SUCCESS Mindset You Need to Adopt RIGHT NOW! | Les Brown ADVICE

👣 36 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Empower Your Journey with These Life-Changing Steps

Hey there, champ! 🌟

Ever wondered what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary? 🤔

Let’s talk about something we ALL have in common – MOM! 🙌

You know, those words of wisdom she shared while you were growing up? 🧐

Well, they hold the secret sauce to unlocking your full potential! 🗝️

We’re diving deep into the epic lessons learned from one legendary Momma. 🦸‍♀️

From believing in yourself like it’s your superpower, to spreading kindness like confetti, and never giving up even when the chips are down! 🌈

Ready to tap into your inner superhero? 🦸‍♂️

Keep your eyes peeled for the full scoop – it’s about to drop, and you won’t wanna miss it! 💥

Stay tuned, stay awesome! 😎🚀

#LifeLessons #SuperMom #UnlockYourPotential

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Discover Your Vision


Start by defining your vision for yourself. What do you want to achieve? What impact do you want to make in your life and the lives of others?


  1. Take some time to reflect on your goals and dreams.
  2. Write down your vision clearly and specifically.
  3. Consider what purpose and meaning this vision holds for you.

Specific Details:

  • Be as detailed as possible when describing your vision.
  • Understand why this vision matters to you personally.

Step 2: Embrace Belief


Belief in yourself and your vision is crucial. It’s the foundation for achieving your goals.


  1. Challenge and replace any self-doubt with positive self-belief.
  2. Surround yourself with motivational messages and sources of inspiration.
  3. Practice affirmations to reinforce your belief in your abilities.

Specific Details:

  • Identify and address any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.
  • Seek out motivational content, such as books, videos, or podcasts, that resonate with your vision.

Step 3: Service, Belief, Caring, Conviction, and Drive


These are the core principles that can help you achieve your vision.


  1. Embrace the value of service by helping others and contributing positively to your community.
  2. Cultivate a strong belief in yourself and your capabilities.
  3. Show care and empathy towards others.
  4. Maintain conviction in your vision, even in the face of challenges.
  5. Develop unwavering drive and determination to pursue your goals relentlessly.

Specific Details:

  • Service can take various forms, from volunteering to offering your expertise to others.
  • Regularly remind yourself of your belief in your abilities.
  • Practice acts of kindness and caring to create positive connections.
  • Draw inspiration and motivation from your unwavering conviction.
  • Set clear goals and milestones to keep your drive alive.

Step 4: Continuous Learning and Growth


To keep progressing toward your vision, you need to invest in continuous learning and personal growth.


  1. Dedicate time to learning and acquiring new skills related to your vision.
  2. Seek mentors and role models who have achieved similar goals.
  3. Stay open to feedback and adjust your path as needed.
  4. Stay resilient and adaptable in the face of setbacks.

Specific Details:

  • Allocate a portion of your daily or weekly schedule for learning and self-improvement.
  • Reach out to individuals who have experience in your field of interest.
  • Consider setbacks as learning experiences and opportunities for growth.

Step 5: Emulate Positive Role Models


Identify influential and impactful individuals in your life or those you admire, like Evan Carmichael’s mother, Anna Marie. Learn from their qualities and values.


  1. Identify a person in your life or a public figure you admire.
  2. List five qualities they possess that inspire you.
  3. Reflect on how these qualities can be integrated into your own life.

Specific Details:

  • Choose role models who embody qualities you wish to develop.
  • Study their actions, behaviors, and values to understand how they exemplify those qualities.

Step 6: Service and Community


Incorporate the values of service and caring into your daily life, just as Evan’s mother did.


  1. Look for opportunities to serve your community or help others.
  2. Volunteer your time or skills to organizations or causes you care about.
  3. Show appreciation and care for your loved ones through small gestures.

Specific Details:

  • Start with small acts of kindness and gradually increase your involvement.
  • Keep track of important dates and events to show your appreciation for friends and family.

Step 7: Believe in Yourself


Cultivate self-belief, even in the face of challenges and setbacks.


  1. Whenever self-doubt arises, remind yourself of your capabilities.
  2. Set realistic goals and work towards them with determination.
  3. Seek support and encouragement from friends, mentors, or self-help resources.

Specific Details:

  • Develop a mantra or affirmation that reinforces your self-belief.
  • Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.
  • Surround yourself with people who believe in your potential.

Step 8: Create Family Traditions


Foster a sense of unity and caring within your family through traditions, just as Evan’s family does with an annual calendar.


