How Billionaires Wake Up Early | The Morning Routine of Geniuses

👣 6 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Transform Your Days with These Game-Changing Morning Routine Steps!

Rise and Shine, Early Birds! 🐦

Tired of hitting that snooze button? Ever wonder how legends like Howard Schultz, Michelle Obama, and Tim Cook conquer their mornings and rule their days? 🤔

We’ve got the inside scoop on their secret sauce! 🤫

Get ready to supercharge your life with an epic morning routine!

Unleash your creativity! 🎨 Boost your productivity! 💼

Skyrocket your prosperity! 💰 And amplify your impact on humanity! 🌍

Ready to join the ranks of morning warriors who seize the day at 5 AM? 🌄

Stay tuned because we’re about to drop some game-changing knowledge that’ll make you the hero of your own story! 🦸‍♂️✨

Get ready to conquer the world, one sunrise at a time! 🌞🌟

#MorningRoutine #5AMClub #GameChanger #LegendaryMornings

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Understand the Benefits of Waking Up Early


In this step, we’ll delve into the benefits of waking up early, which include increased creativity, productivity, prosperity, and impact on humanity. You’ll understand why successful individuals like Howard Schultz, Michelle Obama, and Tim Cook prioritize early mornings.


  1. Recognize that waking up early can significantly enhance your creativity, as your brain is most receptive to primary creativity in the early morning hours.
  2. Understand that the period before sunrise (4 to 6 AM) offers minimal distractions, allowing you to focus and be more productive.
  3. Realize that your brain “refreshes” itself while you sleep, making your thinking fresh and your creativity at its peak when you wake up early.

Specific Details:

  • Early mornings are less prone to interruptions, making it an ideal time for deep work and undistracted focus.
  • The brain’s natural process of clearing and rejuvenating during sleep contributes to enhanced creativity upon waking.
  • Successful individuals prioritize early mornings to maximize their mental and physical performance.

Step 2: Commit to a 66-Day Habit Installation Process


This step emphasizes the importance of committing to a habit installation process lasting 66 days. This timeframe will help you establish the habit of waking up at 5 AM, making it automatic and effortless.


  1. Understand that forming a new habit takes time and effort, and it typically involves three phases: destruction, integration, and implementation.
  2. Acknowledge that during the initial phase, it may be challenging to wake up early, but persistence is key.
  3. Consistently practice waking up at 5 AM for 66 days to reach a point where it becomes a natural part of your daily routine.

Specific Details:

  • The 66-day habit installation process aligns with scientific research, specifically data from University College London, showing that it takes this long to establish automatic habits.
  • Accept that habit change is gradual and may feel difficult initially, but it becomes easier over time.
  • Trust that with dedication and persistence, you can reprogram your internal clock to wake up early.

Step 3: Create a Morning Routine (The Victory Hour)


In this step, we introduce “The Victory Hour,” a morning routine to follow between 5 and 6 AM. This routine is designed to help you prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for the day ahead.


  1. Commit to “The 20/20/20 Formula,” which outlines how to spend your time during the Victory Hour.
  2. Dedicate the first 20 minutes to exercise and physical activity to energize your body.
  3. Spend the next 20 minutes on reflection, meditation, or prayer to nurture your mindset and emotional well-being.
  4. Use the final 20 minutes for learning, personal development, or planning your day to enhance your overall productivity.

Specific Details:

  • “The 20/20/20 Formula” breaks down the Victory Hour into three segments, each focusing on physical, mental, and personal growth aspects.
  • The physical activity helps boost your energy and vitality, while reflection and learning contribute to mental clarity and self-improvement.
  • The Victory Hour is a crucial time to protect your “4 Interior Empires”: Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset.

Step 4: Understand the Importance of the 20/20/20 Formula


In this step, we will explore the significance of “The 20/20/20 Formula” within “The 5AM Club” method. This formula is designed to optimize your morning routine and set the tone for a successful day.


