GET RICH IN 2024 | Powerful Motivational Speech Compilation

👣 21 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Charting Your Course: Navigate the Steps to a Thriving Future

Hey there, hustlers! 🚀

Ever wonder why some people seem to have all the luck while others are stuck spinning their wheels? 🤔

Well, lemme tell ya, it’s not about luck, it’s about hustle! 💪

That’s right, it’s time to level up and unlock the secrets to success that’ll have you slayin’ like a boss! 💼

Think about it: Ever feel like you’re putting in the work, but still not seeing the results you want? 😩

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! ✨

But here’s the kicker: Success isn’t just about working hard, it’s about working smart too! 🧠

And guess what? We’ve got the insider tips and tricks to help you do just that! 🎯

From mastering the art of discipline to unleashing your inner genius, we’ve got everything you need to take your game to the next level! 🚀

But hey, don’t just take my word for it, come see for yourself! 😉

Click the link in bio to uncover the secrets to success and start living your best life NOW! 🌟

#LevelUp #BossMoves #UnlockYourPotential

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Understanding the Importance of Time and Hard Work


This segment emphasizes the necessity of dedicating ample time and effort to achieve greatness, debunking the notion of luck as the sole determinant of success. It also stresses the importance of passion and authenticity in endeavors.


  1. Recognize that achieving greatness demands considerable time and hard work, dismissing the notion of overnight success.
  2. Acknowledge the significance of passion and genuine belief in one’s pursuits.
  3. Embrace authenticity by refraining from impersonating others and expressing genuine beliefs and experiences.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that success rarely stems from luck alone but rather from persistent effort and dedication.
  • Cultivate passion and belief in your endeavors to drive consistent progress.
  • Prioritize authenticity by staying true to your own beliefs and experiences, as authenticity fosters genuine connections and resonance with others.

Step 2: Defining Success as Happiness


This part delves into the definition of success, equating it with personal happiness rather than external markers like wealth or status. It emphasizes the importance of contentment in defining one’s success.


  1. Understand success as synonymous with personal happiness rather than external achievements.
  2. Recognize the significance of contentment and fulfillment in assessing one’s success.
  3. Refrain from equating success solely with material wealth or societal status.

Specific Details:

  • Shift focus from external markers of success, such as wealth or status, to internal contentment and fulfillment.
  • Acknowledge that happiness is a subjective and personal measure of success, transcending material possessions or societal recognition.
  • Avoid comparing one’s success solely based on external standards and embrace individual definitions of fulfillment and happiness.

Step 3: Embracing Blissful Dissatisfaction


This section advocates for embracing a state of “blissful dissatisfaction,” where one finds joy in achievements while maintaining a drive for further progress. It highlights the importance of celebrating wins to fuel continued growth.


  1. Embrace a mindset of “blissful dissatisfaction,” finding joy in accomplishments while maintaining a hunger for improvement.
  2. Celebrate wins and achievements to reinforce motivation and drive for future endeavors.
  3. Avoid complacency by acknowledging accomplishments while striving for continuous growth and development.

Specific Details:

  • Foster a balance between satisfaction with current achievements and a hunger for future progress.
  • Celebrate successes, no matter how small, to cultivate a positive and motivated mindset.
  • Understand that embracing a state of “blissful dissatisfaction” fosters ongoing personal and professional growth, driving sustained success.

Step 4: Understanding Leadership Types: Wartime vs. Peacetime


This part distinguishes between wartime and peacetime leaders, highlighting the proactive and adaptive nature of wartime leaders like Steve Jobs.


  1. Recognize the differences between wartime and peacetime leadership styles, with wartime leaders being more proactive and adaptive.
  2. Understand the importance of facing challenges head-on and being innovative in leadership roles.
  3. Embrace a mindset of proactive problem-solving and adaptability to navigate uncertainties effectively.

Specific Details:

  • Internalize the concept of wartime leadership, characterized by proactive decision-making and adaptability in the face of challenges.
  • Draw inspiration from leaders like Steve Jobs, who exemplified wartime leadership through innovative approaches and bold decision-making.
  • Cultivate a mindset of resilience and agility to thrive in dynamic and unpredictable environments.

Step 5: Leveraging Technology for Success


This segment underscores the significance of leveraging technology, particularly smartphones and social media, for entrepreneurial success. It emphasizes the abundance of opportunities available through digital platforms.


  1. Harness the power of technology, especially smartphones and social media, to explore entrepreneurial opportunities and maximize reach.
  2. Understand the vast potential of digital platforms for marketing, networking, and revenue generation.
  3. Cultivate digital literacy and proficiency to capitalize on the opportunities presented by technology.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize smartphones and social media as powerful tools for entrepreneurship, offering unparalleled access to global markets and audiences.
  • Explore various avenues for monetizing digital platforms, such as affiliate marketing, content creation, and e-commerce.
  • Invest time and effort in mastering digital skills and staying updated on emerging technologies to stay competitive in the digital landscape.

Step 6: Embracing Challenges as Opportunities


This section reframes challenges, such as economic downturns, as opportunities for growth and innovation. It encourages a proactive and resilient mindset in navigating adversity.


  1. View challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation, rather than insurmountable obstacles.
  2. Embrace a proactive and resilient mindset to navigate uncertainties and capitalize on emerging trends.
  3. Seek out mentorship and learning opportunities to adapt to changing circumstances and leverage them for success.

Specific Details:

  • Shift perspective to see challenges as catalysts for growth and innovation, fostering resilience and adaptability.
  • Embrace uncertainty as an opportunity to explore new ventures, pivot existing strategies, and expand skill sets.
  • Engage with mentors, industry experts, and educational resources to gain insights and strategies for navigating turbulent times effectively.

