How to Stay Ultra Inspired | Robin Sharma

👣 9 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Empower Your Journey: The Crucial Steps to Staying Inspired

Hey there, superstar! 🚀

Want to know the secret behind staying INSANELY inspired? 🤔

Ever caught yourself scrolling through Insta, envying that guy who always seems so motivated? Or daydreaming about having the energy of a caffeine-fueled squirrel? 🐿️

Well, here’s the scoop: It’s about embracing the power of NATURE, savoring life’s simple pleasures, and connecting with loved ones like a pro. 🌿

Start your day with a dose of “I AM” affirmations to kick self-doubt out the window! Confidence level? Skyrocketing! 🚀

And don’t forget to catch a mesmerizing sunset – it’s like free inspiration therapy! 🌇

Oh, and those heart-to-heart chats with your family? They’re not just priceless; they’re power-packed inspiration boosters! 💖

So, ready to unlock the secrets of a legendary life? Stay tuned for some seriously simple, yet game-changing steps that’ll make you the captain of your own inspiration ship! 🌟

Stay curious, stay inspired! 🙌

#LifeHacks #InspirationUnleashed 🚀💡

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Embrace Circulation


This step is about the power of circulation, which involves getting out there and immersing yourself in the world to boost your inspiration levels.


  1. Take regular breaks from your usual work environment.
  2. Leave your office or workspace and physically move around.
  3. Engage with different people and surroundings.
  4. Seek new experiences and perspectives.
  5. Allow yourself to step away from your daily routine.

Specific Details:

  • Circulation can be as simple as going for a walk, exploring a new place, or attending events related to your interests.
  • Interacting with diverse individuals and environments can stimulate fresh ideas and insights.
  • Breaks from your usual routine help prevent burnout and recharge your creative energy.
  • Make an effort to engage in activities that genuinely interest you, as this will enhance the effectiveness of circulation.

Step 2: Manage by Walking Around


Drawing inspiration from the concept of “managing by walking around,” this step focuses on actively engaging with your surroundings and the people in your field.


  1. Set aside specific time for “walking around” in your professional life.
  2. Visit different departments or areas within your organization.
  3. Initiate conversations with colleagues, peers, or mentors.
  4. Attend industry-related events, conferences, or seminars.
  5. Be open to listening, observing, and learning from others.

Specific Details:

  • Allocate dedicated time for circulation in your schedule, treating it as a strategic activity.
  • By visiting various departments or functions within your organization, you gain a deeper understanding of the bigger picture.
  • Actively engage with people to exchange ideas, share experiences, and build relationships that can spark inspiration.
  • Industry events and conferences offer exposure to the latest trends and innovations.
  • Practicing active listening during your interactions can lead to valuable insights and fresh perspectives.

Step 3: Seek Inspiration with Purpose


This step emphasizes the importance of aligning your circulation efforts with a specific purpose or goal.


  1. Identify a clear objective for each circulation activity.
  2. Define what you hope to achieve or gain from each experience.
  3. Focus on areas that are directly relevant to your field or interests.
  4. Keep a journal to record your observations and insights.
  5. Continuously refine your circulation strategy based on your goals.

Specific Details:

  • Having a purpose helps you stay focused and maximize the value of your circulation efforts.
  • Define your desired outcomes, whether it’s finding a solution to a problem, gaining inspiration for a project, or networking.
  • Prioritize activities that align with your professional objectives and personal interests.
  • Keeping a journal allows you to capture valuable thoughts, ideas, and connections made during your circulation activities.
  • Regularly assess and adapt your circulation strategy to ensure it remains effective in nurturing inspiration.

Step 4: Embrace the Power of Nature


This step highlights the rejuvenating effect of connecting with nature and the practice of daily nature walks.


  1. Set aside dedicated time for a daily nature walk.
  2. Choose a natural environment, such as a park, forest, or beach, where you can connect with the outdoors.
  3. Consider listening to audiobooks, podcasts, or calming music during your walk.
  4. Engage in “walk reading” by immersing yourself in a book while walking, if preferred.
  5. Use this time to meditate, clear your mind, and express gratitude.

