How to Get Rich, Stay Rich, and Get Richer – Grant Cardone

👣 38 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


The Ultimate Journey: Steps to Financial Empowerment

Hey there, superstar! 💫

Ever wondered how to turn your pocket change into a financial freedom ticket? 💰💸

Well, get ready for a wild ride because I’ve got a secret recipe that’s juicier than grandma’s apple pie! 🥧🤫

Imagine becoming a financial wizard 🧙‍♂️ without diving into a pile of boring textbooks! Think you’re too old, too young, or too “not a money person”? Think again, my friend!

Who knew that hanging out with risk-takers 🎢 and learning the art of the deal 💼 could be as exciting as a roller coaster ride? 🎢 Don’t worry; no tie required! 😄

And who needs a bookworm reputation 🤓 when you can discover the secret sauce of success, all while juggling life’s ups and downs? 🤹‍♀️

So, are you ready to unlock the door to financial freedom? 🗝️

It’s time to unleash the money-making superhero 🦸‍♀️ or hero 🦸‍♂️ inside you! 💥

Stay tuned because the game is about to change, and your life is about to take off! 🚀

Stay curious, stay excited, and stay tuned! 💪🤑

Ready to dive into this financial adventure? 💼💰

Keep those eyes peeled, and let’s make your money moves matter! 👀👉💵

#FinancialSuccess #MoneyMatters #GameChanger

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Introduction


This introductory step sets the stage for the guide, explaining the speaker’s background, purpose, and intent to help the audience improve their financial situations.


  1. Begin by addressing the audience with enthusiasm and positivity, acknowledging their presence and excitement.
  2. Mention that the focus of the presentation will be on making, keeping, and multiplying money.
  3. Encourage the audience to actively participate and learn how to achieve financial success.
  4. Share a personal story or anecdote about your journey to success, emphasizing that you started with nothing and overcame challenges.
  5. Highlight your accomplishments, such as having multiple successful businesses generating significant revenue.

Specific Details:

  • Create a strong connection with the audience by expressing gratitude and shared enthusiasm.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the presentation, which is to provide valuable insights into financial success.
  • Convey that the audience’s financial future is within their control, and they can benefit from the information shared.
  • Share a brief overview of your personal journey, focusing on the transformation from financial hardship to success.
  • Mention specific achievements and successes to establish credibility and authority.

Step 2: Audience Engagement


This step emphasizes the importance of active participation and engagement from the audience to maximize the value they can gain from the presentation.


  1. Encourage the audience to take their seats and prepare to absorb valuable information.
  2. Motivate the audience by asking if they want to make money during the event.
  3. Emphasize that their level of engagement and decision-making will determine their success.
  4. Remind the audience that their financial success is ultimately their responsibility and that they have the power to take action.

Specific Details:

  • Use engaging and motivational language to create a sense of excitement and anticipation among the audience.
  • Reinforce the idea that each individual’s financial success depends on their willingness to participate actively.
  • Empower the audience by reminding them that they can choose to make this event a turning point in their financial lives.
  • Encourage attendees to adopt a proactive mindset and take ownership of their financial decisions.

Step 3: Introduction to the Speaker


In this step, the speaker introduces themselves and their background, highlighting their journey from adversity to success.


  1. Share your name and express your gratitude for the opportunity to speak to the audience.
  2. Reiterate your background, emphasizing that you started with no money, no connections, and faced personal challenges.
  3. Mention your current success, including the number of companies you own and their impressive sales figures.

Specific Details:

  • Be concise and clear when introducing yourself, ensuring the audience knows who you are.
  • Use storytelling techniques to engage the audience emotionally and make your journey relatable.
  • Highlight the contrast between your past challenges and your current achievements to inspire the audience.

Step 4: Acknowledgment of Audience


This step acknowledges the diversity of the audience and addresses any potential doubts or skepticism.


  1. Ask the audience if there are attendees who have never heard of you before.
  2. Apologize for any oversight and express your willingness to help all attendees, regardless of their familiarity with your work.
  3. Encourage attendees to be open-minded and ready to learn about money.

Specific Details:

  • Foster inclusivity by recognizing that not everyone may be familiar with your work or background.
  • Show humility by apologizing for any potential oversight and assure attendees that they will benefit from the presentation.
  • Set the tone for an open and non-judgmental learning environment.

Step 5: Announcement of Focus on Money


This step emphasizes the central theme of the presentation, which is money, and sets expectations for discussing financial matters in depth.


