The 90/90/1 Rule | Robin Sharma

👣 11 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Achieve Genius Mode: The Secret Steps to Epic Productivity

Hey there, superstar! 🌟

Ever wondered how to break free from the daily distractions, boost productivity, and unlock your full potential? 🤔

Imagine getting more done in just 90 minutes than most people do all day! Say goodbye to constant phone-checking and hello to laser-focused genius mode. 💡💪

Get ready to join a game-changing program that’s gonna rock your world. No BS, just pure life-changing value! 🚀

Ready to dive in and discover the secret behind Einstein-level productivity? 🤓

Don’t let life’s excuses hold you back! It’s time to transform your routine, level up, and become the legend you’re meant to be! 💥

Click the link in bio and unlock the keys to unstoppable success! 🗝️💼

#ProductivityHacks #GameChanger #UnlockYourPotential

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Understanding the 90/90/1 Rule


Before diving into the implementation details, it’s crucial to understand the concept behind the 90/90/1 rule. This rule is designed to boost productivity by focusing your first 90 minutes of work each day on your single most important project or task. It aims to help you break free from distractions and achieve more in less time.


  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your single most valuable project or task that you want to focus on for the next 90 days. This should be a game-changing move in your work or life.
  2. Allocate the First 90 Minutes: Understand that the first 90 minutes of your workday are dedicated solely to this project. No distractions, no multitasking.
  3. Commit to Consistency: Embrace the 90/90/1 rule as a daily ritual for the next 90 days. Consistency is key to turning this into a habit.

Specific Details:

  • Your game-changing move could be anything from developing a revolutionary product to completing a critical project that will significantly impact your career or business.
  • Avoid checking emails, social media, or engaging in any other distractions during these 90 minutes.
  • Protect your mental focus, physical energy, and discipline during this time to maximize productivity.
  • Remember that your willpower, energy, and mental focus are generally highest in the morning, making it the ideal time for tackling important tasks.
  • Consider tracking your progress over the 90 days to see how this dedicated focus impacts your productivity and results.

Step 2: Reasoning Behind the 90/90/1 Rule


Understanding why the 90/90/1 rule is effective can motivate you to implement it consistently. This step provides insights into the distractions and habits that hinder productivity.


  1. Recognize the Age of Distraction: Acknowledge that we live in an era filled with distractions, especially from smartphones and technology.
  2. Awareness of Addictive Behavior: Understand that excessive phone use can be addictive and may stimulate the same brain centers as addiction to substances like cocaine.
  3. Tech Companies’ Strategies: Be aware that tech companies design apps and platforms to hook users by targeting their reward centers, making them addictive.
  4. Comparison to Majority: Realize that the majority of people succumb to distractions and fail to prioritize their most important tasks.

Specific Details:

  • Stay mindful of how technology and social media platforms are designed to keep users engaged and constantly seeking reward through likes, notifications, and other interactions.
  • Recognize that the 95% of people who follow ordinary routines and indulge in distractions achieve average results, while the top 5% set themselves apart by embracing focus and discipline.
  • Understand that overcoming distractions and implementing the 90/90/1 rule can give you a competitive advantage and help you achieve legendary results in your endeavors.

Step 3: Benefits of the 90/90/1 Rule


Learn about the benefits and advantages of implementing the 90/90/1 rule in your daily routine.


  1. Competitive Advantage: Realize that by dedicating the first 90 minutes of your workday to your most critical project, you gain a significant competitive advantage.
  2. Improved Productivity: Understand that focused, distraction-free work during these morning hours leads to higher productivity and better results.
  3. Consistency and Mastery: Embrace the idea that consistency in following this rule can lead to mastery in your chosen field.
  4. Differentiating Yourself: Recognize that by doing what the majority avoids, you set yourself apart and achieve remarkable success.

Specific Details:

  • Your focus during the first 90 minutes is like a superpower that can help you achieve more in less time.
  • Consistency is emphasized as the key to turning this rule into a habit that yields lasting results.
  • Understand that adopting this rule means choosing discipline over distraction and can lead to a life where you achieve legendary results.

Step 4: Creating Your Focused Work Bubble


To effectively implement the 90/90/1 rule, you need to create a distraction-free environment during the first 90 minutes of your workday. This step provides instructions on how to set up your focused work bubble.