Step 7: Harnessing Imagination and Creativity


This segment encourages tapping into imagination and creativity as powerful tools for personal growth and success. It emphasizes the limitless potential of individuals to create magic in their lives.


  1. Embrace imagination as a catalyst for innovation and problem-solving.
  2. Cultivate creativity by exploring unconventional ideas and approaches.
  3. Take action to manifest creative visions and turn imagination into reality.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize imagination as a valuable asset for generating innovative solutions and envisioning new possibilities.
  • Experiment with creative expression through various mediums, such as art, writing, or entrepreneurship.
  • Prioritize action and implementation to bring imaginative ideas to fruition and create tangible results.

Step 8: Committing to Effort over Talent


This part emphasizes the importance of effort and perseverance over innate talent in achieving success. It challenges individuals to prioritize hard work and determination in pursuit of their goals.


  1. Prioritize effort and perseverance as key factors in achieving success, surpassing the limitations of talent alone.
  2. Adopt a mindset of relentless pursuit and dedication, regardless of initial skill level or abilities.
  3. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and development, pushing through obstacles with resilience and determination.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that success is often the result of consistent effort and perseverance, rather than innate talent or ability.
  • Shift focus from talent to effort, recognizing that hard work and determination can compensate for any perceived shortcomings.
  • Embrace discomfort and adversity as opportunities to strengthen resolve and develop resilience on the path to success.

Step 9: Embracing Sacrifice and Commitment


This section underscores the importance of sacrifice and commitment in achieving long-term goals. It challenges individuals to prioritize their aspirations over immediate comfort or convenience.


  1. Embrace sacrifice as a necessary step towards achieving future success, prioritizing long-term goals over short-term comforts.
  2. Commit to making difficult decisions and trade-offs to align actions with aspirations and aspirations.
  3. Maintain focus and determination, even in the face of challenges or setbacks, by staying committed to the pursuit of excellence.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize that achieving significant goals often requires sacrificing immediate gratification or comfort in favor of long-term success.
  • Make deliberate choices and trade-offs that align with overarching aspirations and values, even if they entail short-term hardships.
  • Cultivate resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and stay committed to the journey towards success, understanding that sacrifices pave the way for future achievements.

Step 10: Establish Leadership Objectives


Define the leadership objectives within the industry, aiming to become the category leader to gain significant industry resources and market cap.


  1. Identify the category to dominate within the industry.
  2. Understand the importance of being the category leader in terms of resource allocation and market capitalization.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize that being the category leader enables access to approximately 80% of industry resources and market cap.
  • Understand the competitive advantage of being the dominant player in a specific category.

Step 11: Define Core Values


Establish core values that align with the leadership objectives, emphasizing traits such as integrity, courage, high ambition, accountability, and respect.


  1. Identify and articulate core values that reflect the desired leadership qualities.
  2. Prioritize values that contribute to creating a positive organizational culture and driving success.

Specific Details:

  • Ensure that core values are clear, concise, and actionable.
  • Consider how each value contributes to achieving the leadership objectives.

Step 12: Enforce Team Rules


Implement specific team rules that exemplify the identified core values and support the leadership objectives.


  1. Draft a set of team rules that embody the core values and promote effective teamwork.
  2. Communicate the team rules clearly to all team members.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the importance of direct, open, and honest communication to foster trust within the team.
  • Encourage a culture of inclusivity by valuing every team member’s input and ideas.
  • Set high standards for performance and continuously strive to exceed them in all aspects of the business.
  • Prioritize teamwork over individual contributions, emphasizing collaboration and mutual support.
  • Embrace the concept of hiring the best talent, even if they surpass the skills of existing team members.

Step 13: Prioritize Hiring the Best Talent


Emphasize the significance of recruiting top-tier talent to drive organizational success and achieve leadership objectives.


  1. Develop a hiring strategy focused on attracting and retaining top performers in the industry.
  2. Prioritize candidates who demonstrate exceptional skills, experience, and potential for growth.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by seeking out individuals who excel in their respective fields.
  • Emphasize the importance of humility and recognizing when someone else may be better suited for a role.
  • Foster an environment where hiring the best talent is celebrated and encouraged, regardless of hierarchical considerations.
  • Recognize the long-term impact of investing in top talent on the organization’s growth and success.

Step 14: Focus on Mentorship and Legacy


Promote mentorship and legacy-building as integral components of leadership, emphasizing the importance of giving back and nurturing future leaders.


  1. Establish mentorship programs to support the development of emerging leaders within the organization and beyond.
  2. Reflect on personal experiences and values to define a legacy that aligns with leadership objectives.

Specific Details:

  • Provide guidance and support to mentees to help them achieve their goals and reach their full potential.
  • Encourage a mindset of paying it forward and contributing to the success of the next generation of leaders.
  • Consider legacy-building initiatives that extend beyond professional achievements to encompass broader societal impact.
  • Emphasize the importance of continuity and succession planning to ensure the perpetuation of leadership values and principles.

Step 15: Focus on Work Ethic and Authenticity


Emphasize the importance of hard work and authenticity in achieving success, debunking myths surrounding overnight success and luck.


  1. Recognize that success is primarily achieved through dedication and consistent effort over time.
  2. Avoid succumbing to societal pressures or external expectations regarding success and focus on personal fulfillment.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that success requires relentless pursuit and dedication, regardless of external circumstances or perceived barriers.
  • Prioritize authenticity and staying true to oneself rather than chasing societal ideals of success.

