Jordan Peterson – “Most People Learn This TOO LATE In Life”

👣 38 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


The Crucial Steps to Triumph Over Life's Toughest Challenges

Ever felt like life’s a bit of a chaotic dragon, throwing unexpected challenges your way? 🐉

It’s time to put on your armor and conquer the chaos with some epic knowledge! 💪

Discover the secret to facing life’s toughest hurdles, just like a true hero. 🦸‍♂️

Learn how to transform those challenges into opportunities for growth, resilience, and even a little joy along the way. 😄

Unleash your inner dragon slayer and find out why confronting the worst that life can throw at you might just be the pathway to your ultimate triumph! 🌟

Stay tuned for an exciting journey ahead! 🌄

#ConquerChaos #HeroicJourney #UnlockYourPotential

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Understanding the Power of Narratives


Recognize the significance of narratives in shaping your worldview and emotions.


  1. Acknowledge that narratives play a crucial role in influencing how you perceive the world.
  2. Understand that adopting someone else’s narrative can align your emotions with theirs, allowing you to empathize and connect on a deeper level.

Specific Details:

  • Narratives provide insight into characters’ goals, and adopting those goals can lead to emotional alignment.
  • Embracing a narrative allows you to mimic someone else’s nervous system and feel in sync with them.

Step 2: Choosing Your Worldview Story


Explore the idea that you have the agency to choose the narrative through which you see the world.


  1. Realize that it is inevitable to view the world through a narrative.
  2. Understand that you have the power to select which narrative perspective you want to adopt.

Specific Details:

  • Your choice of worldview story can significantly impact your emotional responses to life events.
  • If you are experiencing negative emotions, consider that you may not be looking at the world through a productive narrative.

Step 3: Navigating the Cultural Debate


Recognize that the cultural debate often centers around conflicting narratives and worldviews.


  1. Be aware that the ongoing cultural debate involves the clash of different narrative perspectives.
  2. Understand that some argue for fragmented, subjective narratives, while others emphasize power dynamics as the dominant narrative.

Specific Details:

  • Postmodernists may assert that all narratives are subjective and fragmented, lacking a unifying narrative.
  • Some Marxist perspectives focus on narratives of power, oppression, and exploitation as the sole worldview.

Step 4: Evaluating Your Chosen Narrative


Reflect on the narrative you’ve chosen and its implications for your life.


  1. Take time to assess the narrative through which you perceive the world.
  2. Consider whether your chosen narrative aligns with your values and goals.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure that your chosen narrative resonates with your beliefs and aspirations.
  • If necessary, explore alternative narratives that better serve your emotional and intellectual needs.

Step 5: Recognizing the Pitfalls of Domination-Based Narratives


Understand the negative consequences of narratives centered around domination and power.


  1. Acknowledge that narratives solely based on power can lead to pathological behaviors.
  2. Realize that achieving dominance through force may not equate to genuine success.

Specific Details:

  • Dominant individuals may rise to powerful positions but often face isolation, distrust, and manipulation from those around them.
  • The example of Joseph Stalin illustrates how being the most powerful can result in a lack of true friendships and trust issues.
  • Success built on power often involves destructive and unethical practices.

Step 6: Challenging the Notion of Success Through Domination


Question the concept of success achieved solely through dominance and power.


  1. Challenge the idea that being the most dominant equates to genuine success.
  2. Consider the psychological and social costs associated with a life based on power.

Specific Details:

  • Dominance may result in fear and resentment from others, rather than respect or admiration.
  • The case of Joseph Stalin exemplifies the loneliness and paranoia that can accompany power.
  • Success should not be measured solely by dominance, as it may lead to negative consequences.

Step 7: Promoting Healthy Relationships and Ethical Business Practices


Highlight the importance of healthy relationships and ethical business practices.


  1. Recognize the value of relationships based on mutual respect and reciprocity.
  2. Embrace ethical business practices that prioritize customer satisfaction and mutual benefit.

Specific Details:

  • In personal life, avoid relationships built on power dynamics and focus on mutual love and respect.
  • Successful businesses thrive when they prioritize mutual interests and offer genuine value to customers.
  • Building trust and cooperation, rather than domination, fosters long-term success and social unity.

Step 8: Exploring Archetypal Narratives


Consider the significance of archetypal narratives in shaping our ethos.


  1. Reflect on the archetypal themes that have persisted throughout human history.
  2. Examine narratives that emphasize fundamental life stories beyond power and domination.

Specific Details:

  • Archetypal narratives offer timeless wisdom and guidance for understanding the human experience.
  • Explore stories that focus on themes such as heroism, self-discovery, and unity, which provide alternative narratives to power.

Step 9: Understanding the Hero’s Journey


Comprehend the significance of the hero’s journey in shaping our culture and worldview.


  1. Recognize that many functional stories are built upon the myth of the hero.
  2. Understand that heroes are not automatons but individuals who confront a realm of possibilities.

Specific Details:

  • The hero’s journey is a central theme in Western culture and is found in various myths, literature, and movies.
  • Heroes are characterized by their willingness to confront chaos and transform the realm of possibilities.

Step 10: The Symbolism of Dragons


Explore the symbolism of dragons in stories and their representation as predators.


  1. Investigate the symbolic significance of dragons as amalgams of predatory creatures.
  2. Understand that dragons represent the eternal predator and chaos.