  1. Prepare Your Workspace: Find a quiet and comfortable place to work where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Turn Off Devices: Power down your electronic devices or put them in airplane mode to eliminate notifications and temptations.
  3. Use Visual Reminders: Place reminders on your workspace, such as post-it notes or signs, declaring that this time is dedicated to focused work.
  4. Communicate with Others: Inform your team, colleagues, or loved ones about your commitment to the 90/90/1 rule. Let them know that you should not be disturbed during this time.

Specific Details:

  • Your workspace should be clean, organized, and free from any potential distractions.
  • Consider using noise-canceling headphones if you work in a noisy environment to maintain concentration.
  • Emphasize the importance of this uninterrupted time to your colleagues and loved ones, so they understand and respect your commitment to productivity.

Step 5: The Power of Extended Focus


Learn about the significance of extended periods of focused work and how it can lead to groundbreaking achievements.


  1. Embrace Isolation: Recognize that great achievers throughout history, such as Einstein and Basquiat, spent extended periods in isolation, focusing intently on their most valuable projects.
  2. Transient Hypofrontality: Understand that this state of deep focus is connected to a neurobiological phenomenon known as transient hypofrontality.

Specific Details:

  • Transient hypofrontality is a state where the prefrontal cortex, responsible for conscious thought and decision-making, becomes less active, allowing for deep creative and focused work.
  • While the speaker mentions transient hypofrontality, it’s not detailed in this segment. However, it highlights the significance of uninterrupted, focused work in achieving exceptional results.

Step 6: Benefits of the 90/90/1 Rule (Continued)


Explore further benefits and advantages of incorporating the 90/90/1 rule into your daily routine.


  1. Competitive Advantage (Reiteration): Reiterate that this rule provides a significant competitive advantage against peers who succumb to distractions.
  2. Hardwiring Genius: Understand that the 90/90/1 rule can help hardwire a mindset of genius and exceptional productivity.
  3. Value Creation: Realize that following this rule allows you to deliver outstanding value to your business, craft, career, and life.

Specific Details:

  • By implementing the 90/90/1 rule consistently, you are setting yourself up to stand out and excel in your chosen field.
  • Recognize that this rule is not a shortcut but a practice that requires commitment and discipline to reap its full benefits.
  • Understand the connection between personal mastery, helping others, and making a positive impact in the world.

Step 7: Introducing Robin Sharma Nation


Robin Sharma introduces “Robin Sharma Nation,” an online mentoring program designed to provide world-class training and guidance on a monthly basis. In this step, we will break down the actions and information required to get involved in this program.


  1. Understanding the Program: Grasp the concept of Robin Sharma Nation as an online mentoring program led by Robin Sharma himself.
  2. Unique Offering: Acknowledge that Robin Sharma Nation is unlike any other program available and has the potential to be life-changing.
  3. Commitment to Consistency: Understand the importance of consistency and dedication to the program, as it requires continuous effort and engagement.

Specific Details:

  • Robin Sharma Nation offers world-class training and mentorship, providing insights and teachings based on Robin Sharma’s experience working with top performers, billionaires, and industry leaders.
  • Realize that while the program is accessible online, it requires active participation and commitment to reap the benefits.
  • Emphasize that change and transformation demand continuous effort and willingness to embrace new ideas and practices.

Step 8: Joining Robin Sharma Nation


Learn how to become a part of Robin Sharma Nation and access the world-class training and mentorship it offers.


  1. Visit the Website: Go to the official website of Robin Sharma Nation by accessing
  2. Review the Details: Take the time to read through the information provided on the website to understand the program’s offerings and benefits.
  3. Sign Up: If you decide to join, complete the sign-up process as directed on the website.

Specific Details:

  • is the official website where you can find detailed information about the program, its content, and how it can benefit you.
  • The website provides instructions on how to sign up, including any fees or subscription details.
  • Emphasize the importance of taking action and not letting excuses or doubts hold you back from exploring the program’s potential.

Step 9: Embracing Change and Growth


Robin Sharma encourages you to let go of excuses and doubts, take a leap of faith, and embark on a journey of self-improvement and personal growth through Robin Sharma Nation.


  1. Overcome Excuses: Acknowledge that excuses and self-doubt can hinder personal growth and achievement.
  2. Challenge Yourself: Take a leap of faith and commit to change by signing up for Robin Sharma Nation.
  3. Value and Investment: Recognize that investing in personal growth and self-improvement is a valuable choice that can lead to a legendary life.

