How to Become the Master of Your Own Life

👣 18 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Goal-Getter's Guide: Key Steps to Ignite Your Path to Success

Hey there, fellow goal-getters! 🚀

Ready to unlock the secret sauce to turbocharging your success this year? 🤔

Ever felt like you’re hustling hard but going nowhere fast? 😩

Well, buckle up because I’ve got some juicy insider tips that’ll flip the script on your grind game! 📈

Imagine this: you’re setting goals like a boss, but somehow, you’re still stuck in neutral. 🤷‍♂️ Sound familiar? 💡

Don’t worry; we’ve all been there! But here’s the plot twist: what if I told you there’s a whole new world of goal-setting strategies waiting to be unleashed? 🌎

Get ready to dive deep into the mindset of high achievers and uncover the game-changing tactics they swear by! 🏆

From mastering the art of alignment to embracing the cosmic forces of surrender, we’re serving up a smorgasbord of wisdom that’ll leave you hungry for more! 🍽️

But wait, there’s more! Ever wondered why your to-do list feels more like a never-ending saga of tasks? 📝

Buckle up, buttercup, because we’re about to flip the script on your productivity game and show you how to turn those mundane chores into purpose-driven power moves! 💥

So, if you’re tired of spinning your wheels and ready to take your life by the horns, this is your golden ticket, my friend! 🎟️

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to level up your game and unlock the keys to a life of fulfillment, purpose, and jaw-dropping success! 🌟

Tap that link and let’s embark on this epic journey together! 🚀

#GameChanger #GoalGetter #UnlockYourPotential

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Assessing General Direction


Before diving into goal setting, it’s essential to assess if you already have a general direction in your life. This step aims to acknowledge any existing momentum or enjoyment from the previous year and determine if there’s room for improvement.


  1. Reflect on whether you have a sense of direction or purpose in your life.
  2. Consider if you feel a level of enjoyment or momentum from the previous year that can be built upon.
  3. Evaluate if there are areas of your life that you recognize could be improved upon.

Specific Details:

  • Take time to introspect and assess your overall satisfaction and direction.
  • Be honest with yourself about areas where you feel lacking or where you see opportunities for growth.
  • Recognize any patterns of success or areas of fulfillment from the previous year that you wish to carry forward or enhance.

Step 2: Making the Decision for Change


This step focuses on making a conscious decision to embrace change and strive for a better quality of life.


  1. Acknowledge the possibility for change and improvement in your life.
  2. Embrace the idea that you have the power to change and shape your destiny.
  3. Recognize that you may need to elevate your ambition levels to achieve greatness.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that change starts with a decision and an intention to pursue a better life.
  • Accept that every day moving forward is an opportunity to live an extraordinary life.
  • Reflect on past experiences where lack of intentionality hindered your progress or success.

Step 3: Embracing Intentionality


This step emphasizes the importance of being intentional in all aspects of life to achieve success and fulfillment.


  1. Commit to being intentional in your actions, interactions, and endeavors.
  2. Strive to be the best version of yourself in every moment.
  3. Focus on improving communication and relationships by being intentional in your interactions.

Specific Details:

  • Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to ensure you’re acting with intention in every situation.
  • Set clear intentions for each day, project, or interaction to maximize effectiveness and fulfillment.
  • Reflect on past experiences where lack of intentionality led to suboptimal outcomes, and use those lessons to drive intentional action moving forward.

Step 4: Clarifying Life Desires


This step focuses on gaining clarity about what you want to achieve at this stage of your life, laying the foundation for setting meaningful goals.


  1. Set aside dedicated time for introspection and reflection.
  2. Ask yourself, “What do I want at this stage of my life?”
  3. Write down your desires, aspirations, and goals, no matter how big or small they may seem.

Specific Details:

  • Create a conducive environment for introspection, free from distractions.
  • Use journaling or mind mapping techniques to explore your desires thoroughly.
  • Be open-minded and allow yourself to dream big while also considering practical and achievable goals.

Step 5: Understanding Psychological Architecture


This step involves learning about the psychological framework that underpins desire and goal setting, providing insights into how to approach the process effectively.


  1. Engage in learning sessions or resources that delve into psychological principles related to goal setting and desire fulfillment.
  2. Seek guidance from experts or mentors who can offer insights into understanding your desires and motivations.
  3. Explore concepts such as self-awareness, identity, and purpose to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your aspirations.

