THE MINDSET OF HIGH ACHIEVERS #5 – Powerful Motivational Video for Success

👣 23 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Crack the Code of Success: Game-Changing Steps to Transform Your Life!

Ready to level up your game? 🚀

Ever wonder why some folks seem to have it all figured out while others are stuck spinning their wheels? 🤔

Let me clue you in on a little secret: it’s all about the mindset, baby! 💡

Imagine this: You’re at a fancy black tie event, rubbing elbows with the big shots, and what do they all have in common? 🚀

They’ve cracked the code on success, and now they’re living their best lives. 😉

But here’s the kicker: it’s not about luck or some secret handshake (though that would be pretty cool). 😉

It’s about knowing how to work smarter, not harder. 💼

From doubling your income to mastering the art of productive procrastination (yeah, it’s a thing), there’s a whole world of possibilities waiting for you. 💪

But here’s the deal: you gotta be willing to put in the work and embrace the journey. No shortcuts here, my friend. 🛤️

So if you’re ready to unlock your full potential and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of, then buckle up, buttercup, ’cause we’ve got the roadmap to success right at your fingertips. 🗺️✨

Stay tuned for the ultimate guide to leveling up your game and making those dreams a reality.

You won’t want to miss it! 😉

#GameChanger #UnlockYourPotential #StayTuned

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Attend Black Tie Events


Attending black tie events provides an opportunity to network with top business leaders in your area and establish valuable connections.


  1. Look for upcoming black tie events in your area through online event platforms, local business organizations, or social media.
  2. Purchase or rent a suitable tuxedo or formal attire to adhere to the black tie dress code.
  3. RSVP to the event in advance to secure your spot.
  4. Prepare your elevator pitch or introduction to effectively communicate your name and profession.
  5. Bring an ample supply of business cards to exchange contact information with other attendees.

Specific Details:

  • Research the dress code and venue etiquette to ensure you adhere to the formal requirements of the event.
  • Arrive punctually to maximize networking opportunities and avoid missing key interactions.
  • Maintain a confident and approachable demeanor throughout the event to engage with other attendees effectively.

Step 2: Engage in Meaningful Conversations


During black tie events, engaging in meaningful conversations is crucial to establishing rapport and building relationships with other attendees.


  1. Approach individuals or groups with a friendly demeanor and introduce yourself confidently.
  2. Ask open-ended questions to initiate conversations and express genuine interest in learning about the other person’s profession or interests.
  3. Listen actively to the responses and ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into topics of mutual interest.
  4. Share insights or anecdotes related to your own experiences or expertise to contribute to the conversation.
  5. Exchange contact information with promising connections and express interest in staying in touch beyond the event.

Specific Details:

  • Be mindful of the balance between talking about yourself and showing genuine interest in others to foster a mutually beneficial conversation.
  • Look for common ground or shared experiences to establish rapport and facilitate a more meaningful connection.
  • Practice active listening techniques, such as nodding, maintaining eye contact, and paraphrasing, to demonstrate attentiveness and engagement.

Step 3: Follow-Up After the Event


Following up with individuals you met at the black tie event is essential for nurturing relationships and capitalizing on networking opportunities.


  1. Send personalized follow-up emails or messages to express gratitude for the conversation and reiterate your interest in connecting further.
  2. Reference specific points discussed during the event to demonstrate attentiveness and reinforce the connection.
  3. Offer value or assistance based on shared interests or mutual goals to strengthen the relationship.
  4. Schedule follow-up meetings or calls to explore potential collaborations or opportunities for collaboration.
  5. Maintain regular communication and engagement with your network to foster long-term relationships and leverage business opportunities.

Specific Details:

  • Customize each follow-up message to reflect the nature of the conversation and the individual’s interests or needs.
  • Include a call-to-action in your follow-up communication, such as suggesting a coffee meeting or inviting them to a relevant industry event.
  • Stay organized by keeping track of your networking contacts and interactions to ensure timely follow-up and relationship management.