Specific Details:

  • Robin Sharma encourages you to challenge your own limitations and step out of your comfort zone to embrace the opportunity for growth.
  • Understand that transformation and self-improvement require effort, dedication, and a willingness to learn and implement new ideas.
  • Prioritize your own growth and development by taking action and participating in programs like Robin Sharma Nation.

Step 10: Connecting on Social Media


Robin Sharma invites you to connect with him on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to engage in conversations, receive updates, and become part of a larger community focused on personal development.


  1. Find Robin on Social Media: Locate Robin Sharma’s profiles on Instagram and Facebook.
  2. Engage with Content: Follow his profiles and engage with his content to stay updated and join discussions on personal development and success.
  3. Be Part of the Movement: Realize that by connecting on social media, you become part of a community dedicated to self-improvement and personal growth.

Specific Details:

  • Robin Sharma emphasizes the importance of using social media with discernment and not letting it dominate your daily routine.
  • Joining Robin Sharma’s social media communities allows you to access valuable insights, connect with like-minded individuals, and stay informed about his teachings and events.

Step 11: Final Words and Action


Robin Sharma concludes the session by urging you to take action, implement the 90/90/1 rule, and commit to personal growth. He reinforces the idea that execution is key to achieving results.


  1. Implement the 90/90/1 Rule: Start applying the 90/90/1 rule in your daily routine to boost productivity and focus.
  2. Take Action: Act on the ideas and concepts shared in the session and avoid falling into the trap of ideation without execution.
  3. Choose a Legendary Life: Commit to living a legendary life by embracing change, taking risks, and striving for personal excellence.

Specific Details:

  • The 90/90/1 rule should be integrated into your daily work routine, dedicating the first 90 minutes to your most important project.
  • Understand that real change requires action, persistence, and a willingness to challenge excuses and doubts.
  • Choose to live a life of significance and impact by continuously working on your personal growth and development.


The Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions


Hi, this is Robin Sharma, author of The Leader Who Had No Title, founder of the Titan Academy, and a giant and loving and respectful and gently passionate welcome to you for being here with me in this episode of The Mastery Sessions.

So, this is gonna be relatively quick and I think relatively strong and hopefully, tremendously valuable to you. I’m gonna actually walk you through one of the exponentially, one of the exponential productivity routines that I teach at Personal Mastery Academy, and it’s called The 90/90/1 Rule.

The 90/90/1 Rule

Before I get into it, I wanna give you a little bit of context for why I’m teaching it or sharing it with you here in this episode.

So, we do live in the age of dramatic distraction. Most people, and it’s no judgment, just reporting. But most people really are addicted to their phones, and there’s a lot of research showing that it is an addiction. The same part of the brain responsible for our addiction to technology is the same center where cocaine addiction stems from.

And I say this with a lot of respect but there are a lot of very smart people in Silicon Valley and at other technology hubs around the world who really are single-mindedly asking themselves this question. How can we create apps? How can we create games? How can we create platforms that literally hook people? And if you look at some of the social platforms, they are so brilliant, why? Well, from a neuroscience point of view, they trigger and they dial right into our reward centers.

And that’s why you see a lot of people, whether it’s in Rome or in a beautiful and a fun NBA game or maybe it’s Paris or maybe it’s a wonderful meal, and rather than experiencing the meal or the moment, they are literally looking at who is liking their last picture on the social platform of the day. You see people walking, they’re not fully present, they’re dialed in and clinging to their technology.

You know, the latest research actually shows the average employee is spending 50% of their time mired in, stuck in, clinging to distractions. DISTRACTIONS

And so you have what I call a gargantuan or an unbeatable competitive advantage. Divorcing or leaving the majority and rising into the rare air of the top 5% of performers on the planet and just understanding how to let go of distraction. How to manufacture world-class days with consistency because consistency is the mother of mastery.

Consistency and the 95%

And here’s another idea I wanna offer to you. Look at what the 95% is doing and do the opposite and you’re gonna do absolutely fine in business, in productivity, in creativity, in philanthropy and humanity and living your life like an icon.

So what’s this 90/90/1 Rule? Well, it’s a daily ritual that I teach at Personal Mastery Academy along with the other nine. The model is the 10 core rituals of legendary performers. THE 10 CORE RITUALS OF LEGENDARY PERFORMERS. And we don’t have the time today together to go into the other nine but I did wanna share one of them, which is The 90/90/1 Rule. And when I work with the billionaires, this one morning routine has helped them profoundly, and here it is.