Specific Details:

  • Dragons combine features of predatory birds, cats, reptiles, and the destructive force of fire.
  • The heroic consciousness is depicted as moving out into the world to confront the eternal predator, symbolized by the dragon.

Step 11: The Treasure Hoarded by Dragons


Examine the concept of treasures hoarded by dragons and their metaphorical meaning.


  1. Consider the metaphorical meaning of treasures guarded by dragons.
  2. Realize that what you most need to find is often hidden where you least want to look.

Specific Details:

  • Dragons hoard treasures as a representation of valuable knowledge and self-discovery.
  • Confronting chaotic unknowns and fears in your life can lead to personal growth and rewards, symbolized by the dragon’s treasure.

Step 12: The Virgin Motif


Explore the symbolism of the virgin motif in hero stories.


  1. Understand the symbolism of virgins in hero narratives.
  2. Recognize that women are often attracted to male figures capable of confronting chaos and shaping the unknown into the habitable.

Specific Details:

  • The virgin motif represents the attraction to individuals who can navigate chaos and prevail.
  • Becoming a visionary who shapes chaos into a positive, habitable cosmos can make one more attractive as a partner.

Step 13: Symbolism of the Crucifixion


Understand the symbolic significance of the crucifixion in Christianity and its representation of chaos and suffering.


  1. Recognize that the crucifixion symbolizes the collective weight of human suffering and vulnerability.
  2. Understand that Christ’s passion represents the voluntary acceptance of suffering for a higher purpose.

Specific Details:

  • The crucifixion is an image of state-sponsored torture and the sum total of all vulnerable possibilities.
  • Christ’s willingness to bear the weight of suffering serves as a redemptive symbol, emphasizing the acceptance of chaos.

Step 14: Taking Up Your Cross


Explore the concept of “taking up your cross” and the importance of confronting potential difficulties.


  1. Understand the Christian injunction to “pick up your cross” as a call to prepare for life’s challenges.
  2. Embrace the idea that facing potential difficulties before they arise can make you more resilient.

Specific Details:

  • “Taking up your cross” means being prepared to confront the true difficulties of life in advance.
  • Fortify your character and resilience by envisioning how you would react to various challenges and preparing for them.

Step 15: The Benefits of Radical Acceptance


Recognize the value of radical acceptance in preparing for life’s inevitable difficulties.


  1. Embrace a mindset of radical acceptance regarding life’s challenges.
  2. Understand that avoiding difficulties does not prepare you to confront them effectively.

Specific Details:

  • Radical acceptance involves acknowledging that life is filled with irreducible difficulties.
  • Confronting potential challenges voluntarily and with a willingness to learn prepares you to face them more effectively.

Step 16: Rejecting Hedonism and Dominance


Understand the limitations of hedonistic and dominance-oriented life strategies and their negative consequences.


  1. Recognize that a hedonistic focus on subjective pleasure does not lead to fulfillment or resilience.
  2. Understand that an orientation toward power and domination lacks psychological and social benefits.

Specific Details:

  • Hedonism and power-seeking strategies are often superficial and fail to address the deeper challenges of life.
  • These strategies may lead to increased suffering and the spread of suffering to others.

Step 17: Full Confrontation with Dreadful Elements


Embrace the idea of facing the most dreadful elements of existence head-on.


  1. Accept that confronting the harsh realities of life, including death, pain, torture, and betrayal, is part of human destiny.
  2. Understand that avoiding these realities can lead to more suffering and bitterness.

Specific Details:

  • To imitate Christ, in the Christian sense, is to confront the full catastrophe of vulnerable existence.
  • Recognize that there are worse things than death and pain, such as malevolence and evil, which must also be faced.

Step 18: Contending with Malevolence


Acknowledge the existence of malevolence in the world and the moral obligation to confront it.


  1. Understand that malevolence is a stark reality in the world, as evidenced by historical atrocities and acts of evil.
  2. Recognize the moral duty to confront malevolence along with mortal vulnerability to maximize resilience and hope.

Specific Details:

  • Malevolence is not limited to personal suffering but also encompasses acts of evil perpetrated on a larger scale.
  • Confronting malevolence is an integral part of fostering deep resilience and hope in the face of adversity.

Step 19: Encourage Facing Challenges


Encourage your children to face challenges head-on instead of avoiding them. Explain to them that character development and growth come from confronting difficult situations.


  1. Have open conversations with your children about the importance of facing challenges and not shying away from difficulties.
  2. Share personal stories of times when you faced challenges and how you grew from those experiences.
  3. Emphasize that avoiding challenges is not a path to personal growth and development.
  4. Encourage them to take on tasks that may seem daunting or difficult but are within their capabilities.

Specific Details:

  • Use age-appropriate language and examples to help your children understand the concept of facing challenges.
  • Be a role model by demonstrating your willingness to tackle challenges in your own life.
  • Offer support and guidance when they do decide to take on challenges, but allow them to take ownership of the process.

Step 20: Promote Truthfulness


Promote a culture of truthfulness and honesty within your family, emphasizing that speaking the truth is a fundamental value.


  1. Discuss the importance of truthfulness with your children and explain how it forms the foundation of trust and integrity.
  2. Set clear expectations for truthfulness and consequences for dishonesty.
  3. Encourage open communication, so your children feel comfortable discussing their experiences and concerns with you.
  4. Model truthfulness in your own actions and words.

