Set up your family for lifetime success

👣 23 Innovative Steps: From Content to Conversion!


Mastering the Wealth-Building Steps: From Mindset to Millions

🚀 Ready to stop working your fingers to the bone and start making your assets work for you? 💪💼 Tired of the daily grind and ready to level up your financial game? 🌟

Imagine this: You’re at a fancy restaurant 🍽️, savoring a delicious meal without worrying about the bill, because your assets are working hard to make you 💰. You’re not just a manager; you’re a BOSS! 🎩

It’s time to shift your mindset, my friend. 💡 Income follows assets, and it’s high time you started building yours. 🔨🏠💼

💡 Mindset: Set the thermostat for success.
💼 Skillset: Master the art of managing, communicating, and creating.
🚀 Toolset: Innovate, create, and watch your wealth grow.

From working harder to working smarter, these steps will set you up for a life of financial freedom and endless possibilities. Ready to learn more? 📚💰

Stay tuned for the secrets that will change the game and secure your legacy! 🌟💪 #FinancialFreedom #BossMoves


Step 1: Develop the Right Mindset


This step involves cultivating the right mindset, which is crucial for achieving financial success.


  1. Acknowledge your current financial situation and any limitations it imposes.
  2. Decide in advance that you want to change your financial situation for the better.
  3. Recognize the importance of assets in generating income.
  4. Understand that income follows assets, meaning people with valuable assets have a lot of income.

Specific Details:

  • Your mindset should be oriented towards the goal of creating income-producing assets.
  • Understand that your current job is an asset (your time), but it might not be enough to secure your financial future.
  • Embrace the idea that you can actively create assets to increase your income.

Step 2: Develop the Right Skill Set


In this step, you’ll focus on acquiring the necessary skills to create income-producing assets.


  1. Identify the specific skills needed in your chosen field or industry.
  2. Seek out resources for skill development, such as courses, books, mentors, or online tutorials.
  3. Dedicate time and effort to consistently improve and master these skills.
  4. Be open to learning and adapting to changes in your chosen field.

Specific Details:

  • Research the most sought-after skills in your industry to ensure you invest your time wisely.
  • Invest in skill development regularly to stay competitive and valuable in your chosen field.
  • Understand that skill development is an ongoing process and not a one-time effort.

Step 3: Acquire the Right Tool Set


This step involves acquiring the necessary tools and resources to create income-producing assets.


  1. Identify the tools and resources relevant to your chosen field or industry.
  2. Invest in high-quality tools that can enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  3. Stay updated with the latest technological advancements in your field.
  4. Network with professionals who can recommend valuable tools and resources.

Specific Details:

  • Tools can include software, equipment, hardware, or any resources that enable you to create assets effectively.
  • Research and compare different tools to ensure they align with your goals and needs.
  • Regularly update your toolset to adapt to industry changes and advancements.

Step 4: Create Income-Producing Assets


Now that you have the right mindset, skill set, and tool set, it’s time to create income-producing assets.


  1. Identify opportunities to create assets in your chosen field, such as writing a book, starting a business, or investing in real estate.
  2. Take concrete steps to initiate and develop these income-generating ventures.
  3. Allocate time and resources to ensure the growth and success of these assets.
  4. Monitor and adjust your strategies as needed to optimize your income.

Specific Details:

  • If you’re writing a book, follow a structured writing and publishing process.
  • If you’re starting a business, create a detailed business plan and execute it systematically.
  • If you’re investing in real estate, conduct thorough market research and make informed investment decisions.

Step 5: Continuously Grow and Optimize Your Assets


To secure your financial future, you must continually grow and optimize your income-producing assets.


  1. Regularly assess the performance of your assets and make necessary improvements.
  2. Explore opportunities to diversify your income streams or acquire additional assets.
  3. Keep an eye on market trends and adapt your strategies accordingly.
  4. Seek advice from mentors or experts in your field to enhance your asset management skills.

Specific Details:

  • Monitor the financial performance of your assets, including income, expenses, and ROI.
  • Consider reinvesting profits to expand your asset portfolio or reduce debt.
  • Stay informed about changes in your industry that may impact your assets.
  • Continuously educate yourself about financial management and asset optimization.

Step 6: Identify Past Perceived Voids


This step involves recognizing the past perceived voids in your life or others’ lives, as they can guide you in creating valuable assets.


  1. Reflect on your own life and experiences to identify moments or aspects where you felt something was missing or lacking.
  2. Consider the experiences of your target audience or potential clients to understand their past perceived voids.
  3. Ask open-ended questions to gather insights into what people may have felt was missing in their lives.

Specific Details:

  • Past perceived voids can vary greatly from person to person, and they are often deeply personal.
  • Be empathetic and open-minded when exploring past perceived voids to gain a better understanding of people’s needs and desires.

Step 7: Create Present Pursued Values


This step involves actively creating and offering solutions that address the present pursued values of your target audience based on their past perceived voids.