The 90/90/1 Rule Explained

For the first 90 minutes of your workday, make it focused on your single most important project. I’ll repeat that again because I didn’t say it as elegantly as I wanted to share it, and I just run these podcasts raw and real, so let me just share it more clearly for you.

So for the next 90 days, your first 90 minutes at work, focus monomaniacally on your single most valuable project. I call it your game-changing move. YOUR GAME-CHANGING MOVE. So it might be creating a new piece of code that will revolutionize the marketplace. It might be a new product that when you launch it will fill a need within your industry that no peer is currently providing. I don’t know what your game-changing move is, but this is your poetry. This is your magnum opus for the next 90 days.

The Robin Sharma Mastery Sessions


Hi, this is Robin Sharma, author of The Leader Who Had No Title, founder of the Titan Academy, and a giant and loving and respectful and gently passionate welcome to you for being here with me in this episode of The Mastery Sessions. So, this is gonna be relatively quick and I think relatively strong and hopefully, tremendously valuable to you. I’m gonna actually walk you through one of the exponentially, one of the exponential productivity routines that I teach at Personal Mastery Academy, and it’s called The 90/90/1 rule.

The 90/90/1 Rule

Before I get into it, I wanna give you a little bit of context for why I’m teaching it or sharing it with you here in this episode. So, we do live in the age of dramatic distraction. Most people, and it’s no judgment, just reporting. But most people really are addicted to their phones, and there’s a lot of research showing that it is an addiction. The same part of the brain responsible for our addiction to technology is the same center where cocaine addiction stems from. And I say this with a lot of respect but there are a lot of very smart people in Silicon Valley and at other technology hubs around the world who really are single-mindedly asking themselves this question. How can we create apps? How can we create games? How can we create platforms that literally hook people? And if you look at some of the social platforms, they are so brilliant, why? Well, from a neuroscience point of view, they trigger and they dial right into our reward centers. And that’s why you see a lot of people, whether it’s in Rome or in a beautiful and a fun NBA game or maybe it’s Paris or maybe it’s a wonderful meal, and rather than experiencing the meal or the moment, they are literally looking at who is liking their last picture on the social platform of the day. You see people walking, they’re not fully present, they’re dialed in and clinging to their technology. You know, the latest research actually shows the average employee is spending 50% of their time mired in, stuck in, clinging to distractions. DISTRACTIONS. And so you have what I call a gargantuan or an unbeatable competitive advantage. Divorcing or leaving the majority and rising into the rare air of the top 5% of performers on the planet and just understanding how to let go of distraction. How to manufacture world-class days with consistency because consistency is the mother of mastery.

Consistency and the 95%

And here’s another idea I wanna offer to you. Look at what the 95% is doing and do the opposite and you’re gonna do absolutely fine in business, in productivity, in creativity, in philanthropy and humanity and living your life like an icon. So what’s this 90/90/1 Rule? Well, it’s a daily ritual that I teach at Personal Mastery Academy along with the other nine. The model is the 10 core rituals of legendary performers. THE 10 CORE RITUALS OF LEGENDARY PERFORMERS. And we don’t have the time today together to go into the other nine but I did wanna share one of them, which is The 90/90/1 Rule. And when I work with the billionaires, this one morning routine has helped them profoundly, and here it is.

The 90/90/1 Rule Explained

For the first 90 minutes of your workday, make it focused on your single most important project. I’ll repeat that again because I didn’t say it as elegantly as I wanted to share it, and I just run these podcasts raw and real, so let me just share it more clearly for you. So for the next 90 days, your first 90 minutes at work, focus monomaniacally on your single most valuable project. I call it your game-changing move. YOUR GAME-CHANGING MOVE. So it might be creating a new piece of code that will revolutionize the marketplace. It might be a new product that when you launch it will fill a need within your industry that no peer is currently providing. I don’t know what your game-changing move is, but this is your poetry. This is your magnum opus for the next 90 days.

