The Secret To Finding People to Sell To Without Looking – Selling Simplified

👣 13 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Unlock Your Sales Potential: The 5 Vital Steps You Need

🚀 Hey there, superstar! 🌟 Ready to kick your sales game up a notch? 😎 Let’s talk about making it rain without the hustle! 💸

🤯 Ever wonder why some sales folks struggle while others thrive? 🤔 Well, it’s time to spill the beans! ☕

🕵️‍♂️ Imagine this: You’re on a treasure hunt 🏴‍☠️, but instead of digging for gold, you’re out there hunting for potential customers. You’re sweaty, tired, and let’s face it, feeling a bit like Indiana Jones! 🌴🌵

📚 Now, picture this: What if, instead of chasing after folks, they came to YOU with open arms? 🤩 Imagine having a treasure trove of content that sparks their curiosity, educates, and leaves them begging for more! 📖💡

🔍 They stumble upon your epic content, can’t stop themselves from binging on your wisdom, and boom 💥, they’re pre-indoctrinated to say YES to your offers! 🙌

💪 We’re talking about becoming a content wizard, creating profound stuff that’s as addictive as your grandma’s secret chocolate chip cookies! 🍪💖

😉 Stay tuned, because the next step in our journey is going to BLOW your mind! 💣

🚀 Ready to learn more? Hit that like button, share the wisdom, and stay tuned for the magic that’s about to happen! 🪄🔮

#SalesSuccess #ContentWizardry #GetFound 🧙‍♂️✨


Step 1: Understand the Objective


The objective of this strategy is to make yourself more findable to people who are already interested in buying what you have to sell. This approach can save time, reduce advertising costs, and increase sales opportunities.


  1. Avoid Prospecting: Instead of actively searching for people to sell your products or services to, focus on making yourself easy to find by potential customers.
  2. Create Profound Content: Develop content that is profound, meaning it teaches your audience something they didn’t know before. This content should add value and establish your expertise.

Specific Details:

  • Creating profound content means educating your audience in a unique and valuable way.
  • Avoid creating content that underwhelms or portrays you in a negative light.
  • Profound content should inspire trust and confidence in your expertise.

Step 2: Produce Quality Content


To become more findable, it’s crucial to consistently produce high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.


  1. Generate Content Regularly: Develop a content creation schedule and stick to it. Consistency is key.
  2. Address Audience Needs: Identify the specific needs and questions of your target audience, then create content that directly addresses those needs.
  3. Use Multiple Platforms: Distribute your content across various platforms, such as blogs, social media, YouTube, and podcasts, to reach a broader audience.
  4. Engage with Comments: Interact with your audience by responding to comments and engaging in discussions related to your content.

Specific Details:

  • High-quality content should be well-researched, well-written, and visually appealing.
  • Tailor your content to your niche or industry to attract the right audience.
  • Actively engage with your audience to build a sense of community and trust.

Step 3: Optimize for Search Engines


Optimizing your online presence for search engines is crucial to increase your discoverability.


  1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases that potential customers might use when searching for products or services like yours.
  2. On-Page SEO: Incorporate these keywords into your content, website, and online profiles to improve your search engine rankings.
  3. Quality Backlinks: Build quality backlinks from reputable sources to enhance your website’s authority.

Specific Details:

  • Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to research keywords with high search volume and low competition.
  • Ensure your website’s meta tags, headings, and content include targeted keywords.
  • Collaborate with other websites or influencers in your industry to acquire backlinks.

Step 4: Leverage Social Media


Utilize social media platforms to amplify your online presence and connect with potential customers.


  1. Select Relevant Platforms: Choose social media platforms that align with your target audience and content type.
  2. Consistent Posting: Create and share content regularly on your chosen social media channels.
  3. Engage Authentically: Engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and participating in discussions.
  4. Use Hashtags: Utilize relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your content.

Specific Details:

  • Tailor your social media strategy to the unique features and audience preferences of each platform.
  • Consistency in posting helps keep your audience engaged and informed.
  • Authentic engagement fosters trust and loyalty among your followers.

Step 5: Enhance Existing Content


To create profound content, you can enhance existing ideas, quotes, or concepts with your unique perspective and insights.


  1. Identify Existing Content: Find well-known quotes, concepts, or ideas that resonate with your audience.
  2. Add Value: Take the existing content and add value to it by providing additional insights, context, or examples.
  3. Enhance Clarity: Ensure that your enhancements make the content clearer and more applicable to your audience.