  1. Analyze the past perceived voids you’ve identified and determine how they relate to the present needs and desires of your audience.
  2. Develop products, services, or assets that align with these present values and fill the perceived voids.
  3. Communicate the benefits and solutions your offerings provide to address the current needs of your audience effectively.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure that your products or services provide clear solutions to the present desires or problems of your target audience.
  • Tailor your marketing and communication strategies to emphasize how your offerings meet their current values and needs.

Step 8: Continuously Adapt and Innovate


To remain successful, it’s essential to stay adaptable and innovative in your approach to asset creation.


  1. Stay connected with your audience to gather feedback and insights on their evolving needs and desires.
  2. Regularly assess the relevance and performance of your income-producing assets.
  3. Embrace change and be open to adapting your strategies, products, or services to align with market trends and shifts in values.

Specific Details:

  • Implement feedback mechanisms to collect customer input and assess the effectiveness of your offerings.
  • Monitor industry trends and conduct competitor analysis to stay ahead of changes in your field.
  • Encourage a culture of innovation within your organization or entrepreneurial endeavors.

Step 9: Balance Priorities and Values


Maintaining a balance between your priorities and values is crucial for long-term satisfaction and success.


  1. Continuously evaluate your priorities and values to ensure they align with your current goals and aspirations.
  2. Make conscious decisions about where to allocate your resources, whether it’s towards material possessions, experiences, or investments.
  3. Recognize that your priorities and values may evolve over time, and be open to adjusting your path accordingly.

Specific Details:

  • Keep in mind that what brings fulfillment and happiness can vary greatly among individuals.
  • Ensure that your financial pursuits align with your core values to avoid pursuing assets that may not bring genuine satisfaction.

Step 10: Understand Present Perceived Values


In this step, you’ll delve into understanding the present perceived values of your target audience, which are the things they currently find valuable and important.


  1. Conduct surveys, interviews, or market research to identify what your target audience currently values and desires.
  2. Analyze consumer trends, social media interactions, and online discussions to gain insights into present perceived values.
  3. Pay attention to your own observations and interactions with individuals to better understand their current priorities.

Specific Details:

  • Present perceived values are dynamic and may change over time due to evolving trends and circumstances.
  • Use data and insights to categorize and prioritize the most common present perceived values among your target audience.

Step 11: Create Present Pursued Values


Building on your understanding of present perceived values, this step involves developing products, services, or assets that align with and cater to these current desires.


  1. Design offerings that directly address and fulfill the present perceived values of your target audience.
  2. Emphasize the benefits and features of your products or services that cater to these values.
  3. Craft marketing messages that resonate with the present desires and priorities of your audience.

Specific Details:

  • Tailor your offerings to provide immediate satisfaction or solutions for your target audience’s current needs.
  • Ensure that your marketing materials highlight how your products or services align with what people value right now.

Step 12: Appeal to Future Perceived Visions


In this step, you’ll consider the future perceived visions and goals of your audience, which can guide your long-term strategies.


  1. Engage in discussions and research to identify the future outcomes and aspirations your target audience hopes to achieve.
  2. Develop products, services, or assets that offer a path towards realizing these future visions.
  3. Create content or campaigns that inspire and guide individuals toward their long-term goals.

Specific Details:

  • Future perceived visions may include financial stability, career advancement, personal growth, or lifestyle improvements.
  • Position your offerings as tools or resources that contribute to the realization of these future visions.

Step 13: Adapt to Evolving Values


To stay relevant and effective, it’s essential to continuously adapt to changes in values and priorities within your target audience.


  1. Regularly reassess the present and future perceived values of your audience through ongoing research and feedback channels.
  2. Be flexible in adjusting your product or service offerings to align with shifting values.
  3. Keep a finger on the pulse of industry trends and market dynamics to stay ahead of changing preferences.

Specific Details:

  • Implement agile product development and marketing strategies to respond quickly to changes in values.
  • Maintain open communication channels with your audience to gather feedback and insights regarding evolving priorities.

Step 14: Elevate to the Communication Level of Value


Now, we’ll explore how to elevate yourself to the communication level of value, where you use your communication skills to create income-producing assets.


  1. Develop your communication skills by practicing public speaking, writing, or any other form of effective communication.
  2. Consider becoming an author, speaker, podcaster, content creator, or influencer in your area of expertise.
  3. Build a personal brand around your communication skills to establish yourself as an authority in your field.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that communication is a powerful tool for connecting with your audience, sharing your expertise, and creating income streams.
  • Be consistent in delivering valuable content and engaging with your audience to build trust and credibility.

Step 15: Create Income-Producing Assets


In this step, you’ll shift your focus to creating income-producing assets using your communication skills.


  1. Leverage your communication platform (e.g., podcast, blog, YouTube channel) to create valuable content.
  2. Monetize your platform through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, product sales, or paid memberships.
  3. Diversify your income streams by offering online courses, coaching services, or consulting based on your expertise.

Specific Details:

  • Income-producing assets can include digital products, online courses, books, or any offering that generates passive income.
  • Continuously improve and expand your assets to increase your revenue potential.