  1. Establish meaningful family traditions that strengthen your bonds.
  2. Include activities that show appreciation and celebrate each family member.
  3. Ensure these traditions are consistent and cherished by everyone.

Specific Details:

  • Family traditions can include special dinners, outings, or even simple rituals.
  • Customize traditions to reflect your family’s values and interests.

Step 9: Perseverance and Conviction


Develop the conviction to follow through on your goals, even in the face of adversity or societal expectations.


  1. Recognize that challenges and obstacles are a part of any journey.
  2. Embrace the mindset that you can break barriers and challenge stereotypes.
  3. Stay determined and committed to your goals, no matter the hurdles.

Specific Details:

  • Learn from individuals like Evan’s mother who defied conventions and expectations.
  • Use their stories as inspiration when facing difficulties.

Step 10: Drive for Continuous Improvement


Cultivate a never-ending drive to become better and strive for excellence.


  1. Embrace the belief that good enough is not sufficient; you can always improve.
  2. Set high standards for yourself and your work.
  3. Remember that if you have the ability, you have the responsibility to use it to the fullest.

Specific Details:

  • Display reminders or quotes that inspire constant improvement in your workspace.
  • Keep track of your progress and celebrate incremental achievements.

Step 11: Reflect and Share Your Story


Reflect on the lessons and qualities you’ve gathered from your role model, and consider sharing your story with others.


  1. Write a book or create content that encapsulates the wisdom and values you’ve learned.
  2. Craft a title and subtitle that resonate with a broad audience.
  3. Share your story through various mediums, such as books, speeches, or social media.

Specific Details:

  • Your story can serve as a source of inspiration for others facing similar challenges.
  • Be inclusive and avoid gender-specific titles to appeal to a wide audience.

Step 12: Define Your Goals and Dreams


Start by identifying your personal goals and dreams that you want to achieve in your life.


  1. Reflect on what truly matters to you and what you’re passionate about.
  2. Write down your goals and dreams in a clear and specific manner.
  3. Consider both short-term and long-term objectives.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure your goals are aligned with your values and desires.
  • Prioritize your goals based on their importance to you.

Step 13: Financial Freedom


Recognize the importance of financial freedom and having the means to pursue your dreams.


  1. Determine your financial freedom number – the amount of money needed to support your desired lifestyle.
  2. Create a financial plan to work towards achieving that number.
  3. Explore opportunities for financial growth and investments.

Specific Details:

  • Financial freedom provides you with the flexibility to pursue your passions and dreams.
  • Be diligent in managing your finances and seek advice from financial experts if necessary.

Step 14: Leave a Lasting Legacy


Consider the impact you want to make on the world and how you can leave a lasting legacy.


  1. Reflect on what contribution you want to make that will outlive you.
  2. Identify causes, projects, or actions that resonate with your values and can create a meaningful legacy.
  3. Take steps to actively work towards that legacy.

Specific Details:

  • Your legacy can be as simple as positively impacting the lives of your family and community or on a larger scale.
  • Regularly assess your progress and adjust your actions to align with your desired legacy.

Step 15: Embrace the Value of Service


Service is a key element in living a meaningful life. Embrace the value of serving others.


  1. Look for opportunities to provide service to your community, friends, or strangers.
  2. Volunteer your time or skills to causes that resonate with you.
  3. Make service a part of your daily life, even in small ways.

Specific Details:

  • Service can be as simple as helping a neighbor, volunteering at a local charity, or supporting a cause online.
  • Recognize the impact even small acts of service can have on others.

Step 16: Quality and Quantity of Service


Understand that the quality and quantity of service you provide can impact your success in life.


  1. Strive to provide high-quality service that meets pressing public needs.
  2. Seek ways to enhance the quantity of service you offer to a wider audience.
  3. Consistently evaluate the impact of your service and make improvements.

Specific Details:

  • Identify areas where your skills and expertise can be of significant help.
  • Collaborate with others to amplify the reach of your service efforts.

Step 17: High Expectations and Self-Belief


Understand the significance of having high expectations for yourself and believing in your potential.


  1. Set high standards and expectations for your personal growth and achievements.
  2. Challenge self-doubt by acknowledging your capabilities.
  3. Surround yourself with individuals who believe in your abilities.

Specific Details:

  • High expectations can motivate you to strive for excellence.
  • Use affirmations and positive self-talk to reinforce your self-belief.