Step 4: Find Inspiration in Your Endeavors


Identify meaningful reasons to pursue your goals beyond problem-solving, focusing on aspirations that inspire and enrich your life.


  1. Reflect on personal values, passions, and interests to discover what inspires and motivates you.
  2. Seek activities or pursuits that align with your values and contribute positively to society or others’ well-being.
  3. Explore avenues for personal growth and fulfillment that go beyond mere problem-solving or material gain.
  4. Cultivate a mindset of purpose-driven action by connecting your endeavors to larger, meaningful goals.
  5. Continuously reassess and refine your sources of inspiration to stay aligned with evolving aspirations and values.

Specific Details:

  • Engage in introspective practices such as journaling, meditation, or deep reflection to uncover what truly inspires you.
  • Look for opportunities to integrate passion projects or philanthropic activities into your daily life to infuse meaning and purpose into your endeavors.
  • Surround yourself with individuals who share similar values and aspirations to cultivate a supportive and inspiring environment.

Step 5: Embrace Hard Work and Tenacity


Commit to a relentless work ethic and unwavering perseverance to achieve success in your personal and professional pursuits.


  1. Set ambitious goals and benchmarks for achievement, pushing yourself beyond conventional limits.
  2. Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and growth, recognizing that success often requires sacrifice and effort.
  3. Allocate dedicated time and resources to honing your skills and mastering your craft, prioritizing deliberate practice and skill development.
  4. Maintain focus and discipline, even in the face of setbacks or challenges, viewing obstacles as opportunities for growth and learning.
  5. Cultivate resilience and grit by persevering through adversity and setbacks, refusing to succumb to self-doubt or negativity.

Specific Details:

  • Develop a structured schedule and routine to maximize productivity and efficiency, allocating sufficient time for both work and rest.
  • Seek mentorship or guidance from experienced individuals who exemplify a strong work ethic and tenacious mindset.
  • Celebrate small victories and milestones along the way to stay motivated and energized during long-term pursuits.

Step 6: Harness Creativity and Innovation


Unlock your creative potential and cultivate a mindset of innovation to drive progress and success in your endeavors.


  1. Embrace experimentation and risk-taking, exploring unconventional ideas and approaches to problem-solving.
  2. Cultivate a habit of curiosity and exploration, constantly seeking new perspectives and insights to fuel creative thinking.
  3. Foster a culture of collaboration and diversity, inviting input and feedback from a wide range of sources to spark innovation.
  4. Embrace failure as a natural part of the creative process, viewing setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.
  5. Prioritize flexibility and adaptability, remaining open to change and evolution in your ideas and strategies.

Specific Details:

  • Incorporate brainstorming sessions, ideation workshops, or creative exercises into your routine to stimulate innovation and generate new ideas.
  • Create a supportive environment that encourages risk-taking and experimentation, fostering a culture where failure is seen as a stepping stone to success.
  • Stay abreast of emerging trends and developments in your field, leveraging new technologies and insights to drive innovation and progress.

Step 7: Distinguish Between Being Busy and Being Productive


Differentiate between activities that merely fill time and those that contribute meaningfully to your goals and accomplishments.


  1. Evaluate your daily tasks and commitments to identify activities that align with your objectives and priorities.
  2. Prioritize high-impact tasks that directly contribute to your personal and professional success.
  3. Eliminate or delegate low-value activities that do not align with your goals or provide tangible benefits.
  4. Focus on outcomes and results rather than simply staying occupied with tasks.
  5. Regularly assess your productivity and adjust your approach to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Specific Details:

  • Keep a journal or log of your daily activities to track how you spend your time and identify areas for improvement.
  • Set clear goals and objectives to provide direction and purpose to your actions, focusing on tasks that move you closer to your desired outcomes.
  • Practice time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking to structure your day and allocate time for focused, uninterrupted work.

Step 8: Invest in Knowledge and Information


Prioritize learning and acquiring information to expand your skills, knowledge, and opportunities for success.