Specific Details:

  • Create a safe environment where your children feel they can confess their mistakes without fear of severe punishment.
  • Use positive reinforcement when your children are truthful, praising their honesty.
  • Address any instances of dishonesty with understanding and an opportunity for them to make amends.

Step 21: Foster Faith in Truth


Foster a belief in the power of truth and the long-term benefits of speaking it, even when immediate consequences may seem unfavorable.


  1. Teach your children to have faith in the truth and its ability to shape their lives positively.
  2. Explain that telling the truth is the right course of action, even if it leads to short-term difficulties.
  3. Share stories or examples where telling the truth ultimately led to better outcomes.
  4. Emphasize that the truth aligns with the natural order of the world and is a source of strength.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage your children to reflect on the potential long-term consequences of their actions and decisions.
  • Help them develop resilience and the ability to weather short-term challenges in pursuit of long-term well-being.
  • Reiterate that truthfulness is a value that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Step 22: Support Independent Growth


Support your children’s journey toward independence, trusting that they will navigate challenges and make truthful decisions.


  1. Provide guidance and advice when needed, but also allow your children to make decisions independently.
  2. Encourage them to take responsibility for their choices and actions.
  3. Be a source of emotional support when they face difficulties, reassuring them that they can overcome challenges.

Specific Details:

  • Avoid excessive micromanaging and allow your children to learn from their experiences, both positive and negative.
  • Be patient and understanding as they navigate their own path, even if it includes setbacks or mistakes.
  • Maintain open lines of communication so they know they can turn to you for guidance when necessary.

Step 23: Recognize the Challenge of Telling the Truth


Acknowledge that telling the truth is not always straightforward, as humans are not capable of possessing complete knowledge. Understand that truthfulness involves navigating the ambiguity of what is true.


  1. Reflect on the idea that absolute truth may be beyond human reach, but striving for honesty is still valuable.
  2. Accept that there are times when you may feel uncertain or ambiguous about the truth, and that’s okay.
  3. Recognize the internal discomfort that arises when you knowingly say something false or act in a way contrary to your beliefs.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that the pursuit of truth is a lifelong journey and that you can improve your ability to discern what is true over time.

Step 24: Differentiate Between Truth and Falsehood


Learn to distinguish between moments when you are tempted to say or do something false versus when you genuinely don’t know the truth.


  1. Reflect on past situations where you knowingly lied or acted against your beliefs and acknowledge the internal conflict it created.
  2. Pay attention to moments of inner discomfort when you are about to speak or act in a way you know to be false.
  3. Differentiate between times when you have absolute knowledge of a falsehood and times when you are uncertain about the truth.

Specific Details:

  • Trust your inner moral compass and emotional reactions as indicators of situations where you are consciously betraying your truth.

Step 25: Cease Speaking Known Falsehoods


Take immediate action to stop knowingly speaking or acting in ways that you recognize as false or contrary to your beliefs.


  1. Commit to avoiding statements or actions that you know to be false, even when faced with temptation or pressure.
  2. Practice self-awareness and self-control to prevent yourself from engaging in known falsehoods.

Specific Details:

  • Start with small, everyday situations and gradually expand your commitment to truthfulness.

Step 26: Develop Precision in Speech


Work on refining your speech by avoiding exaggeration, hyperbole, and unnecessary ambiguity, aiming for greater precision.


  1. Pay attention to the language you use and strive to communicate your thoughts with clarity and accuracy.
  2. Practice using specific, descriptive terms rather than vague or general statements.

Specific Details:

  • Avoid making absolute claims or sweeping generalizations without concrete evidence to support them.
  • Encourage others to communicate clearly and precisely as well, fostering a culture of truthfulness.

Step 27: Embrace the Journey of Truth


Understand that the pursuit of truth is an ongoing process that involves growth and development over time.


  1. Cultivate patience and perseverance in your quest for truth.
  2. Acknowledge that you may make mistakes or encounter challenges along the way, but these are opportunities for learning and growth.

Specific Details:

  • Continuously educate yourself and refine your ability to discern truth, recognizing that it is a lifelong endeavor.

Step 28: Acknowledge the Overwhelming Complexity


Recognize the inherent complexity and chaos in the world, understanding that there will always be aspects that are beyond your complete comprehension.


  1. Embrace the idea that no one can fully understand or control every aspect of the world’s complexities.
  2. Accept the limitations of your knowledge and influence on the larger scale of global dynamics.
  3. Understand that it’s natural to feel overwhelmed when contemplating the vastness of human endeavors and challenges.

Specific Details:

  • Focus on your ability to navigate and find meaning within the complexity, rather than trying to control or understand everything.

Step 29: Find Islands of Order


Identify and create areas of order, safety, and familiarity in your life to counterbalance the chaos of the external world.


  1. Prioritize building strong relationships with family and friends who provide support and a sense of belonging.
  2. Cultivate a safe and nurturing community or social circle where you can share common values and concerns.
  3. Create routines and rituals that offer stability and structure in your daily life.

Specific Details:

  • Actively seek out connections with like-minded individuals who share your perspective on the challenges of the world.
  • Develop personal practices or hobbies that provide a sense of control and mastery in specific areas of interest.