Specific Details:

  • The daily nature walk can range from 30 minutes to an hour or more, depending on your schedule and preference.
  • Connecting with nature helps boost happiness, reduce stress (lower cortisol levels), and improve overall well-being.
  • Walking meditation involves focusing on your breath and the sensations of walking, creating a mindful experience.
  • Talking out loud or verbalizing your thoughts can be a helpful way to process emotions and gain clarity.
  • Practicing gratitude during your walk can shift your mindset toward positivity and abundance.

Step 5: Nightly Sunset Ritual


This step introduces a nightly ritual of watching the sunset to cultivate gratitude and appreciation.


  1. Set aside time each evening, preferably during sunset hours.
  2. Find a comfortable spot with a view of the sunset, whether it’s from your home or a serene outdoor location.
  3. Sit quietly and observe the beauty of the sunset as it unfolds.
  4. Practice verbalizing gratitude by listing at least 50 things you are grateful for.
  5. Make this ritual a consistent part of your evening routine.

Specific Details:

  • The nightly sunset ritual serves as a reminder to appreciate the simple beauty that occurs daily.
  • Hedonic adaptation, the tendency to take everyday joys for granted, is overcome by consciously observing and expressing gratitude for the sunset.
  • Verbally acknowledging your blessings reinforces a positive mindset and counters the brain’s natural inclination towards negativity.
  • This ritual can be performed alone, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and your gratitude.

Step 6: Savor Simple Pleasures


This step emphasizes the importance of finding inspiration in life’s simple pleasures, such as watching sunsets, having meaningful conversations, and enjoying nature.


  1. Prioritize experiences and moments that bring you joy and fulfillment.
  2. Recognize that material possessions and external success may not always lead to lasting inspiration.
  3. Cultivate a mindset of appreciating the beauty in simplicity.
  4. Make time for activities that genuinely resonate with your values and priorities.

Specific Details:

  • Shift your focus from accumulating material wealth to savoring life’s most precious moments.
  • Meaningful conversations and quality time with loved ones can ignite profound inspiration.
  • Engage in activities that align with your personal values, bringing a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  • Embrace simplicity and authenticity in your pursuit of inspiration.

Step 7: Connect with Loved Ones


This step encourages building meaningful connections with family members and cherishing the wisdom and inspiration that can come from these relationships.


  1. Schedule regular family gatherings, dinners, or activities.
  2. Engage in deep conversations with your loved ones, listening and sharing experiences.
  3. Prioritize quality time with family members.
  4. Aim to create unforgettable experiences for your family.
  5. Embrace the importance of family as a source of inspiration.

Specific Details:

  • Family is often an enduring source of inspiration and support.
  • Foster strong bonds by dedicating time to connect and engage with family members.
  • Create memorable moments by planning activities or trips that everyone can enjoy.
  • Encourage open and meaningful discussions within the family.
  • Recognize the value of wisdom and perspective that family members, especially elders, can offer.

Step 8: The “I AM” 25 Practice


This step introduces the “I AM” 25 practice, which involves journaling and affirming positive statements about yourself to boost self-confidence and inspiration.


  1. Set aside a specific time each day for journaling.
  2. Write down 25 positive affirmations or statements that begin with “I am.”
  3. Focus on self-affirmations that reflect your values, aspirations, and personal growth.
  4. Reflect on these statements with sincerity and belief.
  5. Make the “I AM” 25 practice a daily habit.

Specific Details:

  • Positive self-affirmations can enhance self-confidence and inspire personal growth.
  • Choose statements that resonate with your goals and values.
  • Affirmations should be present tense and framed positively, reinforcing your belief in them.
  • Consistency in practicing “I AM” 25 can lead to increased self-awareness and motivation.