  1. Clearly state that the presentation will revolve around the topic of money and personal finance.
  2. Request permission from the audience to focus on money throughout the event.
  3. Promise to provide honest and valuable insights about money.

Specific Details:

  • Make it explicit that the main focus of the presentation will be money to manage attendees’ expectations.
  • Seek the audience’s permission to delve into financial topics and reassure them about the authenticity of the information shared.
  • Emphasize your commitment to delivering truthful and valuable content about money.

Step 6: Celebrating Success


This step emphasizes the importance of celebrating success as a means of attracting more of it into one’s life.


  1. Encourage the audience to celebrate success whenever they see it, by clapping, yelling, and screaming.
  2. Highlight the correlation between celebrating success and being able to achieve it.
  3. Share the idea that celebrating success can shift one’s mindset and attitude.
  4. Distinguish between celebrating success and dwelling on failures.

Specific Details:

  • Urge the audience to actively express their joy and excitement when witnessing success.
  • Stress that celebrating success is not only about external achievements but also about personal growth and progress.
  • Emphasize that celebrating success is a positive and proactive way to attract more positive experiences into one’s life.
  • Clarify the difference between celebrating success, which is empowering, and dwelling on failures, which can be discouraging.

Step 7: Changing Perspective on Failure


In this step, the speaker encourages the audience to change their perspective on failure and view it as a learning opportunity.


  1. Highlight the common tendency to dwell on failures and express self-pity.
  2. Encourage the audience to shift their mindset and see failures as valuable lessons.
  3. Stress the importance of gratitude for life’s challenges and difficulties.
  4. Explain that personal growth often stems from overcoming adversity.

Specific Details:

  • Use relatable examples to illustrate how people often react to failures with self-pity.
  • Motivate the audience to reframe their mindset and extract lessons from failures.
  • Suggest that gratitude for life’s challenges can lead to personal growth and resilience.
  • Share personal anecdotes or stories to emphasize the transformative power of embracing failure.

Step 8: Desire to Contribute and Give Back


This step highlights the speaker’s desire to contribute and give back to society and the importance of achieving financial success to facilitate charitable efforts.


  1. Mention the speaker’s goal of using financial success to give back and help others.
  2. Share specific charitable initiatives and foundations that the speaker is involved in, such as raising money for charities and launching a foundation.
  3. Express gratitude for the ability to make a positive impact.

Specific Details:

  • Clearly communicate the intention to use financial success for philanthropic purposes.
  • Provide examples of charitable endeavors and their significance.
  • Convey a sense of purpose and responsibility toward making the world a better place.

Step 9: Focus on Achieving Financial Success


This step sets the tone for the presentation by emphasizing that the main focus will be on achieving financial success.


  1. Reiterate that the primary topic of discussion throughout the presentation will be money and financial success.
  2. Prepare the audience for an in-depth exploration of financial matters.
  3. Remind the audience of the speaker’s commitment to providing honest and valuable insights about money.

Specific Details:

  • Reiterate the central theme of the presentation, which is financial success.
  • Encourage the audience to actively engage with the content related to money.
  • Reinforce the idea that the speaker’s intention is to share truthful and valuable information about financial success.

Step 10: Acknowledge the Past


In this step, the speaker briefly acknowledges their challenging past and emphasizes how they’ve overcome adversity.


  1. Share personal hardships, including financial struggles, drug problems, and self-doubt.
  2. Express gratitude for personal growth and transformation.

Specific Details:

  • Use concise storytelling to illustrate past challenges and difficulties.
  • Avoid dwelling on the past and focus on the positive changes and growth that have occurred.
  • Highlight the contrast between the past and the present to inspire the audience.

Step 11: Highlighting Current Success


This step emphasizes the speaker’s current success and achievements, creating a sense of credibility and authority.


  1. Mention the speaker’s current financial achievements, such as controlling over $1.2 billion in real estate.
  2. Share recent accomplishments, such as closing a $253 million real estate deal.
  3. Encourage the audience to celebrate these achievements with applause.

Specific Details:

  • Provide specific figures and statistics to demonstrate the scale of the speaker’s success.
  • Use storytelling to make the achievements relatable and impressive.
  • Engage the audience by inviting them to acknowledge and celebrate the speaker’s accomplishments.

Step 12: Encourage Audience Engagement


This step encourages the audience to actively participate and engage in the presentation.


  1. Recognize the hardworking individuals in the audience and applaud their efforts.
  2. Emphasize that hard work alone is not sufficient to achieve wealth.
  3. Encourage attendees to be financially savvy and open to new ideas.