Step 16: Define Personal Definition of Success


Encourage individuals to define success based on their unique values and aspirations rather than external benchmarks.


  1. Reflect on personal goals, values, and aspirations to define a customized definition of success.
  2. Consider factors beyond financial wealth, such as work-life balance, fulfillment, and personal growth.

Specific Details:

  • Acknowledge that success is subjective and varies from person to person, emphasizing the importance of aligning goals with personal values.
  • Resist societal pressure to conform to conventional definitions of success and embrace individuality in defining one’s path to fulfillment.

Step 17: Explore Diverse Opportunities


Encourage individuals to explore diverse opportunities and industries beyond traditional entrepreneurship to find fulfilling career paths.


  1. Evaluate personal strengths, interests, and skills to identify potential career paths or entrepreneurial ventures.
  2. Research emerging industries and trends to uncover new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Specific Details:

  • Consider alternative career paths, such as coaching, emerging technologies, or creative pursuits, that align with personal interests and values.
  • Stay informed about industry trends and developments to capitalize on emerging opportunities for entrepreneurship or career advancement.

Step 18: Embrace Continuous Learning and Adaptation


Promote a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation to thrive in a rapidly changing world.


  1. Commit to lifelong learning and personal development to stay ahead of industry trends and evolving market demands.
  2. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and remain agile in response to changing circumstances.

Specific Details:

  • Invest in ongoing education and skill development to remain competitive in the job market or entrepreneurial landscape.
  • Adopt a growth mindset that views challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation rather than setbacks.

Step 19: Prioritize Self-Awareness and Leadership Development


Encourage individuals to prioritize self-awareness and leadership development to become effective leaders in their respective fields.


  1. Engage in introspection and self-reflection to gain a deeper understanding of personal values, strengths, and areas for growth.
  2. Cultivate leadership skills through mentorship, professional development opportunities, and collaborative experiences.

Specific Details:

  • Develop a clear vision and purpose for oneself, rooted in personal values and aspirations, to guide decision-making and goal-setting.
  • Lead by example and inspire others through authentic leadership that prioritizes collective success over individual achievement.
  • Foster a culture of collaboration, accountability, and perseverance to achieve shared goals and objectives as a team.

Step 20: Promote Collective Vision and Collaboration


Encourage individuals to prioritize collective vision and collaboration over individual ego and self-interest.


  1. Foster a culture of teamwork, mutual respect, and shared purpose to drive collective success and innovation.
  2. Lead by example and prioritize the greater good of the team or organization over individual recognition or advancement.

Specific Details:

  • Cultivate an environment where diverse perspectives and ideas are valued and encouraged, fostering creativity and innovation.
  • Establish clear goals and objectives that align with the collective vision, empowering team members to contribute their unique skills and expertise.
  • Celebrate successes and milestones as a team, recognizing the contributions of each individual towards achieving shared goals.

Step 21: Emphasize Perseverance and Resilience


Highlight the importance of perseverance and resilience in overcoming challenges and achieving long-term success.


  1. Encourage individuals to develop a growth mindset that embraces challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.
  2. Provide support and encouragement to navigate obstacles and setbacks, fostering resilience and determination.

Specific Details:

  • Inspire individuals to maintain a positive attitude and perseverance in the face of adversity, staying focused on long-term goals and objectives.
  • Foster a supportive community or network that provides encouragement, feedback, and resources to navigate challenges and setbacks.
  • Recognize and celebrate resilience and perseverance as essential qualities of effective leadership and personal growth.