Step 16: Maximize Your Impact and Income


Now, you’ll focus on maximizing your impact and income by scaling your efforts and reaching a broader audience.


  1. Collaborate with other influencers or experts in your niche to expand your reach.
  2. Use data analytics and audience insights to tailor your content and offerings to your target audience’s preferences.
  3. Implement marketing strategies to promote your income-producing assets effectively.

Specific Details:

  • Explore various marketing channels such as email marketing, social media advertising, and search engine optimization (SEO) to attract a larger audience.
  • Continuously assess and optimize your strategies to ensure sustainable growth and income.

Step 17: Reinvest and Secure Your Legacy


In this final step, you’ll focus on securing your legacy and ensuring long-term financial stability for your family.


  1. Reinvest a portion of your income into income-producing assets or investments to create a compounding effect.
  2. Seek professional financial advice to make informed decisions about wealth management and estate planning.
  3. Consider creating a trust or other legal structures to protect your assets and pass them on to future generations.

Specific Details:

  • Building a legacy involves careful financial planning, including wealth preservation and passing on your assets efficiently.
  • Collaborate with financial advisors, attorneys, and estate planners to create a comprehensive legacy plan.

Step 18: Understand the Importance of Mindset


Recognize the significance of cultivating the right mindset to achieve success, especially in setting your family up for success.


  1. Acknowledge that mindset plays a crucial role in determining your success in life and your ability to provide for your family.
  2. Understand that focusing on the right mindset is a fundamental step toward achieving your goals.
  3. Realize that delivering value at a higher level is essential for creating wealth, rather than merely delivering more value at a lower level.

Specific Details:

  • Your mindset forms the foundation for your actions and decisions, so it’s vital to start by working on it.
  • Success is not solely about working harder but also about thinking smarter and strategically.
  • Prioritize shifting your mindset from a lower value perspective to one that focuses on delivering value at a higher level.

Step 19: Embrace the Concept of Value at a Higher Level


Embrace the idea that delivering value at a higher level is a key strategy for achieving financial success.


  1. Understand that the highest level of value is imagination, where you come up with innovative ideas.
  2. Recognize that the next step is effectively communicating these ideas to those who can manage and implement them.
  3. Realize that this approach can lead to substantial financial rewards, ranging from millions to potentially billions of dollars.

Specific Details:

  • Imagination involves creating unique ideas or solutions that can be turned into valuable products or services.
  • Successful individuals in this mindset focus on creating software or innovations that have widespread appeal and generate recurring revenue, as exemplified by Zoom’s subscription model.
  • The goal is to spend the majority of your time and effort operating at the imagination and communication level (80%) and a smaller portion (20%) on execution.

Step 20: Focus on Problem-Solving


Shift your mindset toward solving bigger and better problems, not just your own, but also those of others.


  1. Develop the mindset that seeks to solve challenges that have a significant impact on people’s lives.
  2. Prioritize solving other people’s problems as a primary goal.
  3. Cultivate the belief that you can get things done and make a positive difference in the world.

Specific Details:

  • Success often comes from addressing real-world problems and creating solutions that benefit a broader audience.
  • Embrace the mindset that your success is intertwined with your ability to make a meaningful impact on others.
  • Shift your focus from dwelling on personal issues to actively seeking ways to help others overcome their challenges.

Step 21: Obsess Over Solving Other People’s Problems


Develop a relentless focus on solving other people’s problems as a core part of your wealth-building mindset.


  1. Understand that by solving significant problems for others, you can generate income that will enable you to address your own challenges.
  2. Cultivate a mindset that obsessively seeks out opportunities to provide solutions to people’s needs and desires.
  3. Commit to changing the game by consistently and passionately addressing the problems of others.

Specific Details:

  • Obsessing over solving other people’s problems not only helps you generate income but also positions you as a valuable resource in your field.
  • Consider creative ways to leverage your skills, knowledge, and resources to offer solutions that improve the lives of others.
  • Embrace the idea that a million small contributions can add up to a substantial income, making it easier to set yourself up for life and legacy.

Step 22: Develop Communication and Imagination Skills


Recognize the importance of developing strong communication and imagination skills as essential components of your skill set.


  1. Prioritize improving your ability to communicate effectively, whether through speaking, writing, or any other medium.
  2. Invest time in enhancing your imagination by reading books, listening to audiobooks, and taking notes on your thoughts.
  3. Combine the development of both communication and imagination skills to amplify your impact and influence.

Specific Details:

  • Reading books is a powerful mental exercise that stimulates your imagination and exposes you to a wealth of knowledge and ideas.
  • When reading, take thorough notes and write down your thoughts on sticky notes to capture your unique insights.
  • By continuously working on your communication and imagination skills, you become better equipped to convey your ideas, innovate, and inspire others.

Step 23: Prioritize Focus and Avoid Distractions


Maintain unwavering focus on your long-term goals and objectives, avoiding distractions that hinder your progress.


