New Tactics to Become the Most Productive Person You Know | Robin Sharma

👣 7 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Supercharge Your Efficiency with These Proven Steps

Ready to transform your productivity game? 🌟
Ever felt like you’re chasing your tail in a world full of chaos? 🐾
Imagine a life where you’re the master of your time! 🕰️
Learn the secrets to becoming a productivity powerhouse! 💪

🔥 Discover how to:
🌟 Surround yourself with winners 🏆
🌟 Embrace discomfort like a boss 😎
🌟 Cultivate genius-level habits 🧠
🌟 Set daily goals for epic wins 🥇
🌟 Find solitude for supercharged focus 🧘‍♂️
🌟 Read a book a week for endless growth 📚

Your journey to unlocking your ultimate potential starts now! 🚀
Stay tuned for more juicy insights coming your way! 🌠📈
#ProductivityHacks #MasterYourTime #UnlockYourPotential

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Surround Yourself with Influential People


To enhance your productivity, it’s essential to connect with individuals who excel in their fields and lead highly productive lives. This step focuses on identifying and associating with these high-achievers.


  1. Identify the most productive and accomplished people in your niche or industry.
  2. Research their work, achievements, and principles through books, blogs, or video podcasts.
  3. Make a list of the top five individuals you admire for their productivity and effectiveness.
  4. Seek opportunities to engage with them, even if it’s primarily through their content.
  5. Regularly consume their content to immerse yourself in their mindset and values.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure the chosen individuals align with your goals and values.
  • Engage with their content consistently to absorb their beliefs and strategies.
  • Attend events, conferences, or webinars where they may speak or participate.
  • Actively apply the insights you gain from their teachings to your daily life.

Step 2: Embrace Discomfort and Take Risks


To boost productivity, it’s essential to break free from your comfort zone and embrace discomfort. This step encourages you to take calculated risks and step onto the metaphorical wire of life.


  1. Recognize that your brain is wired to seek comfort and avoid risks due to evolutionary factors.
  2. Acknowledge that sticking to the same patterns and behaviors limits your growth and productivity.
  3. Challenge yourself to take calculated risks and push your boundaries.
  4. Set ambitious goals, aiming to amplify your objectives by tenfold compared to previous ones.
  5. Embrace discomfort as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

Specific Details:

  • Embrace rejection as a learning opportunity and a step toward progress.
  • Continuously seek ways to step out of your comfort zone.
  • Regularly evaluate your goals and make them more ambitious to fuel motivation.
  • Cultivate a mindset that thrives on discomfort and novelty.
  • Embrace the philosophy that life is lived on the edge, and stepping onto the “wire” is where real growth happens.

Step 3: Build Genius-Level Habits


To elevate your productivity, you should focus on cultivating habits similar to those of highly creative and productive individuals, like Stephen King, John Irving, Picasso, Mozart, and Beethoven. This step emphasizes the importance of developing consistent, productive routines.


  1. Study the habits of highly productive and creative people in your field.
  2. Identify specific habits that you believe would enhance your productivity.
  3. Create a daily routine that incorporates these productive habits, even when you don’t feel like doing them.
  4. Commit to sticking to this routine, whether you’re motivated or not.
  5. Understand that building great habits is key to boosting your productivity over time.

Specific Details:

  • Stephen King’s habit of writing daily, whether he feels like it or not, illustrates the power of consistent practice.
  • Hardwire your chosen habits into your brain by consistently following your routine.
  • Focus on a few key disciplines, such as work time, recovery time, and exercise, to maximize your productivity.

Step 4: Set Five Little Goals Every Single Day


Enhance your productivity by setting and achieving five small, actionable goals each day. This step emphasizes the significance of daily goal-setting to keep you focused and motivated.


  1. Begin each day by listing five small, achievable goals that contribute to your overall objectives.
  2. Prioritize these goals based on their importance and relevance to your long-term aspirations.
  3. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps to include in your daily goals.
  4. Allocate specific time slots in your schedule to work on these goals.
  5. Review and assess your progress regularly, making adjustments as needed.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure that your daily goals align with your bigger life goals and priorities.
  • Setting achievable daily goals helps you maintain a sense of accomplishment and motivation.
  • Continuously refine your daily goals to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities.

