The Unstoppable Force – The Real Difference Between Success and Failure | Dan Lok | TEDxSFU

👣 35 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Achieve Your Dreams: Mastering the Vital Steps

Ready to Upgrade Your Life? 🌟

Hey there, you awesome go-getter! 🙌

Ever wondered why some folks seem to have that extra spark in life? 🌠

Well, guess what? It’s all about hunger! 🍔

No, not the craving-for-burgers kind (although that’s relatable too 😂), but the unstoppable drive for success! 💪

Think about it: Are you really satisfied with playing it safe, watching others soar while you’re stuck on the sidelines? 🤨

Nah, you deserve to shine, to achieve those dreams, and to leave your mark on the world! 🌎

Imagine waking up every day with that unstoppable fire 🔥 in your belly, ready to conquer whatever life throws your way. 🚀💥

So, are you curious to find out how to unlock that hunger for success, overcome fears, and take life by the horns? 🐂

Stay tuned because we’ve got some jaw-dropping insights that will change the game for you! 🎯😲

Get ready to embrace your inner unstoppable force! Stay hungry, my friend! 🍽️💯 #UnstoppableSuccess #StayHungry #LifeUpgrade

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Imagine a Successful Person


Begin by visualizing a person you admire, respect, and consider very successful. This exercise will help you understand what qualities contribute to their success.


  1. Take a moment to think about a person who fits this description.
  2. Imagine their achievements, characteristics, and the aspects of their life that make them successful.
  3. Focus on the qualities and actions that you believe have led to their success.

Specific Details:

  • It’s important to choose someone who genuinely inspires you and whom you believe embodies success.
  • You can create a mental image of this person or write down their attributes and achievements.

Step 2: Contemplate Success in All Areas


Reflect on what it would be like if you could excel in every aspect of your life, including relationships, finances, career, family, health, hobbies, and passions.


  1. Take time to consider how your life would look if you were at your best in each area mentioned.
  2. Visualize the ideal scenario for each category and how they are interconnected.
  3. Imagine the sense of fulfillment and achievement associated with excelling in every aspect of your life.

Specific Details:

  • Allow yourself to dream big and picture the best possible outcomes for each area.
  • This exercise can help clarify your goals and aspirations in different aspects of life.

Step 3: Identify the Key to Success


Explore the concept of success and identify the core factor that contributes to it, regardless of external circumstances or advantages.


  1. Reflect on your own experiences and achievements.
  2. Analyze what has truly made a difference in your successes.
  3. Consider whether there is a common factor that has been present in all your significant accomplishments.

Specific Details:

  • The key to success may vary from person to person, but it should be something intrinsic and controllable.
  • This step involves introspection and self-awareness to recognize your personal formula for success.

Step 4: Challenge the Notion of Intelligence and Background


Acknowledge that success is not solely dependent on high intelligence or a privileged background.


  1. Recognize that intelligence is not the only factor determining success.
  2. Understand that coming from a challenging background or having a modest upbringing does not preclude success.

Specific Details:

  • Success is often shaped by a combination of factors, including determination, resilience, and the ability to learn and adapt.
  • Many successful individuals have overcome obstacles and disadvantages to achieve their goals.

Step 5: Embrace the Idea of Hard Work and Persistence


Appreciate the significance of hard work and persistence in achieving success.


  1. Understand that working ten times harder than others is not practical, but consistent effort and determination are crucial.
  2. Embrace the idea that persistence in the face of challenges and setbacks can lead to success.

Specific Details:

  • Success often requires continuous effort, learning from failures, and a strong work ethic.
  • Persistent action and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances are essential.

Step 6: Explore the Enigma of Impact and Influence


Consider the impact and influence that successful individuals have on others.


  1. Reflect on how some people can impact and inspire others to a greater extent.
  2. Examine the idea that being successful goes beyond personal achievements and includes positively affecting those around you.

Specific Details:

  • Successful individuals often have a profound influence on their communities, industries, or even the world.
  • Understanding the power of influence can help you strive for success with a purpose beyond personal gain.

Step 7: Challenge the Notion of Luck


Question the role of luck in success and acknowledge that it is not the sole determinant.


  1. Recognize that success is not purely a matter of luck.
  2. Understand that challenges and failures are part of the journey to success.

Specific Details:

  • Luck may play a role in some instances, but consistent effort and the right mindset are more reliable factors in achieving success.
  • Success often involves learning from failures and turning obstacles into opportunities.

Step 8: Focus on Your Unique Path to Success


Embrace the idea that there is a unique factor that has contributed to your personal successes.


