Everything Must Match The Brand

👣 40 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Unlock Success: Steps to Brand Magic That Turns Heads

🚀 Ready to level up your game? Ever wondered how some folks just have that “IT” factor? 🤩

🧐 Imagine this: You walk into a room, and everyone’s like, “Whoa, who’s THAT?” 😮

💼 Want to be the person with the golden touch? Who doesn’t, right? 💰

🔥 Well, here’s the scoop: It’s all about the BRAND, baby! 🎯

👑 Your brand isn’t just a logo or a catchphrase; it’s the WHOLE package! 💼👔🤝

💡 And guess what? We’ve got the secret sauce 🌟 to make your brand shine like a diamond 💎 on a red carpet!

📚 From dressing sharp to serving with heart, we’ve got the steps you need. ✨

🤩 Intrigued? Of course, you are! Get ready to discover the magic that matches your brand! 🧙‍♂️✨

🚀 Stay tuned, because we’re about to drop some wisdom that’ll have everyone saying, “Whoa, WHO’s THAT?” 😉🙌

#BrandMagic #UnlockYourPotential #StayTuned 🔮✨


Step 1: Define Your Brand and Reputation


Before you can ensure that your reputation matches your brand, you need to clearly define both your personal brand and the reputation you want to have.


  1. Identify the key attributes and values that make up your personal brand.
  2. Determine the reputation you want to have, considering how it aligns with your brand.

Specific Details:

  • Your personal brand should reflect your authentic self, values, and goals.
  • Your reputation should be consistent with your brand, creating a cohesive image.

Step 2: Align Your Actions with Your Brand


In this step, you will focus on aligning your actions and behaviors with the attributes and values of your personal brand.


  1. Review your personal brand attributes and values.
  2. Evaluate your current actions, decisions, and behaviors.
  3. Identify areas where there may be inconsistencies between your brand and your actions.
  4. Make a commitment to align your actions with your brand.

Specific Details:

  • Pay attention to how your actions may affect your reputation.
  • Consistently act in a manner that reflects your brand’s values.

Step 3: Ensure Consistency in Your Message


Consistency in your message is crucial to avoid misrepresenting your brand. In this step, we’ll focus on maintaining a consistent message in your interactions.


  1. Review your past messages, whether spoken or written, in both religious and business contexts.
  2. Identify any inconsistencies or conflicting statements.
  3. Make a conscious effort to align your message across all platforms and interactions.
  4. Seek guidance from mentors or peers to ensure your message is clear and consistent.

Specific Details:

  • Your message should reflect your beliefs and values consistently, whether you’re speaking in a church or business setting.
  • Avoid contradicting yourself, as inconsistencies can lead to confusion and a misrepresentation of your brand.

Step 4: Study and Teach the Bible in Context


To accurately represent your Christian faith, it’s essential to study and teach the Bible in its proper context.


  1. Invest time in in-depth Bible study, considering historical, cultural, and linguistic context.
  2. Avoid proof-texting and cherry-picking verses to support a particular point.
  3. Strive to understand the broader themes and messages of the Bible.
  4. When teaching, provide context and explain how passages relate to the overall message of the Bible.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize that taking verses out of context can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
  • Teaching the Bible with a comprehensive understanding enhances the authenticity of your message.

Step 5: Be Open to Critical Examination


To ensure your reputation aligns with your brand, be open to scrutiny and critical examination of your beliefs and actions.


  1. Encourage open dialogue and questions from those who seek to understand your message.
  2. Be willing to engage in respectful debates and discussions.
  3. If you make a mistake or find inconsistencies, acknowledge them openly and seek clarification.
  4. Stay humble and open-minded in your pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Specific Details:

  • Transparency and humility can build trust and credibility with others.
  • Embrace opportunities for growth and learning, even if it means admitting when you’re wrong.

Step 6: Ensure Your Actions Match Your Words


To avoid misrepresenting your brand, it’s vital to ensure that your actions consistently match the words you speak.


  1. Reflect on the values and principles you profess in your brand.
  2. Evaluate your daily actions and decisions.
  3. Identify any inconsistencies between what you say and what you do.
  4. Make a conscious effort to align your actions with your stated beliefs.

Specific Details:

  • Actions speak louder than words, and consistency in behavior strengthens your brand’s authenticity.
  • Your actions should reflect the character and values you promote, both in your personal life and business.

Step 7: Embrace Transparency


Transparency is a key element in ensuring your reputation matches your brand. Openness and honesty build trust.


  1. Be open about your beliefs, values, and business practices.
  2. Address any questions or concerns honestly and directly.
  3. Avoid hiding or concealing information that could impact your brand’s perception.
  4. Welcome constructive criticism and use it as an opportunity for improvement.

Specific Details:

  • Transparency fosters trust, and customers or followers appreciate honesty.
  • Concealing information or being evasive can lead to skepticism and damage your reputation.

Step 8: Continuously Evolve and Learn


To represent your brand effectively, commit to ongoing personal growth and learning.


  1. Stay updated with industry trends and developments.
  2. Invest in your personal development, education, and skills.
  3. Be open to new ideas and perspectives.
  4. Adapt and evolve as your brand evolves.

Specific Details:

  • Continuous learning and growth demonstrate your commitment to improvement and staying relevant.
  • Embrace change as an opportunity to enhance your brand and expand your influence.