Nobody ever won a Nobel Prize working five days a week, 9 to 5. If you’re going to do something great, it takes a lot of time and hard work. It’s important so there aren’t people sitting around just getting lucky, and all of a sudden, the world goes to them and says, “I want you to be our leader.” It doesn’t usually happen. You must be passionate about it, and you must believe it. I’m never doing an impression of another person, so I always come from a place of saying what I really believe because you can’t transfer to somebody that which you don’t experience yourself. I can give you passion, I can give you energy, I can give you my belief if I’m experiencing it. Well, in my view, success is happiness. The most elusive thing in life is personal happiness. Thomas Jefferson wrote about the pursuit of happiness; he never told us how to actually get it. But finding somebody that’s happy with their life is really, really good. So, if you ever meet a poor person and they are very happy with what they’re doing, why should you say your life isn’t successful? They’re very happy with what they’re doing. If you meet a very wealthy person and he or she is tortured with their money and they don’t know what to do, their children hate them, everybody hates them, is that person successful? I don’t really think so. I think success comes about when you are happy because that’s the point of life, to some extent, is being happy. That’s why we’re all here, I guess, to some extent. We want to make life better for other people, but to some extent, if you are making life better for other people, you’re going to be happy. In my view, there’s this misnomer, and you’ve watched this even in your own life or the successful people you’ve interviewed. So, there’s this thing people think that like, “I’ll be happy when once I get like this big amazing home, or once I get this car, or once I get this relationship or an amount of money, then I’ll allow myself some happiness.” The problem is the finish line always moves. You never arrive there, right? The other part is people think, “Well, if I enjoy myself now, I’m going to lose my drive.” In other words, if I can just wire myself with enough pain all the time, I won’t lose my drive or ambition. The truth is there’s no correlation between the two at all. There’s no relationship between you feeling complete pain all the time and losing drive. And so I talk about living in a state of blissful dissatisfaction, and really the best example of that would be like if you’ve ever… I love a good meal, right? You know, if I bite into a great piece of steak, if you’re a steak eater like I am, you take that first bite, it’s like complete bliss. Right? There’s no correlation between how great that tasted and your lack of desire for the next bite. In fact, that bliss causes you to want more of it. And so the more we can reward ourselves with bliss, we’re not going to lose our dissatisfaction. We’re not going to lose that. And so for me, our brain’s dopamine hit you get when you do something successful, if you constantly cheat yourself out of that hit, right, biomechanically in your body, less and less in the future will you want to achieve the next level, the next dream, the next step. That’s why so many people stall out in life. They got to a certain point, and they cheated themselves out of the bliss, out of the celebration. It’s important that we celebrate our wins, we celebrate our lives because it causes us to want the next bite, it keeps us hungrier, not the reverse. And so for me, I want to live in a state of being grateful and blissful now, not waiting for some future place or date that may never arrive. It’s why I created my cash flow board game because we have four different intelligences. We have mental intelligence, we have… I don’t know about that one is intelligence. You probably have very good physical to make, you know, football and all that. Yeah, emotional intelligence, but spiritual intelligence. So, I went to military school in New York. The first thing is spiritual, you know, I become a Marine, it’s spiritual, yeah, you know what I mean because you’re putting your life on the freaking line. Yeah, you know. So, Nassim Taleb, you wrote the book “The Black Swan,” he also wrote “Antifragile.” He says there’s three kinds of people in the world. There’s fragile, and that’s what our school systems are putting out, fragile, snowflakes, and that’s your choice. You want to be that way, have a good life, mh. The second type is robust, and a robust person is like the rock, you know, you can pound on them, dump on them, yeah, they take it. But that’s all they do, they take it. And then antifragile is somebody like you where they pound the crap out of you, and you get smarter and better because of it. Mhm. So, I love Nassim Taleb, you know, a lot of people call him Dr. Doom, but the way I look at this whole thing, this economy is, we’re probably going into depression, you know, we’re not going to get out of this really. Oh, yeah. And so the thing is, is this good for you or bad for you? I’m looking forward to it, you know. The last crush was 2008, and I made more money in 2008 than in my whole life. I’m now 700 million, almost a billion in debt, really, you know why? Because I don’t pay any taxes. The more debt I have, the less tax I pay, and the average guy goes, “How do you do that?” Because you had bad teachers. And so it’s this whole thing that you got to choose your teachers wisely. That’s why I wrote the book “Fake, fake money, fake teachers, fake assets.” I don’t touch that garbage. What, I don’t have a 401k, I don’t have stock, SP mutual funds, ETFs, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, but I don’t need them. Okay, right, and the other part is, look, for your young guys, the best teachers are not in colleges, the best teachers are on YouTube, the best teachers are on YouTube. Wake up, you know. There guy George Gamov, he’s fantastic, Patrick Bet-David, fantastic, you know, great records, the.

Fake Teachers and Leadership Styles

Fake teachers are in colleges; they’re telling me to get a job, right, the corporate ladder, you know. Patrick Bet-David said it the best, and I love that guy. He says there are two kinds of leaders: wartime and peacetime. A peacetime leader is a guy like my poor dad. He goes through all the right schools, he has all the pedigrees, the credentials, he does all the right things, he climbs the corporate or government ladder and all that. A wartime leader goes to war. So, Jobs, Steve Jobs, wartime leader. I’m a wartime leader. Difference is, I went to war, you know. I don’t know where it is; I got this iPhone. If you can’t make money with that, hang it up, you know, like we used to say, hang up the jockstrap. You’re not the team. You can’t make money with an iPhone through social media, through marketing, you have the world at your fingertips, and you can’t make money. The problem is between this year and this year, it’s not out here, it’s in here. That’s why you’ve got to choose your teachers wisely, yeah, you know. So let me just say it again, the best teachers are on YouTube.

Discipline and Opportunity

There’s two kinds of discipline, there’s internal or self-discipline, and then there’s external discipline. So right now, if the world’s kicking you, that’s external discipline, and if you’re self-disciplined, the world’s kissing you. Right now, it’s up to you, baby boomers had it the easiest of all generations, but now their pensions are gone, their 401ks are gone, yeah. Social Security is broke, Medicare is broke. So I say to younger people, this pandemic, this crisis, is the best thing that ever happened to you. You think about that iPhone, you have more power in that iPhone than I had with my Spar univac Mainframe computer. And then so when I meet people who say, “Oh, the economy is bad,” I said, “The only economy is between this ear and that ear.” You know, there’s an economy out here, but this is the best time for your generation because you’re tech-savvy. I’m not tech-savvy, you know. You got this was made for you guys. Well, you know, that’s why I keep saying to the young, the Millennials, you know, they’re packed with whips. I mean, Millennials who are just horrifyingly weak snowflakes, they call them, you know. They go to college, they’re taught trigger events or whatever, you know, they’ve got to have special rooms where there’s no whatever. I’m going, holy mackerel. Welcome to the Real World, you know. And there’s other Millennials who are as tough as nails. I mean, this is the biggest opportunity they’ve ever had, huge. So it just depends upon what’s between this year and this year, what’s in the heart.

Elon Musk’s Insight

The space business is quite hard to start a company in the space business because it’s such a capital-intensive business. So it may be better to do something in solar power, or if you’re going to do it in cars, do it as kind of a component supplier for cars or something like that. All those things improve the odds of success. If other people are putting in 40-hour workweeks and you’re putting in 100-hour workweeks, then even if you’re doing the same thing, you know that you will achieve in 4 months what it takes them a year to achieve. When I was a kid, I was wondering kind of what’s the meaning of life, like why are we here, what’s it all about, and I came to the conclusion.