Step 30: Embrace Courage and Faith


Embrace the courage to confront chaos and uncertainty, knowing that faith in your ability to navigate challenges is essential.


  1. Cultivate the courage to face difficulties and uncertainties head-on, recognizing that personal growth comes from these encounters.
  2. Foster faith in your own resilience and adaptability, believing that you can overcome obstacles as they arise.
  3. Find inspiration and motivation in stories of individuals who have faced adversity and triumphed.

Specific Details:

  • Practice self-compassion and self-affirmation to boost your confidence in your ability to handle complex situations.
  • Seek guidance and support from mentors or role models who exemplify courage and faith in the face of challenges.

Step 31: Build Social Unity


Nurture social connections and build a network of like-minded individuals who share a common story of confronting chaos and creating order.


  1. Encourage open conversations with friends and family about shared values, challenges, and the importance of unity in navigating chaos.
  2. Participate in or create communities, groups, or organizations focused on common goals and beliefs.
  3. Collaborate with others to work toward solutions to shared challenges, leveraging the strength of collective action.

Specific Details:

  • Foster a sense of camaraderie and support within your social circles, where individuals can rely on each other during times of uncertainty.
  • Engage in meaningful dialogues that strengthen the shared narrative of confronting chaos together.

Step 32: Recognize Autonomous Interests


Acknowledge that your interests are often beyond your conscious control and that they choose you rather than the other way around.


  1. Reflect on moments when you have been captivated by a particular subject, activity, or problem, even if it was unexpected.
  2. Accept that interests may emerge spontaneously and don’t always follow a rational or planned path.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that your genuine interests often manifest as deep and compelling attractions that resonate with your inner self.

Step 33: Follow What Grips Your Interest


Actively pursue and explore the subjects or problems that genuinely captivate your curiosity, as they may lead you to meaningful endeavors.


  1. Keep a journal and record instances when you find yourself deeply engrossed in a specific activity or topic.
  2. Dedicate time and effort to further investigate these areas of interest, even if they initially seem unrelated to your current goals.
  3. Seek out resources, communities, or mentors that can support your exploration of these interests.

Specific Details:

  • Trust that your authentic interests have the potential to lead you to meaningful and fulfilling endeavors.

Step 34: Identify Personal Problems


Recognize that the problems and challenges that bother you are often indicators of areas where you can make a unique and valuable contribution.


  1. Keep a problem-solving journal and document issues or concerns that consistently occupy your thoughts.
  2. Analyze the problems you encounter and consider how your skills, knowledge, or resources can be applied to address them.
  3. Seek opportunities to collaborate with others who share similar concerns or who are actively working on solutions.

Specific Details:

  • Embrace your personal problems as opportunities for growth and meaningful engagement.

Step 35: Commit to Diligent Pursuit


Engage wholeheartedly in the pursuit of your interests and the resolution of personal problems, recognizing that deeper engagement often reveals profound insights and solutions.


  1. Set aside dedicated time and resources for the exploration and development of your interests and problem-solving efforts.
  2. Embrace challenges and setbacks as integral parts of the learning and growth process.
  3. Continuously seek ways to expand your knowledge, skills, and impact in the areas that matter most to you.

Specific Details:

  • Strive for a balance between focused, deliberate practice in your chosen pursuits and the flexibility to adapt to new insights and opportunities.

Step 36: Understanding the Importance of Being in the Right Place


This step emphasizes the significance of being in a place where your interests are compelled to discover your true path.


  1. Recognize that being in a place where your interests are genuinely piqued is crucial for self-discovery and personal growth.
  2. Acknowledge that you may not have found your precise path yet, which means you don’t fully know yourself.
  3. Understand that there is an element of arbitrary strangeness about you and the things that captivate and inspire you.
  4. Realize that paying attention to where you feel you should be and what you’re doing in those moments can provide valuable insights.

Specific Details:

  • Take the time to reflect on situations or activities where you feel genuinely engaged and interested.
  • Consider moments in your life when you’ve felt a strong sense of purpose or passion.
  • Be open to the idea that there may be aspects of yourself and your interests that you haven’t fully explored yet.

Step 37: Utilizing the Future Authoring Program


This step introduces the Future Authoring Program, a tool for developing a comprehensive vision for your future.


  1. Visit the website, where the Future Authoring Program is available.
  2. Imagine a scenario five years from now where you can have what you want and need, but you need to figure out what that entails.
  3. Take 15 minutes to write down your vision of who you want to be and what you want to have in the future.
  4. Sketch out your vision, even if it’s not perfect or fully formed.
  5. Consider the opposite scenario: if your bad habits and inadequacies dominate, what kind of undesirable future could you end up in?

Specific Details:

  • The goal is not to get it perfect on the first try but to outline a vision.
  • The first part of the exercise helps you specify where you want to go, while the second part helps you clarify where you want to avoid.
  • Having a clear vision can significantly enhance motivation and goal-setting.

Step 38: Answering Crucial Questions


This step involves asking yourself essential questions to further define your vision and goals.


  1. Reflect on your intimate relationships and envision what you want them to look like.
  2. Consider how you would like your friendships to be structured.
  3. Think about your ideal level of education and the educational strategy needed to achieve it.
  4. Contemplate the job or career you desire and the steps required to attain it.
  5. Plan how you would use your time outside of work to align with your vision.
  6. Devise strategies for taking care of yourself mentally and physically.
  7. Explore the services you could provide to your family and community in the way you desire.