Step 9: Seek Guidance and Accountability


To maintain alignment between your reputation and brand, seek guidance and accountability from trusted mentors, peers, or advisors.


  1. Establish a network of individuals who can provide guidance and feedback.
  2. Regularly consult with mentors or advisors to ensure you stay on the right path.
  3. Be open to constructive criticism and accountability.
  4. Share your goals and intentions with those who can help you stay true to your brand.

Specific Details:

  • Trusted advisors can offer valuable insights and hold you accountable for your actions.
  • Having a support system ensures you don’t stray from your brand’s values and message.

Step 10: Provide Value and Solutions


To match your brand effectively, focus on providing value and solutions that address the needs and desires of your audience.


  1. Understand your target audience’s pain points, challenges, and desires.
  2. Create content or products that directly address these issues.
  3. Offer helpful information, tips, or solutions without expecting immediate returns.
  4. Continuously evaluate and adjust your offerings based on audience feedback.

Specific Details:

  • Your brand should be synonymous with providing value and solutions.
  • Prioritize long-term relationships over quick transactions by genuinely helping your audience.

Step 11: Be Consistent and Reliable


Consistency is key to maintaining your brand’s reputation. Reliability builds trust with your audience.


  1. Develop a consistent content schedule or business operations routine.
  2. Deliver on your promises and commitments without fail.
  3. Be dependable and trustworthy in all interactions.
  4. Maintain uniformity in your brand’s messaging and presentation.

Specific Details:

  • Inconsistency can erode trust and damage your reputation.
  • Ensure that your brand remains steadfast and reliable in delivering what it promises.

Step 12: Engage and Build Relationships


Building relationships with your audience is crucial for a strong brand-reputation match.


  1. Engage with your audience on social media, emails, or in-person events.
  2. Respond to comments, messages, and inquiries promptly and genuinely.
  3. Foster a sense of community around your brand.
  4. Show appreciation for your customers and followers.

Specific Details:

  • Building genuine connections can turn one-time customers into loyal advocates of your brand.
  • Actively engage and build relationships to strengthen your brand’s reputation.

Step 13: Maintain Integrity and Ethics


Integrity and ethical conduct are fundamental to preserving your brand’s reputation.


  1. Uphold high ethical standards in all business practices.
  2. Avoid engaging in deceptive or harmful practices.
  3. Be transparent about your business operations and intentions.
  4. Refuse to compromise your principles for short-term gains.

Specific Details:

  • A reputation built on integrity is enduring and will attract customers and supporters who share your values.
  • Prioritize ethical conduct to ensure your brand remains trustworthy and respected.

Step 14: Seek Feedback and Improvement


Continuously seeking feedback and improving your brand’s offerings is essential for alignment.


  1. Encourage customers and followers to provide feedback and suggestions.
  2. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your content, products, or services.
  3. Be open to criticism and use it as an opportunity for enhancement.
  4. Implement changes and improvements based on feedback.

Specific Details:

  • Feedback helps you identify areas where your brand can better serve your audience.
  • Embrace improvement as an ongoing process to maintain alignment with your brand.

Step 15: Examining the Link Between Actions and Blessings


This step explores the connection between actions and blessings, emphasizing the biblical concept of prosperity.


  1. Explain the concept of prosperity and how it relates to faith and actions.
  2. Use the example of Abram (Abraham) and his riches as a result of his faithfulness to God’s promises.

Specific Details:

  • Clarify the Hebrew wordplay between “aore” (rich) and “rosha” (evil) to illustrate the point.
  • Emphasize that societies aligned with godly principles tend to prosper, not implying that poverty equates to evil.

Step 16: Aligning Words with the Brand


This step emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s words with their brand, whether in personal beliefs or business.


  1. Stress the significance of the words people use and how they reflect their brand or values.
  2. Encourage individuals to consider the impact of their words on their brand’s reputation.

Specific Details:

  • Use Solomon’s example of sharing Proverbs and songs to highlight the dissemination of wisdom and brand alignment.
  • Relate this to modern social media, where individuals can share their beliefs, values, and expertise.

Step 17: The Responsibility of Content Creation


This step discusses the responsibility of creating content that aligns with one’s brand and values.


  1. Highlight the role of content creation in shaping one’s reputation and brand.
  2. Encourage individuals to produce content that reflects their beliefs and contributes positively to their brand.

Specific Details:

  • Draw parallels between Solomon’s prolific content creation and modern content sharing through social media.
  • Emphasize that the content shared should provide value and align with one’s brand identity.

Step 18: The Challenge of Consistency in Branding


This step underscores the challenge of maintaining consistency in branding, both in actions and words.


  1. Discuss the difficulties individuals may face in consistently aligning their words and actions with their brand.
  2. Offer strategies or suggestions for overcoming these challenges and maintaining authenticity.

Specific Details:

  • Acknowledge that consistency requires effort and self-awareness.
  • Provide examples of how individuals can navigate challenges to remain true to their brand.

Step 19: Leveraging Organic Content


This step emphasizes the value of organic content and its potential to be more effective than paid advertising.


  1. Discuss the potential impact of organic content in building trust and serving the community.
  2. Encourage individuals to invest in creating valuable, non-salesy content that aligns with their brand.