Specific Details:

  • Utilize books, podcasts, or online courses focused on personal development and psychology to enhance your understanding.
  • Participate in workshops or seminars that facilitate self-discovery and goal clarification.
  • Engage in reflective exercises that prompt deeper exploration of your values, passions, and long-term objectives.

Step 6: Implementing Routine for Manifestation


This step emphasizes the importance of establishing routines to manifest desires consistently and effectively.


  1. Develop daily, weekly, and monthly routines that align with your desired outcomes and goals.
  2. Incorporate habits and rituals that support the manifestation of your desires, such as visualization, affirmations, or goal-setting sessions.
  3. Stay committed to your routines even when faced with challenges or distractions, maintaining consistency and discipline.

Specific Details:

  • Create a schedule that includes specific time blocks for activities related to goal pursuit, self-care, and personal development.
  • Experiment with different productivity techniques and time management strategies to optimize your routines.
  • Monitor your progress regularly and make adjustments to your routines as needed to ensure they remain effective and sustainable.

Step 7: Aligning Routines with Desires


This step involves ensuring that your routines are directly connected to your desires at various time intervals, such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly, to facilitate extraordinary progress.


  1. Review your desires and goals regularly to ensure your routines are aligned with them.
  2. Identify specific actions or tasks within your routines that directly contribute to the realization of your desires.
  3. Adjust your routines as needed to prioritize activities that are most closely tied to your true desires.

Specific Details:

  • Create a comprehensive overview of your desires and break them down into actionable steps for each time frame (week, month, quarter, year).
  • Map out routines for each time interval, ensuring they include activities that support the achievement of your desires.
  • Regularly reassess and refine your routines to ensure they remain relevant and effective in driving progress toward your goals.

Step 8: Understanding Goal Architecture


This step involves learning about a different goal architecture that emphasizes aligning actions with desires rather than focusing solely on tasks.


  1. Engage in learning sessions or resources that provide insights into effective goal setting and progress monitoring techniques.
  2. Seek guidance from experts or mentors who can offer strategies for designing goal architectures that prioritize desires over tasks.
  3. Explore concepts such as goal alignment, progress tracking, and intentionality to enhance your understanding of goal architecture.

Specific Details:

  • Utilize books, workshops, or online courses focused on advanced goal-setting methodologies to deepen your knowledge.
  • Experiment with different frameworks and models for goal architecture to find one that resonates with your preferences and objectives.
  • Apply principles of goal architecture to design routines and action plans that directly support your desires and aspirations.

Step 9: Implementing Effective Morning Routines


This step emphasizes the importance of starting each day with routines that prioritize activities aligned with your desires, setting the tone for extraordinary progress.


  1. Design a morning routine that includes activities conducive to goal attainment, such as journaling, visualization, exercise, or skill development.
  2. Eliminate distractions and time-wasting activities from your morning routine to focus on high-impact tasks.
  3. Stay consistent with your morning routine, even on weekends or holidays, to maintain momentum and discipline.

Specific Details:

  • Schedule your morning routine to ensure you have sufficient time for essential activities without feeling rushed.
  • Prioritize tasks that contribute directly to your long-term goals and desires, such as strategic planning or skill-building exercises.
  • Incorporate mindfulness practices, such as meditation or gratitude journaling, to cultivate a positive mindset and enhance productivity throughout the day.

Step 10: Recognizing the Importance of Alignment


This step emphasizes the significance of aligning achievements with desires and ensuring that efforts are routed towards fulfilling aspirations rather than merely completing tasks.


  1. Reflect on past achievements and assess if they have brought a sense of fulfillment and alignment with your desires.
  2. Recognize the distinction between achieving tasks and being aligned with your long-term goals and aspirations.
  3. Commit to prioritizing alignment with desires over the completion of isolated tasks.

Specific Details:

  • Take time to evaluate whether past achievements have contributed to your overall sense of fulfillment and purpose.
  • Understand that true fulfillment comes from aligning actions with desires and progressing towards meaningful goals.
  • Cultivate a mindset that values alignment and purposeful action over the mere completion of tasks.

Step 11: Understanding the Concept of Architecture


This step involves gaining a deep understanding of the concept of architecture in goal setting, emphasizing the need for a structured framework that guides efforts towards desired outcomes.