  1. Recognize the importance of prioritizing your time and energy on high-impact activities that align with your goals.
  2. When faced with opportunities or distractions, evaluate them based on their potential return on investment and alignment with your mission.
  3. Develop the discipline to say no to opportunities that may seem attractive but divert your attention from your primary objectives.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that not all opportunities are equal, and it’s crucial to discern between those that genuinely contribute to your long-term success and those that lead to short-term gains.
  • Focus your efforts on tasks that move the needle in your wealth-building journey, even if it means letting go of smaller, less impactful opportunities.
  • Cultivate the discipline to stay on course, maintaining consistency and unwavering commitment to your goals.



Are you tired of working your fingers to the bone? Are you tired of working on something that doesn’t seem to be working for you? Have you struggled at figuring out, like, “I’m really looking to hit my lick, I want to make my family set for life.” I was there for a very long time. You don’t have to be there as long as I was there. In fact, I’m going to show you today access to a quote shortcut that can make your family set for life and legacy, and that is this.

Income Follows Assets

The first statement I’m going to make, I got this from Daniel Priestley. He’s the author of “Oversubscribed,” he’s also the author of “24 Assets,” he’s also the author of “Key Person of Influence.” This guy made a statement that made so much sense. He said, “Income follows assets.”

What Does “Income Follows Assets” Mean?

What does that even mean, income follows assets? What it means is that people who have assets have a lot of income. If you own real estate that you rent, income follows that asset. If you are an author and you write a book and then you sell lots of books, income follows assets. If you have an income problem, it’s more than likely an asset problem. If you only have a job, the only asset that you have is your time because you’re selling your time to somebody else for a little bit of their money, and you’re probably selling a lot of your time for a little bit of somebody else’s money.

My recommendation for you would be to start focusing on producing and creating income-producing assets because income follows assets.

The Formula

Here’s the formula. M_s times S_s times T_s equals assets. What does that even mean? Well, here’s what it means. By the way, these assets, in fact, this is so good, I could spell assets like this: income equals assets.

So what is this? M_s times S_s times T_s equals assets. It’s mindset times skill set times tool set equals assets.

The Importance of Mindset

So when you have the right mindset and you multiply that times the right skill set and you multiply that times the right tool set, then you have assets. Now here’s what’s cool. When I say mindset, everybody talks about mindset, but almost nobody tells you what mindset is.

Well, if you think about set, like if I say set the thermostat, what am I doing? I’m setting. I’m deciding in advance what I’d like the outcome to be, and then I’m doing everything that I’m doing around that where that thermostat is set. When I set the cruise control in my car and I’m driving, I get to a certain speed and then I push what with the button? It’s called set. Set means it’s ready, it’s already determined. So you have to determine in advance. You have to use your mind in advance to determine where you’re going to go.

Creating Value

Now, if you take this concept and you add to this concept the concept from Genesis chapter one on the four levels of value, right, by the way, four levels of value. I say four levels of value, I just did a video on this a couple of weeks ago so I’m not going to go into great detail, but four levels of value. We’re paid in direct proportion to the value that we create for somebody other than us.

So you are paid in direct proportion to the value you create for somebody other than you. Do you understand what Jesus said? He said, “He who is greatest among you, let him be servant of all.” The people who serve at the highest level, they serve value to people at the highest level. Here’s the problem: you can’t serve value to someone until you know what’s valuable to that someone.

The Importance of Asking Questions

That’s why questions are the answer. That’s why we have to ask our potential clients enough questions to find out what they value. And like I like to say when I’m talking to a client, they provide the content; I provide the context. What is the content? The content is the outcome they desire. The content are the results they’d like to have that they’re not currently able to get. The content is what they’d like to achieve that they can’t achieve without your solution or my solution. Right? I can’t create value for someone until I know what’s valuable to that someone. And I find out what’s valuable to that person by having a conversation, asking questions, and then determining what are their past perceived voids.

Values and Perceived Voids

What are things that they’ve perceived in the past were missing? That’s where our values come from. Our values come from things that we perceive were missing in the past. And in my video when I talked about this, like when I was growing up, I never saw my parents buy a nice car, never. All the cars my parents bought when I was growing up, on the low end, they might cost fifty dollars. I’ve even seen my dad buy a car for 25; they might cost 500. That would be an expensive car for us growing up, right? My parents never bought new cars. They never had car payments when we were growing up, never. My parents never, like, when my brothers decided they were going to start selling cars for a living, I thought they were going to starve to death because nobody buys new cars. And I thought nobody bought new cars because we didn’t buy new cars. And most people think that everybody else in the world lives their lives like we live our lives, right? And so cars were a thing in my life when I was growing up that was a void. A nice car was something that was void, it was empty. We didn’t have a nice car. I didn’t have my first nice car I bought as an adult. Right? So, so past perceived voids create present pursued values, right? But also not just past perceived voids, that’s what, like, I have nice cars. In fact, like, and I have a nice house too. My house, I live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, a gated community. But all that, but, my cars are worth more than my house. Some people say, “Well, your priorities are out of order.” One of my priorities would be out of order if I were you, right? But I’m me. It’s my wife and myself. We live in a five-bedroom house, and two of the bedrooms, one’s an office, one’s a biohacking room, and then three of the bedrooms are still used as bedrooms. We don’t need a bigger house than that. We could have a bigger house. I could have a 25-bedroom mansion if I wanted to. That’s not something I value. I’ve already lived in a mansion. It was fun. It was great for the time it lasted. I don’t really have a desire to live in.