  1. Seek out sources of information relevant to your industry, interests, and goals, such as books, courses, seminars, or podcasts.
  2. Allocate dedicated time for continuous learning and personal development, incorporating it into your daily or weekly routine.
  3. Stay informed about current trends, developments, and best practices in your field to remain competitive and adaptable.
  4. Actively seek feedback and mentorship from experienced individuals to gain insights and perspectives that can accelerate your growth.
  5. Apply newfound knowledge and skills to enhance your performance and effectiveness in your personal and professional endeavors.

Specific Details:

  • Create a learning plan or curriculum tailored to your specific areas of interest and professional goals, setting aside dedicated time for study and reflection.
  • Join professional networks, forums, or communities to connect with peers and experts in your field, facilitating knowledge-sharing and collaboration.
  • Explore alternative learning formats, such as online courses, webinars, or workshops, to access diverse perspectives and resources.

Step 9: Cultivate a Winning Mindset


Develop a positive and resilient mindset that empowers you to overcome obstacles, pursue your goals with confidence, and maintain focus and motivation.


  1. Practice self-awareness and introspection to identify limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may hinder your progress.
  2. Cultivate a growth mindset by embracing challenges, viewing failures as learning opportunities, and believing in your ability to improve and succeed.
  3. Set clear and achievable goals that inspire and motivate you, breaking them down into actionable steps and milestones.
  4. Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive individuals who encourage and uplift you in your pursuits.
  5. Practice gratitude and mindfulness to cultivate a sense of appreciation for your progress, achievements, and experiences.

Specific Details:

  • Incorporate daily affirmations or visualization techniques to reinforce positive beliefs and attitudes, fostering a mindset of abundance and possibility.
  • Develop resilience by reframing setbacks as temporary setbacks rather than insurmountable obstacles, maintaining focus on long-term goals and aspirations.
  • Celebrate progress and small victories along the way, acknowledging your efforts and accomplishments to bolster confidence and motivation.

Step 10: Embrace Change and Disruption


Prepare yourself for rapid technological advancements and societal shifts by embracing change as an opportunity for growth and innovation.


  1. Stay informed about emerging technologies, trends, and opportunities that have the potential to disrupt industries and markets.
  2. Adopt a mindset of adaptability and flexibility, recognizing that change is inevitable and can create new avenues for success.
  3. Continuously assess and update your skills and knowledge to remain relevant and competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.
  4. Seek out diverse perspectives and opinions to challenge your assumptions and expand your understanding of emerging opportunities.
  5. Embrace experimentation and risk-taking, viewing failures as valuable learning experiences that pave the way for future success.

Specific Details:

  • Allocate time for ongoing learning and exploration, engaging with diverse sources of information and expertise to stay ahead of emerging trends.
  • Foster a culture of innovation and experimentation within your personal and professional spheres, encouraging creativity and curiosity.
  • Develop resilience and adaptability by reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Step 11: Prioritize Personal Growth and Development


Invest in your personal growth and well-being as a foundation for long-term success and fulfillment.


  1. Make time for quiet reflection and introspection to cultivate self-awareness and clarity of purpose.
  2. Prioritize activities and practices that nurture your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, such as meditation, exercise, and self-care.
  3. Set aside time for continuous learning and skill development, focusing on areas that align with your interests, passions, and goals.
  4. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who encourage and uplift you in your personal and professional pursuits.
  5. Maintain a growth mindset, embracing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and self-improvement.

Specific Details:

  • Create a daily or weekly ritual for quiet reflection and mindfulness, allowing yourself space to recharge and recalibrate.
  • Incorporate physical activity and exercise into your routine to promote overall well-being and enhance cognitive function.
  • Seek out mentors, coaches, or peers who can provide guidance and support as you navigate personal and professional challenges.
  • Explore new hobbies, interests, or skills to stimulate creativity and expand your repertoire of talents and abilities.