Step 5: Set Five Little Goals Every Morning


Establish a daily routine of setting and accomplishing five small, actionable goals in the morning. This practice helps you make consistent progress and build momentum over time.


  1. Begin each morning by identifying and writing down five small, achievable goals for the day.
  2. Ensure that these goals are specific, relevant, and contribute to your overall objectives.
  3. Prioritize these goals based on their importance and impact.
  4. Allocate time slots in your schedule to work on and complete these goals.
  5. Track your progress and celebrate your achievements daily.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the importance of setting these goals early in the day to maintain focus and productivity.
  • Regularly review your progress to stay accountable and make necessary adjustments.
  • Consistently achieving these daily goals builds a sense of accomplishment and motivates you to tackle larger tasks.

Step 6: Spend Time Alone for Reflection


To enhance productivity and clarity, allocate time for solitude and reflection away from the distractions of daily life. This step encourages you to reconnect with your values and priorities.


  1. Dedicate a specific time each day for solitude and reflection, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  2. Choose a quiet, peaceful environment, such as a quiet room, nature, or a meditation space.
  3. Use this time to think about your life, your goals, and how to maximize your productivity.
  4. Consider writing in a journal, practicing mindfulness, or simply contemplating your thoughts.
  5. Realign your focus and values to ensure you are working on what truly matters.

Specific Details:

  • Solitude provides an opportunity to recharge focus and mental energy.
  • Disconnect from digital distractions during this time to gain clarity.
  • Reflect on your long-term goals and assess whether your daily actions align with them.

Step 7: Read a Book a Week


Cultivate a habit of reading one book per week to stimulate your mind, gain new insights, and boost productivity. Reading regularly is a powerful tool for personal development.


  1. Set a goal to read at least one book per week.
  2. Choose books that align with your interests, goals, and areas of personal growth.
  3. Allocate dedicated reading time each day, even if it’s just 20-30 minutes.
  4. Take notes or highlight key points to retain and apply the knowledge.
  5. Discuss the books you read with others to deepen your understanding and insights.

Specific Details:

  • Reading provides a continuous source of inspiration and learning.
  • Select a variety of books, including those related to your profession, personal development, and fiction for balance.
  • Share book recommendations with friends and colleagues to foster intellectual discussions.



It’s Robin Sharma, well, you know I brought and real as I always want to do. I’m inviting you here into my hotel room. I’m on a tour; I’m going to be going next to Lots wanna than South Africa and then into Mauritius, and I really wanted to share some of my ideas on productivity. We’re all trying to be more productive in this age of dramatic distraction. There’s never been so much noise, and for the elite performer, someone who wants to make their life significant, someone who wants to get value from their days, someone who wants to stay focused on what’s truly most important versus getting caught up in all the complexity. Getting world-class in terms of productivity is key. And I want to take you through five of my ideas that I know can be game-changers if you execute flawlessly on them. And the first is really walk with the Giants.


What you want to do is ask yourself who are the people whose lives I want to be living? Who are the most productive people I know? Who are the most talented people I know? Who are the most gifted people I know? And find a way, even if it’s just through their books or through their blogs or through their video podcasts, spend time with those people because the fact of the matter is you will become a lot like the five people you spend most of your time with. Their belief system, their ways of being are particularly contagious, and you want to find those people and rub shoulders with those people on a consistent basis.


Number two, to be more productive, more focused, to get more done, you want to play out on the wire. Here’s what I mean: as human beings, we are literally hardwired to stay clinging to our patterns. So many thousands of years ago, what kept us alive was we would stay within our safe harbor, off the known. We would stay within the same group of people. We would behave in the same ways, and that consistency allowed us to survive in a world of tremendous uncertainty. But what it’s done is literally biologically and neurologically, it’s hardwired us to avoid taking risks, to avoid stretching, to stay within a comfort zone, and it no longer serves us in the world today. As a matter of fact, the clearest route to obsolescence is to do the things you did yesterday.


So the second idea to be more productive, play out on the wire. It comes from Papua land, the great high-wire walker, and what he said was, “Life is lived on the wire; the rest is just waiting.” And my challenge to you, to become more productive, to get your spark back so you get more done, so you have more energy, is to start to put yourself out there, start to get more rejected. Take your goals and amp them up ten times what they were yesterday. Do the things that frighten you, get brilliant at being uncomfortable, literally institutionalize risk into your life so you do the things that you would never have thought you did. And here’s the thing: the more little risks you take every day, the more you grow in your power because everything that you fear, everything that you are currently resisting right now, you’ve literally given your power to. You’ve given your confidence to. So to get more energy, to be more productive, start doing the things that you’ve been resisting, start taking some risks consciously.