Step 18: Express Caring and Thoughtfulness


Learn the importance of caring for others and showing thoughtfulness in your interactions.


  1. Make an effort to remember special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.
  2. Show genuine care and empathy in your relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances.
  3. Practice acts of kindness and thoughtfulness regularly.

Specific Details:

  • Small gestures of caring can have a significant impact on your relationships.
  • Keep track of important dates to ensure you express your care consistently.

Step 19: Embrace Conviction and Determination


Develop a strong conviction in your goals and the determination to overcome obstacles.


  1. Cultivate unwavering determination to achieve your dreams, regardless of challenges.
  2. Build a mindset that believes in the possibility of success.
  3. Use setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

Specific Details:

  • Create a vision board or goal planner to stay focused on your aspirations.
  • Seek inspiration from individuals like Evan’s mother who persevered against the odds.

Step 20: Live a Life of Impact and Purpose


Recognize the importance of living a life that makes a lasting impact on others and the world.


  1. Reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind and the positive influence you can have on others.
  2. Identify causes, projects, or actions that align with your values and can create a meaningful impact.
  3. Take consistent steps to live a purpose-driven life.

Specific Details:

  • Your impact can be felt through acts of service, leadership, or by inspiring others.
  • Regularly assess your actions and ensure they align with your vision of a purposeful life.

Step 21: Understanding Your Purpose


This step focuses on understanding your purpose in life and what drives you. It’s about finding your motivation and passion.


  1. Take some time for self-reflection. Think about what truly excites you and makes you feel fulfilled.
  2. Consider your core values and principles. What do you believe in strongly?
  3. Identify your goals and aspirations. What do you want to achieve in life?
  4. Explore your talents and strengths. What are you naturally good at?
  5. Ask yourself what legacy you want to leave behind.

Specific Details:

  • This step is about introspection and discovering what truly matters to you.
  • It may take time to fully understand your purpose, so be patient with yourself.

Step 22: Service and Caring


This step emphasizes the importance of service and caring for others. It’s about making a positive impact on the world.


  1. Look for opportunities to help and serve others. This could be through volunteering, acts of kindness, or simply being there for someone in need.
  2. Develop empathy and compassion. Try to understand the struggles and challenges others face.
  3. Build meaningful relationships based on trust and support.
  4. Find ways to contribute to your community or a cause you believe in.

Specific Details:

  • Serving others can be a powerful source of fulfillment and purpose.
  • Small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on people’s lives.

Step 23: Belief and Conviction


This step highlights the importance of belief in oneself and one’s goals. It’s about having the confidence to pursue your dreams.


  1. Believe in your abilities and potential. Trust that you can achieve your goals.
  2. Set clear and achievable goals. Break them down into smaller steps.
  3. Stay committed and persistent in your pursuit of success.
  4. Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive people.
  5. Practice affirmations and positive self-talk to boost your belief in yourself.

Specific Details:

  • Self-doubt can be a major obstacle, but cultivating self-belief can help you overcome it.
  • Visualize your success and stay focused on your goals.

Step 24: Drive and Hunger for Improvement


This step emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement and a strong work ethic.


  1. Develop a strong work ethic. Be willing to put in the effort and hard work required to achieve your goals.
  2. Seek opportunities for growth and learning. Never stop acquiring new skills and knowledge.
  3. Stay hungry for improvement. Don’t settle for mediocrity; strive for excellence.
  4. Set regular milestones to track your progress.
  5. Stay motivated by reminding yourself of your purpose and the impact you want to make.

Specific Details:

  • Success often requires dedication and a relentless pursuit of improvement.
  • Embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth.

Step 25: Identifying Your Inspiration


This step is about finding your inspiration and motivation to create a program that showcases motivational speakers.


  1. Reflect on your personal journey and the challenges you’ve faced.
  2. Identify the turning point or moment that inspired you to take action.
  3. Consider the role models or influencers who have had a significant impact on your life.
  4. Explore your passions and interests, especially those related to personal development and motivation.

Specific Details:

  • Your own experiences and moments of self-discovery can be a powerful source of inspiration.
  • Take note of the specific people, books, or events that ignited your passion for personal growth and motivation.

Step 26: Modeling Success


This step involves learning from successful individuals and modeling their strategies and approaches.


  1. Identify successful entrepreneurs, speakers, or figures in the personal development field.
  2. Study their biographies, books, speeches, and interviews to understand their journeys.
  3. Analyze the strategies, mindset, and actions that led to their success.
  4. Extract key principles and lessons that resonate with you and align with your vision.