Step 12: Cultivate Humility and Open-Mindedness


Develop humility and open-mindedness as essential qualities for navigating uncertainty and complexity in an ever-changing world.


  1. Cultivate a willingness to admit when you’re wrong and learn from your mistakes, fostering humility and self-awareness.
  2. Seek out diverse perspectives and opinions, valuing dissent and constructive criticism as opportunities for growth and learning.
  3. Embrace uncertainty and ambiguity with curiosity and openness, recognizing that there is always more to learn and discover.
  4. Practice active listening and empathy in your interactions with others, seeking to understand different viewpoints and experiences.
  5. Foster a culture of collaboration and cooperation, valuing teamwork and collective wisdom in problem-solving and decision-making.

Specific Details:

  • Engage in regular self-reflection and journaling to assess your beliefs, assumptions, and biases, fostering a mindset of continuous growth and improvement.
  • Actively seek out feedback and input from diverse sources, inviting perspectives that challenge your own and broaden your understanding of complex issues.
  • Practice empathy and compassion in your interactions with others, cultivating a sense of connection and shared humanity across diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Step 13: Recognize the Challenge of Bottled-Up Opinions


Acknowledge the challenge of individuals harboring opinions without subjecting them to stress tests, assuming their correctness simply because they exist in their minds.


  1. Understand that individuals often hold opinions without subjecting them to scrutiny.
  2. Recognize the tendency for people to assume their opinions are correct simply because they hold them.
  3. Realize that this mindset can hinder progress and effective decision-making.

Specific Details:

  • Many individuals lack the practice of stress-testing their opinions, leading to potential blind spots.
  • Acknowledge the prevalence of this phenomenon in various aspects of life, including partnerships and decision-making processes.

Step 14: Promote Open-Mindedness and Assertiveness


Encourage an environment of open-mindedness and assertiveness to foster productive dialogue and decision-making.


  1. Foster an atmosphere where individuals feel comfortable expressing differing opinions.
  2. Encourage active listening and respectful communication during discussions.
  3. Emphasize the importance of assertiveness in presenting viewpoints and ideas.

Specific Details:

  • Create opportunities for constructive debate and exchange of perspectives.
  • Ensure that assertiveness is balanced with receptiveness to alternative viewpoints.

Step 15: Develop the Art of Thoughtful Disagreement


Cultivate the ability to engage in thoughtful disagreement to navigate disagreements effectively.


  1. Encourage individuals to articulate their points of disagreement clearly and respectfully.
  2. Foster an environment where differing opinions are viewed as opportunities for growth and learning.
  3. Emphasize the importance of actively listening to opposing viewpoints and seeking common ground.

Specific Details:

  • Provide frameworks or guidelines for navigating disagreements constructively.
  • Highlight the value of constructive conflict resolution in fostering collaboration and innovation.

Step 16: Identify Individual Strengths and Weaknesses


Encourage self-awareness regarding personal strengths and weaknesses to optimize collaboration and decision-making.


  1. Facilitate exercises or discussions aimed at identifying individual strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Encourage individuals to reflect on their skills, preferences, and areas for improvement.
  3. Provide support and resources for individuals to leverage their strengths and address weaknesses.

Specific Details:

  • Offer tools or assessments to aid in self-awareness and skill identification.
  • Emphasize the importance of complementary skill sets in effective teamwork and partnership.

Step 17: Manage Stress Effectively


Acknowledge and address the impact of stress on decision-making and overall well-being.


  1. Educate individuals on the prevalence and effects of stress on health and decision-making.
  2. Provide strategies and resources for managing stress, such as time management techniques and relaxation exercises.
  3. Foster a supportive environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking help and support for stress-related issues.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the correlation between stress management and overall productivity and happiness.
  • Encourage the adoption of stress-reducing habits and practices in daily life.

Step 18: Embrace Your Personal Style


Recognize and embrace your unique personal style, including any quirks or weaknesses that may later become strengths.