Specific Details:

  • These questions aim to help you differentiate and clarify various aspects of your life.
  • Spend time thinking deeply about each question and jot down your thoughts.
  • This process can provide a holistic understanding of your aspirations and the steps needed to achieve them.



In this video, Dr. Jordan Peterson discusses the importance of viewing the world through a narrative or story and how it shapes our emotions and responses. He also touches on the cultural debate surrounding different narratives and their impact on society.

The Power of Story

Dr. Peterson emphasizes that we naturally see the world through a story, which helps us connect emotionally with others by adopting their goals. This emotional alignment allows us to understand and mimic their feelings.

Choosing the Right Story

The video raises the question of which story we should adopt to view the world. Dr. Peterson mentions that there is a cultural conflict between different narratives. Postmodernists and Marxists argue that all stories are fragmented and subjective, or they assert that the only story is one of power, domination, and victimization.

The Pathological Story of Domination

Dr. Peterson critiques the narrative that sees the world as a constant struggle for power and dominance. He describes it as a bleak and counterproductive view that justifies the use of power to deal with others. He also addresses the misconception that power equates to success by highlighting the example of brutal societies like North Korea.

Overall, the video touches on the significance of narratives in shaping our perception of the world and their role in societal debates and conflicts.

The Cost of Dominance

Dr. Peterson argues that achieving dominance through force can come at a great cost. He uses the example of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s investigation into Joseph Stalin’s psychological state. Despite being the most powerful person in a corrupt country, Stalin had no true friends, only sycophants. He lived in constant distrust, contempt, and fear, which ultimately led to his likely murder. Dr. Peterson suggests that this outcome is not indicative of success.

The Negative Outcomes of Power-Based Strategies

Dr. Peterson further discusses the negative consequences of power-based strategies in various aspects of life. He advises against building marriages or friendships on power dynamics, as they lack reciprocity, mutuality, and genuine love and regard.

Successful Business Ethos

In the business world, Dr. Peterson points out that true success comes from making mutually beneficial contracts and offering genuine service and value to customers. These practices are not about exploitation or power but about creating an ethos based on cooperation and mutual benefit.

The Hero’s Journey

Dr. Peterson introduces the concept of the hero’s journey, a fundamental story archetype found in many cultures. He describes it as the story of confronting a transforming horizon of possibilities. The hero ventures outside the known city, faces a dragon (representing a predator), and overcomes it. The hero’s journey is about shaping possibilities with a vision and the courage to confront chaos and challenges.

In this part of the video, Dr. Peterson outlines the hero’s journey as a central theme in human mythology and storytelling, emphasizing the hero’s role in confronting chaos and bringing order to the world. This narrative archetype is prevalent in Western culture and is also found in various works of literature and film.

The Symbolism of the Hero’s Journey

Continuing his discussion on the hero’s journey, Dr. Peterson delves into the symbolism within this narrative archetype. He explains that dragons often hoard treasures, which represent what individuals most need to find. The idea is that the most important discoveries are hidden where people are least inclined to search.

The Hero’s Attractiveness

Dr. Peterson suggests that individuals who can confront chaos in a visionary manner and shape it into a habitable cosmos become highly attractive as partners. This attractiveness stems from the hero’s ability to bring order and stability to their surroundings, making them valuable in both personal and societal contexts.

The Oldest Written Story

Dr. Peterson references the Mesopotamian story called “The Enuma Elish,” where the hero Marduk confronts a dragon threatening the world. He mentions that this story archetype can be found in most adventure stories, with heroes facing either chaos or corrupt gigantism.

Christianity and the Crucifix

Dr. Peterson connects the hero’s journey to Christianity, particularly the crucifix. He describes the crucifix as a symbol of chaos and vulnerability, with the crucified Christ representing someone who voluntarily takes on the chaotic weight of existence. In the Christian story, Christ’s passion amalgamates all potential suffering and serves as a Redemptive symbol.

Preparing for Life’s Difficulties

Dr. Peterson emphasizes the importance of preparing for life’s difficulties by envisioning and fortifying oneself against potential adversities. This preparation can lead to increased resilience and a better ability to cope with stress, anxiety, pain, depression, and challenges when they arise.

In this portion of the video, Dr. Peterson explores the symbolic depth of the hero’s journey and its applications in personal development and resilience-building. He draws connections between the hero’s journey, Christianity, and the crucifix to illustrate the idea of confronting chaos and vulnerability voluntarily.

Confronting Life’s Challenges

Dr. Peterson encourages individuals to prepare for life’s difficulties rather than avoiding them. He argues that avoiding challenges leads to unpreparedness and a lack of resilience. By confronting potential adversities beforehand, individuals can strengthen their character and be better equipped to deal with life’s challenges when they arise.

Facing the Inevitable

He emphasizes that individuals should accept the inevitability of difficulties in their lives and not turn away from them. Turning away from challenges can lead to suffering, bitterness, and the distribution of that suffering to others. Dr. Peterson urges people to adopt a spirit of radical acceptance and even find moments of joy in facing life’s hardships.

Rejecting Hedonism and Dominance

Dr. Peterson criticizes hedonistic and power-focused orientations in life, arguing that they do not lead to personal or societal well-being. He dismisses the idea that subjective hedonism and power accumulation are viable strategies, highlighting the lack of evidence to support these approaches.