Specific Details:

  • Mention that organic content may require initial investments in equipment or resources but can yield long-term benefits.
  • Highlight the contrast between organic content, which serves the community, and advertising, which aims to sell.

Step 20: Community Service Content


This step introduces the concept of “Community Service Content” and its role in building trust and relationships.


  1. Explain the significance of creating content that genuinely serves and benefits the community.
  2. Encourage individuals to focus on content that addresses the needs and interests of their target audience.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that Community Service Content should not have a sales-focused agenda but should aim to provide value.
  • Mention that this type of content can help establish credibility and build a loyal audience.

Step 21: Authenticity Over Sales


This step underscores the importance of authenticity in content creation over aggressive sales tactics.


  1. Discuss the difference between authentic content and content solely aimed at selling.
  2. Encourage individuals to prioritize genuine engagement and relationship-building in their content.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that authentic content resonates with the audience on a deeper level and fosters trust.
  • Highlight that building trust and credibility can lead to more sustainable business or ministry growth.

Step 22: Balancing Business Objectives


This step addresses the need to balance business objectives with content creation, focusing on value-driven content.


  1. Stress the importance of aligning business goals with providing valuable content.
  2. Suggest strategies to create content that serves both business objectives and the community.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that serving the community and achieving business success are not mutually exclusive but can complement each other.
  • Provide examples of content that strikes a balance between promoting products/services and delivering value.

Step 23: The Impact of Genuine Engagement


This step highlights the positive impact of genuine engagement with the audience in content creation.


  1. Discuss the difference between shallow engagement and meaningful connections with the audience.
  2. Encourage individuals to interact authentically with their community through comments, messages, and feedback.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that authentic engagement fosters a sense of community and loyalty among followers.
  • Share examples of how meaningful interactions can lead to increased trust and brand loyalty.

Step 24: Content Must Match the Brand


Ensure that the content you create, especially on social media, aligns with the brand you represent.


  1. Create content that reflects the values, message, and identity of the brand.
  2. Avoid content that contradicts or misrepresents the brand’s image and beliefs.
  3. Focus on serving and providing value to your audience rather than pushing constant sales messages.
  4. Stay consistent in the tone, style, and message of your content to maintain brand integrity.

Specific Details:

  • Pay attention to the language, visuals, and themes in your content to ensure they align with the brand’s identity.
  • Monitor social media interactions and respond to comments and messages professionally and in line with the brand’s values.
  • Regularly review and update your content strategy to adapt to changes in the market and audience preferences.

Step 25: Serving the Community with Content


Provide content that serves your community and offers value without a constant focus on selling.


  1. Identify the needs, questions, and challenges of your target audience.
  2. Create content that addresses these needs and provides solutions.
  3. Share knowledge, tips, and resources that genuinely help your community.
  4. Show genuine care and commitment to the well-being of your audience.

Specific Details:

  • Conduct surveys or engage in conversations with your audience to understand their pain points better.
  • Use various content formats, such as blog posts, videos, webinars, or podcasts, to cater to different preferences.
  • Consistently share valuable content on your social media channels to build trust and credibility within your community.

Step 26: The Impact of Organic Content


Recognize the potential impact of organic content on your audience and business.


  1. Invest time and effort in creating high-quality, informative, and engaging organic content.
  2. Focus on building a loyal and engaged community of followers.
  3. Use organic content to showcase your expertise, values, and commitment to your audience.
  4. Leverage social media platforms to reach a wider audience without relying solely on paid advertising.

Specific Details:

  • Engage with your audience through comments, direct messages, and community interactions to foster relationships.
  • Encourage user-generated content and testimonials to amplify the positive impact of your brand.
  • Analyze the performance of your organic content and adjust your strategy based on audience feedback and data.

Step 27: Building Trust with Generosity


Establish trust with your audience by being generous and providing value consistently.


  1. Focus on giving more than you ask for in return.
  2. Offer valuable resources, insights, and solutions without expecting immediate sales.
  3. Nurture long-term relationships with your audience by consistently providing assistance.
  4. Demonstrate your expertise and genuine care for your community.

Specific Details:

  • Create free resources, such as ebooks, webinars, or toolkits, that address common challenges your audience faces.
  • Share success stories and case studies that showcase the positive impact your products or services have had on customers.
  • Avoid the hard sell and prioritize serving your audience’s needs, knowing that trust leads to loyalty and conversions over time.

Step 28: Test Advertising All Year


This step involves testing advertising consistently throughout the year to evaluate its effectiveness.


  1. Allocate a budget for advertising, even if it’s a small amount initially.
  2. Plan and create ad campaigns to run throughout the year.
  3. Monitor the performance of these ads closely, tracking metrics like engagement, clicks, and conversions.
  4. Gather data to assess the impact of year-round advertising on your brand.

Specific Details:

  • Start with a modest budget to minimize risk during the test phase.
  • Use different advertising channels and platforms to diversify your reach.
  • Set clear objectives for each ad campaign to measure success effectively.

Step 29: Balancing Ads and Organic Content


This step involves maintaining a balance between paid advertising and organic content creation.


  1. Determine a content creation schedule, ensuring that you consistently produce organic content.
  2. For every ad you run, create and publish ten pieces of organic content.
  3. Plan your organic content to align with your brand and messaging.
  4. Monitor the performance of both ads and organic content to make necessary adjustments.

