Boss Moves Myron Golden | Book Summary | Myron Golden Boss Moves Book Part II

👣 18 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Unlock Your Potential: Game-Changing Steps to Success

🚀 Ready to level up in life, buddy? 🤔 Ever felt overwhelmed or like you’re just spinning your wheels? 😫

Here’s the scoop! 🍦 Success ain’t just about hustle and grind or money and fame. 🤑 It starts right upstairs – in your head! 🧠

Imagine this: You’ve got a ’67 Mustang 🚗, but you can’t find the keys 🔑 to drive it! Well, that’s life when you’re at the “unconscious incompetence” level. 😂

You know how to put the pedal to the metal, but can’t quite rev that engine! 🚀

Or maybe you’re like that 14-year-old who’s got the car manual memorized but can’t start the engine! 📚🚙

That’s the “conscious incompetence” stage, pal. You’re getting there! 💪

Fast forward, you’re 25 🎂, cruising down the highway 🛣️, and driving feels like second nature! 🎉

You’re at the “conscious competence” phase! You’re smooth as butter 🧈, and it’s all coming together. 😎

Finally, you’re a seasoned pro at 30. 🚀 You can drive, text, AND sing along to your fav tunes! 🎶

Unconscious competence – it’s a breeze! 🌬️

But, here’s the twist! 🌀

To reach the top, you’ve gotta clear some hurdles. Like cutting loose the dead weight ⚖️ (internal conflicts), ditching those tabloids 📰 (cultural indoctrination), and unfollowing the celeb drama! 😅🚫

Remember, you don’t need 100% of grapes 🍇 when you can have 50% of watermelon 🍉 and CRUSH it together! Team up, partner, and conquer! 💥

Now, you’ve got the keys, the wheels, and a GPS 🗺️ to success! 🌟

But it’s not just about the ride, it’s about your legacy! 🌳

Leave behind more than just tire tracks 🚗 – build a roadmap for the next generation! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🌍

Time’s ticking ⏰, buddy! So, grab the wheel and let’s hit the road to success together! 🛣️🏁

Ready to dive into the nitty-gritty? Check out our game-changing steps! 🚀 #SuccessUnleashed #LevelUpNow 💯


Step 1: Developing the Right Mindset


Building a million-dollar business starts with the right mindset. It’s not about money, leads, or customers; it’s about having the right mindset to achieve success.


  1. Recognize the importance of mindset: Understand that the right mindset is the foundation for success in business.
  2. Focus on mindset change: Acknowledge that when your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change as well.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that it’s not just about the external factors like money, leads, or team, but your internal mindset that drives success.

Step 2: Viewing Learning as a Game of Levels


Learning effectively involves viewing it as a game of levels, akin to progressing through a game with different stages.


  1. Analyze your current level: Assess your current knowledge and skills related to the subject you want to learn.
  2. Break down learning into levels: Divide your learning process into distinct levels or stages.

Specific Details:

  • Compare your current knowledge to a 7-year-old trying to drive a car – unconscious incompetence (unaware and lacking proficiency).
  • As you gain knowledge but still can’t apply it practically, you’re at the stage of conscious incompetence (aware but not proficient).
  • With practice, you reach conscious competence, where you can perform the skill but with effort.
  • Ultimately, aim for unconscious competence, where performing the skill becomes automatic.

Step 3: Eliminating Internal Conflicts


To accelerate your learning, you must eliminate internal conflicts, such as doubts and overwhelming feelings, which can create resistance.


  1. Recognize internal conflicts: Identify doubts and overwhelming thoughts that hinder your learning process.
  2. Actively work on eliminating them: Develop strategies to overcome doubts and manage overwhelming feelings.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you are about to level up, not a reason to quit.
  • Internal conflicts can manifest as resistance when trying to learn something new, so actively address them.

Step 4: Sacrificing Lower Nature for Higher Nature


Sacrifice involves letting go of something of lower nature in your life to make room for something of higher nature, facilitating your learning and growth.


  1. Identify lower-nature elements: Recognize aspects of your life that are holding you back or hindering your progress.
  2. Eliminate lower-nature elements: Take proactive steps to eliminate or reduce these hindrances.

Specific Details:

  • Sacrifice is not about giving up what you desire but about releasing things that hold you back.
  • Internal conflicts, doubts, and resistance are examples of lower-nature elements that may need to be sacrificed to make room for growth.

Step 5: Eliminate Negative Self-Talk and Overwhelm


Eliminating negative self-talk and the feeling of being overwhelmed is crucial to your success.