Specific Details:

  • Expanding on existing content allows you to leverage the credibility and recognition of established figures or ideas.
  • Avoid merely copying or paraphrasing; genuinely enrich the content with your own thoughts and expertise.

Step 6: Borrow Credibility


By creating profound content, you can associate your name with influential figures, thereby enhancing your own credibility.


  1. Create Superior Versions: Craft improved versions of well-known quotes or ideas, as demonstrated earlier.
  2. Associate Your Name: When sharing or referencing the enhanced content, ensure that your name is prominently attached.
  3. Share Widely: Distribute the content across various platforms to reach a broader audience.

Specific Details:

  • The goal is to align yourself with the credibility and reputation of the original source, such as Abraham Lincoln in the example provided.
  • Make it easy for your audience to remember and attribute the enhanced content to you.

Step 7: Consistent Messaging


Maintaining a consistent message and approach across all your content is crucial for building a strong online presence.


  1. Develop a Core Message: Define a clear and concise core message that represents your expertise and values.
  2. Align All Content: Ensure that all your content, whether profound or informational, aligns with your core message.
  3. Reinforce Key Points: Consistently emphasize key points, ideas, or values that resonate with your audience.

Specific Details:

  • Consistency in messaging helps establish a recognizable brand and builds trust with your audience.
  • Avoid mixed or conflicting messages that can confuse your audience.

Step 8: Create Addictive Content


Craft content that not only educates but also captivates your audience, making them addicted to consuming your material.


  1. Profound Content: Ensure that your content teaches your audience something new and valuable.
  2. Engage Emotions: Create content that triggers positive emotions like excitement, curiosity, and inspiration.
  3. Encourage Sharing: Make your content shareable by delivering it in an engaging and memorable way.

Specific Details:

  • Addiction to your content is driven by the emotional response it generates.
  • Craft your content to evoke powerful emotions that resonate with your audience.

Step 9: Be Prolific


Maximize your online presence by consistently producing and sharing a significant volume of content.


  1. Content Schedule: Develop a content creation schedule that ensures a steady flow of material.
  2. Variety: Diversify your content types, including articles, videos, podcasts, live streams, and more.
  3. Repurpose Content: Repurpose and reuse valuable content to reach different audiences or reinforce key messages.

Specific Details:

  • Consistency and volume matter in building your online presence and attracting a dedicated following.
  • Repurposing content can extend its reach and utility.

Step 10: Showcase Benefits


Demonstrate the tangible benefits and value you offer to potential customers through your content.


  1. Highlight Solutions: Clearly communicate how your products or services solve problems or fulfill needs.
  2. Case Studies: Share success stories or case studies that showcase real-world examples of your offerings in action.
  3. Customer Testimonials: Incorporate customer testimonials or reviews to build trust and credibility.

Specific Details:

  • Make it easy for your audience to understand the practical advantages of choosing your products or services.
  • Real-life examples and testimonials validate your claims and build confidence.

Step 11: Embrace the Power of Being Found


Recognize the significant advantage of being found by potential customers rather than actively seeking them out.


  1. Shift Focus: Shift your mindset from prospecting to creating prolific and profound content.
  2. Offer a Deep Dive: Provide a wealth of content that allows interested individuals to explore your expertise thoroughly.
  3. Pre-Indoctrinate: Understand that when people research your content, they are pre-indoctrinating themselves to be more receptive to your offers.

Specific Details:

  • Making yourself more findable changes the dynamics of your sales approach, making it more passive and efficient.
  • A deep dive into your content allows potential customers to educate themselves and build trust in your brand.

Step 12: Leverage Pre-Indoctrination


Harness the power of pre-indoctrination, where individuals who research your content become predisposed to saying “yes” to your offers.


  1. Provide Value: Ensure that the content you create offers genuine value and insights to your audience.
  2. Build Trust: Consistently deliver on your promises and establish yourself as a trusted authority.
  3. Prepare for Conversions: Recognize that individuals engaging with your content are more likely to convert when you present your offer.

Specific Details:

  • Pre-indoctrination simplifies the sales process by cultivating a positive disposition towards your products or services.
  • Your content should build trust and anticipation for your audience, making them more receptive to your sales pitch.

Step 13: Engage and Encourage Sharing


Actively engage with your audience and encourage them to share your content, expanding your reach.