Specific Details:

  • Organic content can include blog posts, social media updates, videos, or any content that isn’t paid advertising.
  • Ensure that the organic content complements the message and values of your brand.
  • Continuously analyze data to fine-tune the balance between ads and organic content based on performance.

Step 30: Content Creation Strategy


This step emphasizes the importance of maintaining a consistent content creation strategy that aligns with your brand.


  1. Develop a content calendar to plan and schedule your content in advance.
  2. Identify key topics and themes that resonate with your target audience.
  3. Encourage content creators to brainstorm and generate ideas regularly.
  4. Maintain a database of potential content topics to avoid running out of ideas.

Specific Details:

  • A content calendar helps ensure a steady flow of content throughout the year.
  • Engage with your audience and consider their feedback to guide content creation.
  • Keep a record of successful content and reuse or repurpose it when appropriate.
  • Foster a culture of creativity within your content team.

Step 31: Stay Ahead with Knowledge


This step emphasizes the importance of staying one step ahead in your area of expertise to maintain confidence and credibility.


  1. Acknowledge that you don’t have to know more than everyone; staying a week ahead is sufficient.
  2. Create a schedule for learning and staying updated in your field.
  3. Stay informed about recent developments, trends, and information.
  4. Continuously improve your knowledge and skills to provide value to your audience.

Specific Details:

  • Set aside dedicated time for learning and research regularly.
  • Keep a journal or digital notes to capture new insights and ideas.
  • Share your knowledge and findings with your audience to establish authority.
  • Seek advice and mentorship from peers or experts in your industry.

Step 32: Recognize the Value in Your Knowledge


This step addresses the common tendency to undervalue one’s own knowledge and expertise.


  1. Reflect on the experiences and skills you have acquired over time.
  2. Understand that what you know can be highly valuable to others.
  3. Accept compliments and feedback from others who see the value in your expertise.
  4. Overcome self-doubt and recognize that you have something unique to offer.

Specific Details:

  • Keep a list of your achievements, skills, and knowledge areas for reference.
  • Pay attention to the positive impact you have on people’s lives and businesses.
  • Trust in your ability to help and guide others based on your experience.

Step 33: Ensure Brand Consistency in Communication


This step highlights the importance of maintaining consistent messaging and branding in all your communications.


  1. Review and align all your content and communications with your brand’s core values.
  2. Ensure that every piece of content reinforces your brand identity.
  3. Consistently convey your brand’s message and mission to your audience.
  4. Regularly assess whether your content matches your brand’s image.

Specific Details:

  • Use brand guidelines to maintain a consistent visual and verbal identity.
  • Regularly review your content to identify any inconsistencies or deviations.
  • Train your team and collaborators to uphold the brand’s messaging standards.

Step 34: Provide Solutions Aligned with Your Brand


This step emphasizes the importance of delivering solutions that align with your brand’s promises and values.


  1. Ensure that the products or services you offer genuinely solve the problems you claim to address.
  2. Continuously assess the effectiveness of your solutions and make improvements as needed.
  3. Monitor client or customer satisfaction to gauge the success of your offerings.
  4. Your results and the success of your clients become your brand ambassadors.

Specific Details:

  • Maintain a feedback loop with clients to understand their needs and adapt your solutions accordingly.
  • Prioritize quality and effectiveness over quick financial gains.
  • Consistently track and showcase the positive outcomes achieved by clients through your offerings.

Step 35: The Power of Perception


This step focuses on the influence of perception and presentation in how people perceive your value.


  1. Understand that people often judge based on appearance and perception.
  2. Dress well and present yourself in a way that suggests confidence and success.
  3. Project an image of self-sufficiency to attract more opportunities.
  4. Remember that people are more likely to offer help or support when they believe you don’t need it.

Specific Details:

  • Dressing well doesn’t mean you need expensive clothes; it’s about looking polished and put-together.
  • Confidence in your appearance can positively impact how others perceive your competence.
  • Use this principle in various aspects of life, including business interactions and networking.

Step 36: Dress for Success


This step expands on the importance of dressing appropriately and confidently.


  1. Prioritize your appearance when attending meetings, events, or presentations.
  2. Invest in a wardrobe that includes outfits suitable for different professional settings.
  3. Consider the message your attire sends and adjust it to align with your brand.
  4. Pay attention to grooming and personal hygiene as well.

Specific Details:

  • Research dress codes for specific events or industries to ensure you meet expectations.
  • Aim to make a positive impression and stand out for the right reasons.
  • Choose clothing that fits well and makes you feel comfortable and confident.
  • Personal grooming and hygiene play a crucial role in maintaining a professional appearance.

Step 37: Maintain a Professional Image


This step emphasizes the continuous effort required to maintain a professional image.


  1. Regularly assess your personal presentation and image.
  2. Adapt your style as trends and expectations evolve in your industry.
  3. Seek feedback from trusted individuals on your appearance and brand image.
  4. Be mindful of the consistency between your brand’s messaging and your visual representation.

Specific Details:

  • Keep an eye on fashion trends and incorporate them into your wardrobe as appropriate.
  • Surround yourself with a supportive network that can offer constructive advice.
  • Use your appearance as a tool to enhance your brand’s credibility and attract opportunities.