  1. Engage in learning sessions or resources that explore the concept of architecture in goal setting and achievement.
  2. Seek clarification on the difference between goals, routines, desires, and tasks to develop a comprehensive understanding.
  3. Embrace the idea that effective goal achievement requires a well-defined architecture that directs efforts towards desired outcomes.

Specific Details:

  • Dive into books, podcasts, or workshops that delve into the nuances of goal architecture and its impact on success.
  • Seek guidance from mentors or experts who can provide insights into designing and implementing effective goal architectures.
  • Take time to study and analyze different models and frameworks for goal architecture to find one that resonates with your approach and objectives.

Step 12: Navigating Beyond Task-Oriented Approaches


This step focuses on transitioning from a task-oriented mindset to one that prioritizes alignment with desires and goals, facilitating breakthroughs in personal and professional growth.


  1. Challenge the habit of focusing solely on completing tasks without considering their alignment with long-term goals and desires.
  2. Shift your mindset towards viewing goals, routines, and desires as interconnected components of a larger architectural framework.
  3. Embrace the guidance of mentors or coaches who can offer support in navigating beyond task-oriented approaches towards holistic goal achievement.

Specific Details:

  • Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to recognize when you’re operating in task-oriented mode versus alignment-oriented mode.
  • Regularly review your goals, routines, and desires to ensure they are harmoniously aligned and contributing to your overall sense of fulfillment.
  • Seek feedback and accountability from mentors or peers to stay on track with your alignment-focused approach and make necessary adjustments along the way.

Step 13: Recognizing the Significance of January 1st


This step emphasizes the importance of January 1st as a strategic planning day, akin to being in a war room for military planning, where significant initiatives are mapped out with precision and intentionality.


  1. Approach January 1st with a strategic mindset, viewing it as an opportunity to plan and execute significant initiatives for the year ahead.
  2. Set aside dedicated time for strategic planning, avoiding distractions and focusing on mapping out goals and actions.
  3. Embrace the idea of making difficult decisions and committing to a strategic vision for personal and professional growth.

Specific Details:

  • Treat January 1st with the seriousness and importance it deserves, recognizing it as a pivotal day for setting the tone for the rest of the year.
  • Create a conducive environment for strategic planning, free from distractions and interruptions.
  • Use tools such as journals, mind maps, or strategic planning templates to organize thoughts and ideas effectively.

Step 14: Fostering a Performance-Driven Mindset


This step involves cultivating a mindset that prioritizes performance, productivity, and ambition, enabling individuals to achieve extraordinary results in their lives.


  1. Challenge the tendency to settle for mediocrity and embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and excellence.
  2. Adopt habits and routines that support high performance, such as avoiding distractions and focusing on priority tasks.
  3. Cultivate a mindset of discipline, determination, and resilience to overcome obstacles and achieve ambitious goals.

Specific Details:

  • Reflect on your current mindset and identify areas where you can cultivate a more performance-driven approach.
  • Set clear expectations for yourself and strive to exceed them consistently.
  • Surround yourself with high achievers and mentors who can inspire and support your growth mindset journey.

Step 15: Understanding the Role of Surrender


This step involves acknowledging the importance of surrendering control over certain aspects of life while maintaining discipline and intentionality in goal pursuit.


  1. Recognize that while strategic planning is essential, there are elements of life that are beyond our control.
  2. Practice acceptance and resilience in the face of unexpected challenges or setbacks, understanding that they are a natural part of the journey.
  3. Cultivate a balanced mindset that combines strategic planning with surrender, allowing for flexibility and adaptation to changing circumstances.

Specific Details:

  • Embrace the concept of surrender as a complement to strategic planning, rather than as a sign of weakness or defeat.
  • Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to recognize when it’s appropriate to surrender control and when to assert discipline and intentionality.
  • Seek support from mentors, coaches, or spiritual guides who can offer guidance and perspective on finding the balance between control and surrender in life.

Step 16: Embracing Surrender


This step involves recognizing the importance of surrendering control over certain aspects of life and accepting that some things are beyond our control.


  1. Reflect on areas of your life where you may be trying to exert excessive control or micromanage outcomes.
  2. Practice letting go of attachment to specific outcomes and embracing the idea that the universe has its own plans beyond our understanding.
  3. Cultivate a mindset of surrender by acknowledging that not everything is within our power to control, and that’s okay.