  1. Respond to Comments: Engage with comments and feedback on your content to foster a sense of community.
  2. Ask for Shares: Politely ask your audience to share your content if they find it valuable.
  3. Create Shareable Content: Craft content that is not only informative but also designed for easy sharing on social media.

Specific Details:

  • Audience engagement is essential for building a loyal following.
  • Encourage your audience to become advocates for your content by sharing it within their networks.


Myron Golden’s Selling Simplified

Hey guys, Myron Golden here, and we are on video four of the series “Selling Made Simple.” And we’re simplifying selling. Not “Selling Made Simple,” but selling simplified. The objective of this video series is to help you understand not to make these mistakes that are already costing you a fortune. And it doesn’t matter if you sell cars, insurance, houses, information, or if you’re an author selling books. Whatever you sell, you will sell more if you avoid these mistakes. And what’s really interesting is this is not some rehashed stuff that somebody else talked about. This is stuff that I’ve learned through thousands of hours of selling, nose to nose, toes to toes, belly to belly, across the kitchen table, one-on-one sales, doing it one on many sales, doing it over the internet. Sales, do not make these mistakes.

Mistake Number Four – Make Yourself Findable

And that is, don’t make this mistake by the way, that is trying to find people to sell stuff to, to sell your stuff to. Instead of doing that, make yourself more findable. Okay, someone move this down. So, to make yourself more findable. “Findable” is a word, I think it’s a word. If it’s not a word, if it wasn’t a word, it’s a word now, right? So, make yourself more findable for people who already want to buy what you already want to sell. And I’m going to tell you something. This secret has made me millions of dollars. This secret has made my students millions of dollars. This secret right here has lowered my ad cost more than any other, well, secret, except for one other secret. So, the second most lowered ad cost in my business history is because of this one right here.

And so, what do I mean by that? So, what happens is when a person gets started in business, nobody knows who they are. And so, what most people do is they go out and they start looking for people to sell their stuff to. “I’m prospecting for my insurance. I’m prospecting for my car sales.” Prospecting is a waste of time. It doesn’t make sense. Instead of prospecting, looking to sell people stuff…

Continuing Myron Golden’s Selling Simplified

like finding and looking to find people to sell stuff to, what you should do is you should make yourself findable. Because I’m going to show you the process that happens first, but the problem is, like, somebody sees your ad and they’ve never heard of you, right? And now they’re like, “I don’t know if I believe that person,” and then you just wasted that money, right?

The problem is that when you’re building a business and you don’t have a reputation, there are things you can do. Because one of the biggest problems you have right now in your business is that a private detective with the help of the CIA and the Internal Revenue Service cannot find you on Google or YouTube, right? They can’t find you. People don’t know where to find you. They can’t find you. You are unfindable.

So how do you make yourself findable for people who already want to buy what you already want to sell? You create a lot of content. And not just a lot of content, junk content that underwhelms people, only tells them you’re not good. It only tells more people that you’re not good. You don’t want to broadcast to the world, “Hey guys, I’m really crappy. Hey guys, I’m terrible. Don’t you want to know about me?” They don’t want to know about you.

Create Profound Content

Here are the two things that will make you way more findable. You need to create a lot of profound content. What does profound mean? Profound means it teaches them something they didn’t know, and it teaches them something they didn’t know in a way that makes it easier for them to learn it. Are y’all tracking?

So, you want to create profound content, not just any old content. Now, what’s really cool is one way, and I’m not going to give you all the ways right here because it’ll take me too much time, but one way to create profound content is to go find some profound content that’s underdeveloped. And, by the way, almost all content in the marketplace is underdeveloped. Why? Because truth is infinite, and our comprehension is finite, right?

So, what do I mean by that? So you take somebody like Abraham Lincoln, for instance, right? And everybody knows Abraham Lincoln was a great man, great mind, blah blah blah, right? All that. So, one of his most famous quotes is, “I will prepare myself and perhaps my time will come.” That is a brilliant quote.

By the way, while I’m on that subject, think about this: people who are pros, the difference between professionals and amateurs is how much time they spend in preparation and how much time they spend performing, right? An amateur spends twice as much time performing as they do in preparation.

Continuing Myron Golden’s Selling Simplified

performing. They spend four times as much time preparing as they do performing. They spend ten times, twelve times more time preparing than they do performing. And that’s why when they show up to perform, they make it look so effortless. It’s effortless now because it was effort-filled in the preparation stage. That’s an aside that has nothing to do with what I’m talking about, but I couldn’t skip over it because that’s who I am.