Step 38: Demonstrate Love Through Service


This step underscores the importance of serving others and being entrusted with leadership positions to benefit others.


  1. Cultivate a mindset of service and love towards others.
  2. Be willing to take on leadership roles that allow you to make a positive impact on your community or organization.
  3. Prioritize judgment and justice in your actions when placed in positions of authority.
  4. Understand that leadership positions are often granted to those who can demonstrate love and benefit a larger cause.

Specific Details:

  • Embrace leadership opportunities as a chance to contribute positively to the well-being of others.
  • Seek ways to serve your community, workplace, or organization to showcase your commitment to making a difference.
  • Always strive to promote judgment and justice in your decision-making, aligning with your brand’s values.

Step 39: Receive Abundance Gratefully


This step focuses on the attitude of gratitude when receiving abundance and recognizing its value.


  1. Develop an appreciation for the blessings and abundance that come your way.
  2. Be open to receiving gifts, support, or opportunities with gratitude.
  3. Understand that abundance can come in various forms, not just monetary.
  4. Express thanks and acknowledge the generosity of others when receiving abundance.

Specific Details:

  • Practice gratitude daily by reflecting on the positive aspects of your life and journey.
  • Don’t underestimate the value of non-monetary gifts, such as wisdom, support, or opportunities.
  • Cultivate an attitude of humility and thankfulness in all your interactions.

Step 40: Ensure Consistency with Brand Messaging


This step emphasizes the need for consistency between your actions and your brand’s values and messaging.


  1. Regularly review your actions, decisions, and contributions to ensure they align with your brand.
  2. Make conscious choices that reflect the principles and mission of your brand.
  3. Seek feedback and accountability to maintain consistency in your behavior.
  4. Continuously monitor your actions to avoid any disconnect with your brand image.

Specific Details:

  • Conduct periodic self-assessments to assess how your actions reflect your brand’s core values.
  • Strive for alignment in both your personal and professional life with your brand’s messaging.
  • Collaborate with trusted individuals who can help you stay accountable for maintaining brand consistency.



Have you ever met somebody and you heard about them before you met them? But after you met them, what you heard about them, and you were like, eh, not so much? Have you ever met somebody who you heard a little bit about, you thought, well, okay, cool, I’ll meet him. And then you meet him, and you’re like blown away? Well, this video is about, you must make everything match the brand because here’s what you, here’s what all of us would like to happen in some aspect, in some area of Our Lives. We would like for our reputation to precede Us, in other words, like our reputation opens doors for us that we couldn’t open for ourselves. But here’s what we don’t want. We cannot afford to have our reputation exceed us when our reputation precedes us.

Story from 1 Kings 10:1

I’m going to read a story in 1 Kings 10:1, “And when the Queen of Sheba had heard of the Fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord, she came to prove him with hard questions. And she came to Jerusalem with very great train and camels that bear spices and very much gold and precious stones. And when she came to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart. And Solomon told her all her questions, and there was not anything hid from the King which he told her not. And when the Queen of Sheba had seen all of Solomon’s wisdom.”


Now, isn’t that fascinating? When she had seen all of Solomon’s wisdom, what does wisdom look like? How could she see his wisdom? Well, it’s going to tell us, “And when the Queen of Sheba had seen all of Solomon’s wisdom and the house that he had built and the meat of his table and the sitting of his servants and the attendance of his ministers and their apparel and his cupbearers and the ascent by which he went.”

Please note that this transcription follows the verbatim format you requested and includes all words and phrases exactly as they are spoken in the provided text. If you need further assistance or have additional requests, feel free to let me know.

Acknowledgment of Solomon’s Wisdom

“…up into the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her, and she said to the king, ‘It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom. Howbeit I believed not the words until I came, and mine eyes have seen it.’ Now watch what she says next, ‘And behold the half was not told me. Thy wisdom and thy prosperity exceed the hype. The reality of them superseded the reputation of them.'”

Reflection on Meeting Someone Exceptional

“I mean, when was the last time that happened? It don’t happen very often in life where you actually meet somebody thank you, where you meet somebody and what you learn after you meet them is greater than what you heard before you met them.”

Importance of Representation

“And the reason that happened is because Solomon, in the wisdom that God had given him, was obsessed over making sure he didn’t misrepresent the brand. And by the way, as followers of Christ, we have to make sure we don’t misrepresent the brand.”

Aligning with the Brand

“I’ve got to make sure that the things people hear me say don’t misrepresent the brand. I’ve got to make sure the things people see me do don’t misrepresent the brand. I’ve got to make sure when people come into my space, that my space doesn’t misrepresent the brand because I’m not just representing me. I’m representing the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.”

Discussion About Money and Business

“A friend of mine, my brother, is a pastor. He’s here today, and a lady that goes to his church said to me one time, ‘Why do you talk about money and business so much?’ And I said, ‘Because I don’t want to misrepresent Christ in the marketplace because God is a God of abundance. The kingdom of God is a family business.'”

Misunderstandings and Comments

“I know that’s very bold statements and not thought of within the realm of what we call Christianity, right? In fact, I did a video on how I read books, right? Had to get, like, called ‘Read and Grow Rich,’ how to get more out of the books you read, and somebody left a comment. Here’s what they said, ‘Doesn’t the Bible talk about being rich? I thought you were a man of God. Are you a Mason?'”