Number three, build genius-level habits. Over the past few months, I’ve been reading about the habits of Stephen King, you know, John Irving, some of the most creative productive people in the world. And if you study the Picassos and the Mozarts and the Beethovens and the Stephen Kings, here’s what you realize: they’re not more talented than you. How do they get so much done? Well, we know it; we don’t practice it. They have built great habits. Stephen King says, “You know, I get up in the morning, and I sit at my desk and I write whether I feel like doing it or if I feel like I don’t like doing it. I sit there, and I do the work.” And the key is building great habits. Literally say, “You know, every day I’m going to start writing at seven o’clock, whether I feel like it or not. Every day, I’m going to go Jim for a swim at 12:30, whether I feel like it or not.” Literally, let’s go to the neurobiology; you start to hardwire those habits into your brain. And if you look at the most productive people, it’s not like they have more willpower than you do. It’s not like they’re mo


To be more productive than you do, they figure out two or three disciplines, a certain time for working, a certain time for recovery, a certain time to work out. And, you know, related to that, exercise is one of the most valuable peak performance productivity tools in the world. Do a workout today, one for 20 minutes in the morning, and maybe one at five o’clock to jumpstart your evening.


Fourth productivity habit: Set five little goals every single day. Just as I was telling you about the five little goal concept on the previous tour stop, my video cam passed out, so here I am back. I’m now in South Africa, in a game reserve at Singita Game Reserve, and this morning was incredible. Right behind me, I saw a number of the big five. It’s really interesting because these five little goals came from an earlier idea about the big five, the five most important things in your life that you’re actually building your life around. And this morning, I actually saw some of the big five right behind me. Anyway, I’ll get right back to it. So, the idea, this fourth idea is every morning, you set five little goals. And the powerful thing about these little goals is sometimes when goals are big, we don’t even attack them. But by setting these incremental five little goals every day, at the end of 30 days, that’s 150 little goals. At the end of 12 months from this moment we’re sharing together, it’s almost 2,000 little goals. This cannot help but be your best 12 months yet if you achieve these five little goals every single day over the course of 12 months. And in many ways, it’s not only that you’ve achieved, after 12 months from this moment, nearly 2,000 acts of excellence, or acts of progress, or acts of meaningful goals, it’s who you’ve become in terms of your confidence, your creativity, your energy. That’s really very powerful.


Two final ideas in this video: Spend time alone. It’s incredibly important to get away from this noise in this world of so much complexity and think about how you can be more productive, think about the best uses of your time. As I actually flew here from Botswana down to this game reserve, I had a chance to be out in the cockpit behind the fly the plane a little bit. We were in a small bush plane, and I had a chance to fly the plane. You’ve heard this before, but it was a powerful metaphor, which was a lot of the time, I mean, I was getting pushed off course, and then I come back on course. And most of the flight when I was flying the plane, I was getting pushed off course and getting back on course. And that’s what happens in our days, and our weeks, and our months, and our life. We’re constantly being pulled off course by Facebook notifications, mobiles ringing, emails, meetings, interruptions. I mean, that is one of the greatest things we’re warring right now, the war against distraction. And most of us are suffering from partial attention deficit disorder. And you really need to pull yourself away from the noise on a daily basis and think. Maybe it’s by writing in a journal. Maybe it’s by going for a walk in the woods. Maybe it’s by meditating. But thinking about the best uses of your time, reconnecting with your values, refocusing, so you come back even stronger. And by the way, time alone also recharges your focus. Focus is like a commodity, and it gets depleted, and you must refill your focus every day to be more productive.


Final idea: Read a book a week. Simple idea. It’ll kickstart your engine. It’ll keep you focused and inspired. It’ll help you get your best work done. Hope these six ideas, again, forgive me for the battery going out on the video cam, but this is raw and real. So, from here at the Singita Game Reserve in South Africa, I hope these six ideas on productivity have been helpful of service to you. As always, look in your inbox over the next few days. I’ll be sending you some more great ideas that I know will be game-changers in terms of productivity. All the very best. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

Post/Page #55726
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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