How To Build A Personal BrandHow To Build A Personal Brand

👣 25 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Game-Changing Steps to Ignite Your Personal Branding Journey

🔥 Hey there, superstar! 🌟

You ever wonder why some people are effortlessly crushing it while others are stuck in the struggle bus 🚌? It’s not about luck or magic tricks. Nope, it’s about having that secret sauce that makes the difference! 🤫

💡 Imagine having your very own playbook to skyrocket your personal brand! Imagine becoming a magnet for success, where opportunities chase YOU down! 😎

🧐 Curious? You should be! Because we’ve got the inside scoop on building a killer personal brand, and it’s not your usual snooze-fest. No, it’s a game-changer! 💥

🚀 From making your name a brand that turns heads to delivering WOW experiences that leave people awestruck, we’re spilling the beans on all the tricks and hacks that will take your brand from zero to hero! 🦸‍♂️

🌐 Buckle up, my friend, because we’re about to show you how to level up your life, make your brand shine, and unlock a world of endless opportunities! 🌈

Ready to join the ranks of the unstoppable? Say “heck yes!” and let’s dive into the epic journey of building YOUR personal premium brand! 🚀💪💼

#PersonalBrand #SuccessUnleashed #LevelUpYourLife


Step 1: Define Your Personal Premium Brand


Start by understanding the concept of a personal premium brand, which represents you and the influence your name carries. It allows you to sell products or services at the price you desire.


  1. Realize that a personal premium brand is about building a strong reputation and influence around your name.
  2. Understand that it enables you to set premium prices for your offerings, regardless of the price point.
  3. Recognize the importance of your personal story in shaping your brand.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the significance of your name as it relates to your business.
  • Focus on creating a brand that commands respect, trust, and a premium perception.
  • Consider the role of your personal story in connecting with your audience and conveying authenticity.

Step 2: Establishing Credibility Through Recognition


To build a personal premium brand, it’s crucial to establish credibility and recognition in your industry.


  1. Work on becoming an expert or authority in your field through continuous learning and experience.
  2. Publish valuable content, such as articles, videos, or podcasts, that showcase your knowledge and expertise.
  3. Network with influential figures in your industry to gain recognition.

Specific Details:

  • Continuously update your skills and knowledge to stay ahead in your industry.
  • Share your expertise through various content channels to reach a wider audience.
  • Attend industry events and conferences to connect with peers and thought leaders.

Step 3: Storytelling and Brand Association


Leverage the power of storytelling to create a strong brand association with your audience.


  1. Craft a compelling personal story that relates to your brand’s values and mission.
  2. Share your story through various platforms, emphasizing the emotional connection it creates.
  3. Consistently reinforce your brand’s values and message through your content and actions.

Specific Details:

  • Your personal story should be authentic, relatable, and aligned with your brand’s mission.
  • Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience emotionally and make a lasting impact.
  • Ensure that your actions and content consistently reflect your brand’s values and message.

Step 4: Building a Premium Reputation


Focus on building a reputation that positions you as a premium brand.


  1. Maintain a high level of quality and excellence in everything you do, whether it’s products, services, or customer interactions.
  2. Deliver exceptional customer service and exceed customer expectations.
  3. Showcase testimonials, reviews, and case studies that highlight the premium quality of your offerings.

Specific Details:

  • Quality should be non-negotiable in all aspects of your business.
  • Prioritize customer satisfaction and go the extra mile to create loyal customers.
  • Use social proof to demonstrate the premium reputation of your brand.

Step 5: Consistency and Long-term Commitment


Building a personal premium brand requires consistency and a long-term commitment.


  1. Maintain a consistent brand image, including your visual identity, messaging, and values.
  2. Continuously adapt to industry changes and trends while staying true to your core brand identity.
  3. Be patient and understand that building a premium brand takes time and persistence.

Specific Details:

  • Develop brand guidelines to ensure consistency across all brand assets.
  • Embrace innovation while preserving the core values that define your brand.
  • Understand that the journey to a premium brand is a marathon, not a sprint.

