Bible Success Secrets From Genesis 1

👣 75 Innovative Steps: From Content to Conversion!


Unlocking Success: The Crucial Steps Hidden in the Bible

🤩 Hey there, superstar! 🌟 Ever wondered why some folks seem to have life all figured out while others are still searching for the magic formula? 🧙‍♂️ Well, let me spill the beans! 🕺

📚 It all starts with getting your hands on the Ultimate Cheat Code – the 🔑 to unlocking the next level of your life! 🚀 But wait, it’s not a secret spell or a hidden treasure map… it’s something that’s been hiding in plain sight all along! 🤯

💡 Picture this: You, me, and a chat about the Bible 📖. Yep, you heard me right! That ancient book holds the keys to a fulfilling, successful life, and I’m here to show you how. 🗝️

🔥 We’ll dive into the God-given wisdom that’s been right under your nose, but you’ve never realized its potential! 🙌 Get ready to connect the dots between creation, connection, and fulfillment in your life. 🧩

💪 You’re not just another face in the crowd; you’re a CREATOR, a CONNECTOR, and a CONQUEROR! 🏆 Time to level up, my friend. 📈

Curious to know more? Stay tuned, because we’re about to uncover the ultimate life hacks! 🤩🔓 #UltimateCheatCode #UnlockYourPotential #BibleWisdom


Step 1: Define Success


Before delving into the ultimate success secret, it’s essential to define what success means to you. This step ensures clarity and alignment of purpose.


  1. Take time to reflect on your personal definition of success.
  2. Consider what aspects of life, values, or achievements are most important to you.
  3. Write down your definition of success, ensuring it’s clear and concise.

Specific Details:

  • Success can be different for everyone, so make sure your definition resonates with your values and desires.
  • Focus on what truly matters to you, whether it’s personal fulfillment, financial prosperity, meaningful relationships, or other aspects of life.

Step 2: Discover Your Purpose


Discovering your life’s purpose is a crucial part of achieving ultimate success. It provides direction and motivation.


  1. Reflect on your passions, interests, and what brings you fulfillment.
  2. Seek guidance through introspection, self-assessment, or conversations with mentors.
  3. Identify a purpose that aligns with your values and resonates deeply with you.

Specific Details:

  • Be patient during this process; discovering your purpose may take time and self-reflection.
  • Don’t rush to find your purpose; it should be a meaningful and authentic revelation.

Step 3: Develop Yourself


To attain ultimate success, you must continually work on self-improvement to become better prepared for your purpose.


  1. Identify the skills, knowledge, or qualities required to fulfill your purpose.
  2. Invest in personal growth, which may include education, training, or acquiring new skills.
  3. Stay committed to self-improvement and adapt to evolving circumstances.

Specific Details:

  • Set clear goals for self-development, breaking them down into manageable steps.
  • Seek resources, mentors, or courses that can aid in your personal growth journey.

Step 4: Deploy Yourself in Your Purpose


Success is achieved when you actively engage and contribute to your chosen purpose, aligning your actions with your defined goals.


  1. Take concrete steps to apply your skills and fulfill your purpose.
  2. Create an action plan or strategy to achieve your goals.
  3. Stay dedicated and persistent in pursuing your purpose.

Specific Details:

  • Your actions should directly contribute to the realization of your purpose.
  • Regularly evaluate your progress and make adjustments as needed to stay aligned with your purpose.

Step 5: Embrace the Journey


Success may not always come quickly, and there may be setbacks along the way. Embrace the journey, and understand that success is a process.


  1. Be patient and resilient in the face of challenges or delays.
  2. Learn from failures and use them as opportunities for growth.
  3. Stay focused on your purpose and adapt to changing circumstances.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that the path to ultimate success may involve ups and downs, but persistence is key.
  • Keep a positive mindset and view setbacks as valuable learning experiences.

Step 6: Yield Yourself to Your Purpose


Before fully understanding your life’s purpose, you must be willing to yield yourself to it, even without knowing all the details.


  1. Embrace the idea that discovering your purpose may require trust and surrender.
  2. Be open to following your inner calling, even when it seems challenging or uncertain.
  3. Trust that your purpose will become clearer as you commit to it.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that sometimes, you must commit to your purpose before having a complete understanding of it.
  • Show willingness to follow your path, even when it appears difficult or unconventional.

Step 7: Prioritize Decision Over Details


In your pursuit of purpose and success, prioritize making the decision to follow your calling over demanding all the details upfront.


  1. Focus on taking the first step towards your purpose without requiring all the specifics.
  2. Trust that the details will become clearer as you progress on your journey.
  3. Be willing to act on faith, even if you don’t have a full roadmap.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that faith and action often precede complete understanding.
  • Trust that as you take steps in alignment with your purpose, more clarity will come.

Step 8: Align with Divine Guidance


Seek divine guidance and be receptive to the signals and revelations related to your purpose.