Specific Details:

  • Take time for introspection and self-reflection to identify areas where you may be resisting surrender.
  • Practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, to help release tension and anxiety associated with trying to control everything.
  • Remind yourself daily that surrendering control does not equate to weakness, but rather to a sense of peace and acceptance.

Step 17: Finding Comfort in the Universe


This step involves finding solace and comfort in the vastness of the universe, recognizing that we are part of something much larger than ourselves.


  1. Spend time contemplating the majesty and complexity of the universe, whether through stargazing, studying astronomy, or simply reflecting on the wonders of nature.
  2. Cultivate a sense of awe and humility by acknowledging our place in the cosmos and the interconnectedness of all living beings.
  3. Use the perspective gained from contemplating the universe to gain perspective on life’s challenges and uncertainties.

Specific Details:

  • Take opportunities to connect with nature and observe the beauty and grandeur of the world around you.
  • Engage in practices such as journaling or artistic expression to express gratitude for the mysteries and marvels of the universe.
  • Seek out communities or groups that share an interest in exploring the cosmos and finding meaning in the vastness of space and time.

Step 18: Practicing Faith and Trust


This step involves cultivating faith and trust in a higher power or universal intelligence, recognizing that there is a plan beyond our understanding.


  1. Explore different belief systems or spiritual practices that resonate with your values and worldview.
  2. Engage in rituals or practices that foster a sense of connection to something greater than yourself, whether through prayer, meditation, or acts of service.
  3. Surrender your worries and anxieties to a higher power, trusting that there is a purpose and plan for your life.

Specific Details:

  • Take time each day to cultivate a sense of gratitude and trust in the universe or higher power.
  • Seek guidance from spiritual leaders, mentors, or trusted advisors who can offer support and perspective on matters of faith and trust.
  • Practice patience and resilience in times of uncertainty, knowing that the universe has a way of unfolding as it should.


Goal Setting

You’ve done a lot of the work in the goal setting. I’m going to assume that some of you have a general direction in your life ’cause I know we have Strivers in this room. Is this true? My challenge is, how do I meet you on this fresh new chapter of your life who recognizes your level of enjoyment and momentum last last year can be approved upon this year. You can change this year. You can change this year at an ambition level you probably don’t have because you’ve never even seen or imagined or heard or fathomed the greatness of your destiny.

Beginning of Extraordinary Year

We’re going to start today with a very simple idea, and that is, if you’re going to have an extraordinary year, first, you’ve made that decision, right? You’ve made that decision because at some point, there has to be this very clear delineation, a Line in the Sand what we often call a demarcation line that every day forward is living into an extraordinary quality of life. That has to be a decision. It has to be an intention. Every single failure in my life happened because I was not intentional enough in that moment with that person, with that project, with that negotiation, with that video, with that audience. I just didn’t have that level of intention. That said, I need to be the best of who I am right now. Anyone getting an argument with your spouse or the kids lately and afterwards you’re like oo that wasn’t the best of me. Yeah, we need to limit that. Your children paid me to say that. The reason is, so often as we want an extraordinary quality life, we don’t have an architecture for it. You’re going to learn a very simple architecture for how do you set up and structure your life. Some of it will be mindset. Some of will be very tactical. So let’s work through and we’ll explain what we’re going to do today.

Starting with Desires

We’re going to start with your desires. How many of you think you have total about what you want at this stage of your life, raise your hands? That’s pretty good for this audience. Let’s go grow. That’s pretty good. You know I ask this at audiences around the world and you’d be amazed by maybe 10% raise their hand, which is kind of scary because listen to the question that you have clarity about this stage of your life. Some people know what they want to do next month. They’ve got an Excel spreadsheet of workflows. They’ve got Trello and Monday and some fancy way that they organize.

Clarity on Desires

Themselves on their fridge, they’ve got battle boards, they’ve got growth day, I mean they got it all and yet the drive isn’t there because they’re just actually lacking clarity about what they desire for this stage of their life. So let’s begin with that question: what do you want at this stage of your life? Let’s get some clarity about that. What do you want at this stage of your life? I’m going to help you learn some of the psychological architecture of that, but we’re going to work through that today.