Step 6: Building Brand Value through Stories


Utilize storytelling to create a brand that resonates with your audience and adds value to their lives.


  1. Identify the core values and messages you want your brand to represent.
  2. Craft compelling stories that align with these values and messages, emphasizing authenticity and relatability.
  3. Share these stories consistently through various platforms to connect with your audience emotionally.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure that the stories you tell reflect the values and mission of your brand.
  • Use storytelling as a tool to inspire, motivate, or educate your audience.
  • Engage with your audience through your stories, encouraging them to interact and share their own experiences.

Step 7: Consistent Brand Image


Maintain a consistent brand image across all aspects of your business.


  1. Develop brand guidelines that cover visual identity, messaging, and communication style.
  2. Ensure that your brand image is reflected in your website, social media profiles, marketing materials, and customer interactions.
  3. Regularly review and update your brand guidelines to stay relevant and aligned with your evolving brand.

Specific Details:

  • Consistency in branding helps create a recognizable and trustworthy image.
  • Regularly audit your brand assets to ensure they adhere to the established guidelines.
  • Train your team, if applicable, to uphold the brand image in all customer interactions.

Step 8: Transparency and Authenticity


Foster trust and authenticity in your personal premium brand.


  1. Be transparent about your values, mission, and business practices.
  2. Avoid misleading or deceptive marketing tactics and be upfront about any limitations or challenges.
  3. Show vulnerability when appropriate to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Specific Details:

  • Authenticity builds trust, which is essential for a premium brand.
  • Acknowledge mistakes and take responsibility when necessary, demonstrating your commitment to integrity.
  • Highlight your genuine passion and dedication to your brand’s mission.

Step 9: Evolving with Purpose


Adapt and evolve your brand with a clear purpose.


  1. Stay informed about industry trends, customer preferences, and market changes.
  2. Embrace innovation and improvement while staying true to your brand’s core values.
  3. Continuously seek feedback from your audience to ensure your brand remains relevant.

Specific Details:

  • Monitor your industry and competition to identify opportunities for growth and evolution.
  • Be open to change while preserving the essence of your brand identity.
  • Regularly engage with your audience to understand their evolving needs and preferences.

Step 10: Personal Growth and Brand Alignment


Invest in personal growth to align yourself with the brand you want to represent.


  1. Commit to ongoing self-improvement, whether through education, personal development, or mentorship.
  2. Ensure that your personal values and beliefs align with the brand image you want to project.
  3. Seek guidance and feedback from mentors or peers to refine your personal brand alignment.

Specific Details:

  • Your personal growth directly impacts the strength of your personal premium brand.
  • Regularly assess your personal values and make adjustments as needed to maintain alignment.
  • Surround yourself with individuals who can help you grow in line with your brand objectives.

Step 11: The Importance of Keeping Your Word


Building trust through keeping your word is a crucial aspect of your personal premium brand.


  1. Make commitments and promises only if you intend to fulfill them.
  2. Prioritize clear and effective communication to manage expectations.
  3. If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from fulfilling a commitment, communicate promptly and offer solutions.

Specific Details:

  • Your word should be your bond, and your actions must align with your promises.
  • Building a reputation for reliability enhances the value of your personal brand.
  • Consistently delivering on your word reinforces trust and credibility among your audience.

Step 12: Providing Value and Overdelivering


Exceeding expectations and consistently providing value are key elements of a valuable personal premium brand.


  1. Always strive to offer more value than expected in your products or services.
  2. Regularly assess your offerings and identify areas for improvement or enhancement.
  3. Focus on creating exceptional customer experiences to build loyalty and positive reviews.

Specific Details:

  • Underpromise and overdeliver to create a positive perception of your brand.
  • Actively seek feedback from customers to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Continuously innovate and refine your offerings to stay ahead of the competition.

Step 13: Building Trust and Credibility


Establishing trust and credibility is foundational to a valuable personal premium brand.


  1. Act with honesty and integrity in all your business and personal dealings.
  2. Showcase your expertise through content creation, speaking engagements, or educational initiatives.
  3. Leverage social proof, such as testimonials and case studies, to validate your credibility.

