money. So, that’s why it’s important for a lot of people to keep your job while you build your business. That’s why I say nothing will inspire you to build a business that you love like having a job that you hate.

The Window of Wealth

So, that’s the window of wealth. What are the cash flow patterns of the rich? If you want to build wealth, the scripture says a rich man’s wealth is his strong city, but the destruction of the poor is their poverty. This is a financial house; this is your house of finance. You could write “my house of finance” right here. This is the income window, this is the I um PA window, this is the WRL window, and this is the outgo window. This is the income window, this is the outgo window.

Managing Money

Now, this is the truth. If you’re going to build your finances, you need to build a financial truth. This is asset protection; you need to have some things in place to protect your assets. I don’t have time to teach them in detail what all those are, but most people, their income, where does their income come into their house? It comes into their income window from their job. That’s how most people make money; that’s the only way most people make money.

Perspective and Perception

Okay, so you got income that comes into your window. I submit to you that whether you’re rich, poor, middle class has more to do with your perspective and your perception than how much money you make. I know for a fact, and I’m going to make a really bold statement here. If I worked at McDonald’s making minimum wage, I could become a millionaire. Why? Because whether or not you’re rich, poor, middle class has less to do with how much money you make than it does what you do with money when you make it. If you learn to manage and move money better, if you learn to make your cash flow in the right directions, then you can create wealth.

The Purpose of Money

Here’s what most people do: income comes into their house. This is what poor people do. They take all the income that comes into their house and they send it out of their house in the form of bills. They make money for the purpose of paying bills; they believe the purpose of money is paying bills. So, what they do is they make money so they can pay their bills, and after they’re done paying their bills, how much money they have left? None. And so, what do they do? They go back to work again, make enough money to pay their bills, and so they’re literally working to exist. Poor people think the primary purpose of money is bills.

Perspective on Bills

Bills to me are just… bills are like they’re just there. How much does it cost? I don’t know. How much dude called me the other day, Mr. Gold, we want to talk to you about how much money you can save on your electric bill, and you can get solar panels in the State of Florida, and blah, blah, blah, and we could save you five hundred to two thousand dollars a year. Just the back and forth that we’ve had with these voicemail messages and you coming into my house without me knowing it and you calling me when I didn’t ask you to call me, just the conversations that we’ve had have already cost me more than two thousand dollars. So, I called the dude back, and I said, “Look, dude, I love salespeople. I would love to sit down, listen to your presentation. I am not your customer. I don’t know how much my electric bill is; I don’t care. What I know is I have to have electricity, and I’m going to pay for it. That’s all I know. My electric bill’s on auto-pay. Like, if somebody said, ‘I’m going to give you 400 billion dollars to tell me how much your last electric bill was,’ they’d have to keep the money. I have no idea. I don’t know. I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. It’s like, how much rubber did the tire of your car wear off on the way to work this morning? I don’t know. I don’t… it doesn’t matter.”

The Perspective on Gas

“What’s the price of gas? I don’t know, I don’t care. I just know if I don’t put gas in it, I’m riding a bicycle.”

Money’s Purpose for Poor and Middle Class

So, poor people and middle-class people think the primary purpose of money is to pay their bills on time and maintain good credit. They buy wealth-reducing liabilities by buying a bunch of stuff they don’t really need and can’t really afford, often on credit. They look like they’re rich but struggle financially.

Rich vs. Looking Rich

Rich people, on the other hand, focus on being rich rather than looking rich. They understand that the purpose of money is not just to pay bills but to create wealth. Rich people prioritize income-producing assets, which generate money for them.

Borrowing Money Wisely

Rich individuals often borrow money not because they need to but because they can use borrowed money more efficiently than their own. They understand how to leverage their money effectively. For instance, they may borrow money for a car or a house but let their income-producing assets pay off the debt.

The Income-Producing Asset Window

The key to building wealth is shifting your focus from spending on bills and liabilities to investing in income-producing assets. Income-producing assets generate income, pay for your expenses, and even cover your debt. When you concentrate on building and growing your income-producing asset window, your financial situation can drastically improve.

By understanding these cash flow patterns and redirecting your financial efforts toward income-producing assets, you can transform your financial future for the better.

Post/Page #39768
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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