Overcoming Distraction

So what most people do is, people who are playing at victimhood, people who are in the 95%, people who are making excuses about ordinary results in their life. A lot of them are not doing the things that would give them legendary results. And what they do is they get to the office, and rather than using primetime for activities, they use their best hours watching dancing cats on whatever it is, whatever the video platform is. They spend their best hours surfing the internet looking at blogs, they spend their best hours playing with notifications, reading notifications, chatting with friends who are not really their friends but really, they’re just bored so they were distracting themselves which is just a form of medication because potential unexpressed turns to pain and they’re in a lot of pain and it’s subconscious, and they haven’t done the work to know it, so really, they’ve created these drugs of choice, like too much email, too much web surfing, too much chitchatting, too much looking at funny-looking videos that make them laugh in the moment, that make them feel happy and give them a short burst of dopamine and maybe a little bit of serotonin which is the pleasure neurotransmitter and that’s how they get through their day.

And all I’m saying is there’s so much distraction available to you out there that if you are not acutely careful, it will dominate your days, but the top 5% are very, very different. THE TOP 5% ARE VERY VERY DIFFERENT. Very, very different. I don’t know why I’m whispering but they’re very, very different. Because they have the results only 5% of the population have. You’ve got to be willing to do what 95% of the population are just not willing to do. And one of those things is this freedom from distraction. FREEDOM FROM DISTRACTION. One of those things is building a pocket of time so that you can use your highest value hours which is really 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. You use your platinum hours for your most valuable activities.

We could talk about the science that says your willpower is highest first thing in the morning, your energy is highest first thing in the morning and your mental focus is highest first thing in the morning. And if you, one note, what I’ll call the five precious assets and I also teach this at Personal Mastery Academy, one of them is your mental focus. YOUR MENTAL FOCUS. The second one is your physical energy and the third one is your discipline. When I work with the billionaires, YOUR DISCIPLINE I teach them the protocols to protect these and scale these because it’s your interior empires that are worth protecting. What I’m really trying to say is this. A ritual for you to run and dial in and hardwire to the point of automaticity. That’s the word the researchers use when a habit becomes your new normal, over 66 days is the 90/90/1 rule.

And to give it to you again, so you really remember it. For the next 90 days, your first 90 minutes, create a tight bubble of total focus so that no one can distract you. Turn off your devices, put them in a little plastic bag, put some reminders on your door, maybe some post-it notes that this is my tight bubble of total focus for the next 90 minutes. Tell your team, tell your loved ones, maybe put a do not disturb sign on your door. They’ll laugh and explain it to them, that for the next 90 days, I will spend 90 minutes away from distraction, away from technology, away from interruptions focusing on my magnum opus. Focusing on the genius project that I want to bring into the world because I will never mail it in, I will always bring it on and I’m gonna do this for the next 90 minutes and I’m gonna optimize it and integrate it every day and I’m gonna bring my full bandwidth because what makes a genius, they all have one trait in common. They were able to spend extended periods of time in isolation. Focused, monomaniacally on their most valuable project. And that’s what allowed Einstein to do what he did. That’s what allowed Jean-Michel Basquiat to produce that art. And they dial into a neurobiological phenomenon that I teach called transient hypofrontality. TRANSIENT HYPOFRONTALITY. This isn’t the time to share it. I’m just suggesting to you, install the 90/90/1 rule. It will do amazing things and create exponential productivity. It will give you a gargantuan competitive advantage against your marketplace peers. It will allow you to install the hardwiring of genius. It will allow you to distribute awesome forms of value to the people that you serve in your business, in your craft, in your career and in your life. And at the end of the day, leadership is really about two things. Personal mastery and helping as many people as possible.

Helping as Many People as Possible

So definitely get the 90/90/1 rule hardwired in. If you wanna learn a lot more about these kinds of neuroscientific hacks to allow you to own the game and other routines and rituals, go on over to Personal Mastery Academy. People always say, “Robert, we don’t know how to get in. Closing and Call to Action “Tell us, would you mention it at the end of the podcast?” So I’m doing that to be helpful to you. This is the two-day live event. It happens every June. It sells out every single year very quickly. Just go over to I’d love to help you. I’d love to get you in this room so you’ll learn all these ideas which we don’t really have the time to get into in this relatively short podcast.