Specific Details:

  • Trust and credibility take time to build but can be easily damaged, so consistently uphold these values.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your field to solidify your reputation.
  • Highlight your track record of success and satisfied customers to instill confidence in potential clients.

Step 14: Cultivating Strong Relationships


Fostering meaningful connections and relationships with your audience contributes to the strength of your personal premium brand.


  1. Engage with your audience on social media, email, or in-person events to build a sense of community.
  2. Prioritize active listening and responding to feedback or questions from your followers or customers.
  3. Show appreciation for your supporters through special offers, exclusive content, or personalized interactions.

Specific Details:

  • Building a loyal community around your brand enhances its perceived value.
  • Respond promptly and courteously to comments, messages, and inquiries from your audience.
  • Invest time and effort in nurturing relationships to create brand advocates and ambassadors.

Step 15: Continuous Brand Enhancement


Regularly assess and enhance your personal premium brand to stay relevant and valuable.


  1. Conduct regular brand audits to evaluate the consistency and effectiveness of your brand image.
  2. Seek feedback from trusted advisors, mentors, or peers to identify areas for improvement.
  3. Stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies to adapt your brand as needed.

Specific Details:

  • Brand enhancement is an ongoing process, not a one-time effort.
  • Be open to constructive criticism and make necessary adjustments to strengthen your brand.
  • Embrace change and innovation to ensure your brand remains fresh and appealing to your target audience.

Step 16: Setting Clear Expectations for Your Products/Services


This step focuses on setting clear expectations for your customers when they purchase your products or services.


  1. Ensure that the product or service you offer is of high quality and delivers on its promises.
  2. Clearly communicate what customers can expect when they buy from you.
  3. Use the “wow” factor to make every purchase experience exceptional.
  4. Back up your promises with tangible results.

Specific Details:

  • Prioritize delivering a product or service that exceeds customer expectations.
  • Emphasize the importance of the “wow” factor in making customers want to return.
  • Maintain transparency and honesty about what customers can achieve through your products or services.
  • Always deliver on your promises to build trust and credibility.

Step 17: Valuing Your Time and Services


This step involves valuing your time and services appropriately to reflect their worth.


  1. Understand the value of your time and expertise.
  2. Set pricing for your products or services that align with the value you offer.
  3. Be willing to charge premium rates for your time and services.
  4. Prioritize your time and focus on activities that provide the highest return on investment.

Specific Details:

  • Don’t undervalue your time, as it is a valuable resource.
  • Pricing should be based on the results and value you provide, not just the time spent.
  • Charging premium rates can deter clients who aren’t serious or willing to invest in your expertise.
  • Allocate your time to activities that generate the most income or personal satisfaction.

Step 18: Aligning Brand and Actions


This step emphasizes the importance of aligning your brand with the promises and actions you deliver.


  1. Ensure that your brand image and reputation match the quality of your products or services.
  2. Use consistent messaging and actions to reinforce your brand’s integrity.
  3. Be clear and transparent about what your brand represents.
  4. Demonstrate your brand’s values through your interactions with customers.

Specific Details:

  • Your brand should consistently deliver on its promises to maintain a positive reputation.
  • Use every customer interaction as an opportunity to reinforce your brand’s values and identity.
  • Avoid any inconsistencies between your brand’s image and the actual customer experience.
  • Transparency and authenticity in your brand messaging and actions are key to building trust.

Step 19: Prioritizing Life Experiences


This step highlights the importance of prioritizing life experiences over excessive work or income.


  1. Understand that life experiences are valuable and should not be sacrificed for excessive work.
  2. Recognize that quality time with loved ones can be more rewarding than financial gains.
  3. Balance work and life to create memorable experiences.
  4. Measure the quality of life by the experiences you accumulate.

Specific Details:

  • Avoid overcommitting to work at the expense of spending time with loved ones.
  • Seek a balance between work and personal life to enjoy memorable experiences.
  • Remember that wealth isn’t just about money; it’s also about the quality of life experiences.
  • Prioritize meaningful interactions and experiences that bring happiness and fulfillment.