Specific Details:

  • The goal is not to copy someone else’s path but to adapt their principles to your unique goals and vision.
  • Learning from successful people can provide valuable insights and shortcuts to achieving your objectives.

Step 27: Sharing Your Message


This step focuses on sharing the knowledge and insights you’ve gained with others who may benefit from it.


  1. Determine the format of your program. Will it be a podcast, YouTube series, blog, or live events?
  2. Start creating content that showcases motivational speakers, their wisdom, and your insights.
  3. Use social media platforms and other online channels to reach your audience.
  4. Collaborate with speakers and influencers in the personal development field to expand your reach.

Specific Details:

  • Consistency is key when creating and sharing content. Set a regular schedule for your program.
  • Engage with your audience and encourage discussions around the topics you cover.

Step 28: Embracing Responsibility and Impact


This step emphasizes the importance of recognizing your responsibility to inspire and empower others.


  1. Understand that with the platform you’ve created comes a responsibility to make a positive impact.
  2. Continuously seek ways to improve and refine your program to better serve your audience.
  3. Share not only success stories but also stories of overcoming challenges and setbacks.
  4. Encourage your audience to take action and apply the insights they gain from your program.

Specific Details:

  • Remember the message of not quitting, finding a different way to stand, and believing in one’s ability.
  • Stay true to your mission of inspiring and empowering others to believe in themselves and their potential.

Step 29: Discovering Your Motivation


This step involves understanding your motivation and the purpose behind creating an inspirational speaker showcase program.


  1. Reflect on your personal journey and the challenges you’ve faced.
  2. Identify the moment or realization that inspired you to create this program.
  3. Consider the role models and influencers who have had a significant impact on your life.
  4. Explore your passion for personal development and motivation.

Specific Details:

  • Your own experiences and moments of inspiration can be the driving force behind your program.
  • Take note of the specific people, quotes, or speeches that ignited your passion for motivational content.

Step 30: Modeling Success and Learning from the Best


This step involves studying successful individuals and learning from their strategies and approaches.


  1. Identify renowned motivational speakers and influencers in the personal development field.
  2. Study their speeches, books, interviews, and content to understand their journeys.
  3. Analyze the key principles, mindset, and actions that led to their success.
  4. Extract valuable lessons and insights that resonate with you and align with your program’s mission.

Specific Details:

  • The goal is not to imitate someone else’s style but to adapt their principles to your unique vision.
  • Learning from successful people can provide valuable guidance and inspiration for your program.

Step 31: Creating and Sharing Inspirational Content


This step focuses on producing and sharing motivational content to inspire and empower your audience.


  1. Determine the format of your program, such as a podcast, YouTube series, blog, or live events.
  2. Start creating content that showcases inspirational speakers, their wisdom, and your unique insights.
  3. Utilize social media platforms and online channels to reach your target audience.
  4. Collaborate with motivational speakers and influencers to expand your program’s reach.

Specific Details:

  • Consistency in content creation and sharing is crucial for building an engaged audience.
  • Encourage audience interaction and discussions around the motivational topics you cover.

Step 32: Embracing Responsibility for Impact


This step emphasizes the importance of recognizing your responsibility to inspire and empower others.


  1. Acknowledge that with your platform comes a responsibility to make a positive impact on your audience.
  2. Continuously seek ways to improve and refine your program to better serve your audience’s needs.
  3. Share not only success stories but also stories of overcoming challenges and setbacks.
  4. Motivate your audience to take action and apply the insights they gain from your program.

Specific Details:

  • Remember the message of “It can be done” and the power of belief in oneself and one’s potential.
  • Stay committed to your mission of inspiring individuals to believe in themselves and their ability to create positive change.

Step 33: Acknowledging Your Impact


This step involves recognizing the positive impact you can have on others and your responsibility to spread positivity.


  1. Reflect on the moments when you’ve touched people’s lives and made a difference.
  2. Understand that your actions, words, and content can influence and inspire others.
  3. Embrace the responsibility of using your platform to spread positivity and motivate those who need it.
  4. Remember the people who may be in dark places and look to you for guidance and hope.

Specific Details:

  • Your actions, even in the form of content creation, can have a profound impact on people’s lives.
  • Recognize the power of your message in helping individuals find hope and strength.

Step 34: Creating Uplifting Content


This step focuses on producing content that uplifts and motivates your audience.