  1. Spend time in introspection, prayer, or meditation to connect with your inner guidance.
  2. Be attentive to signs, intuition, or moments of clarity that may guide you toward your purpose.
  3. Cultivate a relationship with your inner self and your understanding of a higher power.

Specific Details:

  • Develop a practice of mindfulness and receptivity to receive insights related to your purpose.
  • Keep a journal to record any thoughts, signs, or intuitions that may be relevant to your journey.

Step 9: Understand the Power of Words


Recognize the significance of words in shaping your reality and achieving success. Words have the power to manifest your intentions.


  1. Be mindful of the words you speak and the thoughts you hold.
  2. Understand that speaking positive affirmations and intentions can bring about positive outcomes.
  3. Embrace the idea that what you declare and believe can shape your reality.

Specific Details:

  • Practice positive self-talk and affirmations that align with your goals and purpose.
  • Consistently use words that reinforce your belief in your abilities and the success you seek.

Step 10: Align Your Actions with Your Words


Your actions should align with the words and intentions you declare. Manifesting success requires congruence between your thoughts, words, and actions.


  1. Ensure that your actions reflect your stated intentions and beliefs.
  2. Avoid contradictory behavior that goes against your declared goals.
  3. Consistently act in accordance with the success you envision.

Specific Details:

  • Regularly assess your actions to ensure they are in harmony with your goals and aspirations.
  • Hold yourself accountable for maintaining alignment between your words and deeds.

Step 11: Dive into Understanding


Delve into a deep understanding of the knowledge and wisdom available to you, as it can enhance your perspective and contribute to your success.


  1. Engage in the study of texts, literature, or resources that expand your knowledge.
  2. Seek to understand the deeper meanings and interpretations of concepts, such as the Bible passages mentioned.
  3. Make learning a lifelong pursuit and embrace opportunities for intellectual growth.

Specific Details:

  • Create a reading list or study plan that aligns with your interests and areas of growth.
  • Reflect on the insights gained from your studies and how they can be applied to your life’s purpose and success journey.

Step 12: Embrace Continuous Learning


Success is an ongoing process that requires a commitment to continuous learning and growth.


  1. Stay curious and open to new ideas, perspectives, and knowledge.
  2. Seek out mentors or experts who can guide you in areas related to your purpose.
  3. Attend seminars, workshops, or educational events to expand your skills and understanding.

Specific Details:

  • Create a personal development plan that outlines your goals for continuous learning.
  • Be proactive in seeking out opportunities to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Step 13: Recognize the Power of Divine Creation


Acknowledge the creative power of God and the significance of His words in shaping the universe. This recognition can inspire your own creative abilities.


  1. Reflect on the passages describing God’s creation in the Bible.
  2. Understand the concept of God speaking things into existence.
  3. Draw inspiration from the idea that words and intention have creative power.

Specific Details:

  • Take time to meditate on the idea that what God spoke into existence became reality.
  • Recognize that your words and intentions also have the power to shape your own reality.

Step 14: Apply the Word of God


Embrace the practice of applying the Word of God in your life, both in actions and attitudes, to align with His divine plan.


  1. Regularly read and study the Bible to gain insight into God’s teachings.
  2. Identify specific guidance and principles from Scripture that apply to your life.
  3. Act upon what you learn from the Word of God, aligning your actions with His will.

Specific Details:

  • Make Bible study a consistent part of your routine to deepen your understanding of God’s guidance.
  • Be intentional about integrating biblical principles into your daily life choices and decisions.

Step 15: Immediate Action and Obedience


Recognize the importance of immediate action and obedience when you encounter God’s instructions or principles in the Bible.


  1. Commit to taking immediate action when you discover guidance in Scripture.
  2. Cultivate a mindset of obedience to God’s Word, aligning your behavior with His teachings.
  3. Understand that prompt obedience leads to favorable outcomes.

Specific Details:

  • Develop a sense of urgency when you encounter biblical guidance, prioritizing its implementation.
  • Reflect on the positive impact of obeying God’s instructions and apply them willingly.

Step 16: Evaluate and Align with God’s Will


Regularly assess your life, actions, and choices to ensure they align with God’s will and teachings.


  1. Conduct periodic self-evaluations to determine if you are living in accordance with God’s Word.
  2. Be open to making necessary adjustments or corrections in your life when misalignment is identified.
  3. Seek guidance and clarity through prayer and spiritual reflection.

Specific Details:

  • Set aside time for self-reflection and prayer to assess your alignment with God’s will.
  • Be proactive in making changes when you identify areas where you have strayed from His teachings.

Step 17: Recognize the Practical Relevance of Faith


Understand that faith in God’s guidance and principles has practical everyday relevance in your life, beyond just religious beliefs.


  1. Shift your perspective to see faith as a practical tool for navigating life’s challenges.
  2. Embrace the idea that faith can lead to extraordinary outcomes, even in seemingly unfavorable circumstances.
  3. Connect your life’s experiences to your faith journey, finding meaning and purpose in your challenges.