  1. Reflect on your individual traits, quirks, and weaknesses.
  2. Consider how these aspects contribute to your identity and personal brand.
  3. Embrace authenticity and originality in expressing your personal style.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage self-acceptance and confidence in showcasing your unique characteristics.
  • Emphasize the value of authenticity in connecting with others and building relationships.

Step 19: Copyright Your Faults


Adopt a mindset of ownership over your weaknesses and flaws, reframing them as valuable assets.


  1. Acknowledge and accept your weaknesses without judgment or self-criticism.
  2. Reframe weaknesses as opportunities for growth and differentiation.
  3. Cultivate a sense of ownership over your faults, viewing them as integral parts of your identity.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage individuals to adopt a proactive approach to addressing weaknesses, focusing on improvement rather than perfection.
  • Foster a culture of self-awareness and vulnerability, where individuals feel comfortable embracing their imperfections.

Step 20: Reflect on Weaknesses as Strengths


Engage in reflective practices to uncover how weaknesses can be transformed into strengths or assets.


  1. Dedicate time for journaling and self-reflection on personal weaknesses and challenges.
  2. Explore how vulnerabilities and shortcomings can contribute to personal growth and success.
  3. Identify specific instances where weaknesses have been leveraged as strengths or assets.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage journaling as a tool for self-discovery and personal development.
  • Prompt individuals to consider the potential benefits and opportunities inherent in their weaknesses.

Step 21: Practice Morning Pages


Incorporate morning pages into your routine to enhance creativity and mental clarity.


  1. Set aside time each morning for freehand journaling or morning pages.
  2. Write without inhibition or self-censorship, allowing thoughts and emotions to flow freely onto the page.
  3. Use morning pages as a tool for processing emotions, organizing thoughts, and sparking creativity.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the therapeutic benefits of morning pages in releasing pent-up emotions and mental clutter.
  • Encourage consistency and commitment to the practice for optimal results.

Step 22: Utilize Morning Pages as Spiritual Windshield Wipers


View morning pages as a mechanism for clearing mental clutter and enhancing mental clarity.


  1. Approach morning pages as a daily ritual for cleansing the mind and soul.
  2. Write without judgment or expectation, allowing thoughts to flow without restraint.
  3. Use morning pages to release negative emotions and create space for positive energy and inspiration.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the analogy of morning pages as spiritual windshield wipers, clearing the mind of distractions and negativity.
  • Encourage individuals to view morning pages as a form of self-care and mental hygiene.

Step 23: Apply Lessons from Morning Pages


Leverage insights gained from morning pages to improve focus, productivity, and overall well-being.


  1. Review and reflect on morning pages regularly to extract key insights and observations.
  2. Identify recurring patterns or themes in your thoughts and emotions.
  3. Use insights from morning pages to inform decision-making, goal-setting, and personal growth efforts.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage individuals to incorporate lessons learned from morning pages into their daily routines and habits.
  • Emphasize the transformative potential of regular journaling in fostering self-awareness and personal development.


Business Leadership and Networking

There’s no better way for you to distinguish yourself as a top business leader in your area than to go to black tie events. I didn’t say fundraiser black tie events. Black tie events attract the top businessmen in your area. And what happens at a black tie event? You sit at a table, and in America, we ask two questions. What are those two questions? What is your name, and what do you do? Depending on how well you want to do, and particularly if you’re starting a company, you need to work super hard. And I mean, if you do simple math, say like, okay, if somebody else is working 50 hours, and you’re working 100, you’ll get twice as much done in the course of a year as the other company. Are these efforts that people are expecting resulting in a better product or service? And if they’re not, stop those efforts. I get 24 hours a day, just like Bill Gates. I get 24 hours a day, just like we are seeing Jay-Z. You get 24 hours a day, ladies and gentlemen. What do you do with your 24 hours? If you want your life to be successful, you will not let yourself do certain things because you’re just no good at them. Once you get that picture down, then you can find the paths wherever the paths are. Your open mind, let me tell you something. I noticed right away at the black tie events, these were the successful people that I wanted to know. And I began to build leverage. I began to build a brand by building relationships with the top business people in my community because I was willing to go to black tie events. There’s nothing more important you can do, business owner, than to buy yourself a tuxedo.