Imitating Christ and Confronting Evil

He brings Christianity into the discussion, stating that imitating Christ involves confronting the full range of vulnerable existence, including death, torture, and betrayal. He notes that suffering can be heightened when it is inflicted by malevolent individuals, which is a defining characteristic of evil. Dr. Peterson contends that acknowledging the existence of evil is crucial for resilience and hope.

Confronting Malevolence and Mortal Vulnerability

Dr. Peterson suggests that individuals should confront not only their mortality but also the existence of malevolence in the world. In the Christian story, Christ descends to the depths of Hell to face human malevolence. Similarly, individuals are morally obliged to confront malevolence to maximize resilience and foster hope.

In this part of the video, Dr. Peterson delves into the importance of confronting life’s challenges, preparing for adversity, and acknowledging the existence of evil. He underscores the idea that personal growth and resilience come from facing difficulties rather than avoiding them, even if it means confronting malevolence and the darkest aspects of human existence.

Encouraging Resilience and Truthfulness

Dr. Peterson responds to a question about how to protect children and loved ones in a world filled with challenges and the influence of social media and professors with different ideologies. He emphasizes that the key is to encourage individuals, like one’s own children, to pursue truth and develop resilience. He asserts that truth, when deeply reflective of reality, will ultimately prevail over lies and the unreal. Encouraging loved ones to live by and speak the truth is a powerful way to navigate the complexities of the world.

The Power of Truth

Dr. Peterson highlights the importance of having faith in the truth, even when it may lead to trouble or adversity. He suggests that when one tells the truth, whatever happens as a result is ultimately the best outcome. This perspective aligns with the idea that truth can create habitable order out of chaos, as seen in the opening sections of Genesis.

The Image of God and Truth-Telling

Dr. Peterson draws a connection between the creation of order from chaos in the biblical narrative and the human capacity to replicate this process by speaking the truth. He suggests that individuals, made in the image of God, have the ability to bring order into their lives and the world through truthful speech.

In this portion of the video, Dr. Peterson explores the power of truth and the role it plays in guiding individuals through the challenges of life. He emphasizes the importance of faith in the truth and encourages people to have confidence that living by and speaking the truth will ultimately lead to the best outcomes, even if it means facing short-term difficulties.

Rule Eight: “Tell the Truth – or at Least Don’t Lie”

In his response, Dr. Peterson delves into the importance of telling the truth and differentiates between knowing the complete truth and knowing the partial truth. He acknowledges that none of us have full access to all knowledge, and our understanding of truth is partial. However, he emphasizes the significance of recognizing the moments when we knowingly say something false or engage in actions that we know to be wrong.

Dr. Peterson suggests that individuals should start by stopping themselves from saying things they know to be false and refraining from doing things they know are wrong. This practice helps improve the precision of one’s speech and clarity of vision. He believes that over time, with diligent practice, people can become better at distinguishing between truth and falsehood.

The primary reason for striving to tell the truth, according to Dr. Peterson, is to prepare oneself for the moment when they have to make a critical decision. He emphasizes that in a crucial situation, one needs to rely on their ability to make the right choice. Practicing truthfulness ensures that when faced with a critical decision, a person can trust themselves to choose wisely.

Dr. Peterson concludes by warning against the consequences of not being prepared to make the right decision in a critical moment and highlights the importance of having a clear mind and sharp judgment when it matters most. He also mentions the detrimental impact of practicing dishonesty over time.

This part of the video explores the depth of Dr. Peterson’s perspective on truth and its significance in preparing individuals for important decisions in life. He encourages self-awareness and the development of character through the practice of truthfulness.

Truth and Lies

Truth in a way that enables them to manipulate towards an end, yeah, well, that’s that’s a particularly pathological form of lying. That’s actually using the Lord’s name in vain, by the way, you know, that famous commandment. You don’t use the Lord’s name in vain. That doesn’t mean to not swear; it means do not pretend to be serving God when you’re not. And that’s that kind of lie that you described.

Telling the truth is a very tricky issue because you have to be aiming up in all ways to ensure that what you’re relating isn’t manipulatively, manipulatively self-serving at some subtle level. And it takes a long time to orient yourself at a high enough level simultaneously so that you don’t, so that you’re no longer playing those sorts of games. But you do that by practicing. You do that by practicing not lying. It’s like, you know, you try to make that a vow, and you can clear yourself up an awful lot.

A lot of what you do with people in psychotherapy, a huge part of it is you help them disentangle themselves from the web of lies that they found themselves trapped within. Decades of lies sometimes, or multiple lifetimes even because you see, you know, you do see families from time to time that are so wrapped up in lies that it goes back, you know, three or four generations. It’s just lies non-stop at every possible level. And so all of that has to be sorted out, and you often are doing that working as a psychotherapist. You can do that with a sustained moral effort on your own behalf. I mean, I don’t know what you’re doing if you’re a religious practitioner and you go and confess. Is that you’re trying to remind yourself about what lies you’re telling, and you do that so that maybe you can stop doing it, and it’s a practice. You know, and you can get good at it. Where you practice.

So really, what the Dickens process is if you think about it, that we all do, right? People finding what the lies are that are holding them back and changing them right then and there with enough emotion. Question Mary, thank you, Dr. Peterson. Thanks, Tony and Sage.