Specific Details:

  • Acknowledge and appreciate the audience’s work ethic to create a positive atmosphere.
  • Stress that hard work should be complemented by financial knowledge and strategy.
  • Motivate the audience to be receptive to new concepts and approaches to financial success.

Step 13: Emphasize the Limitations of Hard Work


This step challenges the notion that hard work alone is enough to attain wealth and financial success.


  1. Clearly state that hard work, while important, is not the sole determinant of financial success.
  2. Share personal experiences to illustrate how hard work alone did not lead to wealth.
  3. Prepare the audience to explore alternative strategies for financial prosperity.

Specific Details:

  • Deliver a straightforward message that challenges the conventional belief in the power of hard work.
  • Offer personal anecdotes or examples to validate the point that hard work may not be sufficient.
  • Maintain a balanced perspective by acknowledging the importance of hard work while emphasizing its limitations.

Step 14: Past Financial Struggles


This step narrates the speaker’s personal experience of financial difficulties, emphasizing the contrast between the past and the present.


  1. Share personal challenges, such as being unable to pay rent and facing financial hardships.
  2. Express empathy toward the audience by acknowledging that money problems can be universal.
  3. Highlight the contrast between past financial struggles and the speaker’s current success.

Specific Details:

  • Use storytelling to vividly describe the speaker’s past financial difficulties.
  • Relate to the audience by expressing understanding and empathy for their financial challenges.
  • Emphasize the transformation from a difficult past to a more prosperous present.

Step 15: Excuse for Money Problems


In this step, the speaker addresses the common excuse of having financial problems while living in a country with opportunities.


  1. Assertively state that having money problems while living in a country with opportunities is not a valid excuse.
  2. Acknowledge that this statement may be offensive to some, but it serves as a wake-up call.
  3. Encourage the audience to focus on solving their financial issues rather than making excuses.

Specific Details:

  • Deliver the message straightforwardly, even if it may be uncomfortable for some in the audience.
  • Emphasize the importance of taking responsibility for one’s financial situation.
  • Prompt the audience to shift their mindset from excuses to solutions.

Step 16: Celebrating Success Continuation


This step reinforces the idea that celebrating success is essential and encourages the audience to adopt a celebratory mindset.


  1. Remind the audience to clap, yell, and scream whenever they witness success.
  2. Explain the connection between celebrating success and attracting more of it.
  3. Discourage spending excessive time focusing on the speaker’s character flaws or defects.
  4. Emphasize the importance of celebrating achievements rather than critiquing personal traits.

Specific Details:

  • Reiterate the call for active celebration of success.
  • Reinforce the concept that celebrating success can help manifest more positive outcomes.
  • Address potential distractions by advising against excessive scrutiny of character flaws.
  • Encourage the audience to prioritize celebrating achievements over personal judgments.

Step 17: Change in Perspective on Failure Continuation


This step continues to encourage the audience to view failure as a valuable learning opportunity.


  1. Stress that focusing on failure and self-pity is unproductive.
  2. Reinforce the idea that failure can be a source of growth and development.
  3. Encourage gratitude for life’s challenges and the opportunity to overcome them.

Specific Details:

  • Reiterate the message that dwelling on failure and self-pity is counterproductive.
  • Emphasize the potential for personal growth and learning from failures.
  • Promote a sense of gratitude for the challenges that contribute to personal development.

Step 18: Desire to Contribute and Give Back Continuation


This step continues to highlight the speaker’s philanthropic goals and the positive impact they aim to make with their financial success.


  1. Mention charitable initiatives, such as raising funds for charities and launching a foundation.
  2. Express the intention to give back and help those in need.

Specific Details:

  • Reiterate the speaker’s philanthropic intentions and their involvement in charitable endeavors.
  • Emphasize the desire to make a positive impact on society through financial success.

Step 19: Focus on Achieving Financial Success Continuation


This step reaffirms that the primary focus of the presentation will be on achieving financial success.


  1. Remind the audience that the central theme of the presentation is financial success.
  2. Encourage active engagement with the financial content to maximize learning.
  3. Restate the commitment to providing truthful and valuable information about financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Reiterate that the primary focus is on the topic of financial success.
  • Prompt the audience to remain engaged and open to financial concepts.
  • Reinforce the promise of sharing authentic and valuable insights into achieving financial success.

Step 20: Acknowledgment of Family and Financial Decisions


This step addresses the conflicting advice people receive about mixing family and business.