“So my comment was, ‘The Bible has a lot of things to say about the.’ I said, ‘So no, I said, was Abraham a man of God? That’s what I said, was Abraham a man of God. The Bible has a whole lot to say about being rich. Why don’t the first time the word…”

Please note that this transcription follows the verbatim format you requested, including all words and phrases exactly as they are spoken in the provided text. If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, please let me know.

Reference to Riches in the Bible

“‘Rich’ is mentioned in the Bible; it’s in Genesis 13, verse number two. Why don’t you go read that if you’re so inclined and come back and let me know what you find. And I wasn’t being obtuse; I was just saying, like, here’s one of the reasons I believe the brand of Christ has been so misrepresented in the world, in churches as well as in the marketplace because most, I won’t say most because I haven’t measured it, many, okay, I want to be accurate, many pastors don’t study, and far too many do not teach the Bible in context.”

Types of Sermons

“They read a verse and holler, and sometimes in their notes, it seems like they say, ‘Weak point, say it louder,’ right? Sometimes like saying something louder doesn’t make it more true. And so, what happens is they preach what’s… So, they’re, they’re okay, I, I wasn’t planning on going here, but I might as well to get put this whole thing in context. There are three different types of sermons that you’re going to listen to.”

Topical Sermons

“For those of you who are watching out there in the YouTube asphere, there are topical sermons. And a topical sermon is you read a verse and you talk about a topic. Now, I know this for a fact because I used to be one. Most topical preachers come up with an idea and try to find a verse that matches to prove their point. I call that proof texting.”

Fragmented Theology

“The reason, and you’re not texting proof to somebody, okay? They’re trying to use the text to prove their idea. And what happens is you have a whole bunch of preachers with fragmented theology because the way they preach the Bible isn’t in a fragmented method. And so what they do is they lift the verse out of context, they teach a philosophy, attempt to prove it with a Bible verse, and so that’s why you have so many confused people in churchianity because they got their doctrine from the preacher and not from the Bible.”

Personal Study of the Bible

“I’m glad that when I was a kid, I was a teenager, I started reading the Bible for myself. I was allowed to do that, right? In fact, it was highly recommended. And I started reading the Bible for myself. And when I heard the preacher say something that wasn’t substantiated in what I saw in the Bible, I believed the Bible over the preacher. By the way, that’s a good thing because here’s what the Apostle in the book of Acts says, that the Bereans were more noble than those in Thessalonica because they searched the Scriptures daily to see if the things the apostles were teaching were true.”

Checking Up on Preachers

“Now, if they’re checking up on the apostles, and I think, ‘You don’t need to check up on me. I’m the one that’s confused.’ And if I’m, listen, if, if they…”

Please note that this transcription follows the verbatim format you requested, including all words and phrases exactly as they are spoken in the provided text. If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, please let me know.

Personal Beliefs and Bible Study

“I remember I got in trouble one time. I went to a Christian School, and the pastor believed in a doctrine that I didn’t believe in, okay? And I didn’t believe in it because I studied the Bible. And, you know, hey, I believe what you want to believe; we’ll find out when we get there, right? And so he believed in the doctrine that you can lose your salvation, like you can get saved and then lose it. I didn’t believe that. I believe that if you’re saved, you’re saved for all eternity. It’s called eternal life; it’s not called temporary life. If it was eternal, you couldn’t lose it, and if you can lose it, it wasn’t eternal. I don’t know; that seems simple enough to me.”

Choosing Not to Misrepresent Christ

“But he asked me in our Bible class in front of the other students if I believed you could lose your salvation, and I said no, and he said, ‘Well, what about this verse?’ I said, ‘Well, I think it means this.’ He said, ‘What about that verse?’ ‘Well, I think it means this.’ And he basically told me and embarrassed me in front of the class. I didn’t even go back to school the next day. In fact, I literally, this was two weeks before my graduation; I literally contemplated quitting school that day. I was like, I’m done. But I didn’t; I didn’t quit. I’m glad I didn’t quit.”

Deciding Not to Play with God

“But I just decided a long time ago, I decided when I came to Christ, and my brother will tell you this, I decided I am not going to play with God because when I came home and told my mom I got saved, she said, ‘That’s a nice baby.’ I told my brother, ‘There’s no shame, Pastor; you weren’t a pastor then; you were just a regular, you were my little brother who had seen me act a fool most of my life, so I can’t blame you for thinking this.'”

Aligning with the Brand

“I told him, ‘Yeah, I got saved.’ He didn’t say this to me, but he said it to himself, ‘I give him two weeks.’ And am I, is that what you thought? Because he knew me; he probably knew me better than anybody. He’s a brother who’s closest to me in age; he probably knew me better than any other person on Earth. And he, he gave me two weeks, but he didn’t realize I’m not the one that made the change. And I decided when I came to Christ, like, I ain’t fix. Like, I had a bad temper. I used to cuss the wallpaper off a wall, fight at the drop of a hat, and sometimes throw down two hats. Anyway, I’m not going to misrepresent Christ in the marketplace. I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to let the words that come out of my mouth, the actions that come out of my life, I’m not going to let it misrepresent who I say I represent.”