  1. Recognize that “The 20/20/20 Formula” consists of three 20-minute segments: Move, Reflect, and Grow, which should be followed during the Victory Hour from 5 to 6 AM.
  2. Understand the specific benefits of each segment, including physical and mental benefits, and their impact on your overall productivity and well-being.
  3. Internalize the idea that consistency in practicing “The 20/20/20 Formula” will lead to personal mastery and success.

Specific Details:

  • The first 20 minutes (5:00 to 5:20) focus on physical activity, releasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and promoting the formation of new brain cells.
  • During this time, exercise is crucial to release dopamine, reduce cortisol (the fear hormone), and boost serotonin (for happiness).
  • The second 20-minute segment (5:20 to 5:40) is for reflection, meditation, journaling, or visualization to nurture your mindset and emotional well-being.
  • Reflecting during this period helps set priorities and increases willpower for the day.
  • The final 20 minutes (5:40 to 6:00) is dedicated to growth, involving learning, reading, or watching content to expand your capacities and fulfill your potential.

Step 5: Embrace “Soulset” and Your Inner Hero


This step delves into the concept of “Soulset,” emphasizing that it’s not tied to religion but is about connecting with your inner wisdom and heroism. Understanding the significance of this aspect is crucial for personal growth.


  1. Recognize that “Soulset” is about building a deep relationship with your highest nature and unlocking your inner hero and primal genius.
  2. Understand that we all possess both an ego side and a heroic nature within us, and “Soulset” aims to nurture the heroic side.
  3. Realize that your relationship with your highest nature affects various aspects of your life, including relationships, creativity, and impact on humanity.

Specific Details:

  • “Soulset” goes beyond religious beliefs and focuses on tapping into your innate wisdom and heroism.
  • Building a connection with your highest nature can have a profound impact on your personal growth and overall life satisfaction.
  • This concept plays a significant role in shaping your mindset, heartset, healthset, and soulset for a holistic approach to personal development.

Step 6: Implement “Day Stacking” for Consistent Success


This step introduces the idea of “Day Stacking,” which emphasizes the importance of starting your mornings right to ensure energetic, creative, productive, and high-impact days.


  1. Understand that “Day Stacking” involves optimizing your mornings to create a positive ripple effect on your entire day, week, month, and beyond.
  2. Internalize the concept that consistent morning routines lead to well-lived days, ultimately contributing to long-term success.

Specific Details:

  • “Day Stacking” is a practice of building upon the success of each morning to create a series of great days, weeks, and months.
  • By mastering your mornings, you set the foundation for sustained success and personal growth.
  • Consistency is emphasized as the key to reaping the benefits of “Day Stacking” and achieving mastery in various areas of life.


Waking Up at 5 AM: The Morning Routine of Legends

Transcription of the provided video

Robin Sharma: Hi, it’s Robin Sharma. I hope you are amazing. This video is going to be tremendously helpful to you if you are interested in increasing four areas of your life. Number one, your creativity. Number two, your productivity.


Number three, your prosperity,


and number four, your impact on humanity. So, I wanted to give you some specific insights on the value of rising before the sun and joining The 5 AM Club, which is a concept I’ve been teaching to my billionaire clients and CEO clients and executives at companies like Starbucks and FedEx and IBM and Nike and other organizations that I’ve worked with for over the past two decades with tremendous success in terms of helping them increase their focus, their energy, their productivity, and their performance.

So, there’s a reason why the visionary founder of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, rises before the sun. There’s a reason why Michelle Obama rises very early. There’s a reason why Tim Cook, who’s leading Apple, gets up before the dawn. First of all, the hours between 4 and 6 are the time of least distraction in this age of dramatic interruption. Number two, the hours before the sun rises is the period where your brain is most available to your primary creativity. So, while you’re sleeping, your brain actually washes itself, but also, it lets go of the residue of the previous day while you are resting and while you are recovering. When you wake up, your thinking is fresh, your creativity is most pristine. You are most available to access your gifts and your talents. Those are some of the reasons why I encourage you to get up early.