  1. Mention common advice about not mixing family and business.
  2. Highlight the contradiction between this advice and the instruction not to talk to strangers.
  3. Emphasize the importance of understanding the role of strangers in achieving financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Acknowledge the conflicting advice people often receive regarding family and business.
  • Point out the contradiction between cautioning against talking to strangers and the reality of relying on strangers for opportunities.
  • Encourage the audience to reconsider their perspectives on family and business.

Step 21: Understanding the True Desire


This step highlights the importance of seeking freedom rather than just money.


  1. Emphasize that true desires often revolve around freedom rather than money itself.
  2. Convey that money is merely a means to attain freedom.

Specific Details:

  • Stress the difference between seeking money and seeking freedom.
  • Encourage the audience to consider what freedom means to them personally.
  • Reinforce the idea that money is a tool for achieving the freedom to live life on one’s terms.

Step 22: Celebrating Success with Enthusiasm


This step emphasizes the audience’s role in celebrating success with enthusiasm.


  1. Remind the audience to express their excitement and enthusiasm when celebrating success.
  2. Encourage applause and lively reactions whenever success is witnessed.

Specific Details:

  • Reiterate the importance of actively participating in celebrating success.
  • Prompt the audience to engage with enthusiasm and energy.
  • Highlight the role of the audience in creating a celebratory atmosphere.

Step 23: Key Elements That Transformed the Speaker’s Life


This step lists 20 key elements that have had a transformative impact on the speaker’s life.


  1. Present a list of 20 elements, including personal growth, sales and marketing, social media marketing, motivation, pipeline management, discipline, daily rituals, time management, and relentless follow-up.
  2. Acknowledge the significance of these elements in achieving financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Provide a concise list of key elements that have contributed to the speaker’s success.
  • Stress the importance of these elements for the audience’s own journey to financial success.
  • Encourage the audience to consider how these elements can be applied in their lives.

Step 24: Importance of Family and Financial Stability


This step highlights the importance of financial stability for supporting and providing for one’s family.


  1. Emphasize the role of financial stability in fulfilling family needs and responsibilities.
  2. Address the balance between being a loving family member and providing for one’s family financially.

Specific Details:

  • Stress that financial stability is crucial for taking care of one’s family and ensuring their well-being.
  • Highlight the potential conflict between wanting to provide for one’s family and feeling resentful about financial responsibilities.
  • Encourage the audience to consider the role of money in their family dynamics.

Step 25: Embracing Mentorship and Learning


This step emphasizes the importance of seeking mentorship and continuous learning.


  1. Share the speaker’s experience of seeking mentorship and guidance.
  2. Encourage the audience to be open to learning from others and acquiring new knowledge.

Specific Details:

  • Provide insights into how mentorship has played a pivotal role in the speaker’s life.
  • Motivate the audience to seek mentors and educational opportunities.
  • Reinforce the idea that continuous learning is essential for personal and financial growth.

Step 26: Consistent Reading Habits


This step advocates for the habit of consistent reading as a means of self-improvement.


  1. Stress the importance of reading as a way to gain knowledge and improve oneself.
  2. Encourage the audience to make reading a regular part of their lives, even if they don’t enjoy it initially.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that reading is a valuable tool for personal development.
  • Highlight the benefits of reading one book a month for continuous growth.
  • Motivate the audience to prioritize self-improvement through reading.

Step 27: Taking Calculated Risks


This step underscores the significance of taking calculated risks when it comes to financial endeavors.


  1. Encourage the audience to surround themselves with individuals who are willing to take financial risks.
  2. Stress the importance of learning negotiation and deal-closing skills.
  3. Highlight the value of collaboration and partnerships in achieving financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that calculated risks can lead to financial growth and opportunities.
  • Encourage the audience to seek mentorship in negotiation and deal-making.
  • Reinforce the concept that collaboration and partnerships can expand financial horizons.

Step 28: Balancing Work and Life


This step addresses the work-life balance and its relationship to financial success.


  1. Acknowledge that work-life balance is desirable but may require financial stability.
  2. Suggest that work-life balance becomes attainable when financial stability is achieved.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize the importance of work-life balance.
  • Emphasize that achieving financial stability can provide the foundation for work-life balance.
  • Encourage the audience to consider the role of financial stability in achieving personal goals.

Step 29: Building Trust in Yourself


This step reinforces the idea that self-belief is crucial for financial success.


  1. Stress the significance of believing in oneself and one’s potential to attain wealth.
  2. Encourage the audience to develop self-confidence and a belief in their right to financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that self-belief is a fundamental aspect of financial success.
  • Motivate the audience to cultivate self-confidence and a positive self-image.
  • Reinforce the idea that financial success begins with trust in one’s own abilities.