Inspiring Change

Second thing. I would love your help to change the world. I would love to help you, your help to help me inspire more people, teach them these scientific data-based rituals, routines, mindsets, heartsets, soulsets, healthsets that I’ve been teaching to my highest-level clients at the Titan Summit which I run every year for many years and to my icons and the billionaires I work with. And if you wanna help me because the world has a lot of hate in it right now, the world has a lot of people that are operating far below their potential. The world has a lot of victims in it. The world has a lot of people that are just stuck and I want people to understand the neurobiology of greatness. I want people to understand these, the 90/90/1 rule. How easy it is to install it. And remember, all change is hard at first, of course. I’ll admit that, I’m honest. I want you to know that. This isn’t a magic. The only thing that’s rocket science is rocket science but all change is hard at first. If it wasn’t hard, it wouldn’t be real change and then it’s messy in the middle as you install the new habit and then it’s gorgeous at the end. And so, I acknowledge that. But if you wanna learn how to, if you wanna help me help other people, just within the next hour, please share this episode with three of your friends. SHARE THIS EPISODE. And some of them might say, “Wow, I can’t do it.” Others will say, “That’s interesting.” But let’s just get the message out there. Let’s just be disruptors together. Let’s just give people the information and the education because education is inoculation against disruption. EDUCATION IS INOCULATION AGAINST DISRUPTION. Let’s just be seed planters and Johnny Appleseeds, planting seeds of mastery and audacity and bravery and heroism around the world. So share this episode with three friends over the next 60 minutes so we get the message out there.

Robin Sharma Nation and Social Media Presence

What else? Everyone’s asking and asking me, Robin, can you talk a little bit in your podcast at the end, at the beginning, and the reason I don’t wanna do it at the beginning is I wanna earn your trust, I wanna give you great value and then I wanna share an opportunity for you to really change the rest of your life. And it’s called Robin Sharma Nation.

ROBIN SHARMA NATION The internet is abuzz, the online is abuzz with it. We’ve had so many people from so many countries getting into the program, asking about it and it’s simply this. Robin Sharma Nation is something I’ve been asked to do for 20 years, and I haven’t been ready to do it. But I’m finally ready to mentor you and other people like you online every single month in an absolutely world-class training program.

AN ABSOLUTELY WORLD-CLASS TRAINING PROGRAM There is nothing quite like Robin Sharma Nation on the planet today. And it will change your life if you stick with the program. No idea is gonna work if you don’t do the work. It’s like an elite athlete. She doesn’t show up or he doesn’t do the training for a week; you’ve got to do it over and over and over to hardwire, reset, install these ideas that I’ll share with you, the rituals I’ll share with you, the things that I teach at the Titan Summit, the things that I teach to the billionaires I work with, the NBA superstars who come to my events, the film legends that come to my events, the titans of industry I’ve worked with. Starbucks, Toms shoes is a client. Nike, I’ve worked with. Microsoft, Oracle, et cetera, et cetera. Just goes on, NASA. These are the clients I’ve worked with. I will teach you how the best in the world do it. Every single month in the comfort of your own home online, and here’s the great thing. At a fraction of the cost of getting into the Titan Summit or me coaching you one on one live.

So just go on over, because people are saying, “How do we do it, Robin? Could you repeat it?” So I’d love to help you, I’d love to serve you. This will change your life. Just go over Pretty simple, Read the details and do what every A-Player does. Take some action. Don’t get caught in excuses, let go of your personal story, don’t say I’m too lazy, it wouldn’t work for me, et cetera, et cetera, because you can live a legendary life or you can make a bunch of excuses. You’re not gonna get to do both. And I wanna help you. I’m gonna challenge you a little bit. Let go of your excuses, take a leap of faith, go over to and just sign up for the program and test it out and you’ll see how valuable it is.

Social Media Presence Final thing, I love, love, love the social media. I love being on Instagram and I do it with discernment because I share a lot, you know. Don’t let it dominate your days and I don’t let it dominate my days. I do it very carefully and with great discernment but I love helping people and interacting and having conversations on Instagram and Facebook. So find me on Instagram, find me on Facebook. We’re in the millions of people following me on Facebook. I’m only mentioning that because this is a movement and I want you to be a part of it. Find me on the social media. Hope I’ve given you a great value, hope you’re inspired, hope you like The 90/90/1 Rule, hope you’ll act on it because ideation without execution is just a delusion and you are better than that. And you deserve exponential productivity, you deserve to own your craft, own the game, lead your field and live a life that in your own original loving, powerful way, makes history. I don’t know you, perhaps but I love you. Talk to you in the next Mastery Session. All green lights, go be great. This is Robin Sharma. Hope you received great value from this Mastery Session. If you’d like to receive potent training videos, blog posts, learning tools, and information on my two live events, Personal Mastery Academy and my flagship four-day experience The Titan Summit, go ahead and visit

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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