  1. Choose a platform for sharing your content, such as videos, podcasts, blog posts, or social media.
  2. Craft content that showcases inspirational stories, messages, or interviews with motivational figures.
  3. Share personal anecdotes and insights that resonate with your audience.
  4. Encourage positivity, resilience, and belief in oneself through your content.

Specific Details:

  • Maintain a consistent content schedule to keep your audience engaged and inspired.
  • Use storytelling techniques to connect with your audience on an emotional level.

Step 35: Engaging with Your Audience


This step emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with your audience and fostering a sense of community.


  1. Respond to comments, messages, and feedback from your audience promptly and genuinely.
  2. Encourage discussions and interactions around the topics you cover in your content.
  3. Create opportunities for your audience to share their own inspirational stories and experiences.
  4. Build a supportive and uplifting online community that aligns with your mission.

Specific Details:

  • Authentic engagement builds trust and loyalty among your audience.
  • Actively listen to your audience’s needs and concerns to tailor your content accordingly.

Step 36: Embracing Emotional Growth


This step involves recognizing that the quality of your life is determined by your emotional well-being and personal growth.


  1. Prioritize emotional well-being and self-improvement in your life.
  2. Continuously seek personal growth opportunities, whether through self-reflection, learning, or seeking guidance.
  3. Embrace emotional resilience and cultivate a positive mindset.
  4. Encourage your audience to focus on their emotional health and personal development as well.

Specific Details:

  • Emotional well-being is essential for living a fulfilling and purposeful life.
  • Share your own journey of emotional growth and self-improvement with your audience to inspire them to do the same.


Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript

Whatever you see yourself doing now, you’re marching toward purpose, meaning, and impact. Whatever vision that you hold for yourself, see it, accomplish it, and understand this: it can be done, and the glue is service, belief, caring, conviction, and drive.

Hello, my name is Evan, Evan Carmichael, and you’ve seen him, I’m sure, on the line. He’s a man who showcases motivational messages that will empower you, that will help you to get an expanded vision of yourself, that will move you to another place above and beyond the circumstances that you’re now facing.

A lot of people are dealing with empty pockets, broken hearts, and stress and loneliness, but Evan, he’s taken a stance with his life, and his stance is that you can do better. His stance is that your circumstances don’t define you. His stance is that it’s not over till you win. Some people say it’s over till the fat lady sings, a lot of people quit while she’s just clearing her throat.

Evan, how are you? I’m great, thank you for that amazing intro. I’m honored, thank you for having me. Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be here with you.

Evan, I asked you before we came on, what is your signature message? And you see your signature message being “believe.” Believe in yourself, believe that it’s possible, believe that it can work out, believe that someone like you can do amazing things. I think lack of belief is the single most important issue facing us as a human species, and I wake up every day trying to solve it one person at a time.

Okay, now let me ask you this. Where did that come from in you? You’re saying this is something that I want to talk about and share with audiences around the world and showcase speakers and their messages and their values. Where did that come from at the core? I think it came from my parents. There’s a picture behind me on the wall here, it’s me when I’m eight or nine years old, and those are my parents, and they used to always tell me, “You’re Evan Castrillo Carmichael, you can do anything you believe that you can.”

Got you. I want you to go into your imagination and go around four or five, and going there, who would you say was the most influential, impactful person in your life that you admired and looked up to? Who’s that person? Probably my mom.

Your mother, what’s her name? Anna Marie. Alright, now I want you to use five adjectives and an example. Anna Marie, give me the first adjective and an example. What was the first quality that you admired about your mother? Service. What do you mean by that? Give an example. She always was, and is, she’s still alive, trying to serve.

Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript (Continued)

Trying to help, trying to do something bigger than herself, caring about her community, and instilled that in me too. It was like you have to go off and do more than just for you, you have to go off and serve others too.

Excellent. What’s the second quality? Belief. Whenever I was not doing well, whenever I didn’t get the same grades my sisters got, or whenever I got into trouble, it wasn’t just punishment, there was always this feeling like, okay, I can do better, not that I’m bad, but that I can go somewhere else, and that belief in me helped me believe in myself a little bit more too.

Excellent. And the third quality. This is fun, I like this, you’re putting me on the spot, this is great. I’m gonna tell my mom this stream afterwards, I’m sure she’s gonna love it. The family, I mean, she’s the glue for our family, and just caring for people, remembering little things like remembering people’s birthdays. She makes an annual family calendar for us every year, so we all remember, you know, in our extended family whose birthdays are when, and those little touches to recognize and show appreciation, love for the people who are closest to you.