Step 9: The “I AM” 25 Practice (Continued)


This step provides specific guidance on how to implement the “I AM” 25 practice, a journaling technique for reinforcing positive self-affirmations.


  1. Dedicate a quiet and focused time for journaling, preferably at the start or end of your day.
  2. Begin each affirmation with “I am” and follow it with a positive trait, goal, or value.
  3. Write down 25 affirmations that reflect your aspirations and the qualities you want to embody.
  4. Write these affirmations daily, ensuring consistency in your practice.
  5. Reflect on each affirmation with sincerity and visualize yourself embodying those traits.

Specific Details:

  • Customize the “I AM” 25 practice to align with your personal growth objectives.
  • Affirmations should be written in the present tense, as if you already possess the desired qualities.
  • Visualize yourself living out these affirmations as you write them.
  • Consistency in practicing “I AM” 25 helps engrain these positive beliefs into your subconscious mind.
  • Over time, this practice can significantly impact your mindset and behavior, aligning you with the elite performer you aspire to be.



Robin Sharma, author of “The Leader Who Had No Title” and founder of the Titan Academy, welcomes you to this Mastery Session. This Mastery Session is all about how to stay ultra inspired. You can’t be legendary if you have no energy. If you look at any iconic producer, one of the common traits they have is massive levels of energy, born out of inspiration.

I want to share some of the best ideas I know to stay inspired because, as a craftsperson, you want to produce exponential results, wow all witnesses, and be a leader in your field. And it all starts with being inspired.

I used to be a litigation lawyer, and I used to think that inspiration was very soft. I believed success was all about hard tactics, strategy, and execution. However, if you look at people like Elon Musk, Nelson Mandela, Jeff Bezos, and Pablo Picasso, they achieved what they did because they were inspired.

Elon Musk’s work with SpaceX, da Vinci’s creations, Thomas Edison’s innovations, and many startups are all fueled by intense purpose, with inspiration as its foundation. So, inspiration is not just important; it is fundamentally important. I encourage you to protect your inspiration, and I’ll walk you through some of the best ways to do that.


Number one, I call it the power of circulation. There is great value in just getting out there. My friend Tom Peters talked about it years ago; he called it “managing by walking around.” He spoke of it in the context of within an organization – leave your office and just walk around. But I see it as even larger. With all due respect to Tom Peters, who is a wonderful guru, I want to take it into a different context – circulate around the world.

I don’t always love traveling, even though I travel a lot. Sometimes before a speaking tour, I ask myself if I really want to get on that airplane. Then, I remind myself of the power of circulation. By getting on an airplane, I meet new people, get into a new city, and get provoked by new insights. I hear new conversations and gain new levels of energy. There is great power in circulating.

To be really tactical, what I’m encouraging you to do is, if you want to be inspired, get out there. I had a conversation just the other day with an Uber driver. He was telling me how he lived in Kiev, studied engineering, and talked about the culture in Ukraine. He explained his adversity story, how difficult it is. He said, “I want to be an engineer, but I’ve got a family to feed, so I’m doing this as an Uber driver. I don’t really love it, but it’s how I make my living.” We had a conversation where I got all these different ideas that were really valuable to me. So, conversations are very educating. But the point is that there is great power in circulating because that’s when you have new conversations, and that’s when you detect new insights.

I mean, I get some of my best ideas just reading magazines in hotel rooms. They have nothing to do with leadership, productivity, or high performance, but I love reading fashion magazines. One of my favorite magazines is Porter, a relatively new fashion magazine. I was in Los Angeles the other day, reading the Robb Report, a style guide to Los Angeles. Just learning the languaging of those creative people – the chefs, the fashion models, the fashion designers – who are creating these cool scenes, creates great ideas for me to bring to you. So, there’s great power in circulation.


place; it’s sort of my creative forest. There’s not a lot of people in there, and I walk for one hour. I breathe in the air, look at the lush scenery, and listen to a different audiobook. It’s almost like a walking meditation as well. Sometimes I don’t listen to an audiobook, and I just walk and touch the earth. It’s almost like I’m thanking the earth and connecting with the soil (yes, I’m wearing shoes). There’s a lot of really good research saying that if you want to boost your immune system, increase your happiness, and release serotonin and dopamine while reducing the fear hormone cortisol, you should walk in nature. So, when I walk, I connect with nature.