De-Isolation and Chaos

Um, I’ve heard you say, Dr. Peterson, and what I love about these stories of mythology and biblical stories is I’ve heard you say it de-isolates us, and it gives us something that’s like, wow, I’m not alone. A lot of people feel this way. And, you know, hearing you explain this and sitting through some of the speakers that we’ve had earlier, I had the feeling that, wow, this world is continuing like the chaos keeps coming, and it feels overwhelming when I really think about the big picture of it sometimes in the complexity of it all and the things like I will never understand this, whether it’s financials or AI or all that the world is moving into the dynamics of countries. I’m shaking just talking about it. I’m wondering, my experience is almost like there’s these islands of order. I find that in my family. I find that in a safe community, mom and dad and friends. But it’s like, I don’t know if that’s a woman’s perspective of like, wow, there’s a lot going on out there, and I’m just trying to like cling to my people and something that I understand. Is that even a problem?

I think you’ve got it. No, no. I think you’ve got it right. I mean, first of all, it’s inevitably the case that what would you say you confronted an infinite expanse of ignorance in some fundamental way. Things are always going to be ultimately beyond you. You see that in the biblical stories that insist, for example, that people can only see the back of God. And so, an existential reality that there’s going to be more coming at you than you can manage and master. And then, of course, the question is, how do you deal with that? And you deal with that like I say, there deals with the ocean in a boat. You know, there’s a lot of ocean, but you can stay afloat, and you can navigate forward.

So then you might ask, well, how do you do that? Well, we talked about that a little bit today in terms of orienting stories. You know, you have to put forward some courage and some faith, and you have to confront the things that are obstacles in your path. And that attitude helps turn you into something that’s united psychologically, right, that can strengthen you personally. But then there’s the social element to that because if we share the same story that we should confront chaos and make order, and we do that together, then now we have social unity around us, and that means that we have the strength of numbers. No part of the reason that I’ve been able to maneuver through the political turmoil that I’d be admired in is because I have a great family. They’re very supportive, and I have a lot of friends who are tough people, and they were behind me, and I have a broader social community, and that fortifies me. And that’s the kind of unity in numbers and in belief that does help you maintain your integrated spirit through the chaos of life. That’s not weakness; that’s a necessary observation that part of your sanity depends on your proper, the proper harmony you established with a social community.

Now, the female part of that might be that the female locus of concentration is more local, right, and that and more familial. But that’s not a bad thing. Someone has to bind the damn families together, and to some degree, we’re islands unto ourselves, but to some degree were all members of family first and then community second. And it…

Responsibility and Passion

Family first and then Community second, and it’s not inappropriate at all to make the family level of social integration a fundamental point of concern. And I do think that’s the natural resting place of women, partly because they have to take care of infants, young children, and that’s not a weakness; it’s just a difference of approach. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s a virtue. Now, it does mean that we still have to face the complex problem of how you integrate the integrated family in the broader community, and I would say that’s a more masculine problem. Now that doesn’t mean men and women can’t address the same damn problem, but all things being equal, there’s still a different level of natural concern. None of that’s reason to feel guilty.

When I counsel women, for example, on their career development, I say, “Well, look, you know, once you have a child, your fundamental concern should be your child, and that’s true whether you’re a father or a mother. But it’s particularly true if you’re a mother, especially if you have an infant.” Men and women will say, “Well, what do I do about my career? You know, I feel guilty because I’m not pursuing my career, or I feel guilty when I’m pursuing my career that I’m not attending to my child.” Women could be screwed both ways on that matter. I would say, “Well, look, it’s perfectly reasonable for you to model successful adaptations of the broader social community for your kids. You know, you have to get your act together; you have to get your family together. Then you have to integrate you and your family in the broader community; you should be serving all of that simultaneously. That’s about all that’s a virtue.” And I, you know, women might approach that family first and Rogers’s social world second, and maybe men the other way around. No, it’s a blues rule of thumb, but both of those approaches can work just fine and they work great in tandem. Beautiful.

One more, Dr. Peterson. Thank you. I was, uh, the question I have for you is there’s a lot of chaos in the world, and I sometimes wonder what or maybe have a hard time deciding what part of the chaos am I responsible for uniquely confronting. So Tony’s very passionate about ending hunger, for example, with their billions of meals, and I have kind of racked my brain over time and not found that same kind of passion for a particular, you know, cause like that. And I wonder how might a person make that choice.

That’s a great question. Well, I’ll tell you a little story first; it’s worthwhile knowing. So it’s a story from Mexico; it’s the story of the burning bush, which is kind of a mysterious story. And so here’s how that story essentially goes. So Moses is trying to find his way, right? He’s trying to identify his path. And he’s off wandering down a pathway, minding his own business one day, and something attracts his attention. It sort of glitters and glimmers off to the side, and it pulls him towards it. Now, he has to decide to step off the path and go investigate. The story makes that quite clear. And this is a burning bush, not a burning forest; it’s not so overwhelming that you can’t avoid it, alright? And so Moses goes and decides he’s going to investigate this thing that captures his interest, and as he gets closer to it, he starts to hear a divine voice.