Step 20: Creating a Powerful Personal Brand


This step focuses on building a powerful personal brand that represents your identity and expertise.


  1. Choose a memorable and meaningful brand name or initials that resonate with your audience.
  2. Develop a clear and compelling brand identity that communicates your value proposition.
  3. Use consistent messaging and actions to reinforce your brand’s reputation.
  4. Align your brand with qualities such as provision and protection to make it resonate with your audience.

Specific Details:

  • Select a brand name or initials that have personal significance or a unique twist.
  • Prioritize creating a brand image that communicates trustworthiness and excellence.
  • Consistency in messaging and actions helps build a strong and recognizable brand.
  • Ensure that your brand identity aligns with the values and qualities you want to convey.

Step 21: Effective Communication for Influence


This step emphasizes the importance of effective communication to influence others positively.


  1. Practice and improve your communication skills continually.
  2. Focus on conveying your message clearly and persuasively.
  3. Utilize effective storytelling and language to make your message memorable.
  4. Increase your influence by delivering your message in a way that others can understand and resonate with.

Specific Details:

  • Consistent practice of communication skills can enhance your ability to influence others.
  • Clarity and persuasion should be the primary goals when delivering your message.
  • Incorporate storytelling techniques to make your message more relatable and memorable.
  • Speak and write in a way that resonates with your target audience to maximize your impact.

Step 22: Prioritizing Intention in Brand Building


This step highlights the importance of intention and purpose in building and maintaining your brand.


  1. Be intentional in everything you do to build and develop your brand.
  2. Set clear objectives and goals for your brand’s growth and reputation.
  3. Regularly assess and refine your brand strategy to align with your objectives.
  4. Understand that progress requires intention, while neglect leads to decline in brand value.

Specific Details:

  • Intention and purpose should drive all actions related to brand development.
  • Setting specific goals and objectives helps you measure your brand’s progress.
  • Regularly evaluate your brand strategy and make necessary adjustments to stay aligned with your goals.
  • Recognize that neglecting your brand can result in a decline in its reputation and value.

Step 23: Defining Your Personal Brand Identity


This step focuses on defining a clear personal brand identity that aligns with your desired reputation.


  1. Identify the core values, qualities, and qualities you want your personal brand to represent.
  2. Choose a brand name or initials that resonate with your desired brand identity.
  3. Ensure that your brand identity communicates trustworthiness, excellence, and intentionality.
  4. Continuously assess and refine your brand to match your vision.

Specific Details:

  • Start by defining the core values and qualities that you want your personal brand to be associated with.
  • Select a brand name or initials that have personal significance and align with your brand identity.
  • Consistency in conveying trustworthiness, excellence, and intentionality is essential for a strong brand identity.
  • Regularly evaluate your brand to ensure it continues to align with your vision and objectives.

Step 24: Prioritizing Intention and Focus


This step emphasizes the importance of intention and focus in brand building and success.


  1. Prioritize intentionality in every aspect of your brand and actions.
  2. Set clear objectives and goals for your brand’s growth and reputation.
  3. Avoid distractions and stay focused on activities that move the needle in your favor.
  4. Commit to continuous improvement and development of your personal brand.

Specific Details:

  • Intentionality should be the driving force behind every action related to your personal brand.
  • Define specific objectives and goals to measure your brand’s progress and success.
  • Distractions are anything that doesn’t contribute to your brand’s growth or reputation; avoid them.
  • Commit to ongoing self-improvement to enhance your personal brand continually.

Step 25: Delivering Exceptional Experiences


This step highlights the importance of delivering exceptional experiences to uphold your brand’s reputation.


  1. Be willing to invest in creating top-notch experiences for your audience, even if it requires significant resources.
  2. Ensure that every interaction or engagement with your brand exceeds expectations.
  3. Focus on serving and caring for your audience to create a positive and memorable brand perception.
  4. Continuously improve and innovate to provide better experiences over time.