Insight into Future Endeavors

What really matters is trying to understand the right questions to ask, and the more that we can increase the scope and scale of human consciousness, the better we are able to ask these questions. If somebody is doing something that is useful to the rest of society, I think that’s a good thing. It doesn’t have to change the world; if you’re doing something that has high value to people, I mean, I think that’s fine. Stuff doesn’t need to change the world just to be good. But you know, in terms of things that I think are most likely to affect the future of humanity, I think AI is probably the single biggest item in the near term that’s likely to affect humanity. So it’s very important that we have the advent of AI in a good way. If you could look into the crystal ball and see the future, you would like that outcome, because it is something that could go wrong. As we’ve talked about many times, we really need to make sure it goes right. Working on AI and making sure it’s a great future, that’s the most important thing, I think, right now. I’d say anything to do with genetics. If you can actually solve genetic diseases, prevent dementia or Alzheimer’s or something like that with genetic reprogramming, that would be wonderful. So, I think genetics might be the sort of second most important item. I think having a high-bandwidth interface to the brain, like we’re currently bandwidth-limited, we have a digital tertiary self in the form of our email capabilities, like computers, phones, applications. We’re effectively superhuman, but we’re extremely bandwidth-constrained in that interface between the cortex and your sort of that tertiary digital form of yourself. And helping solve that bandwidth constraint would be, I think, very important for the future as well.

On signal over noise, a lot of companies get confused that they spend money on things that don’t actually make the product better. So, for example, at Tesla, we’ve never spent any money on advertising. We put all of the money into R&D and manufacturing and design to try to make the car as good as possible. And I think that’s the way to go. So for any given company, just keep thinking about are these efforts that people are expending, are they resulting in a better product or service, and if they’re not, stop those efforts. You may have heard me say that it’s good to think in terms of the physics approach of first principles, which is rather than reasoning by analogy, you boil things down to the most fundamental truth you can imagine and you reason up from there. And this is a good way to figure out if something really makes sense or if it’s just what everybody else is doing. And it’s hard to think that way, you can’t think that way about everything, it takes a lot of effort, but if you’re trying to do something new, it’s the best way to think. And that framework was developed by physicists to figure out counterintuitive things like quantum mechanics, so it’s really a powerful method. You guys are the magicians of the 21st century, you know. Don’t let anything hold you back. Imagination is the limit. And go out there and create some magic.

Eric Thomas’ Motivational Speech

So if you want to make six figures, you can’t just be talking about you want to make six figures. You won’t be successful until you say, “I don’t need that money.” It’s not the most talented, it’s not the quickest, it’s not the fastest, it’s not the strongest, no, no, no, no. That’s not the person who makes all their dreams become a reality. Sometimes, guys, it’s less talent and it’s more effort. Are you hearing me? Sometimes it’s less talent and more effort. Are you hearing what I’m telling you? Most of you say you want to be successful, but you don’t want it bad, you just kind of want it. You don’t want it bad than you want a party. You don’t want it as much as you want to be cool. You, most of you don’t want success as much as you want to sleep. You got to be willing to work off for 3 hours of sleep, 2 hours if you really want to be successful. Some days you’re going to have to stay up three days in a row because if you go to sleep, you might miss the opportunity to be successful. That’s how bad you got to want it. When 50 Cent was doing his movie, I did a little 50 said that when he wasn’t doing the movie, he was doing the soundtrack. And they said, “When do you sleep, 50?” Sleep? He said, “Sleep is for those people who are broke. I don’t sleep.” He said, “I got an opportunity to make the dream become a reality.” Most of you won’t be successful because when you’re studying and you get tired, you quit. And I’m here to tell you today, if you got somebody came in my office the other day crying, I said, “Look, don’t cry to give up. Cry to keep going. Don’t cry to quit. You’re already in pain, you already hurt, get a reward from it. Don’t go to sleep until you succeed. I dare you to take a little pain. I dare you. I dare you not to go home. Somebody said, “I don’t go home, I feel bad.” Go through it. You ain’t going to die at the end of pain and success. You’re not going to die because you’re feeling a little pain. So don’t worry about a little pain. Listen to me. You haven’t tapped into your own potential, you haven’t tapped into your own greatness. You keep looking for it out there. If I would just buy this, if I would just wear this, if this person would appreciate me, if this person would value me, listen to me very closely, baby, the sooner you get in that mirror, the sooner you get in that mirror, the sooner you tap into your greatness. The sooner all your dreams are going to become a reality. Are you listening to me? There’s some folks out there, man, you went to Breathe University, look, I’m tripping. That nobody invested in silver, nobody, nobody invested in silver, blowing my mind. Nothing wrong with silver, but that first 24 hours, that first 48 hours, nobody. We got more diamonds and anything. What is that telling me? It’s like, yo, ET, I’m ready to invest in me. Unbelievable, go unbelievable. I’m sorry, platinum folks were like, ET, I’m willing to make the investment in me. That’s, so I’m telling you, you standing out there, hey, it’s about a commitment. Go to Weight Watchers, stop playing. If you do the three things I tell you to do tonight, I guarantee you, whatever it is you want to do in life, you’ll be able to do. You will be able to accomplish whatever you want to academically, financially, relationally, whatever. So three things, all right. I’m going to tell you the story, I got to get out of here, and the story is

about you guys have probably heard about this before. It was a young man who, you know, he wanted to make a lot of money, and so he went to this guru, right? He told the guru, you know, I want to be on the same level you’re on. And so the guru said, if you want to be on the same level I’m on, I’ll meet you tomorrow at the beach at 4:00 a.m. He’s like, the beach, I said, I want to make money, I don’t want to swim. Guru said, if you want to make money, I’ll meet you tomorrow 4:00 a.m. So the young man got there at 4:00 a.m., he’s already to rock and roll, got on the suit, he should have wore shorts, the old man grabs his.