Prioritizing Values

I may buy another mansion eventually if it’s something that my wife and I decide we want to do at some point in the future, but right now it’s not a void, it’s not something I feel like, “Oh man, I just need to live in a bigger house.” I don’t go into all the rooms that are in the house I live in now. So like I go in my dining room three times a year. I might go in my living room five times a year, and usually lately I’ve only gone in my living room when my tailor comes to deliver my suits, right? And I sit down and I talk to her in the living room, and she shows me the suits, and she shows me some other stuff that she wants to sell me. But like, I don’t go in, we don’t do any living in the living room, we do no dining in the dining room. I eat in the kitchen. What do I need a bigger house for with another formal dining room that’s even bigger for the people that don’t I don’t invite them out? Like, it doesn’t make any sense, right? But I like cars. I’ve always, I grew up working on cars, but we didn’t have nice cars. So now I have nice cars. Past perceived voids create present pursued values. But another thing that creates value for people, so if you can figure out what they felt like was missing their whole life or something they feel like is even missing now, you can create value for someone because you know it’s valuable to that someone. Does that make sense to everyone? Yes.

The Importance of Understanding Values

Hey there, my friend. I just want to share with you one of the best business books you’ll ever have the opportunity to read. It’s called “Boss Moves.” Boss does not mean you bossing me around or me bossing you around. It’s an acronym that stands for Business Optimization Success Secrets. And this is Business Optimization Success Secrets from a million-dollar roundtable. I have one client who read this book and in two months made eight hundred thousand dollars from what he learned. I want to give you the opportunity to get this book by clicking the link below or just go to and get your copy today. And now back to the video you were watching.

Understanding Different Levels of Value

Okay, so the next thing we want to do is we want to understand that present perceived virtues also create present pursued values. What I mean, present perceived virtues, something that people perceive is good right now, that’s something that’s about we value right now. So I value experiences right now, right? That’s a present virtue. I like to eat at Eddie V’s Prime Seafood. That’s my favorite restaurant in Tampa. I don’t know that it’s the best food in Tampa, but it is definitely the best dining experience in Tampa, at least to me. I love that. I love Ocean Prime. It’s one of the best dining experiences in town. I want to go and have a good experience with my family where we don’t have to cook anything, we don’t have to clean up anything, where they’re going to wait on you hand and foot. Now I know that sounds crazy, but that’s a present… it’s not even so much that they’re serving me at that level, but when I go with family or I go with friends, the fact that I can see this great service being provided for people that I care about, that’s valuable to me. So present perceived virtues also create present pursued values. So when I know what somebody sees as valuable or important right now, now I know what to talk to them about, I know what to offer them, I know what kind of offer to make, right? Second and thirdly.

Future Pursued Values

Future perceived visions or perceived visions, rather, future perceived visions also create present pursued values. So if there’s an outcome I desire in the future that I’m not achieving right now but I’d like to achieve it eventually, that’s going to give me something that I can pursue right now as a value, as a virtue. So now the value, now I know where the person comes from, I know where the value from the past comes from, past voids, the present present virtues, future future visions, outcomes they’d like to achieve but they’re not yet achieving. So when I talk to people about those things, I know I’m talking to them about the right thing on the four levels of value. Okay, does that make sense? So the lowest level of value is implementation. If you are down here on the implementation level of value…

The Limitation of Physical Resources

when it comes to mindset, skillset, and toolset, what happens is you’re going to make about somewhere between minimum wage and forty thousand dollars a year. You make forty thousand a year if you’re a manager at Taco Bell. You’re making minimum wage if you’re making tacos at that Taco Bell, right? So somewhere, or maybe you’re a mechanic, and you might even make eighty thousand a year if you’re a mechanic. You work on a Rolls Royce or a Lamborghini or something, you might make 80,000 a year as an implementer. But the reason it’s hard to create wealth and to set your family up for success on the lowest level of value is because you are using a limited resource, your muscles. You’re fixing something, you’re moving something, you’re cleaning something, you’re using a physical resource. Wealth is a spiritual outcome. If you’re using a physical resource to produce a spiritual outcome, the spiritual outcome has to be limited. Are y’all tracking?