Specific Details:

  • Invest in creating memorable experiences, as they contribute to a positive brand perception.
  • Consistently exceed expectations in every customer interaction to build a strong brand reputation.
  • Prioritize service and care for your audience to establish a long-lasting brand connection.
  • Embrace innovation and improvement to enhance the quality of experiences you offer.



Some of you as business owners are wondering, “What is the best way, and the fastest way, and the most elegant way for me to build a very, very successful business that makes lots and lots of money and has lots and lots of impact?” Well, in this video, that’s exactly what I want to talk to you about – how you build a personal premium brand. Personal brand, meaning it’s about you and the influence that your name carries. Premium brand means you can sell what you want to sell for the price you desire to sell it for, and it doesn’t matter what that price is.

Inc 5000 Conference

Next Monday, me, my son-in-law, my daughter, and my granddaughter are getting on a jet. We’re flying to San Antonio, Texas, to go to the Inc 5000 fastest-growing businesses in America conference. We were invited to that by Inc 5000 because we were in the top 10% of the fastest 5,000 fastest-growing businesses in America in 2022 over 2021. Our business, even though in 2021, our business did over $6 million in Revenue, our business grew by over 1,300%. So wrap your mind around that. We were number 427 or some 432 or something like that out of 5,000 businesses. The reason that happened was because of personal branding.

What is Branding?

So then when we talk about branding, what does that even mean? Personal branding, what is a brand anyway? Because if you think about what a brand is, a brand is a name. When we think Rolls-Royce, we think brand – that’s a brand. You drive a Rolls-Royce because you like the brand. I drive a Rolls-Royce because I like the brand. But what is it? It’s somebody’s name, right? Henry Rolls and whatever the guy’s name was Royce – the two dudes started this company called Rolls-Royce, and they named the car after themselves. So, Mercedes, same thing – it’s a brand. I’m going to talk to you about why people like premium brands in a minute.

Personal Story

For me, one of my mentors, Ben (I won’t say his last name), but Ben was one of my mentors in multi-level marketing back when I was in my multi-level marketing days in the mid-90s. Ben was making like $90,000 a month when I thought that was like, “Oh my goodness, how do you make $90,000 a month? Oh my goodness, that’s so much money!” Ben, at $90,000 a month, had this nice, moderate-sized mansion. He had two Mercedes, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini, a Bentley, a Maybach, and a Rolls-Royce. I’m thinking, “That’s a lot of cars, bro.” He had like $2 million worth of cars back in the ’90s when it wasn’t four cars, right? So, one day, I remember he drove to Jacksonville, Florida, where I lived, and he came by my house. I had to go pick up my kids from school. He said, “Well, let’s go get your kids from school.” So, we went to my kids’ school and picked them up from school in my friend’s Rolls-Royce, and my kids were so excited, and all their friends were like, “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, your dad knows somebody who has a Rolls-Royce.” So, that’s the story that the Rolls-Royce reminds me of.


So, I’d like to have a Rolls-Royce one day, and that was just the name that reminded me of that story. I remember probably six or seven years ago, long before a Rolls-Royce was in my financial landscape, I went to the Rolls-Royce dealership in Pasco County, I think it’s in St. Pete. I went to the Rolls-Royce dealership over there, and we got some drone footage of the Rolls-Royce dealership. Then I test drove a Rolls-Royce Ro, and then I posted some…

Personal Story Continued

Pictures. My brother, Rob, took some pictures. He was in the back seat; he got some pictures of me driving the Rolls-Royce, and I posted it on Instagram. One of my friends, Alex, he’s like, “Dude, are you driving a Rolls-Royce now?” No, I’m not driving a Rolls-Royce; I was just test-driving to see if it’s something I want to buy, right? Well, it reminded me of that story.

Decision to Buy

But I’m like, “I remember the smell, I remember how it felt.” It felt different than any car I’d ever been in. I’m not plugging Rolls-Royce; I’m just telling you that it reminded me of those things. And then all of a sudden, I decided I’m going to buy a Rolls-Royce. So, we got the process started, and now I have a Rolls-Royce.