  1. Reflect on your individual achievements and experiences.
  2. Identify the factor or mindset that has consistently played a role in your success.

Specific Details:

  • Your personal path to success may be different from others, but recognizing your unique formula can be empowering.
  • This step encourages you to value your own journey and the qualities that make you successful.

Step 9: Consider the Limitations of Intelligence and Effort


Acknowledge that there are limits to how much one can rely on intelligence and effort alone to achieve extraordinary success.


  1. Understand that intelligence has its limits, and working excessively hard may not guarantee extraordinary success.
  2. Embrace the idea that there is a qualitative aspect to success that goes beyond these factors.

Specific Details:

  • Extraordinary success often involves a combination of intelligence, hard work, creativity, and other qualities that set individuals apart.
  • Recognizing the limitations of these factors can lead to a more holistic approach to success.

Step 10: Seek Mentorship and Guidance


Consider the value of seeking guidance and mentorship from successful individuals.


  1. Explore opportunities to connect with mentors or experts in your field of interest.
  2. Understand that learning from experienced individuals can accelerate your path to success.

Specific Details:

  • Mentorship can provide valuable insights, guidance, and support on your journey to success.
  • Seek out mentors who align with your goals and values.

Step 11: Understand the Importance of Hunger


Recognize the vital role that hunger plays in achieving success and becoming unstoppable.


  1. Acknowledge that hunger for success is a driving force that propels individuals forward.
  2. Understand that being truly committed and hungry for success sets you apart from those who merely talk about it.

Specific Details:

  • Hunger for success is the unwavering determination and desire to achieve your goals.
  • It is what fuels your efforts and pushes you to overcome obstacles.

Step 12: Reflect on Your Level of Hunger


Take a moment to assess your own level of hunger for success.


  1. Reflect on your current goals and aspirations.
  2. Evaluate how much you are willing to sacrifice and work for your desired success.

Specific Details:

  • Be honest with yourself about your commitment to success.
  • Consider whether you are truly willing to go the extra mile to achieve your goals.

Step 13: Embrace the Idea of Sacrifice


Acknowledge that achieving success often requires sacrifice, including giving up certain comforts or leisure activities.


  1. Reflect on what you are willing to sacrifice in pursuit of your goals.
  2. Understand that sacrifices may include time, leisure, or even personal preferences.

Specific Details:

  • Success may demand sacrifices in the form of time spent on your goals rather than on leisure activities.
  • Recognize that short-term sacrifices can lead to long-term success.

Step 14: Face Challenges and Rejections


Prepare yourself for challenges, humiliations, and rejections that may be part of the journey to success.


  1. Accept that setbacks and failures are inevitable in any success journey.
  2. Embrace the idea that each challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that experiencing difficulties is a normal part of the process.
  • View challenges and rejections as stepping stones toward your ultimate success.

Step 15: Commit to Success Wholeheartedly


Make a deep commitment to your goals and aspirations, prioritizing success above distractions and instant gratification.


  1. Decide to fully commit to your path to success.
  2. Understand that success requires prioritizing your goals over temporary pleasures.

Specific Details:

  • Success often requires unwavering dedication and focus on your long-term objectives.
  • Avoid getting distracted by short-term pleasures that do not contribute to your success.

Step 16: Channel Your Hunger into Action


Transform your hunger for success into tangible actions and persistent effort.


  1. Take concrete steps toward your goals every day.
  2. Use your hunger as motivation to keep pushing forward, even when faced with challenges.

Specific Details:

  • Create a daily routine that aligns with your goals and allows you to make consistent progress.
  • Use your hunger as a driving force to stay committed and determined.

Step 17: Stay Unstoppable


Understand that true hunger for success makes you unstoppable in the pursuit of your goals.


  1. Embrace the mindset that nothing can deter you from achieving your objectives.
  2. Keep your hunger alive by consistently reminding yourself of your aspirations.

Specific Details:

  • An unstoppable mindset allows you to persevere through any adversity or obstacle.
  • Regularly revisit your goals and reasons for pursuing success to maintain your unwavering determination.

Step 18: Regularly Assess and Reevaluate Your Hunger


Periodically assess and reevaluate your level of hunger for success to ensure it remains strong.


  1. Set aside time to reflect on your goals and aspirations.
  2. Continuously evaluate whether your hunger is still driving you toward success.

Specific Details:

  • Your level of hunger may fluctuate over time, so it’s essential to check in with yourself regularly.
  • Adjust your strategies and motivations as needed to keep your hunger alive.