So wealth is a spiritual outcome. I don’t have time to prove that to you right now. Go back and watch one of my other videos. I don’t know which one. Watch all of them. It’s bound to be in one of them. I know it’s in one of them, okay? So I’m using a physical resource to produce a spiritual outcome. But I’m taking that spiritual… I’m using my muscles over time, and time is a limited resource. So I’m multiplying a physical resource times a limited resource, and I’m attempting to produce an unlimited result. That’s why I’m stuck. I’m working hard on the wrong thing. People will maintain a state of physical diligence so they can maintain a state of mental laziness. They will work hard at what’s not working so they don’t have to think about what would work better. I’ve seen people do it. I’ve watched people do it, and they’ll say, “I’ve got 40 years of experience driving this forklift. I don’t know how to do anything else.” I’ve got good news for you, buddy, and bad news. First of all, the bad news: you don’t have 40 years of experience driving a forklift because it doesn’t take that long to learn how to drive one. You have two weeks of experience repeated over a 40-year time period. That’s very different.

Secondly, in 40 years, you can learn how to do brain surgery. So don’t say, “I don’t know how to do anything.” You haven’t taken the time to learn how to do something new, perhaps, but it’s not that you can’t learn it, it’s just that you never thought about it before because most people spend so much time working on what’s not working that they don’t take time to figure out what would work better. Okay, cool. Lowest-level value.

Different Levels of Value

Second level of value is called unification. Unification is the resource we use down here is we use our management skills, management skills. We’re managing people who do the thing on the low end. We’re going to make forty thousand a year, managing Taco Bell. On the high end, we might make 250,000 a year as a mid-level manager at Lockheed Martin. But regardless, we’re managing a group of people who are producing an outcome. That is why we make more money than people who are doing the actual thing. But here’s the problem with that. If you work for a company and you make 250,000 a year, they want you to know they own you. They don’t want you to just know they own you. They want you to know they know they own you. So they can say stuff to you like, “Do you think we’re paying you this much money so you can go to your child’s recital?” Right? “Do you think we’re paying you this much money so you can have a day off when your child is sick?” Right? “Do you think we’re paying you this much money so you can take a vacation when you want to?” No, no, no, no, no, no. We’re paying you this much money so you can work, right? You belong to us.

Unlocking Your Full Potential

Now, the third level of value is called multiplication. Multiplication is where you multiply resources, right? So this is where you multiply resources. This is the resource you use. You use other people’s money, other people’s knowledge, other people’s relationships, and you use it to create wealth. You create income, you create money, you create income-producing assets. You use other people’s resources. You can’t multiply your own resources because if you could, you’d already be wealthy. Wealthy people use other people’s resources. People who are wealthy, if you look at how they become wealthy, they don’t become wealthy by just using their own resources. They become wealthy by using other people’s resources.

So if you’re going to create wealth, you’re going to have to get good at finding other people with resources who will allow you to use their resources to create wealth for them and for yourself. You can create more wealth for other people than you can ever create for yourself. But if you can create enough wealth for other people, they will let you have a piece of it. Now, you say, “Well, how do I do that?” Well, that’s the magic question. You’ve got to go back to my other video to figure that out because I don’t have time to tell you that right now. But you’ve got to create wealth for other people. But the problem with that is most people don’t

like to do that. Most people like to think about themselves. They like to think about their own comfort, their own joy, their own happiness, their own pleasure, their own money. Most people like to think about their own money. They don’t want to think about other people’s money. They don’t want to think about how to create wealth for other people. They want to think about how to create wealth for themselves. And they say, “Well, when I get wealthy, then I’ll help other people.” No, you’ve got to help other people get wealthy first. If you want to create wealth, you’ve got to help other people get wealthy. And that’s hard for most people because most people are not thinking about other people. They’re thinking about themselves. They’re selfish.

Achieving Wealth Through Multiplication

So if you want to create wealth, you’ve got to get good at multiplication. You’ve got to get good at finding other people with resources, other people with money, other people with knowledge, other people with relationships, and you’ve got to use their resources to create wealth. You can’t create wealth on your own. You can’t do it. It’s impossible. Wealth is a spiritual outcome, and you can’t create it on your own. You’ve got to use other people’s resources. You’ve got to create wealth for other people. And when you do that, they will let you have a piece of it. They’ll let you have a piece of it, and then you can use that piece to create more wealth for yourself. But if you’re not willing to create wealth for other people, you’ll never create wealth for yourself. It’s impossible. Wealth is a spiritual outcome. It’s not a physical outcome. It’s not something you can do with your muscles. It’s not something you can do with your mind. It’s something you can only do with your spirit. And if you’re not willing to do it for other people, you’ll never do it for yourself.


So those are the three levels of value: implementation, unification, and multiplication. Most people are stuck at the implementation level. Some people make it to the unification level, and very few people make it to the multiplication level. But if you want to create wealth, you’ve got to get to that multiplication level. You’ve got to use other people’s resources, and you’ve got to create wealth for other people. That’s the secret to creating wealth. That’s the secret to unlocking your full potential. That’s the secret to living a life of significance and impact. So I hope this helps you understand the three levels of value and how to use them to achieve your goals and create the life you desire. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video.

The Power of Imagination

billions or trillions of dollars a year if you’re a creative genius, like a Steve Jobs, an Elon Musk, a Jeff Bezos, right? You are imagining things that no one else has imagined, and you’re bringing them to life. And that’s the highest level of value.