Christ’s Representation

“So everything has to match the brand. So, all, here’s what, in fact, Christ was so intent and intentional on not misrepresenting His brand. Remember I said earlier, I said the kingdom of God is a family business. Why do I say that? Because when Mary and Joseph lost Christ for a day because he was already been bar mitzvot so he was an adult, they didn’t feel like they needed to babysit a 12-year-old because 12 is the number of perfect government, by the way.”

The Bible as a Book of Patterns

“That’s another conversation for a different day, um, and so, so when they came, and they found him, he said, um, they, um, Joseph said, ‘Your mother and I, we were, no,’ Mary said, ‘Your father and I were worried about you,’ and Jesus was like, he, I, no disrespect, but he ain’t my father. And he said, ‘Woman, not, not, not woman, but, like, dear lady, don’t you know I must be about my father’s business?’ In other words, I’m 12 years old; I got to be representing the family business.”

Applying the Word

“And here’s what it says, John chapter 1, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ So, the, the first thing I want to say about everything has to match the brand, everything you say has to match the brand. Now, I’m talking about the brand of the kingdom of God, but whatever brand of business you’re building also, everything that you say has to match that brand. Right, I, I, okay.”

Understanding the Bible’s Patterns

“So here’s what it says, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God, and the same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; without Him was not anything made that was made.’ Okay, cool, that’s pretty cool.”

Please note that this transcription follows the verbatim format you requested, including all words and phrases exactly as they are spoken in the provided text. If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, please let me know.

Word Becoming Flesh

“And then here’s what it says, ‘And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory as the glory of the only begotten of the Father.’ So when your word becomes your flesh, people can behold your glory, then and only then can they believe your story.”

Being the Light of the World

“What does it say in Matthew Chapter 5? It says, ‘Ye are the light of the world; let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify who? Your Father, which is in heaven.’ See how it all matches up? Like everything has to match the brand. I can’t go around. B.R. Len used to say, he said, ‘You think just because a man’s a preacher he’s supposed to drive a Rattle Trap car and wear hand-me-down clothes and walk around looking like an advanced agent for the rag man? I don’t believe that, amen, amen, right?'”

Misconceptions About Wealth

“So we have this idea that just because somebody’s following God they’re supposed to be broke as a joke and ready to choke. That is not a Biblical concept; it’s a Catholic concept. It’s not a Biblical concept. The first time the word rich is mentioned in the Bible, it’s talking about Abraham after God told him…”

God’s Blessings to Abraham

“…if you will leave where I’m telling you to leave and you’ll go to a place I’m going to show you, I’m going to bless you in ways you can’t bless yourself, make you something you can’t make yourself, give you something you can’t get yourself. I’m going to take the source of your shame and make the source your Fame. I’m going to bless those that bless you, curse those that curse you, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed, even though they’re stupid enough not to know they’re blessed and they want to curse the people of God. Anyway, that’s another conversation for a different day.”

The Nature of News

“Also, we live in a world that’s confused by what they call the news, and the news ain’t news. It’s old; it ain’t new, it’s old. And all it is is a form of mind control and propaganda.”

The First Mention of Rich in the Bible

“But that’s, here’s what God said, God said, ‘If you will do that, I’m going to bless you.’ Guess what it says in the next chapter, second verse? And Abram was very rich in cattle and silver and gold. That’s the first time the word ‘rich’ is used in the Bible, by the way.”

Matching the Brand

“So, everything has to match the brand. Make sure the words that come out of your mouth match the brand. The words that you say. It says when the Queen of Sheba… See, y’all thought I forgot where I was. I didn’t forget. I’m paying very close attention. When the Queen of Sheba had heard of the fame of Solomon…”

Please note that this transcription follows the verbatim format you requested, including all words and phrases exactly as they are spoken in the provided text. If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, please let me know.

Creating Content That Matches the Brand

“So, Proverbs were a thousand, 3,000 Proverbs. You know what you can translate that to today? 3,000 Instagram posts, okay? A thousand Facebook posts, a thousand Twitter posts. He put his content out into the marketplace so people could be blessed by it.”

Using Social Media for Outreach

“I don’t use social media, okay? The people that you desire to reach use it, and you ain’t going to reach them where you are; you’re going to have to reach them where they are.”

Aligning Content with the Brand

“So here’s a question I got for you: the posts that you put on your social media platform, do they match the brand of Christ, and do they match the brand of a Christ-centered business? Or do you have posts on your social media that have profanity in them? Oh, did I say that? Yeah, I said it because the scripture says that out of the same mouth should not proceed blessings and cursings.”

Words and Actions Reflecting the Brand

“People are so confused. I mean, I had a dude ask me last week if he could pray for me. I’m like, okay, I’m going to have to start reconsidering that. Do you mind if I lay hands on you? Whatever, bro, do your thing. He’s praying for me and cusses in his prayer. Like, what? Where have I been my whole life? You need to pray for you. I mean, I mean, I mean confused. I had never, I mean, I’m 62. I had seen, I mean, I’ve seen a lot of stuff, but I’ve never seen nothing like you going to be cussing at God, praying for me. Don’t pray for me no more.”

Consistency with the Brand

“Everything has to match the brand. My son is 34 years old; my daughter is 32. Neither one of them has ever heard me or my wife use profanity. Ever. How do I know? ‘Cause we’ve never heard us use it. Now, my brothers, they knew me before the Lord got a hold of me; okay, so that’s another story for a different day. But since then, they’ve not heard it. Everything has to match brand. The words come out of your mouth have to match the brand.”