Step 19: Acknowledge the Power of Hunger


Recognize that hunger is the driving force that propels individuals to achieve success and overcome obstacles.


  1. Understand that hunger is the ultimate competitive advantage in pursuing your goals.
  2. Embrace the idea that hunger can eliminate the fear of failure and drive you towards your dreams.

Specific Details:

  • Hunger is the internal fire that pushes you to take action and persevere, regardless of challenges.
  • It is the catalyst for achieving extraordinary success.

Step 20: Understand the Role of Hunger in Overcoming Fear


Acknowledge that hunger has the power to conquer the fear of failure.


  1. Recognize that a strong hunger for success can overshadow any fear or doubt.
  2. Understand that fear is a natural response, but hunger can be the driving force to overcome it.

Specific Details:

  • Hunger acts as a motivating factor that allows you to face and conquer your fears.
  • When your desire for success is stronger than your fear of failure, you become unstoppable.

Step 21: Identify Hunger as Your Competitive Advantage


Understand that your hunger for success is your ultimate competitive advantage.


  1. Embrace the idea that your hunger sets you apart from others.
  2. Recognize that your unwavering commitment to your goals makes you stand out in your pursuit of success.

Specific Details:

  • Hunger gives you the edge over those who are less committed and determined.
  • It is the driving force that fuels your efforts and propels you forward.

Step 22: Embrace Sacrifices for a Better Future


Accept that sacrifices today can lead to a brighter future.


  1. Understand that success often requires sacrificing present pleasures for future rewards.
  2. Embrace the idea that short-term sacrifices can lead to long-term success and fulfillment.

Specific Details:

  • Sacrifices may include giving up leisure activities or dedicating more time to your goals.
  • Recognize that these sacrifices are investments in your future.

Step 23: Resist External Pressure to Settle


Reject external pressure to settle for less than your dreams.


  1. Understand that some people may try to persuade you to give up on your aspirations.
  2. Embrace the idea that settling for less is not an option when you are hungry for success.

Specific Details:

  • Be aware of external influences that may discourage you from pursuing your dreams.
  • Stay committed to your goals, even in the face of discouragement.

Step 24: Stay Committed Despite Criticism


Recognize that criticism and labels should not deter you from your path.


  1. Understand that criticism and negative labels are often attempts to make sense of others’ lack of commitment.
  2. Embrace the idea that staying true to your goals is more important than external opinions.

Specific Details:

  • Criticism and negative labels are common when you pursue success passionately.
  • Use criticism as fuel to reinforce your determination.

Step 25: Cultivate Hunger from Within


Understand that hunger for success cannot be externally downloaded; it must come from within.


  1. Recognize that true hunger cannot be acquired through external sources.
  2. Embrace the idea that your hunger is unique to you and must be cultivated internally.

Specific Details:

  • Your hunger is a deeply personal and intrinsic motivation.
  • Cultivate it by regularly revisiting your goals and aspirations.

Step 26: Inspire Others Through Your Journey


Understand that your journey can inspire others to fight for their dreams.


  1. Recognize that your commitment to success can serve as an inspiration to those around you.
  2. Embrace the idea that your actions can motivate others to pursue their own potential.

Specific Details:

  • Share your journey and experiences with others to encourage them to take action.
  • Be a source of inspiration by demonstrating the power of unwavering commitment.

Step 27: Take the Leap


Embrace the idea of taking the leap towards your dreams, even when it seems challenging or uncertain.


  1. Understand that taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone are essential for success.
  2. Embrace the idea that you must leap toward your goals, even when fear holds you back.

Specific Details:

  • Taking the leap may involve facing uncertainty and discomfort, but it is a crucial step in achieving your dreams.
  • Trust in your hunger and determination to guide you through challenges.

Step 28: Maintain Your Hunger Through Action


Sustain your hunger for success by consistently taking action and pursuing your goals.


  1. Understand that action is the fuel that keeps your hunger alive.
  2. Embrace the idea that continuous effort and progress maintain your unstoppable drive.

Specific Details:

  • Regularly set and pursue new goals to keep your hunger burning.
  • Use your past achievements as motivation to continue taking action.

Step 29: Recognize the Possibilities of Taking the Leap


Acknowledge that taking the leap towards your dreams can lead to various outcomes, including success, growth, or valuable lessons.


  1. Understand that when you jump into the unknown, multiple possibilities exist.
  2. Embrace the idea that each outcome, whether soaring, landing softly, or encountering challenges, contributes to your growth and experience.