Importance of Routines

The second thing we’re going to talk about is routines. Now here’s why most people don’t like their life: they don’t know their desires, and they don’t have any routine to constantly manifest those desires. Does this make sense to anybody? So, I’m not sure what I want, and so each day is victim to randomness. They don’t know what they want, so each day is victim to randomness. “I don’t know who I am, I don’t know what I want to feel, I don’t know who I want to become, I don’t know what I want to do, I don’t know how I want to love or communicate, I don’t know what my thing is,” and all of a sudden, so each day you just keep meandering. Now, the good news is, for those who’ve been through stuff like this before, I’m not that guy who’s going to say you need to figure out one definitive purpose statement for the rest of your life. I know many of you have done that coming into here. I just want to let you know that doesn’t work. Not to be flipping about it, but you’ve probably tried that before. Millions of people every year write down some purpose statement and go and be mean to people. Millions of years here—I mean, millions of people write down like we know even from corporate research that all those values that they put on the walls, over 80% of the employees can’t even name one of them. It’s like we can write the mission statements and the purpose statements and have everything down and it sounds good, but if we haven’t built the architecture of routine in to embody that, to manifest that, to make sure each day, week, month, quarter, and year has routines tied to our desires, that’s why you don’t feel like you’re making extraordinary progress. You’re doing many things, but those things aren’t attached to the real desires you have. Is this too much for the morning or you guys are here okay? Yeah, yeah, I kind of want to geek with you a little bit, and I promise we’ll go deep. I just kind of want to—I want to geek and give a basic framework here ’cause I know most of the world just did this today. Most of everybody watching just woke up this morning: it’s New Year, I have to write my goals, lose 10 lbs, make a million dollars, leave this. [Applause] [Applause]

Speaker note: When you throw out your slides in the morning, this is a full day of extemporaneous training, so this is a test: does Brendan Burchard know what he’s talking about? I don’t know, let’s see. You are watching my notes in real-time.

So your goals, many people—people started here but they didn’t do this or this, and worse, many people think they started here, think they started here but they didn’t. They started here. Ninety percent of Americans’ goals today that they wrote down were tasks, and they’re like, “How come my life didn’t change in March?” Because you wrote down some tasks for January. And this is what, as I talked about today’s session, I told you that you need to learn a different goal architecture. That’s what this is. This is an architecture, isn’t it? To understand how to advance your life. So many people wake up each day and you know how they begin their day? Down here. The vast majority of people begin the day here, that looks like this: pick up phone, check messages, check DMS, check email, see if there’s any dancing girls. It’s like, what? What? What are you doing? So many people, they’re throwing away their day to menial tasks without first understanding what they want. Then they go through the day doing tasks, but none of those tasks are routinized efforts to achieve their desires. Who’s ever achieved a lot but you didn’t feel fulfilled? Your architecture was broke. Does this make sense? I do this with so many incredible high-achieving people. They’ve got the achievements, but as you heard me teach before in high performance, there’s a difference between having achievements and being aligned. When you have the architecture right, you’re aligned in your efforts. When you have no architecture, you’re just doing this. And I would challenge everybody, just test me if I’m right: look at what you came up with for this year, and were you here or here or did you develop these stemming from these? That’s all. Most people don’t think that way. So everyone’s like, “How do you get under the head, you know, how do you get in the mind of all these high performers?” I’m like, “Oh, I just know this.” When I sit down with my co-coing clients, I don’t start here. Most life coaches sit down with their life, their coach, or their clients and go, “Uh, you know, what are your goals?” And they talk about goals and they make tasks, and they talk about goals, they make tasks. “Hey, you’ll do this by next Monday.” “Great, next Monday session, did you do the tasks?” And they’re operating in task land and they don’t understand where there’s no breakthroughs. They don’t understand where their clients won’t re-up with them. They’re living too low on the architecture. The reason you want to work with a mentor or a coach or somebody who’s achieved something beyond you is because they have a different architecture. And often today, what we’re going to do is we’re going to show you that all this stuff, all this stuff, you know, we’re

Desires and Routines

Themselves on their fridge, they’ve got battle boards, they’ve got growth day, I mean they got it all, and yet the drive isn’t there because they’re just actually lacking clarity about what they desire for this stage of their life. So let’s begin with that question: what do you want at this stage of your life? Let’s get some clarity about that. What do you want at this stage of your life? I’m going to help you learn some of the psychological architecture of that, but we’re going to work through that today.