The Quest for Success

He said, “How bad do you want to be successful?” He said, “Real bad.” He said, “Walk on out in the water.” So he walks out into the water. When he walks out into the water, it goes way deep. So he’s like, “This guy’s crazy.” He’s like, “I want to make money. He got me out here swimming. I didn’t ask to be a lifeguard. I want to make money.” He said, “Come out a little further.” Walked out a little further. Then he had it right around this area, showed the area. So this old man’s crazy. He’s making money, but he’s crazy. He said, “Come on out a little further.” He came out a little further, was right at his mouth. My man’s like, “I’m about to go back in here. This guy is mine.” So the old man said, “I thought you said you wanted to be successful.” He said, “I do.” He said, “Walk a little further.” He came, dropped his head in, held him down. Hold him down. My man’s scratching, holding him down. “I got you. I know you brushed it out, but I got you.” He had him held down. Just before my man was about to pass out, he raised him up. He said, “When you were underwater, what did you want to do?” He told the guy. He said, “When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”

Eric Thomas’ Advice on Success

Most of them are not doing what I’m doing. Why? Because it’s not about where you come from. It’s about heart. You come to a place where you know being smart ain’t enough. You’ve got to have heart. That’s number one. Watch number two. Catch number two. I wrote it down. I want to make sure you got it. It says, “To be able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you will become.” And our vision at ARBA was really simple. We said we want to build a great, sustaining company into the 21st century. Because we had just sold Ras, and we actually kind of wanted to keep it going. They just made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. We owed that to the shareholders. Good problem to have. Yeah. And then the mission is all about leadership, because the object of the game, particularly in Silicon Valley, is to be the category king. Because when you’re the category king, you get 80% of the industry resources and 80% of market cap. Players 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, they could fight over the scraps. So our mission was to create a category called business-to-business electronic commerce and to be the leader. And then the next thing under that is your values. So right integrity is there, courage, high ambition, accountability, respect, the basics. And then we had a set of team rules that kind of personify those values. And by the way, same team rules for all the companies. The first one is direct, open, and honest communication. In a word, the truth. Because I had seen at General Motors, when you go through 15 levels… You know, I started at the lowest of the low, production floor, to the highest of the high, where I was staff for the director. I could see how that message would change. The second one is no idea is a bad idea. And then we added parentheses, unless CEO’s. Because it’s all about making a safe environment, and you could make a safe environment when you mock out the CEO. Plus, it’s fun. The third one is always raise the standard in everything we do, and our people, our processes, and our products. And if somebody can’t keep up with that standard, you got to do something about it. Otherwise, you’ve automatically lowered your standard. Then the fourth one is we’re a team first and functional specialist second. So you developers, put your feet in a customer’s shoes. You sales guys, don’t make commitments we can’t keep. And then the fifth one is the most powerful one of all. And that is, hire the best people, especially if they’re better than us. And I’ll tell you an inflection point in ARBA. Every Friday, up until we probably got to be about 100 people, we’d go around the room in what we call the roundtable. Anybody could say anything they want on their mind. Rea

Founders’ Vision and Hiring Strategy

We had seven Founders right, and so this one guy stands up, our VPA Marketing, one the founders Bobby Lint, and he goes, “You know this opportunity is way bigger than I ever imagined, uh, it is going to be way more successful I think even I can dream of,” and he goes, “Citing team rule number five, I think, I think we ought to go out and hire real world-class VPA Marketing who’s done it before, and I’ll focus on partnership,” and you can just see jaws dropping. And the guy who came after him, I’ll never forget his guy, his name was Guy H. Haskins, he was about 24 years old, he just goes, “Bobby, I just came from a software company is going to go bankrupt any day now, but if one guy would have had the courage to say what you just said right now, we could have taken it to the moon.” So from that point on, it became noble to hire the best people, especially better than us.

American Dream and Paying It Forward

You know, I’ve had the good fortune of living the American dream, and I feel really, really, really blessed. And so I think that was one of the things my parents, you know, obviously, my drive comes from my upbringing. And it’s about paying it forward and giving it back. And so if you look at the things, whether it’s what I did in higher education or in the business world or in public service, it’s all about that next generation. You know, it’s one of the things that I started before I went off into government was called the global Mentor Network. And it’s all about mentoring tomorrow’s transformational leaders at scale. So, you know, we created all these videos of these really famous transformation leaders. And so if you ask me, okay, so what would be your big legacy you want to leave behind, I think back of what my dad would always say about fatherhood, he goes, “You never know if you’re good father until you see your children’s children.” So I would say, you know, it’s all about my mentees, mentees. You never know if you’re a good leader until you see your mentees, mentees because you’re teaching them how to cascade that down. And I’ve had some great mentors in my life, you know, there’s a genealogy out here in Silicon Valley ’cause this stuff’s not written in a book, right? So you learn from the previous guy. My mom would always say the best way to learn is from other people’s experience. She goes, “Learn from other people’s mistakes. You have time enough to make your own.”