  1. Monitor self-talk: Pay attention to sentences like “I am overwhelmed” or “I am scared” and replace them with positive affirmations.
  2. Change your perspective: Recognize that overwhelm is a sign that you’re preparing to level up.

Specific Details:

  • Overcoming overwhelm and negative self-talk is essential for maintaining a positive mindset.

Step 6: Focus on Learning One Thing at a Time


Avoid the trap of busyness without productivity by concentrating on mastering one skill at a time.


  1. Identify key skills: Determine the essential skills or knowledge you need to succeed in your business.
  2. Prioritize and learn sequentially: Focus on mastering one skill completely before moving on to the next.

Specific Details:

  • Many tasks in your business may not yield results because you haven’t mastered the foundational skills.

Step 7: Eliminate Cultural Indoctrination


Cultural indoctrination can limit your belief in your ability to build a million-dollar business. It’s important to break free from societal perspectives.


  1. Identify societal influences: Recognize when societal views are negatively impacting your goals and beliefs.
  2. Limit exposure: Reduce or eliminate exposure to negative cultural influences such as news, magazines, or social media.

Specific Details:

  • Cultural indoctrination often discourages you from pursuing ambitious goals. Avoid allowing these influences to shape your mindset.

Step 8: Eliminate Minor Relationships


Focusing on minor relationships, like excessive fandom, can distract you from your goals. It’s essential to prioritize meaningful connections.


  1. Identify minor relationships: Recognize relationships that aren’t contributing to your personal or business growth.
  2. Shift focus: Redirect your attention and energy towards meaningful relationships and connections.

Specific Details:

  • Minor relationships can consume time and energy that could be better invested in your business and personal development.

Step 9: Understand the Dual Nature of Work


Work has two sides, working for you and working on you. Recognize this duality to make the most of your efforts.


  1. Evaluate your work: Analyze whether the work you’re doing is working for you or working on your character and development.
  2. Adjust your approach: Ensure that the work you engage in ultimately benefits your goals and growth.

Specific Details:

  • Some tasks may initially seem unproductive but contribute to your personal growth and character development.

Step 10: Master One Level Before Moving On


Before advancing to the next level of learning, it’s crucial to master one level thoroughly. Clarity about the basics is essential.


  1. Identify your current level: Assess your proficiency and understanding of the subject or skill you’re learning.
  2. Finish what you started: Ensure you have complete mastery at one level before venturing to the next.

Specific Details:

  • Gaining clarity about the basics is fundamental to building a strong foundation for further learning and growth.

Step 11: Model Success and Belief Systems


To achieve success, model the belief systems and thought patterns of those who have already reached the level of success you desire.


  1. Identify successful role models: Find individuals who have achieved the success you aspire to.
  2. Adopt their beliefs: Trust and adopt the belief systems and thought processes of your chosen role models.

Specific Details:

  • Trusting and adopting the beliefs of successful individuals can help you align your mindset with their path to success.

Step 12: Recognize the Importance of Partnerships


Building successful businesses often involves partnerships and collaborations with individuals who complement your skills and abilities.


  1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses: Assess your skills and areas where you may need assistance.
  2. Seek suitable partners: Look for individuals who have skills or expertise that complement yours.

Specific Details:

  • Examples like Russell Brunson and Todd Dickerson (ClickFunnels) or Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs (Apple) showcase the power of partnerships in creating successful ventures.

Step 13: Make Your Main Thing Your Back End


Shift your business approach by making your core product or service the “back end” and create information products for the “front end.”


  1. Define your core offering: Identify your primary product or service that forms the backbone of your business.
  2. Develop front-end information products: Create additional products or content to attract and engage your target audience.

Specific Details:

  • This strategy can change your business dynamics and lead to significant growth and revenue.

Step 14: Partner and Collaborate to Grow


Leverage partnerships and collaborations to expand your business, increase brand visibility, and fill skill gaps.


  1. Identify collaboration opportunities: Look for individuals or organizations that align with your business goals.
  2. Build a strong team: Assemble a team of talented individuals who can help you bridge skill gaps and achieve your objectives.

Specific Details:

  • Partnering with the right people can open up new opportunities and accelerate your business growth.

Step 15: Focus on a Simple Life and Purpose


Simplify your life and prioritize your purpose. Material possessions may not be as important as aligning with your life’s mission.


  1. Prioritize your life’s mission: Reflect on your purpose and prioritize it over material possessions.
  2. Live a simple life: Embrace simplicity and focus on what truly matters.