You might say, “Robin, well, I’m not an early riser. I can’t put mind over mattress.” “I can’t win the battle of the bed.” “Grandma never got up early, dad couldn’t get up early.” “I guess I’m not the kind of person who could rise before the sun.” And what I would suggest to you is simply this. What science confirms, and in particular, the data of University College London, you do any new habit, practice it for 66 days, and you will arrive at the place of automaticity. In other words, it’ll be easier to run the new habit than not to. IT’LL BE EASIER TO RUN THE NEW HABIT THAN NOT TO. 66 days of rising at 5 AM will get you to a place where it’s easier to get up at 5 AM than not to get up at 5 AM. You’ll reach a place of automaticity. In my book “The 5AM Club,” I say, “All change is hard at first, and it’s messy in the middle, and it’s gorgeous at the end.” I’ll repeat that again because it’s so important. All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and it’s gorgeous at the end. In the book, there is a chapter on The Habit Installation Process that actually explains the three phases every habit goes through before you wire it into the place where it’s automatic. Number one, destruction. Number two, integration, and number three, implementation. Really important to remember them.

So, you can get up early. You can install habits. As a matter of fact, neuroplasticity, which is the phenomenon that speaks to the fact, the brain is like a muscle. The more you flex it and push it the more it’s going to grow. You have that gift. It’s not just for Federer and Serena Williams and Oprah Winfrey and Shakespeare and Jean-Michel Basquiat and Steve Jobs and Elon Musk. You have a brain that has the capability to grow and adapt. YOU HAVE A BRAIN THAT HAS THE CAPABILITY TO GROW AND ADAPT. But ideas don’t work for people unwilling to do the work, and part-time, this is another idea from “The 5AM Club,” part-time commitment leads to part-time results.

Okay, so, once you’re up at 5 AM, you’ve practiced it for 66 days, you’ve gone through the difficulty at the beginning and then the messiness in the middle, and now you’ve installed it towards the end of the 66-day protocol, then, what do you do during this process between 5 and 6? Why call it The Victory Hour? I go into great depth into exactly what to do in “The 5AM Club,” but for now, very high level, The 20/20/20 Formula basically tells you exactly what to do from 5 to 6. And this is your period of preparation, The Spartan warriors said it well, “Sweat more in training and you’ll bleed less in war.” SWEAT MORE IN TRAINING AND YOU’LL BLEED LESS IN WAR. Well, business right now and the world right now, it’s sort of a war. There’s so much distraction, there are so many seductions, there’s so much competition, there’s a lot of complexity, so from 5 to 6 is really when you sweat more in training. It’s your training period where you protect what I call The 4 Interior Empires,

Mindset, Heartset, Healthset, and Soulset

Transcription of the provided video

Robin Sharma: E2 MINDSET HEARTSET – your Mindset, your Heartset, your Healthset, and your Soulset. Everyone’s talking about mindset these days. I think that’s only 25% of the personal mastery and elite performance equation. Why, because your mindset is your psychology. Of course your psychology is important, but a great psychology with a toxic emotionality, in other words, if your Heartset, your heart, is full of unprocessed-through pain of the past or if you’re angry or if you haven’t forgiven the people who have hurt you or if you’re full of resentment and disappointment, well then, you’re going to sabotage your psychology. That’s why a lot of books don’t work and a lot of training doesn’t work. The teacher is talking only about Mindset without working on the emotional part of the human being. But it’s not just Mindset and Heartset, and again, I go into great depth into this in the book, but it’s not just Mindset and Heartset. It’s also your Healthset, okay? I mean, if you don’t have energy, you don’t have vitality, you don’t have stamina, you’re not going to win. And then it’s also The 4th Interior Empire, your Soulset. Soulset, you might say, “Well, it’s not relevant to me, I’m not a religious person.” Well, soulset has nothing to do with religion. Soulset is all about building fluency and intimacy with your true wisdom and the hero within you and the primal genius that lurks at your core. You see, we all have an ego side, and that’s just our scared, insecure self, and then we have a heroic nature. Yes, you do, right in you, right now. You might not know it, you might not have a strong relationship with it, but it’s there with you. And that’s what Soulset’s about. It’s about building that relationship with your highest nature, and the relationship with your highest nature sets up the relationship with your family, strangers, your teammates, suppliers, customers, your prosperity, your creativity, and your impact on humanity.