Step 30: Money Management and Tax Strategies


This step addresses the importance of effective money management and tax strategies.


  1. Express the speaker’s perspective on taxes and the desire to minimize tax liabilities.
  2. Encourage the audience to learn about money management and tax optimization.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the speaker’s desire to minimize taxes and manage money effectively.
  • Motivate the audience to educate themselves on financial management and tax strategies.
  • Reinforce the idea that financial success includes understanding and optimizing taxes.

Step 31: Embracing the Game of Wealth


This step encourages the audience to embrace the pursuit of financial wealth.


  1. Promote a mindset shift from resisting financial strategies to embracing them.
  2. Encourage the audience to take control of their financial destinies and be proactive.

Specific Details:

  • Reinforce the idea that embracing financial strategies is essential for success.
  • Motivate the audience to take charge of their financial future.
  • Encourage a shift in mindset from resistance to proactive involvement in financial matters.

Step 32: Valuing Financial Freedom


This step underscores the importance of valuing financial freedom as a primary goal.


  1. Convey the idea that financial freedom should be the ultimate target.
  2. Emphasize that money is a tool to attain the freedom to live life on one’s terms.

Specific Details:

  • Stress that financial freedom is the primary objective.
  • Encourage the audience to define what freedom means to them personally.
  • Reinforce the notion that money is a means to achieve personal freedom.

Step 33: Celebrating Success Actively


This step highlights the significance of actively celebrating success.


  1. Remind the audience to express enthusiasm and celebrate achievements.
  2. Encourage applause and lively reactions when success is witnessed.

Specific Details:

  • Reiterate the importance of actively participating in celebrating success.
  • Prompt the audience to engage with enthusiasm and energy during celebratory moments.
  • Highlight the role of the audience in creating a celebratory atmosphere.

Step 34: Key Elements That Transformed the Speaker’s Life (Continued)


This step continues the list of 20 key elements that have had a transformative impact on the speaker’s life.


  1. Present the remaining elements from the list, such as taking risks, negotiation skills, collaboration, and spirituality.
  2. Acknowledge the significance of these elements in achieving financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Provide a concise list of key elements that have contributed to the speaker’s success.
  • Stress the importance of these elements for the audience’s own journey to financial success.
  • Encourage the audience to consider how these elements can be applied in their lives.

Step 35: Storing and Managing Money


This step addresses the importance of proper money management and storage.


  1. Emphasize the significance of managing and safeguarding money effectively.
  2. Encourage the audience to adopt responsible money-handling practices.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the importance of responsible financial management.
  • Motivate the audience to develop strategies for storing and managing their money securely.
  • Reinforce the idea that effective money management is a key aspect of financial success.

Step 36: Believing in Personal Potential


This step reinforces the idea that believing in one’s potential is a critical element for financial success.


  1. Stress the significance of self-belief and the impact it can have on achieving wealth.
  2. Encourage the audience to cultivate self-confidence and a belief in their capacity for financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that self-belief is a fundamental aspect of financial success.
  • Motivate the audience to build self-confidence and a positive self-image.
  • Reinforce the idea that financial success begins with trust in one’s own abilities.

Step 37: Prioritizing Financial Education


This step emphasizes the importance of financial education for achieving success.


  1. Share the speaker’s perspective on the value of financial education.
  2. Encourage the audience to prioritize learning about financial matters.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the speaker’s belief in the significance of financial education.
  • Motivate the audience to invest in their financial education and seek knowledge in this area.
  • Reinforce the idea that financial literacy is essential for financial success.

Step 38: Taking Charge of Your Financial Future


This step encourages the audience to take control of their financial destinies.


  1. Promote a proactive approach to managing one’s financial future.
  2. Encourage the audience to make informed financial decisions.

Specific Details:

  • Reinforce the idea that taking charge of one’s financial future is crucial for success.
  • Motivate the audience to be proactive and responsible when it comes to financial matters.
  • Encourage the audience to seek financial independence and self-reliance.