Like I said, I know I’m not being very elegant in this Mastery Session; I’m just being real. But I listen to audiobooks, and other times, I do a walking meditation where I feel my feet on the soil. Sometimes, if there’s something I’m confused about, I sort of just talk it out, like I’m talking out loud, trying to work it out. If I’m in pain, I get the negative energy out of my system by releasing it, by talking about it. I also do a walking blessing meditation. While I’m walking, I challenge myself to come up with 50 things I’m grateful for, and I verbalize those because it’s only me and the squirrels in the woods.


Another thing that inspires me is my nightly sunset ritual. I do it most nights, especially when the weather is good. What I do is I sit inside and I watch the sunset. It sounds so obvious; if the sunset only happened once every thousand years, you and the rest of humanity would be watching the sunset. But because it happens every night, we take it for granted.

Positive psychologists call this psychological phenomenon “hedonic adaptation.” Because the sunset happens a lot, our brains get used to it, so we take it for granted. Here’s another game-changing insight: our brains are hard-wired for ingratitude. It served us well thousands of years ago because we really had to notice what was not good about our environment; otherwise, the tiger would eat us. Now, here we are, living in the modern age, and we still have an implicit bias within our brains for negativity.

So, what I’m suggesting to you is, watch the sunset because if you don’t, you will miss it. Personally, I would rather have a gorgeous sunset than all these nice things. I would rather have a conversation with my children over a three-hour meal than all the money in the world. I would rather sit with my team and build a product that serves millions of people than have all the fame and fortune. I would rather go for a walk in the woods; I love mountain biking. I would rather connect with nature and have a ride that opens my heart than all the worldly wins in the world. Because, you know, I’ve had a lot of those things. I’ve had a lot of external success. I’ve experienced a lot of those toys, stayed at beautiful places, met the rich and famous. And here’s what I’d like to offer to you in this Mastery Session about staying inspired: what inspires me are the most simple pleasures.


A few final things: if you want to be inspired, connect with your loved ones. When my father turned 75, we had an amazing family dinner. This is a man of great wisdom whom I adore and respect tremendously, along with my mother. When my dad turned 75, I asked him what the single most important thing in life was. He looked at me, smiled, and replied in one word, “family.” Family is the most important thing as you get older and wiser. Why not have the wisdom to make it the most important thing now? Those conversations with your family will inspire you. With my family, I try to become what I call a “perfect moment creator.” I had a conversation with someone the other day, and I said that one of the mindsets important to me is to see myself with my family as a perfect moment creator. Every time we do a trip, I go the extra mile to set up experiences that are unforgettable. Research shows that what’s most important to your family are experiences, not things. What’s most important to your happiness, according to research, are not things, but experiences. So, be a perfect moment creator with your family.


That brings me to my final encouragement for you to become ultra-inspiring. It involves a journal, and it’s what I call my “I AM 25 practice.” By “I AM 25 practice,” you basically finish the sentence “I am” twenty-five times. It might look like this for you: if you want to become more humble, write down “I am more humble.” Then you get to your next one: “I am more prosperous,” “I am more excellent,” “I am more brave,” “I am more loving,” “I am more innovative,” “I am more energetic,” “I am more inspired.” You do that twenty-five times in your journal on a regular basis. What does that do? It creates a blueprint within your subconscious mind of the elite performer you want to become, and then that thinking will become your way of being.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this personal Mastery Session. Stay super inspired. I’ll talk to you soon. Hi, it’s Robin. I invite you to subscribe to this podcast and definitely go over to Robin Sharma dot com for more information, tools, and resources on mastery, lead performance, living a world-class life. You.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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