Bootstrap Mentality and Entrepreneurial Realities

Right? For the first two years that I ran Boehner Media, we had no rent. We first Gary Vee worked out of a conference room, a conference room. We then worked out of a co-working space before the whole WeWork and co-working space Revolution. And I bartered my time to help that company in exchange for a very small space. We didn’t buy furniture. We scrapped, and I’d already made it. I was already rich, and we scrapped. And so the biggest thing that I want to implore everybody here today to do is to take a step back and think about how fancy are they? Are you willing to be really, really, really ghetto? Do you really need that chair? Do you really need that piece of technology? Do you really need to fly first class? I just think that we’re living through an incredibly fancy culture of entrepreneurship, and CEO status is quite sexy. People are selling a lifestyle that is filled with lots of fun and trips and champagne and bikinis and bling-bling and all sorts of horse shit, right?

The Reality Check and Work Ethic

And I just think that that era of this era is going to come to an end somewhere within the next five years. And very honestly, I just don’t want a lot of people in this room that dream to build their own businesses to have to go work at a bank or go work at a retail store. And so I would highly recommend something that I think is stunningly not talked about enough, which is if you’re building a business, you have to be making money. Everybody thinks they’re going to be Zuck. Everybody thinks they’re going to build Snapchat. Go look at the data. The data shows that the far majority of this room will not succeed, not even close to building an actual business. And I don’t come here to be somber. I come here to remind you that there’s only one thing you can do, the only thing you can do that can trump the moment Mommy and Daddy had sex to make you, the only thing that can trump that, the only thing that can trump your DNA, the only thing that is controllable if you want it, if you want this, is work. If you’ve got a big mouth and a lot of you do here, search the hashtag, and a lot of you say CEO, founder, owner. I call that big mouth if you’ve got the audacity to do it. And so many of you have heard this from me when I audit you and I do ’cause I’m curious. It’s how I learn. People talk a big game. I especially love when somebody hits me up on social like, “Gary Vee, you’re going to buy the Jets. I’m going to buy the Rams,” you know, you know everybody’s buying a sports team. And I love and I love to look at what that person does. And then I’ll DM that person and be like, “Yo, bro, nobody, nobody unless they were a trust fund baby ever bought the Rams when they go skiing for a week when they’re 24. Nobody, you know, nobody, you know, nobody, you know, has become successful outside of it being given to them from their family. Nobody, you know, has actually created success without working their face off. It doesn’t exist.” So you can sit and talk about luck and you can sit and talk about this, that, or the other thing, but I promise you, the only controllable thing you have is your work ethic.

Defining Success and Conclusion

What is the definition of winning? And I think we all have different definitions, right? And I think that one of the things that I also want to say is that I’m getting scared that a lot of people that are following my journey hear me talking about buying the New York Jets, and I do aspire to buy a $3 billion sports franchise. I do, it is what.

Reconsidering Success and Entrepreneurship

I want it’s you can look at my fifth-grade yearbook long before business was cool. It’s what I want to do, but I’m awfully scared that it’s pressuring the people that follow me into trying to achieve things that they don’t necessarily want. They just think it’s the thing you do if you’re trying to be a successful business person. Let me promise you something. I know tens of thousands of people. I know thousands of people extremely well. I know hundreds of people deeply well. There is no correlation between how much money someone makes and their level of happiness. I have friends who make $47,000 a year and are the happiest people I know. Their work-life balance is on point. They’re part of two soccer teams. They play video games. They watch every show they want. They take two vacations that they scrap together, and they’re freaking happy as hell. And I know tons of people who I grew up with in the Silicon Valley boom who have hundreds of millions of dollars in their bank account and are as miserable and as lonely and as broken as you’ll ever see. So I implore all of you to please reverse engineer and figure out who you are.

The Essence of Entrepreneurship

The word entrepreneur is a [ __ ] term. It’s one of the most overused nonsense terms out there. I can teach anybody to become an entrepreneur in 2 minutes flat. All you got to do is go to, open an account, and offer to make videos or images for someone. Boom, you’re self-employed. You’re an entrepreneur. It’s a [ __ ] term. You have that, and then you have, at the end of the spectrum, probably the greatest living entrepreneur today, Elon Musk. But the spectrum is so wide. It’s a bad definition. So there are other definitions that you got to look at, right? You got to look at, um, are you working in a job where you can earn the money you need to live the life you want while being fulfilled and happy doing the work you do? I think that is the definition. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur for that. Many of the people creating the biggest changes in the world are not entrepreneurs. Think about the engineers at NASA. Think about the people who are inventing new technologies. Think about the people who come up with new medicines that are changing lives. Many of these people are working for companies, but they are paid well. They love their jobs. They make a contribution to humanity, and it is enough.

Emerging Opportunities and Shifting Paradigms

If you’re that this [ __ ] idea that you got to be working for yourself is so outdated. Rather, you got to look at three things. Number one, can I exercise what I’m really good at doing? Number two, do I love what I’m doing? Number three, am I making money doing this? There are lots of different opportunities, but you got to try to find these new fields, these new things which are emerging now. Here’s the good news. According to futurist Peter Diamandes, between 2022 and 2026, the world will see as much change as between the year 1900 to 2000 in 4 years starting next month. We’re going to see as much change as between the years 1900 to 2000. New technologies, new opportunities, new things are going to emerge. The whole field of web 3 is emerging right now, and this means there’s going to be so much opportunity for disruption. But if you’re an entrepreneur, aspiring entrepreneur, it’s good news because there’s going to be so much change and so much opportunity for you to disrupt the established players.