Okay, and the fourth. Fourth, the conviction to follow through. She had a lot of things stacked against her. She did things that a woman wasn’t supposed to do in terms of leadership positions and running organizations where she was the first. She became the first chairman of an educational institution that she changed her name to chair, so it’s not just chairman. And so did a lot of things that she was someone like her wasn’t supposed to do, an immigrant woman wasn’t supposed to do, and she just persevered her way through it. Mm-hmm, I’m getting emotional just thinking about this. This is great.

Okay, and so what’s the fifth quality? Fifth quality, um, just a constant never-ending drive to get better, drive, strive, striving to get better, um, that good enough isn’t good enough, that you can always do more. That one of the things she would always say is if you have the ability, you have…

Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript (Continued)

The responsibility, if you can, then you must. Some words kind of every time. I’ve got five pictures in my office, and they’re in the middle, and every time I walk in, I hear some of those phrases every single time fill in my head.

Excellent. If you wrote a book about your mother, I think you should. I talk about my mother, Amy Brown, I’m a doctor, and I just, just a few weeks ago, saw a picture of my birth mother, and my birth mother gave me life, but my adopted mother taught me how to live life. But if you wrote a book about her and what you learned from her and how to live life, what would that title be? And a title that would appeal to anybody, regardless of their gender, regardless of their politics, and religious persuasion, young. Oh, what would that title be about Anna Marie? What would that title be?

“It can be done.” It can be done.

Oh, I love that. “It can be done.” And the subtitle, um, that we don’t want to make gender-specific. The subtitle would be, “Your march to find meaning and purpose.” “Your march to find meaning and purpose.”

Excellent. Do you mind if I take a swing at your story? This is a signature story, I believe. Let’s go.

Hello, my name is Evan, and I want to talk to you about your goals and dreams and things that you want to achieve with your life. And I want you to think about them in your personal life, things that you want to achieve. And in my case, I’m living the life that I love, and I love the life that I live because my mother raised me to be the kind of person to want to make the world a better place than how it is right now. So I want you to think about something in your personal life that you’d like to do or someone you’d like to do something for.

Then I want you to think about your financial freedom number. You know, people say money won’t make you happy, but there was something that I believe in very strongly. It can’t make you happy, but the people who say that just never had any. Red Fox said, “Money ain’t everything, but it can sure make a down payment on what you want.” So I want you to think about your financial freedom number or doing something, a job or some cause that you want to represent. And that brings me to, I want you to think about your life, living a life that will outlive you.

As I look at and reflect on my mother every time I come in the office, I see her picture, and I realize she resonated with the words of Emerson who said, “We should be ashamed to die until we have made some major contribution to humankind.” And as you reflect on and looking at your life in and out of the pandemic, and as all of us, I think, are in a place where we are marching toward finding meaning and purpose in our lives, I want you to write this down: service. My mother, Anna Marie, she believed in service. My favorite book says that the greatest among you will be your servant. And it was Earl Nightingale who said that your success in life or failure is directly related to the quality and the quantity…

Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript (Continued)

of the service that you provide. As you look at yourself and look at your life right now, what service can you provide in and out of the pandemic that will make a tremendous impact, that will make your life count, that will be able to establish you as a person who lived a meaningful, purposeful life and made a difference for others? It was John H. Johnson who, with a $500 loan from his mother, and he built a $400 million dollar empire, he said, “There’s no defense against an excellence of service that meets pressing public need.” Have a service-driven life, that’s what I learned from my mother, Anna Marie.

Here’s the next thing, belief. You know, when I failed in school, there were times I felt down on myself, but she didn’t criticize me, she didn’t beat up on me, she just made me feel I can do better. She had high expectations for me. No one rises to low expectations, and she let me know that she expected more. She let me know that I have the ability to do more. She let me know that the grades did not define me, and that inspired me to live an inspired life. That brought something out of me that even now I talk about service and belief because I know that I’m not just a messenger, but I am the message. When you have someone that can believe in you before your belief kicks in, and that’s what my mother did for me.

And the next thing is caring. Oh boy, she did not forget birthdays and anniversaries. You know, it was Maya Angelou that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. And my mother, she not only cared just for me but for the family, for everybody. Everybody knows that my mother has a big heart, a heart-centered life, and she shared her caring with those in the family and people that she met. It’s been said that love, inspiration, and caring are perfumes you can’t sprinkle on others without getting a few drops on yourself. Live a life of caring.

Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript (Continued)

Convicted in your spirit that you’re going to make it, that you’re going to do it. My mother accomplished some things against all odds. People didn’t think that she’d be able to do that, but she did it. She was determined. A lot of people say it’s not over till the fat lady sings. Well, many people quit when she’s just clearing her throat. But my mother, she was convicted. She walked by faith and not by sight. My mother, she was a “no matter what” person. She’s still here now. She covers the ground she stands on. If you’re casual about your dream, your dream will end up a casualty.

My mother, she was convicted in her spirit to live a life that counts, a life that matters, a life that makes an impact. And I think all of us are called upon to do that. Most people die at age 25 and don’t get buried until they’re 65 because they’ve not found something that gives their lives meaning and purpose to make a greater impact.

And here’s something else, not only must you have a life of service and belief and inspire those around you and caring with love and a heart-centered life, and be convicted to always looking for ways to reach higher. Socrates says, “A man’s reaches to supersede his grasp, for water the heavens far.” But the other thing is, my mother had drive. She still has it now. You have to have a drive to get better, a drive, something in you. You have greatness built in you. And because of most people’s lack of drive, most people’s unwillingness to discover who they are and whose they are, most people not taking the time to work on themselves, to focus their minds, to put in the effort, and to commit themselves to live a life that matters, that stands out, a life that counts. That’s Anna Marie, Maria Anna Marie.

Oh yes, my mother. You can tell I’m a mama’s boy. As you look at your life, here’s what I know: Whatever you see yourself doing now, you’re marching toward purpose, meaning, and impact. Whatever vision that you hold for yourself, see it, accomplish it, and understand this: It can be done, and the glue is service, belief, caring, conviction, and drive.

Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript (Continued)

it can be done, it can be done, and the glue is service, belief, caring, conviction, and drive. My name is Evan, I’m Anna Marie’s boy, I love my mama. Bye for now.

There we go, I love that. Wow, man, in action is great.

Yeah, what did you get from that?

I love how you were able to quickly summarize the points but also bring your own quotes in, and all the things that are Les Brown style, you know, the quotes and the parables and the stories. And just how you deconstructed and made it personal, that hey, I’m here telling a story to help you get to know me a little bit better, and through my mom as a proxy, you get the message, not just me sharing, here’s what you need to do, but hey, here’s how I learned from my mom, and you can have similar greatness for your life too.

Yes. Now, where I would go now, and so, ladies and gentlemen, as I look at my life now, and people might ask the question, why do you do what you do? Because of things that I learned from my mother. The program that I have, showcasing methods and techniques and inspirational stories, and having it be clean and family-friendly because I know that what we listen to, we turn into. I’ve been doing this for years, and at a time where there are so many speakers out here who don’t have any sense of decency and shame about the language that they use, we have standards. I got that from my mother.

We’ve been doing this for years, and I’ve never had anything come from my program that I would not be proud for my mother to hear. We don’t allow profanity in our programming. Les Brown believes that profanity is the strongest expression of a weak mind. And as we look at ourselves in and out of the pandemic, whole words have power. “Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto you.” The things that you want to do, it can be done. Death and life are in the tongue, and most of us speak death, and most of us are watching things that are killing…

Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript (Continued)

the positive mindset and sense of optimism and hope and spirits in people all around the world. It’s a special time and a special place, and my goal is to be David facing these Goliaths. And keep in mind, Goliath falls. I got five stones, but I don’t need but one, and that one is service or belief. When I got some backup too.


Anybody who knows you, this is who you are. You serve with your life. You want to inspire people to believe in themselves. You have a caring heart. You are convicted on the things that you want to accomplish with your life, to live a life that will outlive you. And you have a drive and hunger to get better. You’re not satisfied with where you are. You believe that since greatness is possible, then being excellent is not enough. It’s my honor to be in the presence of you, sir. Humbled. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you for that. I’m still working on receiving, you know, compliments and praise, so I appreciate that.

Listen, how did you come up with the concept for the program that you have?

Which program? The one where you’re showcasing speakers like myself, and you play snippets of and crystallize and synthesize the thoughts that we express in our speeches.

So I really struggled as an entrepreneur. When I was 19, I had my first business, and I was putting in just tons of work and nothing was working out. And the worst day of my life was when I told my business partner that I quit because I couldn’t believe that I said the words “I quit” on something that I deeply cared about. And the next morning, I woke up and I said, “I can’t quit.” And I had Oprah’s voice in my head, and she was saying, “You just have to find a different way to stand.” Like, I can’t quit, just find a different way to stand.