Specific Details:

  • Taking the leap is a courageous act that opens doors to new opportunities.
  • Embrace the uncertainty and trust in your ability to navigate through any outcome.

Step 30: Overcome the Fear of Regret


Recognize that the fear of regret is a powerful motivator for taking action and pursuing your dreams.


  1. Understand that the regret of not pursuing your dreams can be more significant than the fear of failure.
  2. Embrace the idea that taking action now can prevent future regrets.

Specific Details:

  • Regret can be a heavy burden to carry throughout life.
  • Use the fear of regret as a driving force to push you towards your goals.

Step 31: Face Fear of Failure


Acknowledge that the fear of failure is natural but can be conquered through unwavering determination.


  1. Understand that everyone experiences fear of failure at some point.
  2. Embrace the idea that your hunger for success can help you face and conquer this fear.

Specific Details:

  • Fear of failure is a common obstacle on the path to success.
  • Your commitment and determination can overcome this fear.

Step 32: Embrace the Desire to Leave a Legacy


Recognize the importance of leaving a legacy and making a lasting impact on the world.


  1. Understand that your hunger for success is driven by the desire to leave a positive mark on the world.
  2. Embrace the idea that your contributions can inspire others and create a meaningful legacy.

Specific Details:

  • Leaving a legacy is a powerful motivator that transcends personal success.
  • Your actions and achievements can influence future generations.

Step 33: Commit to Making Extraordinary Decisions


Acknowledge that making extraordinary decisions daily is a key component of achieving success.


  1. Understand that success is built upon a series of daily decisions and actions.
  2. Embrace the idea that each decision you make contributes to your journey.

Specific Details:

  • Consistently making extraordinary decisions sets you on a path of continuous growth and progress.
  • Small, daily choices can lead to significant long-term results.

Step 34: Emphasize the Value of Hunger


Recognize that hunger is the driving force behind extraordinary success and personal growth.


  1. Understand that hunger is the ultimate motivator that propels individuals to achieve greatness.
  2. Embrace the idea that your hunger for success is a powerful asset on your journey.

Specific Details:

  • Hunger is the internal fire that fuels your determination and commitment.
  • It is the force that keeps you moving forward, even in the face of challenges.

Step 35: Embrace Unstoppable Determination


Acknowledge that unwavering determination is the foundation of unstoppable hunger.


  1. Understand that determination is the unwavering commitment to achieving your goals, regardless of obstacles.
  2. Embrace the idea that determination enables you to persevere and overcome any adversity.

Specific Details:

  • Determination is the driving force that sustains your hunger for success.
  • It is the quality that sets you apart and propels you forward on your journey.



I want you to imagine a person that you like, respect, and looked up to, someone who you consider to be very successful. Go ahead and do that in your mind now. Put up your hand if you have that person in your mind.

Exploring Success

The question we could explore today is what makes that person successful while others fail. I want you to imagine what life could be like if you could be your very best in every area of your life—your relationship, your finance, your business, your career, your family, your health, your hobby, your passion. What would it be like if you could be at your very best in every area of your life?

Personal Journey

You see, I’ve been studying success for the better part of 17 years or eight years of my life. I’ve been asked hundreds of times in talks and interviews, what is the one quality or action or mindset that will ensure a person truly creates extraordinary success? I discovered, and although there are many factors that lead to success—goal-setting, focus, persistence, time management, people skill—I’ve never been clear on that one thing that really makes a difference.

Personal Factors

When I look at my own life and ask myself the question, what was it that made me successful? It wasn’t because of my intelligence. When I first came to Canada, I couldn’t speak a word of English. When I wasn’t in school, I was a C student. It wasn’t because I had a great upbringing because actually, my mum and dad got divorced when I was 16 years old, and shortly after that, my dad went bankrupt. So, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. And definitely, it wasn’t because I was connected to the right people because when I first immigrated to Canada, I didn’t know anybody. And it wasn’t because of my personality because at a time when I was young, I was very, very shy, and I wasn’t social at all. I didn’t have a lot of friends, and back then, I couldn’t even speak a word of English. And it definitely wasn’t because of luck because I had failed. I started and failed at 13 businesses before having my first success. I’ve lost millions of dollars in business, so I wouldn’t call that luck.

The Key Factor

When I look at the deliberate success I had over the years—having a great marriage, building a number of successful companies, writing multiple best-selling books, becoming a highly paid speaker that impacts hundreds of thousands of people, and just living life on my own terms so that I could get up every morning and do what I love, having that sense of purpose, having that sense of peace—something that very few people accomplish, I know that I realized there was one factor in each of those successes. In every one of those successes, in fact, it was present in everything that significantly happened in my life.