So, Abraham Lincoln said, “I will prepare myself and perhaps my time will come.” Abraham Lincoln was brilliant. But what if I take that thought that he gave us, that so many people have quoted, so many people have thought about, and what if I expand it? What if I add just a little bit of water, maybe a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt, and just make it better? Like you can take the quotes of great people and make them better. You all want to see me do it? I know you do. So, I’m going to do it. Here we go.

Abra, so if I’m going to quote this, what I’m going to do, by the way, I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen when I quote it before I do it, before I expand on it, before I add the water, the teaspoon of sugar, the pinch of salt, before I do that, I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen. So, if I will take Abraham Lincoln’s quote and then I will add my secret sauce to it and make it better than it was when Abraham Lincoln got finished with it, what will happen is it’ll cause people to think of me when they think of Abraham Lincoln. But it also caused them to think of me in the same light that they think of Abraham Lincoln. What? So you get to borrow the credibility and presence and genius and reputation and honor of people who think is one of the greatest Americans of all times. How cool is that?

So, y’all ready for me to do it? So here it is.

Abraham Lincoln said, and I’m going to do it just like if I were doing a presentation talking to somebody across the kitchen table or if I were doing a presentation on stage, okay? Here we go. Abraham Lincoln said, “I will prepare myself and perhaps my time will come.”

Myron Golden says, “My time is going to come whether I prepare myself or not. If I am prepared when my time comes, it will reveal me. If I am not prepared, it will expose me.” And then, drop the mic, right? And people go, “Oh my goodness, that’s so crazy. That’s amazing. Wait, say that again.” And the people start going crazy. So what happens now because they like that, because somebody found that and they liked it, they share it.

So, if I have that on YouTube for somebody to find and I keep that’s what I mean when I say profound. It’s something that teaches people something they didn’t know and it teaches it to them in a way that makes it easier for them to learn and more desirable for them to learn and easier for them to share. Okay, now what happens? I have that quote or a video content on YouTube. And now when somebody finds my ad, they say, “Wow, I never heard of that guy before. Who is he?” Then they start Googling me. What happens when they Google me? They start seeing all these videos, all of this content, articles, videos, stories, whatever you have out there, the content that you’ve created. You’ve given them a place to go do a deep dive on you after they find out about you on an ad, after they find out about you on an Instagram video, after they find out about you on a Facebook live or an Instagram live or a YouTube live. They see you for the first time, maybe on stage, maybe they hear you on a podcast. Like, “I never heard that person before, but what they said sounds good. Let me see if that’s how they are all the time or if that was just a fluke.” So they go Google you. And then they watch video after video after video after video. And what happens when your content is profound, people get addicted. Like, literally, they get addicted to your content. Why? Because when you put out good content, it releases like, it causes their brain to secrete like chemicals that are like drugs that they get addicted to: dopamine, right? That’s one of them. Oxytocin, that’s another one. Serotonin.

And um, what’s the one that starts with an e? Um, it’s not coming to me, but there’s one that starts with an e, I promise. Okay, so profound content. But then also, in addition to profound content, your content needs to be prolific.

Conclusion of Myron Golden’s Selling Simplified

What does prolific mean? It’s everywhere. You have to have so much content out there. When people find you and they’re blown away, “Oh my goodness,” and then all of a sudden when they go do a deep dive on you, literally before they know it, they’ve spent five hours watching you. That’s what you do. And when you create this content that’s prolific and profound, you have to make sure you show them what you can do for them. Make yourself more findable for people who already want to buy what you already want to sell.

Here’s what’s really cool. Here’s what I discovered. Here’s why most salespeople struggle and some of us don’t. Most salespeople struggle because they waste a lot of time looking for people to sell stuff to, while people like me are just creating prolific, profound content that allows people to find us. And then when they find us, they have a place to go do a deep dive and do their own research. And they think they’re doing research, but what they’re actually doing is they’re pre-indoctrinating themselves to say yes to your offer when you make one. That is the beauty of making yourself more findable. And when you do it, it’ll change your business for the rest of your business.

So, congratulations for watching this video. Wait till you see what the next video is going to be. It’s going to be mind-blowing. It’s my favorite one of all of the five. The five mistakes people make. This is the next video. It’s my favorite. But don’t forget, if you like this video, share it, comment. Don’t forget to subscribe and like the video as well. And we’ll look forward to seeing you on the next video. Myron Golden, I’m out of here.

Post/Page #37522
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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