  • “we in Atlanta baby detail we in the 404.”
  • “how you doing man.”
  • “thank you.”
  • “Big Bird’s took care of it.”
  • “pink huh 2017 go3 550 got too big though.”
  • “too big rolls-royce engines on it for us.”
  • “is like ridiculous 7800 miles BAM.”
  • “one-way take you almost anywhere 14 hours.”
  • “and the time this plane’s ready to land you already wanted to get out like four hours before.”
  • “come see me wherever we are wherever you are I’m coming to you behind-the-scenes thing okay.”
  • “I’m getting ready to go in there and talk to these people about the roll.”
  • “about the paper about the current seat.”
  • “uh we don’t think nothing sneaked through there yeah yeah listening listening.”
  • “let’s go let’s go quote that 3:30 hey man how you doin.”
  • “that was out there.”


  • “And we’re gonna take the leak Johnny wanna come take a leak.”
  • “you know what what’s it like in the green room pisser.”
  • “you know I always wondered hey man and them speakers man do they piss in a different kind of toilet then the other people do hey Elena.”
  • “so you got you guys know Sabrina might want to pop up there right look at this is that fantastic oh I can’t take a leak.”


  • “right.”
  • “thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you guys are awesome.”
  • “hello Atlanta.”
  • “Tintin X Atlanta okay.”
  • “so so I’m so glad to be here so happy to be here with you all right how would you guys like to make some money while you’re here because I’m here to talk to you about how to make money keep money and multiply money who’s interested grab your seat grab a seat grab a seat I want you to leave here I’m going to put all this together today you’ve had a great day have you had a great day hey if you haven’t had a great day are you gonna have a great day.”
  • “are you like oh man I hadn’t had a great day that’s up to you that’s not up to me you got to make a decision when you come to these events hey I’m gonna steal from this joint okay I’m gonna take everything I can from this place how many of you in the room have never heard of my name before tonight let me let me see him okay I apologize my bad my bad my bad screwed up big time and I owe you and I owe your family I owe your extended family your little kids if you ever have kids if you hadn’t had them yet in the future the future kids too you might have mistakenly I apologize.”
  • “okay because because I can help you I can help you get your finances right and and I’m gonna talk to you about money a lot tonight if you don’t mind do I have permission okay and I promise I promise not to lie to you about money because you’ve been lied to everybody in the room including myself okay if you over fifty years old say 10x if you over 40 years old say 10x if you over 30 years old say 10x if you’re younger than 30 say 10x okay well well some of you lying but but what I want to do is I want to tell you who I am right now if you don’t know who I am okay you see you see this this image over here can you show the image of the this bit of it the one button right behind ya big big big big jet okay thank you I love you the life that you see me living today it is not where I came from so so so that you understand today I have I think we have 15 companies four of them got started this year 15 companies will do one hundred and fifty million dollars in sales okay all these companies were started with no money say 10x if you’ve ever had no.”

Personal Struggles and Achievements

  • “money say 10x if you’ve ever had nope no good a good enough credit to get debt yeah yeah that’s where I came from.”
  • “no money no how about this fake 10x if you don’t have any connections like nobody knows you exist that’s how I grew up nobody knew me no connections no money in debt drug problem okay not not all of you need to claim you got that one some of you might need to see 5x okay I had a serious drug problem from the age of 16 years old at 25 years old I was using drugs every day and I hated myself to know what where I am today okay last week last week yeah last week six days ago we closed 253 million dollars whether the real estate in Miami okay with my money now yeah you should you should you should clap okay I’m gonna give you a little lesson I’ll give you a little lesson you should be like God.”

Celebrating Success

  • “[Applause]”
  • “you know what you should clap you should yell you should scream every time you see success the moment okay because because because the moment that you can celebrate success you can have it okay you got you got you guys all got you got to figure it out how to celebrate failing everybody like oh yeah me all I’m sorry man I’m sure man oh let me tell you about how I messed up I am man this happened to me and that happened to me and this happened to me and that happened to me now and everybody’s like hold me – it’s been – man me – man be grateful be grateful for what dude I got a drug problem I’m out of money I’m in debt nobody likes me I hate myself be grateful for what be grateful you alive be grateful about time I get disappointed it’s about time I’m like wait a minute what am i doing you cannot contribute to this planet if you’re messed up you cannot contribute to this planet if you’re running this little scam on yourself about how grateful you are because you somehow have it better than someone else that’s got it terrible you can always find a case to make your case better how many agree with that you can always be like yeah man I got it bad but he’s got it worse so this is all right it ain’t all right I was making sense of it not being alright for too many years I well I had the idea that one day I would buy real estate I’ve always loved real estate okay we I have one point two billion dollars where the real estate under control so then I could do what’s important to me okay what’s important to me is the billable to give back and help other people created a foundation this race breaks over a hundred million dollars for other charities launch my charity for kids without fathers we raise a million to the first night okay.”