Meditation and Success

Meditation is the biggest gift that I can give anyone. And I would say, more than anything, it is whatever reason for success I’ve had. If you want to be a millionaire, you’ve got to think like a million-dollar person. You can’t fake this thing. Y’all hear what I’m saying? You’ve got to be legit in this game. You can’t fake it to the NBA. You’ve got to be able to ball out. You’ve got to be able to hoop. You’ve got to be legit. And then business is the same way. You’ve got to be legit. So take your money and get some information in your head, and then take some money and get access. If you can get past your ego barrier and you get past your blind spot barrier, you can accomplish anything because you also know you have to figure it out yourself.

Managing Thoughts and Grudges

On pages just bitching and moaning is you get that out of your system for the day so you don’t have it ricocheting around your head like a straight bullet for the rest of your waking hours, interrupting everything else. You just trap it, you freeze it on paper, and that practice has been tremendously liberating, not only from a well-being standpoint but from just freeing up my CPU so that I can focus on things that are more important. Because if I have all that, like god that guy and the dad and the dad like I should have said my like all that bouncing around all day, it’s like you have antivirus software just slowing down your life. It’s so slow. It’s like, yeah, cause you’re thinking about these stupid grudges that you’re holding against people for trivial, like who cares if the guy at Starbucks bought the last thing of cashews, you idiot? Like ferrous deeply, yeah, like Ferris pulled together. So if I get it on paper though, I’m like, okay, I’ve like, I’ve dealt with that.

Essential Sections of the Book

Now in the book, you encourage people to bounce around. What’s one thing that you hope nobody skips? So the book’s broken into three sections. You have healthy, wealthy, and wise, which is a nod to Ben Franklin. I mean, they’re all interdependent, right? Because they’re sort of the three legs of the stool: healthy, wealthy, and wise. So I think I do think you need all three. So Derek Sivers is this like programmer monk philosopher king startup entrepreneur who started CD Baby, which was the largest marketplace for independent musicians at the time, sold it for I think 24 million dollars. But he and Seth Godin, I think, are two examples of people who are very good at genuinely in real life following contrarian rules that work exceptionally well. So Derek has a couple of one-liners that I think are really fantastic. I’ll give you a few. One is, “If more information were the answer, we’d all be billionaires with six-pack abs.” That’s a good one, right? And just absorbing, not even absorbing, just reading and watching and listening to more isn’t enough. Like, you have to apply it. You have to use incentives. You have to have rewards and punishments set for yourselves to actually get things done, timelines, etc. So that’s that’s one. Another one is, “Don’t be a donkey.” And that so he he says that to himself all the time, like, “Don’t be a donkey, don’t be a donkey.” And the reason is, there’s a, I want to say it might be a philosopher’s paradox, but I don’t think it is. I think it’s just a parable about Buridan’s ass. So it’s about a donkey.

The Parable of Buridan’s Ass

Who is thirsty and hungry and there’s water on one side a few feet away and hay on the other, and he can’t decide whether to do the hay first, the hay first, or the water, the hay, or the water, and he dies of thirst at the end of it. He couldn’t do them sequentially. So this is Derek’s recommendation to his younger self and really to any 20 or 30 something, but it applies to everybody, which is, in effect, you can do almost everything you want in life, but you can’t do it at the same time. And if you can just dedicate yourself to one thing for even a year and then the next thing for a year, you can do those 10 things. But if you try to do all 10 at once, you’re going to be Buridan’s ass. Should I do this? Should I do this? Or should I focus on this? Should I focus on this? So don’t be a donkey. [Music]

Post/Page #70492
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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