Specific Details:

  • You don’t need extravagant possessions to fulfill your purpose or achieve success.

Step 16: Yield Your Life to a Higher Purpose


Recognize the importance of a higher purpose in your life, whether it’s a spiritual belief or a commitment to serving others.


  1. Connect with your higher purpose: Identify your spiritual beliefs or principles that guide your actions.
  2. Serve and impact others: Use your business and life to make a positive impact on those around you.

Specific Details:

  • Serving a higher purpose can provide fulfillment and direction in both your personal and business life.

Step 17: Value Time Above Money


Understand that time is more valuable than money and prioritize your time management to achieve your goals.


  1. Prioritize time management: Organize your daily activities and tasks to make the most of your time.
  2. Value time as a precious resource: Recognize that time is limited and should be invested wisely.

Specific Details:

  • Time is a finite resource, and how you use it can significantly impact your business and life.

Step 18: Leave a Legacy


Consider your legacy and how you can make a lasting impact by leaving something valuable for the next generation.


  1. Plan for your legacy: Think about what you can leave behind that will benefit future generations.
  2. Serve and impact: Continue to serve others and change lives, ensuring your impact extends beyond your lifetime.

Specific Details:

  • Legacy isn’t just about financial wealth but also the positive influence and contributions you leave for those who follow.


Topic: Building a Million Dollar Business Mindset

Welcome to the second part of the “Boss Moves” book summary. Do you know the most important thing to build a million-dollar business? It is not money, it is not leads or customers, it is not about the team, and it is not about the brand. It is the mindset. It is important to have the right mindset to grow a million-dollar business. Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.

Importance of Mindset

In this section, we’re mostly going to cover mindset. If you have not watched the first part, then I highly recommend you to watch the first part; the link will be given in the I-button and even in the description of this video. So, make sure you check out and watch the video till the end. If you want to buy this book, I’ll be putting the link in the description of this video.

Levels of Learning

Have you ever felt overwhelmed watching video after video and you cannot implement them? The simple reason behind that is you don’t know how to learn things. Think of learning as a game of levels. In the game, we have level 1, level 2, level 3, and similarly, we need to think of learning as a game of levels. Learning is like an elevator; it takes you from one floor to another floor. If you want to learn, you need to elevate, and when you are elevating, you are learning something. So, the faster you learn, the more you earn.

There are basically four levels of learning, or you can say there are four stages of learning. I am going to explain these four levels with an example:

  1. Unconscious Incompetence: If you tell a 7-year-old kid to drive a car, do you think they will be able to drive the car? Definitely not. The simple reason behind this is that the kid doesn’t have knowledge about driving a car and also cannot drive the car. In this situation, we call it unconscious incompetence, which means you are unaware of the skill and you lack proficiency.
  2. Conscious Incompetence: The same kid grows up to be 14 years old, and now they have knowledge about how to drive a car but cannot actually drive it. They know what a gear, clutch, and accelerator are, and how to use them, but practically, they cannot drive the car. This stage is called conscious incompetence, which means you are aware of the skill but not proficient in it.
  3. Conscious Competence: When the kid becomes an 18-year-old, they know how to drive the car and can drive it with an instructor sitting beside them. They are very conscious and careful while using the accelerator, gear, and clutch because they are still in the learning phase. In this stage, we call it conscious competence, which means you are able to use the skill but only with effort.
  4. Unconscious Competence: The guy then becomes a 25-year-old, and now driving is so easy for him. He can drive the car while listening, talking to someone, or even making a phone call. It has become automatic for him; he can drive without putting in any effort. In this stage of learning, we call it unconscious competence, where performing the skill becomes automatic.

Eliminate to Elevate

If you want to learn something faster, then you need to eliminate something from your life. Here, Myron Golden says, “I once read…”

Topic: Eliminating Obstacles for Business Success

Myron Golden, in his book “Boss Moves,” emphasizes the importance of the right mindset to build a million-dollar business. He discusses the need to eliminate certain obstacles in your path to success.

Sacrifice and Mindset

Sacrifice, as Myron Golden defines it, is not giving up something you desire. Instead, it’s about letting go of something of lower nature to hold onto something of higher nature. This concept entails eliminating aspects of your life with a lower nature to make room for higher ones.

Eliminating Internal Conflicts

One of the first things Myron advises eliminating is internal conflicts. These conflicts can manifest as doubts and overwhelming feelings when faced with new challenges. Overcoming internal conflicts is crucial because they create resistance when you try to learn something new. Overwhelm is not a sign to quit; it indicates you’re on the verge of leveling up.