Importance of Celebrating Success

  • “yeah thank you thank you you like why am i clapping because you need to celebrate success okay you don’t need to celebrate feelings no yoga how do you feel who cares if you if you take if you take every feeling you have and run down the feeling road I’m scared good you got you get nothing out of that that little rabbit hole everybody great I’m scared right now okay I have insecurities how many been insecure well go try to get a bank alone you won’t pay us back not sure I want to I want to are you gonna double pants back man you can’t follow your feelings into the bank so tonight I want I want to show you what I’ve discovered here in the last 30 years of my career okay but most importantly in the last eight years my last eight years have dwarfed everything I did the 22 years before how many hard workers in the room how many you work hard good good give yourselves a hand get that hard work will not get you rich again I did I did hard work for 22 years okay hard work hard work will not get it done how many of you save your money you saved you save your fruitball you’re frugal you’re like okay I’m buying a belt I buy a belt it’s gonna be on sale for sure myself this belt was bought on sale I’m like I can go a little longer I’ll wait I I don’t have any mermaids belts I didn’t even have to say Hermes okay yeah guy got he got an H on his belt in his name is Eric stupid man how you doing you alright alright she’s thinking about it she’s like how much stuff is I bought with somebody else’s name on it think about it you can’t write off an ER maze built this how I grew up right here okay 25 years old I’m paying 275 a month and I can’t make the rent I was late at least six months of the 12 months couldn’t look the guy on the dodge in it you live in this country and you got a money problem you are excuse me if that offended you by the way is it Sunday yet okay some of some of y’all confuse y’all confusion like so confusion like you know he said that that’s the least of your problems the least of your problems is what I say how I dress how I act of what I do okay for every criticism another human being has about me I have a hundred of them say save yourself the time and energy worry about your own bank yeah people spending so much time with my character defects they can’t make money okay I ain’t got time for it dude I’m trying to take care of my family how many would take care of your family this is what gets me excited right here Sylla seven euro right there scarlet show it come running across your new part wheel for me buddy oh yeah you against it she has never been told don’t talk to strangers never why would I tell her not to talk to strangers when strangers have everything she wants everything that you want every dream that is possible a stranger will make it come true how many of you’d like to write a book in your lifetime good guess who’s go buy your family a go bye they’re like hey hey hey hey hey I’m behind the book you’re selling real estate how many real estate people here in the room today yeah yeah yeah yeah your family’s not even qualified to buy your house would you oh yeah right my mama my mama used to tell me she’d be like hey we’re gonna go over to Uncle J’s house today now look don’t talk business with him keep him separate okay family business everybody with me how many were told that before don’t do business with.”

Life-Changing Lessons

  • “family that’s okay wait a minute don’t talk to strangers and don’t do business with family this gonna be hard what do I do.”
  • “all right okay here’s 20 things 20 things I can’t look I can’t do all 20 of these today here’s 20 things that changed my life from where where I was today flying in on you when we landed I said Jared I don’t know where Jared is my wife I said guys can you believe we just flew in on a Gulfstream 550 okay I mean it’s stupid it’s ridiculous it is ridiculous some agree it’s ridiculous it’s a brand-new jet it’s a 50 million dollar jet man the pilot says do you want to see what the gas bill is I said no no no not really I don’t care what the gas costs dog I care what the gas costs when I was 25 and lost I have found myself I do not care what the cost of the fuel is I’m giving you lesson right now I’m giving you a lesson right now okay I’m giving you a money lesson right now if your problem is to cost of fuel you ain’t got any chance of financial freedom you know you got a little wad in your pocket yet you’re like you’re like oh this is it you got a little little boxes all over the house in the wall hammered into the wall protecting it look oh my god that’s it it’s that money and money’s not what you want you want freedom this is what you want pieces of garbage paper.”
  • “[Applause]”
  • “that’s for the camera okay okay this is what changed my life personal growth sales and marketing social media marketing staying they did how many liked to stay motivated all the time keeping your pipeline full constantly alright discipline in daily rituals time management relentless follow-up relentless I’ve been following up on people for seventeen and eighteen and nineteen years without a return phone call the woman I’m married to Elena stand-up hit my wife right there man hit her with the camera yeah awesome human being right yeah awesome human being okay if it wasn’t for two women in my life I would not be here today the jet the real-estate the money the success none of it matters without family but my family needs money does your family need money right how can you say hey man I’m the best father in the world but you can’t feed your kids I’m the best father in the world by the book but I can’t buy him a bicycle okay or I’m the best father in world I buy him a bicycle now I got to worry about it and I’m a little resentful that I had to buy the bicycle for the kids we’re getting we’re getting ready to go to a trip for four thirty.”