The second thing we’re going to talk about is routines. Now here’s why most people don’t like their life: they don’t know their desires, and they don’t have any routine to constantly manifest those desires. Does this make sense, anybody? So I’m not sure what I want, and so each day is victim to randomness. They don’t know what they want, so each day is victim to randomness. I don’t know who I am, I don’t know what I want to feel, I don’t know who I want to become, I don’t know what I want to do, I don’t know how I want to love or communicate, I don’t know what my thing is, and all of a sudden, so each day, you just keep meandering.

Now the good news is for those who’ve been through stuff like this before, I’m not that guy who’s going to say you need to figure out one definitive purpose statement for the rest of your life. I know many of you have done that coming into here. I just want to let you know that doesn’t work. Not to be flipping about it, but you’ve probably tried that before. Millions of people every year write down some purpose statement and go and be mean to people. Millions of people write down like we know even from corporate research that all those values that they put on the walls, over 80% of the employees can’t even name one of them. It’s like we can write the mission statements and the purpose statements and have everything down and it sounds good, but if we haven’t built the architecture of routine in to embody that, to manifest that, to make sure each day, week, month, quarter, and year has routines tied to our desires, that’s why you don’t feel like you’re making extraordinary progress. You’re doing many things, but those things aren’t attached to the real desires you have. Is this too much for the morning or you guys are here okay? Yeah, yeah, I kind of want to geek with you a little bit, and I promise we’ll go deep. I just kind of want to give a basic framework here ’cause I know most of the world just did this today. Most of everybody watching just woke up this morning. It’s New Year, I have to write my goals, lose 10 lbs, make a million dollars, leave this.

Mindset and Task Setting

When you throw out your slides in the morning, this is a full day of extemporaneous training. So this is a test: does Brenan Bashard know what he’s talking about? I don’t know, let’s see. You are watching my notes in real-time. So your goals, many people started here, but they didn’t do this or this. And worse, many people think they started here but they didn’t. They started here. Ninety percent of Americans’ goals today that they wrote down were tasks. And they’re like, “How come my life didn’t change in March?” Because you wrote down some tasks for January. And this is what, as I talked about today’s session, I told you that you need to learn a different goal architecture. That’s what this is. This is an architecture, isn’t it? To understand how to advance your life.

So many people wake up each day and, you know how they begin their day? Down here. The vast majority of people begin the day here. That looks like this: pick up phone, check messages, check DMS, check email, see if there’s any dancing girls. It’s like, what? What are you doing? So many people, they’re throwing away their day to menial tasks without first understanding what they want. Then they go through the day doing tasks, but none of those tasks are routinized efforts to achieve their desires. Who’s ever achieved a lot but you didn’t feel fulfilled? Your architecture was broke. Does this make sense? I do this with so many incredible high-achieving people. They’ve got the achievements, but as you heard me teach before in high performance, there’s a difference between having achievements and being aligned. When you have the architecture right, you’re aligned in your efforts. When you have no architecture, you’re just doing this. And I would challenge everybody, just test me if I’m right: look at what you came up with for this year. And were you here or here? Or did you develop these stemming from these? That’s all. Most people don’t think that way. So everyone’s like, “How do you get under the hood? You know how do you get in the mind of all these high performers?” I’m like, “Oh, I just know this.” When I sit down with my coaching clients, I don’t start here. Most life coaches sit down with their life, their coach, or their clients, and go, “You know what are your goals?” And they talk about goals, and they make tasks, and they talk about goals, they make tasks. “Hey, you’ll do this by next Monday. Great, next Monday session. Did you do the tasks?” And they’re operating in task land, and they don’t understand why there’s no breakthroughs, they don’t understand why their clients won’t re-up with them. They’re living too low on the architecture. The reason you want to work with a mentor or a coach or somebody who’s achieved something beyond you is because they have a different architecture. And often today, what we’re going to do is we’re going to show you that all this stuff, all this stuff you know, we’re going to have to talk about mindset all day. All day we’re going to have to talk about mindset because how you’re approaching this is everything. For example, your mindset when your goal setting is everything. Otherwise, you’re in task land. Many of us never even got trained like what’s the difference between a goal, a routine, a desire, and a task? So we’re going to work through some of these. If this seems elemental, I know what I want you to do is workshop it, advance in your life. So meet me wherever you’re at. Some of you, you already got all this, but you’re really struggling with this piece, right? You know what to do, you know what you want, but your negative thinking and your self-sabotage continually slows your progress. Who’s ever been there this last year? Yeah, good. We’re going to solve that today. You excited? Oh yeah. Who’s pumped to be here on January 1st?