So let me put it all together for you. You have implementation, unification, communication, and imagination. The lower you go on this hierarchy, the harder you work physically. The higher you go on this hierarchy, the more you work mentally and creatively. The people who are at the highest level of value, they are using their imagination to come up with new ideas, new concepts, new innovations, and they communicate those ideas effectively to others who can then unify and implement those ideas to create massive wealth.

And here’s the beautiful thing. You can move up this hierarchy. You can start at the bottom and work your way up. You can start by implementing and then move to unification, then communication, and ultimately, imagination. You can develop these skills over time, and that’s how you can elevate your value and your income.

So, the key takeaway here is to understand where you are on this hierarchy and where you want to be. If you want to create wealth and set your family up for success, aim to move up the hierarchy towards imagination and creative thinking. It’s not about working harder; it’s about working smarter and using your mind to create value.

I hope this breakdown of the four levels of value has been helpful, and it gives you some insights into how you can elevate your own value and achieve your financial goals. Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video.

Billions of Possibilities

Imagine, you imagine some software, and you create that software. You sell that software as a service, and some people pay you every month for that software. Like Zoom, I pay one of my Zoom accounts—I think I pay 500 dollars a month. The other Zoom account I pay 300 dollars a month, so I’m just one of their hundreds, one of their millions of clients, and I pay them 800 dollars a month.

Wrap your mind around that. What if you had software that’s going to be online anyway, regardless of how many people use it, and you had millions of people paying you at least a hundred dollars a month? A million people paying you a hundred dollars a month is a hundred million a month. Where I come from, that’s better than a sharp stick in the eye.

The Power of Mindset

So, you say, “Brian, what are you saying?” I’m saying if we have the right mindset, if we have the mindset to operate on the imagination level and the communication level, we spend 80 percent of our time here and only 20 percent of our time and effort and energy down here, we are going to be operating at a higher level.

It’s the mindset to focus on solving bigger and better problems. The mindset that says, “I know I can get this done.” The mindset that says, “I’m not going to think about solving my problems; I’m going to think about solving other people’s problems. And when I solve other people’s problems, they’re going to pay me enough money so I can solve my problems.”

This will change the game. Obsess over solving other people’s problems. That is the mindset of somebody who sets themselves up for life and legacy. “I’m going to solve big problems for a lot of other people.” It’ll change the game.

The Million-Dollar Idea

I remember one time when I was a little kid, I saw this movie about this guy who’s in prison. He wrote people letters, asked them to give him a dollar, and he just said, “I’m going to write a million letters and see if I can get people to give me a dollar. If I do, then when I get out, I’ll have a million dollars.” I’m like, “Okay, get a million people to give you a dollar. That’s a pretty cool concept.”

So, when I was a little kid, I had this idea. How can I get a million people to give me a dollar? I’m going to get a million people to give me a dollar. I’m going to get a million people to give me a dollar. Well, guess what? If I get a million people to give me a dollar, I can get a hundred thousand people to give me ten dollars and get a million people to give me all right. I’m sorry, I can get…

Exploring Million-Dollar Ideas

10,000 people to give me a hundred dollars. That’d be pretty cool. I can get a thousand people to give me a thousand dollars, and that’s a million. Well, if I can solve other people’s problems at a level where a thousand people give me a thousand dollars, that’s a million dollars. What if I could figure out how to get a thousand people to give me a thousand dollars in one day? What if I could figure out how to get a hundred people to give me ten thousand dollars or ten people to give me a hundred thousand dollars, or one person to give me a million dollars?

If we ask better questions, we automatically open up the door of possibility for us to get better answers. So all of that is mindset stuff. So I got the right mindset. I believe that other people have problems I can solve. Cool, that’s part of the mindset. I believe that other people would be happy to pay me to solve their problems. How do I know that? Because I’m happy to pay people who solve mine. That’s pretty cool. That’s part of my mindset. But then I’ve got to develop a skill set. The skill set that I have to develop if I’m going to create wealth and set myself up for life and set my family up for legacy, the most important skill sets I have to develop are communication and imagination skills.

I improved both of those simultaneously by reading books and taking notes on my thoughts. I literally improve my ability to think, and I improve my ability to talk, to speak, to write, to communicate by reading. There’s nothing we do that is better mental exercise than reading books. I also love to listen to audiobooks, but if I listen to a really, really good audiobook, after I listen to it, I’m going to read it. I’m going to read it so I can take notes on my thoughts while I’m reading it.

When I take notes on the thoughts that I’m reading, I’m a little weird, and I learned this little methodology for my daughter. When I’m reading a book and I’m taking notes, sometimes I’ll highlight something in the book, but I’ll use sticky notes, and I’ll write down my thoughts about what they said on a sticky note and I’ll put it on that page in the book. Some pages have 15 sticky notes on one page, like books that are really, really dense and thick and rich with content.