Lessons for Life Improvement

  • “some odd days alright I want to I don’t want to be without my kids I didn’t see my dad my dad died when I was 10 years old heart blew up in his chest gone abandoned me death took him I don’t have a dad cuz I didn’t have a dad I went bad I didn’t have any discipline I didn’t have any leadership I didn’t have a mentor I didn’t know I I didn’t know how to act so I just started how many of you’ve done this before you just start reaching out to your friends and your neighbors and your and maybe they’re screwed up too I got all my financial advice from my buddies in the school system and my mother my mother is gonna teach me about money a penny saved is a penny earned how many know that saying a penny saved is it’s a pity my mama complicated she could have just have been like a penny is a penny my mama save pennies saved them we had jars of pennies and nickels and dimes they’re gonna compound 20 things that changed my life handling fear and rejection believing in myself believing I should have money believing I should have assets believing I should have wealth believing I should have multiple flows of income recovering from losses is that important hey avoiding them and recovering when you have on spirituality and enlightenment number one most important thing in my life is my personal spiritual development I changed at 25 years old when I walked in a room like this and saw people interested in improvement enhancement empowerment in books I don’t like to read I’m not I’m not that God it’s like I love to read books I don’t like to read books but I do because because because I like being broke less than I like reading and when I went out when I realized that Bill Gates read 23 books on a holiday I’m like maybe I need to read okay maybe I need to read one book one book one book average American reads one book a year come on man if you read one book a month you tell me between now and 2020 this time your life wouldn’t get better a bad book is better than no book big thing taking risk I need to get around people that are taking risk with money there you go okay negotiating and closing deals collaborating and partnerships these things have changed my life the work/life balance thing if you want work-life balance guess what you need a bunch of that ain’t coming without the mone pieces of paper useless pieces of paper like like like like keys don’t act like that everybody agree anybody got a lighter who’s got a lighter put a little fire on this see what happens man put put a little fire on this thing let’s see let’s see let’s see how long this maintains man go ahead hit him and just hit hit it let’s see if it works oh it’s burning.”
  • “[Music]”
  • “I’m gonna leave this right here I’m gonna leave this right here I’m gonna leave this right here and see if it does anything all right folks that’s what you guys are doing with your money save your money save you money.”

Taking Control of Your Finances

  • “ave you money you guys trust the banks more than you trust yourself listen what I just said you trust the banks more than you trust yourself I’m gonna earn money I’m gonna take it I’m a pay to federal government and whatever’s left over on my stash it over here if the target is actually freedom then you’re gonna be like Oh 1 million won’t get me there I do the math on 1 million I rip 1 million up so fast and be like what’s gone okay you want to see the math on a million dollars let me get my wad right here because my grant my grandpa taught me something about that I’m a teacher okay good here’s a million dollars here’s that old million-dollar dream in Atlanta four hundred grand goes to the IR and the s okay if you hate the hours I are into s just say I hate the I are into s who doesn’t hate them I hate them I hate them I hope that I hope they find this video right now I hate you I hate you and I’m gonna do everything I can not to pay you every damn thing that’s it I’m saying it right now bring this video to the deposition I hate your goddamn guts I hate you I hate you I hate you and if I can figure out the way not to give you money I will figure it out you know what you know what because I love my kids and my wife more than anybody else so I’m gonna figure out the code I’m gonna figure out how the games played because there’s people on this planet playing the game without paying the taxes hey don’t hate the player don’t hate the player and I tell you this don’t hate the game either embrace the game now I’m gonna tell you right now you can if you if you if you pack like this you will end up broke okay if I if I carry money around with me like this how many believe sooner or later it’s gonna disappear i’ma lose it i’ma spill it i’ma burn it Johnny gonna take it from me something gonna happen everybody green scarlet you can cook you can have all this scarlet okay she earned it she earned it she earned it [Applause] okay you’re spilling money get off here here man okay okay don’t don’t let don’t let don’t let watch watch out that man right there okay stay everybody stand up for me real quick okay okay everybody stand up for me real quick all right come on come on come on okay repeat after me repeat after me bring any other good time here today good repeat after me this is my time no no no no this is my time I deserve financial freedom I deserve financial freedom success is my duty obligation and responsibility [Applause] I am success I am success Bernie manners money matters money matters thank you very much.

Post/Page #55833
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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