The Power of Association

Why did I tell you that story? Because the name Rolls-Royce reminded me of elegance, sophistication, opulence, abundance, right? And I don’t do it to show everybody else that I’m elegant and sophisticated and abundant and opulent. I do it to show me. If they want to watch or not, that’s their business.

Building a Personal Brand

So, how do you build a brand that people are willing to pay hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to be a part of? See, because a brand, whether you know it or not, you’ve already built a brand. Your name reminds people of a story.

Intentional Branding vs. Neglect

Here’s the thing about personal branding: You are either going to build a personal brand with intention, right? You’re going to decide, “I’m going to build a personal brand. This is what I’d like for my personal brand to represent.” Or you’re going to build a personal brand by neglect. And if you build a personal brand by neglect, it is going to cost you in every important area of your life.

Building Your Personal Brand

If you neglect to keep your word, then this is a person who doesn’t have integrity – becomes a part of your personal brand. If you don’t do what you said, if you say, “I’ll be there,” and then you don’t show up, this person is not trustworthy – becomes a part of your personal brand. If you say you’re going to do something and then you don’t do it, this person doesn’t keep their word – becomes a part of your personal brand. It’s what you become known for. When somebody says your name, the first thing they think of is this character flaw that you have.

Building a Positive Personal Brand

If the only time they ever see you or hear from you is when you want to borrow money, that becomes a part of your personal brand. Are y’all picking up what I’m putting down? So, if I allow my personal brand to be built by neglect, then my brand is like a weed in the lives of other people’s garden.

Building a Positive Personal Brand

But if I use intention, I decide in advance what my brand is going to be and what it’s going to represent, what my name is going to represent, then it’s like a beautiful, fragrant flower in somebody else’s garden. So how do I create a brand that is valuable instead of one that is de…

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The Importance of Keeping Your Word

When somebody buys something from you, what they get has to be exactly what you said they were going to get, right? Because if it’s not, if it’s not, then they’re not getting what they paid for, and that erodes your brand. It erodes your name. Your word has to be solid. It has to be as good as gold.

Consistency in Character

Your name and your brand have to represent consistency in character. When people think about you, they should know what to expect. If they expect that you’re going to show up on time, that you’re going to deliver what you promise, that you’re going to treat people with respect and kindness, then that consistency becomes a part of your brand.

Building Trust

Trust is a major component of your personal brand. Trust is something that takes time to build but can be destroyed in an instant. Building trust is like making deposits into a trust bank account. Every time you do what you say you’re going to do, you make a deposit. Every time you fail to keep your word, you make a withdrawal. Building trust requires more deposits than withdrawals.

Positive Associations

Your name should be associated with positive qualities and values. When people think of you, they should think of someone who is honest, reliable, and trustworthy. The stories and experiences people have with you should reinforce these positive associations.

Being Intentional

Building a positive personal brand requires intentionality. You need to decide what values and qualities you want your brand to represent and then consistently live up to those standards. It’s about being true to yourself and your principles.


In conclusion, your name is your brand, and your brand is a reflection of who you are and how you conduct yourself. It’s not just about what you say; it’s about what you do. Building a positive personal brand takes time and effort, but it’s an investment that can pay off in the long run. So, be intentional about the image you want to portray and consistently live up to the values and qualities you want your brand to represent. Your name is your brand, and your brand is your legacy.

Value and Integrity

Your brand must also be synonymous with value and integrity. When people invest their time or money in you, they should receive more than they expected. You should consistently overdeliver on your promises. This creates a positive “wow” factor, which is crucial for building a strong brand.

Charging What You’re Worth

If you’re in a coaching or consulting business, it’s essential to charge what you’re worth. This not only reflects the value you provide but also sets the right expectations for your clients. If you charge a premium rate, your clients are more likely to take the engagement seriously and commit to the process.

Prioritizing Time and Experiences

Remember that time is valuable, and you should prioritize experiences that enhance the quality of your life. Spending quality time with loved ones or doing activities that bring you joy can be more fulfilling than chasing after high-paying clients.