Okay, so, what is The 20/20/20 Formula that lies at the core of The 5AM Club method? Well, the first 20 minutes, move. Sweat. You’ll release BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which will increase the neural connections of your brain as well as repair brain cells damaged by stress and also promote neurogenesis, which is the formation of new brain cells. I know this is a lot of information, but I want to give you great content in this video. Exercising for 20 minutes first thing in the morning from 5:00 to 5:20, the first part of The 20/20/20 Formula, releases dopamine, which is the inspirational neurotransmitter. How valuable is that for your creativity and productivity for the rest of the day? Cortisol, the fear hormone, is highest first thing in the morning. Exercising will reduce it. Serotonin is released, so you’ll feel happier. Now it’s 5:20. You’re full of energy. You’ve optimized your cognition. Your focus is increasing. It’s only 5:20, the rest of the world is asleep. Just imagine that advantage you already have.

Second pocket of The 20/20/20 Formula is all about reflection. We live in a world where people don’t reflect anymore. A lot of people are busy being busy, but what’s the point of being busy around the wrong things? So, for 20 minutes from 5:20 to 5:40, you reflect. You pray or write in a journal or meditate. You can visualize, you can script out a blueprint for a great day ahead, which habit researchers call a pre-commitment strategy which actually increases your willpower and your ability to get your most important priorities done. Okay, now it’s 5:40. From 5:40 to 6:00, this is the final 20-minute pocket of The 20/20/20 Formula. The first pocket was about move, the second is reflect, and the third is grow. I’ve coached billionaires and CEOs and NBA superstars and members of royalty for over 20 years. Here’s what I realized when I work with the best of the best. They love to learn. They love to grow. They don’t see investing in yourself or investing in your skills or investing in your growth a cost. They think about the value received. I call it The 2x3x Mindset. To double your income and your impact, triple your investment in two core areas, your personal mastery and your professional capability. So, for 20 minutes, what do you do? You listen to a podcast, you review your journal notes, you read a book, you watch a valuable video. You just do something. You read an autobiography, you do something to grow your capacities and materialize more of the potential you have been born into. And now it’s 6:00. You’ve optimized your Mindset. You have purified your Heartset. You’ve calibrated your Healthset. You’ve escalated your Soulset. You feel fundamentally different.

In “The 5AM Club,” there’s another model called The 4 Habits Of History-Makers, and one of the elements is day stacking. The whole idea is simply this. Get your mornings right, your days are going to be fundamentally more energetic, creative, productive, and high-impact. And a great week is nothing more than a series of great days, and a great month is the same thing, and a great quarter is just a series of well-lived weeks. And it just continues and creates this upward spiral of success just by getting from 5 AM to 6 AM, your Victory Hour to world-class every morning. Consistency really is the mother of mastery. Own your morning, you’re really going to elevate your life. I believe rising at 5 AM and running my 20/20/20 Formula that has worked so well for my high-level clients for so many years really is the mother of all habits. Hope this video has helped you. If you want to go x100 deeper, definitely go ahead and read “The 5AM Club” book. It’s forming a movement already around the world. It’s racing up bestseller lists across the planet, and it really is a book that I’ve worked four years on. I put my heart and soul in the book. It’s full of amazing models, real-world tactics, world-class content that will truly help you own your game, dominate your domain, and live a much more valuable and happy life as well. So, definitely read “The 5AM Club.” It’s a small investment in you materializing your personal mastery and living the life I really want for you not only so you have a great life and so your family has wonderful experiences, but also so you can do your part to lift the world and make it a brighter place, okay? Information on, well, you can find “The 5AM Club” on Amazon, in great bookstores around the world. The audiobook is amazing. You can get that on Audible

. You can download the e-book, and I’m sure you know how to find the book. Thanks for your attention. I hope I’ve been of service to you. I wish you great mornings and all green lights.

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Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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