The first thing the voice tells him as he gets closer is that he’s on sacred ground and that he should take off his shoes, and then he starts to interact with this strange phenomenon, this burning bush, and God himself reveals his name to Moses. So what does that mean? Well, here’s one thing it means: lots of things grip our interests, and not really of our own accord; you can’t really pick what you’re interested in; it picks you. Now, you can pick whether or not you pursue it or not, and you could predict how diligently you pursue it, but the interest itself manifests itself in a kind of autonomous manner. Now, you might ask yourself, well, what would happen if you really pursued what gripped your interest, and the answer is, well, you get deeper and deeper into it, and the deeper you get into something, the more you’re beginning to tread on sacred ground because there’s no difference between sacred and deep; it’s the same idea.

And the idea in the burning bush story is that if you attend to what compels your interest with enough diligence, the nature of being itself will reveal itself to you, and that’s true. So you might say, well, how does that burning bush appear then in the confines of normal life, and I would say it appears in two ways: it appears in the guise of what interests you, and it appears in the guise of what sets itself before you as a problem.

Seeking a Vision

“Do this over a couple of days, write down what bothers you. You know there’s going to be things about life, about the current political situation, about the details of your personal life, your relationships with other people that bother you. Now, a million things could bother you, and some things do; those are your problems, and your destiny is in your problems.

And then I would also say, well, watch yourself for a couple of weeks and see what you’re doing when what you’re doing appears meaningful, right when your interest is gripped and you’re compelled. Because when you’re in the place where you are when your interest is compelled, then you’re where you should be. And one of the things you want to learn is how to be there more. You have to kind of treat yourself like a stranger to figure that out because, well, as you said, you know you haven’t been able to find your path precisely. Well, that means you don’t know who the hell you are. Well, that’s what it means fundamentally. You may know some things about yourself, but you don’t know yourself as deeply as you might. You have to understand that there’s a certain degree of arbitrary strangeness about you and about the things that will compel you, and you need to discover what those are, and paying attention can help. It’s like, ‘Where am I when I think I’m where I should be, and what am I doing?’ And you can ask yourself that over a two-week period or a one-month period, like you’re asking someone you don’t know.

Then the other thing I would recommend more concretely is I have this program called Future Authoring on a website called And what the Future Authoring program helps you do is to develop a comprehensive vision. And it’s a great thing, by the way, to have your employees do if you run a company; it’ll make them much more productive and also more psychologically integrated. The way that this program works is that it asks you, this is a good meditative exercise, I suppose it’s a form of prayer. Imagine now you’re imagining five years from now, and I literally mean imagine this, okay? Imagine five years from now. Here’s the deal: you could have what you want and you need, and you could be who you want to be, but you have to figure out what that is; that’s the price you have to pay. So now you have to fantasize. It’s like, okay, if I was who I would want to be, and if I had what I needed that I wanted, what would that look like? Write it down for 15 minutes; you’re not going to get it right, just sketch it out. And then you can do the opposite, which is, alright, now, if I let my bad habits and inadequacies have the upper hand and order me, in what sort of hell could I occupy in five years? That’s useful to know too because that’s a good way of specifying where you don’t want to go. The first part of the exercise helps you specify where you do want to go, the second part helps you specify where you don’t want to go. Then you have something to run away from and something to run toward, and that’s good for maximizing motivation.

And then the rest of the exercise helps people strategize. So you might say, well, I don’t exactly know who I want to be or where I want to be or what I want, and I would say, well, here’s some hints: if your intimate relationship were what you wanted, what would it look like? If your friendships were constructed the way you wanted them to be, what would that look like? These are questions you have to ask yourself. What would it look like if you were educated to the limits of your intelligence? What educational strategy would you have to pursue? What job or career would you want or need if you could have what you wanted or needed? How should you use your time outside of work? How would you take care of yourself mentally and physically? What services might you render to your family and your community if you could do it in the manner you wanted? These seven different questions to sort of differentiate your life. Man, it’s worth spending a few days figuring that out. We did that with university students before they went to university, and it dropped their dropout rate 50%, 90 minutes of writing dropped their dropout rate 50% and raised their grade point average 35%. So you need a vision, man. You need a vision. And you can develop a vision by pursuing what’s interesting to you; you can develop a vision by taking the problems that beset you seriously, and you can develop a vision by working with yourself to develop a vision.

Let’s say you love someone, maybe you have a friend who maybe it’s your wife, maybe a child, and you really love this person, and you say to them, ‘I really like to know what you want, you know, and knowing that maybe I can figure out how to help you if you would let me know.’ You can ask yourself the same damn question. Imagine that you dared to assume that you were worth attending to and that it would be okay if things worked out optimally for you in the best possible way. Just imagine for a moment that that was okay. Well, then you could ask yourself, well, alright, what would that look like? That’s an unbelievably useful exercise. So that’s a prayer, man, that’s a prayer fundamentally. And a prayer that’s devoted towards the seeking of a revelation.”

Jordan, go right on the time. I know you have tight time, and we’re down to the last minute. We just want to thank you for being a very answered prayer for so many of us in the world by your example of love and of integrity and of joy. Please give it up for Jordan, ladies and gentlemen. Jordan, it’s Sage; we just wanted to say thank you. It’s such an honor to have you here, and thank you for your sincerity, thank you for your goodness, thank you for your brilliant mind, your generous heart, and for shedding illumination on this beautiful path called human life. You’re doing it so beautifully. Love to you and Tammy, and God bless. We love you. See you soon. Thank you.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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