In conclusion, building a strong personal brand requires intentionality, integrity, and consistency. Your name is your brand, and it represents who you are and what you offer to the world. Ensure that your brand aligns with your values and that you provide exceptional value to those who invest in you. Your personal brand is a reflection of your character, and it’s something you should nurture and protect throughout your life.

Branding with Intention

You highlighted the importance of building your brand with intention. It’s not something that happens passively but requires careful thought and planning. You must decide what you want your brand to represent and then consistently deliver on those promises.

Communication Matters

Effective communication is a significant part of building your personal brand. How you convey your message is just as important as the message itself. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, or any other form of communication, improving these skills can enhance your influence and reputation.

Quality and Value

Your brand should be known for delivering high quality and value. People are willing to pay a premium for exceptional quality and experiences. If you consistently overdeliver on your promises and provide value beyond expectations, your brand will be associated with excellence.


In summary, your personal brand is built on intention, quality, and effective communication. It’s about delivering on your promises and creating positive experiences for those who interact with you. Whether you’re investing in events or any other aspect of your brand, the focus should be on delivering value and quality to enhance your reputation and influence.

Building Your Personal Brand

In this segment, the speaker discusses the importance of building a personal brand and why it matters for their business. They emphasize the need for consistency and intentionality in every aspect of their brand.

Speaker: $275,000 on the event that we did last week. Why? Because it’s part of my brand, and everything has to match. Some of y’all remember when this side of this building over here looked like that side over there, and then we made it a little better, then we made it a little better, then we figured out how to make it a lot better, we made it a lot better, then we made it a lot better again, then we made it a lot better again. So, like, last week when y’all came, we had wet mats out front because the sprinkler went off and the mats got wet, and the concrete was yucky. So, we got our porch painted, why? Because everything has to match. We got the bathrooms redone, we got this room done, and then the B bathrooms had that 1975 Brown Cabinetry, right? No, it has to go, why? Everything has to match the brand. So, literally every day, we are working on ways to uplevel our brand so that when people think about us, they think topnotch, top-tier, best quality.

Creating Exceptional Experiences

The speaker emphasizes the importance of providing exceptional experiences to customers and clients to enhance their brand’s reputation.

Speaker: We did Offer Mastery live; that’s the most money I’ve ever spent on an event in my life. I spent just under a million dollars to put on that event, but guess what? They felt it. Everybody who came felt it; they felt served, they felt cared for. Right now, Offer Mastery live next year, it’s going to be more than $3 million, 200 people right here in Tampa. It’s going to be crazy. Well, why am I telling you that? Because I’m willing to do what it takes, pay what it costs, work as hard as I must to give people the experience they paid for and more. Why? Because that’s the only way I can control the story that my name reminds people of. Are y’all tracking?

The Essence of Personal Brand

The speaker delves into the essence of building a personal brand, emphasizing the need to define what one wants to be known for.

Speaker: So, building a personal brand is bigger than just having a YouTube channel. You have to sit down and decide what you desire to be known for and make sure everything you do from that point forward is intentional so that the brand is never misrepresented in the marketplace. So, if you will hyperfocus on intention and become obsessed with ignoring distractions.

Distractions and Focusing on Goals

The speaker discusses distractions and the importance of staying focused on one’s goals.

Speaker: What’s a distraction? Anything you focus on that doesn’t move the needle in your favor. Like, I don’t care who won the game. If I’m not in the game, I don’t care. I can afford to care now, but I don’t. I’ve already had so many years practicing not caring who won the game. Like, I don’t care. I don’t even know how to start making myself care.

Turning Your Life into a Game

The speaker encourages viewers to turn their lives into a game they play and suggests this can lead to financial success.

Speaker: But see, you can either watch professional athletes and celebrate them for playing a game, or you can figure out how to turn your life into a game that you play, and then you can start making more money than those jokers, and then people can start watching you live.


The speaker concludes the segment by encouraging viewers to think about what they want their name to be known for from now on.

Speaker: What would you like your name to be known for from now on? That’s what we’ve got to figure out. Hope this helps. Stay blessed by the best, and we’ll see you in the next video.

Post/Page #37775
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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