Surrender and Faith

I know this can sound a little intimidating for those who haven’t done work with us before or it sounds like, “Oh wait, I don’t know, am I ready to

do this work?” If you don’t do this work today, let me tell you what, one year from now, you have achieved a lot of tasks, but you won’t be happy. So if you’re watching online, I know you can vacuum the house, I’d rather you sit down with a journal. I mean it. If you’re that person who, like, casually listens to something, January 1st is not a casual day. January 1st, I like to think about like if you’re in the military, you’re planning a prolonged effort, this is the day you get to be in the tent with the maps, with the ideas, with the generals, and you are planning a significant initiative. This is not a day to just be happy. We’ll talk about how to get there. This is a day to be really strategic, to force some difficult decisions today, and to get in a place where you feel like in more command of your life. So you have that performance drive that you deserve at this stage of your life. Your drive every day should shock people. It really should. People should be like, “Oh my gosh, she’s so ambitious.” No, she’s just not scared. Oh my gosh, you get so much done. No, I just don’t distract myself. I don’t want to rip my life away. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you’re so productive. Well, I didn’t spend an hour on social media scrolling. It’s so simple. Some of this we already know, but the reason you’re scrolling is your mindset is broke. I know all my psychologist friends out there don’t call them broken. I didn’t say they’re broken. Their mindset is. Give me a chance. Hey, even Carol DW called it a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, assuming that we can fix the fixed one. Okay, that’s what we’re going to do today. But I also think, I think so much of this we can be strategic about, so much of this we can structure here and really make happen. We can force ourselves, we can find that discipline, that performance edge, that drive, those higher desires. I also think today we’re going to have a little bit of a conversation that might surprise you coming from, which is about surrender. Because sometimes we don’t know and sometimes we can try to control the architecture of our life, but the building’s fallen down around us, somebody leaves us, we get laid off, our best laid plans failed, and then what happens is we get all this anxiety and angst because we think we control everything. Now we’re mad at ourselves and we start shaming ourselves. We start speaking down about ourselves ’cause we think we have ultimate control. We forgot He has ultimate control. And for those who don’t have a faith or religion or a belief in a God, maybe the universe or astrology or physics or the cosmos might calm you down to realize there’s an incredible universe of galaxies floating all around completely outside of your control, that the bajillions of atoms beaming through you today have nothing to do with you. And sometimes you can just go, “Huh, had a good plan, had good intentions, put my best self forward, things are falling apart. I need to not bring negative emotional energy to that because that’s not even in my control.” It’s not even in my control. And if I can surrender the attachment to how things have to be so perfect in my life, I got a shot at happiness. Because some of you, you’re good at architecture, you’re good at mindset, you’re the high performer in your family, but you are also this high… You cannot calm down and everything causes frustration and you’re living a life in frustration, not peace, joy, drive, fun, flow, purpose. We got to get you back. Everyone say, “I’m here.” I’m here. Both hands up. Say, “I’m ready.” I’m ready. Listen, sometimes you got to surrender and know He’s got your next steps. He directs the steps. He’s got a plan that you can’t see. Show up faithfully again, summon the best of who you are. Show up faithfully again, summon the best of who you are. Show up, summon the best of who you are. Faithfully. And as my mentor and friend Paulo Coelho, who wrote The Alchemist says, “The whole universe will conspire to support you. There will be an alignment and an opening and a support that you didn’t even imagine you could ask for.” That’s what I meant. So often so many of the beautiful things in our life, we didn’t even ask for them. We didn’t even dream of them. I never imagined I’d be in LA with tens of thousands of people on my 15th January 1st and getting to do this as a job, as a career, as a joy. I’m having a great time with you guys. I’d like to take a moment to give a special shout out to all the people who are here in LA in this theater right now, for those who are watching at home, thank you so much. What I admire about this group that means many of these folks traveled on their New Year’s Eve to do the work in this room today. That’s amazing. And I always like to show so many people have unreal levels of dedication in this room, and that is our folks who traveled from outside the state to be here today on their New Year’s Eve. If you traveled from outside of California, would you stand up? Let’s give our friends who traveled and did the hard work to be here today a big round of applause.

Post/Page #60954
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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