Let’s just pretend for a moment that we all got a hundred IQs. Can someone work 10 times harder than us? So you are eight hours a day, they work 80 hours a day. No. So the question is why are there people ten times more successful than us, why are there people helping and impacting 10 times more people than us, why are there people making 10 times more money than us, why are there people ten times healthier than us, why are there people ten times happier than us? Why?

The Story of the Millionaire

You remind me of a story. There was a young man, and he wanted to be successful. He’s heard of this millionaire in his town who’s got a great reputation not only he runs a very successful business, he’s a family man, a man of integrity, also a very generous giver to his local charities. This young man approached this millionaire and said, “How can I be as successful as you?” The millionaire said, “Well, young man, if you want to be as successful as me, meet me at 6:00 a.m. at this gym. Here’s the address.” The young man said, “A gym? I want to learn to make money, not how to exercise.” Like, what? Why? Why go to a gym, young man, if you want to learn to make money? The millionaire said, “Meet me at 6 a.m. at this gym.” The young man showed up to the gym at 6 a.m. sharp, brought his laptop, ready to go, dressed in business attire, ready to take notes.

The Unexpected Challenge

He walked into this big gym, and there was this huge boxing ring right in the middle of the gym, and the millionaire is standing in it. The millionaire asked the young man, “How hungry are you for success?” And the young man said, “I’m very hungry.” “Good.” He grabbed a pair of gloves and said, “Put on these gloves.” The young man said, “Gloves? I came to learn how to be successful, not how to fight.” If you want to be successful, put on these gloves. All right, okay. He pondered gloves, walking into the ring without warning.

The Lesson

The millionaire punched the young man on the face, and the young man started bleeding, and the young man was like, “What the heck? Are you crazy? That hurts!” And as he was…

The Unexpected Challenge Continues

distracted by his old thought, familiar BAM, through another punch, and knocked him to the ground. And this young man, for this millionaire, is crazy. This guy’s nuts. What’s going on?

The Persistence of the Millionaire

And the millionaire said to the young man, “I ask you again, how hungry are you for success? Now, get back up, keep fighting.” This time, this time, the young man is mad. He’s like, “I’m gonna get you, okay?” And he really, really tried to hit the millionaire. He really tried to swing back, but the millionaire just moved around there gracefully, very quickly, couldn’t even touch the guy, couldn’t touch him, and he knocked him to the ground again, and again, and again, and again. And the young man finally said, “This is it. I quit. This is stupid. This is not fair. I didn’t come here to be your punching bag. I thought you were going to teach me how to be successful. I don’t see how this has anything to do with success. Maybe you are not who they say you were. Maybe it was a mistake even being here in the first place.” The millionaire looked at the young man, dead serious, and said, “Kid, life will be unfair. Life will push you around. It’s going to beat you down, and it’s going to beat you up. Let me tell you something, and you listen to me and listen to me closely: success doesn’t come to the most intelligent or the most talented. Success comes to the doers, to those who are the most hungry for it. So let me ask you, how hungry are you for success? Now, get up.”

The Importance of Hunger

So, that’s my question to you: how hungry are you for success? What are you willing to give up to get what you want? What sacrifices are you willing to make? What excuses are you willing to let go of? Are you willing to experience humiliation, embarrassment, rejection as part of the price? Are you truly committed to success, or do you just like the idea? See, most people, that’s the problem; they just kind of want it. They talk about it, they think about it, they complain about it, but they don’t really want it. For some people in this room, you don’t want success as bad as you want Pokémon Go. You don’t want success as bad as you want to binge-watch Netflix. You don’t want success as bad as you want to party. Most people like the idea of having a great relationship. Guess what? If you’re truly committed, you’ll be going out on a date. Most people like the sound of “I’ll be my own boss.” If you’re actually committed, you’ll be in business. Most of you like the idea of losing 20 pounds. Guess what? If you’re truly committed, you’ll show up at the gym. And that’s the issue; we don’t really want it that bad.

Hunger Is the Key

So, the unstoppable force, hunger is the unstoppable force. Hunger is what’s going to make you unstoppable. Hunger is what’s going to keep you going when things get tough. Hunger drives success. Hunger destroys fear of failure. Hunger is your ultimate competitive advantage. When you want something bad enough, when you know what you want and you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it. You’ll find a way to get it.