Learning and Mastery

Myron introduces the idea that some things in your life may seem too difficult because you haven’t properly learned how to do them. He highlights the importance of mastering one skill at a time rather than attempting to multitask. This mastery is essential because busyness does not equate to productivity. Moving from task to task without mastering the fundamentals can lead to ineffectiveness.

Eliminating Cultural Indoctrination

Cultural indoctrination represents societal perspectives that may hinder your entrepreneurial journey. Society might suggest that building a million-dollar business is unattainable, but Myron advises against heeding such advice. Eliminate cultural indoctrination by avoiding negative news, newspapers, and magazines that perpetuate limiting beliefs.

Control What You Can

Myron underscores the significance of focusing on what you can control in your life. If you cannot fix what’s happening in your world, you cannot expect to control external factors. Shift your focus inward and work on yourself rather than worrying about external circumstances.

Avoiding Distractions

Lastly, Myron discusses the importance of eliminating distractions, such as excessive fascination with celebrities’ lives. Subconsciously focusing on minor matters distracts from what truly makes a difference in people’s lives. It’s crucial to concentrate on serving those who need your help and making a meaningful impact.

By embracing these principles and eliminating these obstacles, Myron Golden suggests that aspiring entrepreneurs can pave the way for building a million-dollar business and achieving their dreams.

Topic: Eliminating Obstacles for Business Success (Continued)

Continuing from where we left off, Myron Golden discusses further aspects of eliminating obstacles for achieving business success.

The Nature of Work

Work, according to Myron, has two sides: the head and the tail. Work that lands on the head is working for you, while work that lands on the tail is working on you. It’s essential to recognize that all work you engage in is either working for you or working on your character. Even when it feels like you’re putting in a lot of effort and not seeing immediate results, this work is building your character for future success.

Eliminating Confusion and Gaining Clarity

Confusion often stems from a lack of clarity. Myron advises mastering one level before moving to the next. Many people struggle because they lack clarity about the basics of what they are learning. Knowing about something is not the same as truly understanding it. Finish what you’ve started before diving into something new. To gain clarity, ask questions, be open to new possibilities, and stop holding yourself back.

Incremental Mastery

Myron introduces the concept of incremental mastery, where you become so proficient at something that it becomes effortless. He emphasizes modeling success from those who have achieved the level of success you desire. To do this effectively, trust the belief system of the person you’re modeling more than your own. Continuously model their beliefs, psychology, and thought processes until you achieve mastery with effortlessness.

The Power of Partnership

Partnership is vital in business success. Myron provides examples of successful partnerships, such as Russell Brunson and Todd Dickerson co-founding ClickFunnels and Steve Wozniak partnering with Steve Jobs to create Apple. He recommends finding a partner with similar qualities or strengths to complement your own. Transform your main business into your back end and create information products for the front end to enhance your business strategy.

The Purpose of Life and Legacy

Myron encourages simplicity in life and advises against excessive materialism. He suggests that the first objective of your business should be to secure your success before indulging in luxury items. Partnering with others and collaborating can help your business grow and increase brand visibility. Myron also speaks about the importance of living life with a purpose, yielding to God, and understanding that time is more valuable than money.


In conclusion, Myron Golden provides valuable insights and practical advice on how to eliminate obstacles and achieve success in building a million-dollar business. By adopting the right mindset, eliminating internal conflicts, mastering skills, and forming partnerships, entrepreneurs can navigate their path to success while living a purpose-driven life and leaving a lasting legacy.

Topic: Leaving a Legacy and Serving Others

Myron Golden concludes this section of the “Boss Moves” book summary with a discussion on the importance of leaving a legacy and serving others.

Leaving a Legacy

Leaving a legacy means building something that will benefit the next generation. It involves creating a foundation so that future generations do not have to start from scratch. Myron emphasizes the significance of impacting not only your life but also the lives of your family and parents. By doing so, you can provide them with a better life and set a solid foundation for the future.

Serving Others

Myron encourages serving the people around you. This act of service can transform and change their lives positively. By making a difference in the lives of others, you not only contribute to their growth and success but also leave a lasting impact on the world.


In conclusion, Myron Golden has shared valuable insights and principles in this second section of the “Boss Moves” book summary. These insights include the importance of mindset, eliminating obstacles, mastering skills, forming partnerships, and leaving a legacy. By adopting these principles and serving others, you can not only achieve success in your business but also make a positive impact on the lives of those around you. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more valuable content, and check out the third part of the summary in the description for continued learning. Thank you for watching.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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