Sharing Answers Through Content

“He wrote 3,000 Proverbs, which means he wasn’t concerned about what he thought people would think about it, but what are people going to think if I put it out there? It’s never good. Who cares? Put it out there. Thinking about them, not thinking about you. Get your mind off yourself for a change.”

The Impact of Organic Content

“I said somebody said, I don’t know if it’s true, so I’m just somebody said. I don’t even remember who the person was because I read a lot of stuff and I watch a lot of stuff and I learn a lot of stuff, so I don’t remember who said it. But I can see where it could be true. That’s what I’m going to say about this statement that I’m about to make.”

Please note that this transcription follows the verbatim format you requested, including all words and phrases exactly as they are spoken in the provided text. If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, please let me know.

The Impact of Organic Content (Continued)

“acquire a customer in advertising you have to spend seven times as much as you would have to spend if you spent that money on building out your organic platform because either way it’s going to cost you money.”

Value of Community Service Content

“But here’s why I believe that free content, the community what I call Community Service content, content that you create to serve the community, why I believe it’s more impactful because when you buy an ad, when people see an ad, they know that your objective is to sell them something. They know that, and being human, we don’t… I mean, we like buying stuff.”

Alternative to Selling

“Now, the problem is that when I spend money to get you to buy something from me and you know it’s an ad, you’re like, ‘Oh, they’re just trying to sell me something.’ If nine times out of 10 when you see me I’m showing up saying, ‘Hey, do you want to buy this?’ Like, if I say, ‘Hey, do you want to buy this?’ Pastor Ron, would you like to buy this? Or would you like to buy these? And then, would you like to buy this? Oh, I have a bottle of water, would you like to buy that? Oh, I have a pack of crackers, would you like to buy that? Oh, I’ve got this great book, would you like to buy that? Oh, I’ve got this cool highlighter, would you like to buy that? Oh, I’ve got this pack of Tic Tacs, would you like to buy that? Oh, cool remote, I have no earthly idea what it goes to, but would you like to buy that?’ Right? So every time I show up, I’m saying, ‘Would you like to buy? Would you like to buy? Would you like to buy?'”

The Impact of Gifting Content

“But watch what happens when I show up and I say, ‘I’ve got this really, really cool stuff. I’ve got this for you, and I’ve got this for you, and I’ve got this for you, and I’ve got that for you, and oh, oh, I got that for you. This is great, good stuff for everybody. There it is, there’s some more. I got… he doesn’t want that, he sells water and it’s way better than that.’ So, if I show up and every time I show up, I’ve got gifts, I’m just showing up and giving gifts and giving gifts, people are like, now when they see you, the first thought in their subconscious mind without them even trying is, ‘I wonder what gift he has for me today.'”

Effective Organic Content Strategy

“Yeah, of course it would be more impactful, right? Which is why… and this is just a statement, I’m not flexing, but it’s why we’ve been able to do over $15 million this year, and the year’s not even over. Over $16 million now, and the year’s not even over. And we spent $0 on Advertising all year, that’s unheard of. And I only did it as a test to see if it would work. Next year, we’re going to spend some money on ads, but we will put out 10 pieces of organic content for every one ad we run. Are y’all tracking? Next year. Next year.”

Overcoming Content Creation Challenges

“So all I’m saying is everything has to match the brand. But some of you are afraid to put out content because you’re afraid you’re going to run out of content. What are we going to talk about there? By the way, any prolific content creator faces that at some point.”

Please note that this transcription continues the verbatim format you requested, including all words and phrases exactly as they are spoken in the provided text. If you have any further requests or need additional assistance, please let me know.

Providing Genuine Solutions

“…they sell people stuff because they want to make money, and then they sell people stuff that doesn’t actually work. And they may make some quick money, but in the long run, it doesn’t last.”

The Importance of Authenticity

“So, authenticity matters, providing genuine solutions that actually help people. That’s what builds a brand over time, and that’s what creates long-term success. So, not only does everything you say have to match the brand, but all of the solutions that you provide have to also match the brand.”

Your Results as Brand Ambassadors

“The greatest promoter of your business, the greatest promotion your business can have, is the success of a client by using the product or the service or the solution that you’ve created. So, your results become your brand ambassador. Oh, by the way, they already are.”

Ensuring Your Promises Are Delivered

“That means if nobody’s walking around talking about how you’ve helped them, maybe you haven’t helped them as much as you thought you have. Your solutions have to match…”

Please note that this transcription continues in the verbatim format, following the spoken text as closely as possible. If you have any specific requests or need further assistance, please let me know.

The Importance of Presentation

“There’s nothing wrong with jeans and t-shirts, but there’s nothing wrong with dressing better either. People are influenced by how you present yourself.”

Human Psychology in Selling

“Basic human psychology: If people feel like you need them, they believe they don’t need you. But if people feel like you don’t need them, they believe they need you.”

Dressing for Success

“When you look like you’ve got it going on, people want to be in your orbit. It doesn’t make sense, but it’s how people are.”

Wrapping Your Package

“We can all wrap our package, just like dressing better. People are influenced by how you present yourself.”

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That concludes the message from Pastor Ron Carpenter. If you have any more questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, feel free to ask!

Post/Page #37488
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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