The Personal Journey

I disrupt people when I say, “You make me extraordinary,” because it lets you off the hook. You see, when I started my entrepreneurial career for the first five years in business, I was working 12 to 15 hours a day, every day. I didn’t take a single day off for five years. Not one single day. I was working while my friends were out drinking, partying, and watching sports games because I was hungry for success. I was willing to sacrifice today’s pleasures for tomorrow’s rewards. I was willing to pay the price today to buy the possibility of a better future for my family. Now, I’m not the smartest, I’m not the brightest, I don’t have the most resources, but boy, I’m one hungry mf’er. I will die climbing the mountain, not sliding down. I will die chasing my dream before I quit. I can’t begin to tell you how many times during my career people told me to slow down, take it easy, don’t stand out, don’t work too hard, don’t stress out, live an easy life. You know, success isn’t everything. Have you ever noticed the person who says, “Success isn’t everything” has the least amount of success? I’ve been labeled as a workaholic, a freak, weird, selfish, greedy, egotistical, you name it, I’ve heard it all. And I can’t begin to tell you how many times in my life people tried to persuade me to give up on my dreams, that it’s okay to settle, that it’s just the way life is. And later on, I realized that people who try to persuade me to give up on my dreams, they’re not trying to help me. They’re trying to make sense of why they have given up themselves. They’re trying to make sense of why they have given up themselves. See, the problem is, you can’t Google download hunger. Someone was trying to do that. You can’t Google download it. It has to come from within.

The Power of Taking Action

You can’t Google download it. It’s like people follow me on Facebook, you can follow me on Facebook, you can watch me on YouTube, and get you where I am today. You’re just gonna see where I am. There’s no glory in that. If you watch me, watch me to inspire you, just to fight a little longer. If you watch me, watch me to want to live up to your own potential instead of copying someone else’s. If you watch me, watch me to get back up and fight one more time, to fight one more time.

Taking the Leap

It’s like when you want to take the leap, and when you get to the edge, your brain will always tell you to stop, to step back because your brain is a survival mechanism. It is designed to protect you. But your intuition, your higher self, is designed to make you soar. And when you get to that edge and you want to jump, and you watch everyone else fly, it’s like you’re watching people on Instagram, you’re watching people on Facebook, and you watch everyone else fly. They’re taking that dream vacation, they’re buying that new home, they’re landing the dream job, they find the ideal soulmate, and you’re watching everyone else, and you wonder what life would be like to jump without ever jumping. See, sometimes you have to listen to your own intuition. Sometimes you have to just listen to that voice and say, “You know what? I’m gonna jump.” And guess what? When you’re hungry, you’ll dash off that cliff, and you will jump.

The Possibilities

And when you jump, only one of three things could happen. One, you would jump, you would spread your wings, and you would soar to new heights. Second thing, you would jump and land on something soft. Or you would jump and you’ll land on something hard. That’s okay. You don’t die. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You’ve heard the song, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” You see, you and I know your greatest fear is not that you would jump and fall. Your greatest fear is to get to the end of your life and never jump, and never leap. You’re not afraid of dying. You’re afraid of dying before this world sees who you are, sees what you’re capable of, before they get your gifts, before they feel your presence, before they feel your contribution, before they feel you. You don’t want that to happen. You don’t want to leave this planet without someone knowing that you were here. You see, the prescription to extraordinary success is hunger. The single most important element of any human that separates the level of success from the rest is hunger.

Making Extraordinary Decisions

If you go where you’ve never gone, do what you’ve never done, say what you’ve never said, you will become the man or woman you’ve always known yourself to be. So please, I’m not extraordinary. I’m not gonna let you off the hook. You don’t get to be let off the hook. I’m just an ordinary man who chooses every day to make one extra extraordinary decision. I would like to offer you an opportunity to make that decision today. The most important decision you can ever make in your life is deciding whether you are truly committed to success and happiness, no matter what. It’s the greatest gift that you could give yourself. Decide what you’re willing to get to the edge and jump for, and take that leap. And take that leap. And take that leap. When you want something bad enough, and you work for long enough, and you believe in it strong enough, you will get it. You will get it.

Final Question

So, I’m going to ask you the question one more time, and it’s a last question. Then I’ll be out of here. I’m looking for a one-word answer and one-word answer only. And it’s loud. You better blow the roof off this thing. One-word answer. Here’s the question: are you truly hungry for success? Thank you. That’s all I got. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Stay hungry. Stay hungry. Thank you. Thank you.

Post/Page #48643
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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