I got the idea of maybe I’m not a dummy, maybe somebody’s done this before. Who else has done this? And I looked up an entrepreneur who had built a software company before, and it was Bill Gates. And I’ve never met him, still haven’t met him yet, one day I might shake his hand and tell him what an impact he had in my life. And I looked at how did he start Microsoft, and I took some of those strategies and applied it to my life and in short order had my first sale for 13 and a half thousand dollars. And at the time, I was making 300 a month, so 13 and a half thousand made a just giant world of difference. And on top of that, it just showed that finally momentum, hope, you know, this wasn’t for nothing.

And ever since then, whenever I don’t know what to do, I try to model success. So whenever I don’t know how to speak, I look up Les Brown. Whenever I don’t know how to do something else, I go find the person who’s done it. I’m not a dummy, I just need the right role models and mentors and guides for me. And so when I figured that out, I then wanted to teach it. And having my mom’s message in my ear, “You have the ability, so you have the responsibility,” and so I just started sharing the things that I had learned, the lessons that I loved with other entrepreneurs out there. Because I’m really just making content for 19-year-old Evan who doesn’t believe in himself, who’s putting in lots of work and seeing no results.

And I hope that maybe it’s my voice that makes an impact or maybe the way Les Brown says something or whoever else we profile. Hearing it again from different voices in different ways, maybe it finally gives them the breakthrough they need to believe in themselves and realize that it’s possible.

Come on and find a different way to stand. Don’t quit on your dream. Find a different way to stand because it can be done.

The goal really is just wherever you are, I want to try to create content to help you have a little more belief in yourself. There’s so much negativity around us from the people, maybe our parents, maybe our friends, maybe our classmates, even our own voice in our head is telling us you can’t do it, you’re not capable, you’re not strong enough. And what I found is the more you can be around the people who are doing it, even if you never get a chance to meet that person, if you listen to Les Brown every day, your life is going to change in a positive way. He will pull you forward. And so, that’s my goal, is to showcase some of the world’s top talents in different areas and have that be your university of excellence that you get to listen to from your phone every single…

Evan Carmichael Interview Transcript (Continued)

day to pull you forward and help you realize that you can create amazing things. Well, I tell you, I’m excited. This is a time where you have to, I believe, if you’re serious about making it in and out of the pandemic, that you strike strategic partnerships. And when I stumbled across on Clubhouse when you were playing these messages by me, I said, “Who did this? Whoever did this, they spent a lot of hours putting this together and putting my stuff together.” I want to reach out and meet them. And you were so gracious and opening, and so I want to thank you for that, and I’m looking forward to working with you because I believe it can be done, and we can change the world together.

And we thank Anna Marie for that. [Laughter] Make sure your mother sees this and tell me what she says.

All right, I will send it to her. And just as an extra point of gratitude, you know, when I was getting started in the speaking business, I thought I would never make it. I’m introverted, I’m shy, my story is not good enough, nobody wants to hear from me. And when people ask me, “Who’s the greatest speaker of all time?” Because I’ve seen so many, and just the nature of what I do, it’s like Les Brown, you have to go watch Les Brown. Uh, and so your videos have saved me from a lot of dark moments, have encouraged me when I really needed the light. And it’s, again, a tremendous honor to be here on your show, getting some live coaching from you, and looking forward to doing more stuff together too.

All right. Well, thank you so very much. I’m going to keep this in mind, “It can be done.” You’ll march towards finding meaning and purpose in life. Hello. Thank you so very much.

I tell you, this is your time, this is your moment. There are millions of people that you’ve touched their lives, and when they’re in a dark place, because of your vision, because of the stance that you have taken with your life, you’ve found a different way to stand that many people decided not to take. Their lives and decided not to give up and throw in the towel on themselves and their dreams. So, in behalf of those thousands, millions of people around the world, I say for them, thank you. Thank you, Evan. Thank you. You’re a wonderful young man. It’s an honor to meet you. Bye for now.

If you want to see the one-on-one I did with Tony Robbins, check it out right there next to me. I think you’ll love it. Continue to believe, and I’ll see you there. The quality of your life has nothing to do with how much money you have or how beautiful your children are or how many people love you. The quality of your life is where you live emotionally.

Post/Page #48013
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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