I’m going to tell you one of the most valuable things you will ever learn to do with regard to mindset and the skill set of communication. When you listen to a sermon, I learned this from Charlie “Tremendous” Jones in his book “Life is Tremendous.” I learned this when I was 21 years old, and learning this one concept has made me millions of dollars. Here’s what he said:

The Power of Thought and Action

When you go to a seminar, you read a book, or you listen to a sermon, and somebody says something that really resonates with you, don’t write down what they said; write down what you thought of as a result of what they said. It changed my life. That’s why I call it “Charlie Jonesing” when I read a book. The notes that I take, I call it “Charlie Jonesing” the content.

Now, I got an idea from Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln said, “I will prepare myself, and perhaps my time will come.” Myron Golden says, “My time is going to come whether I prepare myself or not. If I’m prepared when my time comes, it will reveal me. If I’m not prepared, it will expose me. I don’t desire to be exposed; I desire to be revealed.”

So, I’m going to make sure I’m prepared. What did I do? I didn’t write down what he said; I didn’t just write down what he said. I wrote down what I thought of as a result of what he said. By the way, which does all kinds of amazingly crazy things in the minds of people when you’re communicating. That’s what I mean when I say, “Get better at speaking; get better at thinking.”

So, mindset. The most important mindset is, if it works for somebody else, I know it’ll work for me. If I can solve somebody else’s problem, they’ll happily pay me. I’m going to solve a lot of other people’s problems. That’s part of my mindset. Part of my mindset is, it’s easier to make a lot of money in a short period of time than to make a little money over a long period of time. That’s part of my mindset.

So, when I believe that, like when I really believe that, you know what I do? When I see an opportunity to pick up a penny and I have to slow down too much—I’m talking figuratively, pick up a penny, not physically—and I’m on my way to get a hundred thousand dollar paycheck, I don’t slow down enough to pick up a penny if it’s going to cause me to miss my appointment to pick up that hundred thousand dollars.

And so, what most people do is they will slow their momentum to pick up pennies on their way to fortunes by being distracted by things that don’t add to the mission they are already on. Are you all tracking? So, what I want to do is I want to make sure that I stay focused. If somebody calls me and says, “Hey Myron, I’ve got an opportunity; you can make fifty thousand dollars. Will you look at it?” It’s going to cost me more than fifty thousand dollars to look at it. I don’t want to look at it.

I’m working on a 250 million dollar offer right now. A 50,000 dollar offer is a distraction. But you might be working at a 20-hour a month, 20-dollar an hour job. Well, fifty thousand dollar opportunity to you is not a distraction. So, it’s different depending on where you are on the asset hierarchy.

Developing Skills and Tools

Okay, so skill set. You want to develop cognitive thinking skills and communicative speaking skills. Those are some of the skills. If you have something good but you can’t say it in a way that helps people see it’s good and that it solves a problem, it doesn’t matter that you have something good.

So, you want to have the right skill set. And then the tool set. What is the tool set that you need? Well, sometimes the tool set is in somebody else’s toolbox. That means you don’t have to be good at all the things that need to be done, but you have to either surround yourself with somebody that’s good, or you have to be good yourself.

I remember when we first started making videos. Like when I first started shooting video, I had to learn how to use a camera. I didn’t know a video camera. I didn’t know, well, you’ve got to white balance. What’s white balance? You’ve got to white balance the camera. If you don’t white balance the camera, the camera’s confused. What do you mean? Cameras are not just cameras; cameras are computers these days. White balance means you’re teaching the camera what white is, because once it knows what white is, it automatically knows what every other color is.

You have to adjust your exposure so it’s not overexposed. It’s not so bright that it’s blowing out the picture, right? But you can’t be so dark that you can’t see what’s going on. You have to find that. And so, the tool set might be a tool set that you hire somebody else to use for you because either you don’t have the time or the know-how or the inclination to do it or just the desire.

People on my team are great at stuff I’m terrible at. Karina is our social media genius. I’m terrible at social media. Terrible. Jose is a video editing genius. I’m terrible at video editing. Miriam is a video editing genius. I’m terrible with that. There are people in our organization who are great at stuff that I’m terrible at, and there are other people on our team who are great as well. I’m not naming people because I’m giving people credit. I’m naming people to help you understand that you have to surround yourself with people who are strong where you’re weak and who are…

The Power of Tools and Assets

Good where you’re bad, that’s part of the toolset. Sometimes the tools are your tools. My tools are words. My tools are illustrations. My tools are concepts. So, I’ve got to have the mindset, the skillset, and the toolset. When I take these things and put them together in concert, what happens is I start producing results that give me assets.

The conversation started with this: income follows assets. You think you have an income problem, but the reality is you have an asset problem. If you will spend more time, effort, and energy creating assets—assets that bring value to other people—people will pay you for that. Income can follow your assets, and then you can start compounding your assets. If you start compounding your assets, your income will compound automatically.

How do you set yourself up for life and legacy? With the right mindset, times the right skillset, times the right toolset, it will produce assets that income can follow.

If you want to watch another video of mine that will really help you in the wealth creation game, watch the video called “It’s Easy to Get Rich.” It’ll change your life for the rest of your life. Thanks for watching. Peace out, Cub Scouts.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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