Practical Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Someone who’s starting a new business, the first thing is don’t quit your day job. You got to make sure that you have income, that you have safety, that you have food on the table. Don’t get desperate, and don’t put yourself under that stress. Now, when I was working on my day job, it still gave me 2 hours a night to work on my side hustle, and of course, I had the weekends. You might have to sacrifice evenings. You might have to spend less time on Instagram on Netflix. You might have less weekend time. If you can dedicate yourself and if you can ensure that you’re constantly learning and learning and learning, odds are you’re going to be successful. That’s tip number one. Now tip number two is this: Don’t try to do what everybody else is doing because if you do what everybody else is doing, it’s going to be a lot more challenging. So when Instagram was just getting off the ground right in like 2010, you could go and start an Instagram channel on makeup and maybe you might end up like Huda Beauty which has like 49 million fans today, but they were one of the early ones. You got to get in early. I think Tik Tok is still early. So I think there’s an opportunity in Tik Tok. Instagram, I think, is later stage. It’s not just about social media, for example, coaching is blowing up right now. More and more companies are looking for coaches for their employees. I have a coach. So many people I know now get a coach. It used to be a situation where if you got a coach, people were like, “Is something wrong with you?” But now coaching is so, so, so important. So coaching is a really great way to make an income. I know coaches who are making millions of dollars a year. Of course, they are outliers, but they love what they do. Even if you were making a 100 Grand a year as a coach, that’s a really, really, really good lifestyle. Because you’re helping people, you’re helping people, you have mobility, and so on. A third one which is with the whole crypto space, there’s an um, I mean don’t be stupid when it comes to crypto but definitely there are interesting opportunities emerging with um nfts with um um Dows da daos uh there are some great YouTube channels where you can learn about crypto and you can start to understand um that Marketplace keep in mind that you know investing in things like Bitcoin are risky if you bought Bitcoin one month ago you would have lost a lot of money today and so you got to have a really long-term perspective.

Self-Awareness and Leadership

What would happen if you left, what would happen if you stayed, what would happen if you changed? It’s up to them to pull themselves out of the victimhood. It’s hard to see from a victim standpoint the aspect that everything’s a choice. And I move ahead with everything’s a choice, existentialism, that it is a choice and how you feel about it and what you do about it. Doesn’t mean there aren’t barriers around you. Doesn’t mean the world doesn’t want to guide you to a certain endpoint. But you are in the driver seat of your life. There’s power in knowing who you are. There’s not much power in being a zombie and just walking through the world and saying, “Well, a lot of people do it.” As they do stuff and they say, “I don’t think that’s it.” They do something else. “I don’t

think that’s it.” Well, what do you think it is? Don’t work. Every vocation in the world, every spot in the world as a null set until you find out what it is. Make a declaration. The leader part is that they’re able to bring out uh those characteristics in others that Consciousness in others. They don’t do it by controlling or by manipulation. That can be done. It can be done for a short term. It can be done for a long-term measure. But they actually help people in the discovery. If they’re not already awake to who they are, they help them become awake to why they’re in this business or organization, and together that they start to move aggressively towards a vision. That’s what differentiates teams, and that’s what where work Spirit comes into play. That spirit of purpose and it’s enunciated, they know what it is, and they speak directly to them. What differentiates the best leader in these systems or the best leaders and it has something to do with this spirit, passion for something they hold deeply at and consciously at bay who they are and why they’re in the world becomes very important. Be appreciative that you’ve learned how to manage yourself then move towards leading yourself and in leading yourself is understanding and starting to do the deep inquiry that you’ll do for life. Why am I here on Earth for what purpose? And then to establish a vision probably as a 20-year-old it’s probably 25, 5 years out where do I want to be where do I what do I want to be doing being with learned a knowing all those areas and then what values do I want to operate within so it’s really de developing that that vision value and purpose for myself and then once I have that then I’d say the the last step is start to identify people that I align with on purpose at different levels and start to move with them into the world lead yourself before leading others and this issue of leading yourself is discovering that purpose and you start by asking the question why am I here I’m not talking about in the office or in that organization or in that country but here on the planet and that’s the only way there is to start it may be an incomplete answer it may be a partial it probably is maybe a half a baked answer but that is much superior to I don’t know and I don’t want to question there’s this issue of self-awareness coming forth an Tasha urick is a researcher at in 2017 she put out a book on awareness she’s been trying to measure has been measuring awareness uh using different uh categories that she speaks about 95% of people believe they are self-aware when in fact it’s more like 10 to 15% she quotes her self-aware and she says don’t uh confuse thinking about yourself the same as being self-aware don’t confuse thinking about yourself the same as being self-aware and what she’s trying to bring forth is that the process of working on yourself and bringing you as a being present to you is different than just seeing what your triggers are or different than just seeing what your likes or dislikes or seeing what’s is really the hard work of understanding who you are and then start to guide that and as Marvin and I say Dr Washington and I say lead yourself lead yourself before you try to eat somebody so this issue about it’s about the team but it’s about me it’s about the team it’s about me gets conflicted it it’s it’s a prioritization that looks appealing to members because the lion is uh is strong uh exerts itself Roars uh powerful but never get confused who it’s about it’s about that line any publicity is a don’t talk to me about what you did let’s talk about what I did as a leader if you took the leaders in the past that would be some uh a lion leader would be something like um MacArthur in the Pacific General MacArthur It’s All About Me most people can’t name a general that was under MacArthur’s uh command but if you go to Eisenhower in World War II in the uh in the west we know about Bradley we know about Patton we know about a bunch of them why because he was a leader of a wild dog pack drawing together both the Brits and the Americans all these different personalities to do what a single Focus defeat Nazis yeah while dogs are unique that issue of we have a shared vision and the vision it I don’t Trump the vision it’s not about me it’s about what we set our Collective mind to and I’ll do anything as your leader to make that happen with you with you and perseverance tenacity I refuse to give up.

Post/Page #69661
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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