Specific Details:

  • View faith as a source of resilience and determination to overcome obstacles.
  • Look for examples in your own life where faith has led to positive results, and use these as motivation.

Step 18: Embrace Unconventional Paths to Success


Recognize that success doesn’t always follow a conventional path, and your unique life experiences and challenges can be assets on your journey.


  1. Acknowledge that your background and life experiences can provide you with a unique perspective and determination.
  2. Embrace your uniqueness and consider it a strength rather than a limitation.
  3. Be open to unconventional approaches to success, guided by your faith and principles.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that your past and challenges can be a source of motivation and drive.
  • Don’t limit yourself to traditional definitions of success; be open to creating your own path.

Step 19: Commit to Learning and Growth


Commit to a lifelong journey of learning, growth, and self-improvement, driven by the pursuit of wisdom and understanding.


  1. Cultivate a hunger for knowledge and wisdom through continuous learning.
  2. Seek out mentors and teachers who can guide you on your journey.
  3. Embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

Specific Details:

  • Develop a reading habit and explore a variety of subjects to broaden your horizons.
  • Recognize that growth often occurs through adversity and challenges.

Step 20: Apply Biblical Principles Practically


Apply the principles and teachings found in the Bible to practical aspects of your life, making them a foundational part of your decision-making.


  1. Identify specific biblical principles that align with your life goals and values.
  2. Integrate these principles into your daily decision-making processes.
  3. Seek guidance from the Bible when faced with challenging decisions or situations.

Specific Details:

  • Regularly reference the Bible for wisdom and guidance on various aspects of life.
  • Keep a journal to record how applying biblical principles has positively impacted your life.

Step 21: Recognize the Power of Principles


Acknowledge the power of principles and wisdom found in the Bible as a guide for practical living and decision-making.


  1. Understand that the Bible offers timeless principles that can be applied to various aspects of life.
  2. Seek to identify and internalize these principles, recognizing their universal applicability.
  3. Embrace the idea that applying biblical principles can lead to a life of fulfillment and purpose.

Specific Details:

  • Regularly reflect on the principles found in the Bible and their relevance to your life.
  • Make a conscious effort to integrate these principles into your daily decisions and actions.

Step 22: Trust in the Bible as a Practical Guide


Trust that the Bible serves as a practical guide for everyday living and decision-making, offering insights that can lead to a better quality of life.


  1. Cultivate trust in the Bible as a reliable source of wisdom and guidance.
  2. Approach the Bible with an open and receptive mindset, ready to glean practical insights.
  3. Test and apply the principles you discover in the Bible to your real-life situations and challenges.

Specific Details:

  • Foster a sense of confidence in the Bible’s ability to provide solutions and direction.
  • Keep a journal of your experiences and observations as you apply biblical principles.

Step 23: Embrace the Role of Fulfillment


Recognize that ultimate success goes beyond material wealth and encompasses a sense of fulfillment and purpose derived from living in alignment with your divine calling.


  1. Shift your focus from external measures of success to internal fulfillment and purpose.
  2. Understand that discovering and living your divine purpose is a journey worth pursuing.
  3. Embrace the idea that a fulfilled life is a successful life, regardless of external circumstances.

Specific Details:

  • Regularly assess your life’s alignment with your purpose and values.
  • Seek contentment and joy in the pursuit of your divine calling, regardless of the outcomes.

Step 24: Own Your Assignment


Take ownership of your divine assignment and purpose, unapologetically committing to it and refusing to be swayed by external pressures.


  1. Embrace your calling and purpose as an integral part of your identity.
  2. Stand firm in your commitment to your assignment, regardless of others’ opinions or expectations.
  3. Be unapologetic in your dedication to fulfilling your divine purpose.

Specific Details:

  • Regularly reaffirm your commitment to your assignment and the principles that guide it.
  • Stay true to your calling even when faced with opposition or skepticism.

Step 25: Take Responsibility for Your Disposition


Acknowledge the importance of taking responsibility for your own disposition and behavior. Recognize the need for personal improvement if you exhibit negative traits.


  1. Reflect on your behavior and disposition in various situations.
  2. Be self-aware and identify areas where you can improve your attitude and interaction with others.
  3. Take proactive steps to address and rectify any negative traits that may affect your relationships.

Specific Details:

  • Practice self-reflection and acknowledge any behaviors that may need adjustment.
  • Seek feedback from trusted individuals to gain insights into areas for improvement.

Step 26: Distinguish Between Disposition and Position


Differentiate between personal disposition or behavior and your position or beliefs. Understand that it’s acceptable to stand firm in your position while working on your disposition.


  1. Learn to express your position or beliefs with clarity and respect.
  2. Embrace the concept of speaking the truth in love, ensuring that your communication is respectful.
  3. Be willing to stand by your beliefs while remaining open to constructive dialogue and understanding.

Specific Details:

  • Practice effective communication, focusing on conveying your beliefs without demeaning others.
  • Recognize that you can maintain your position without compromising respectful discourse.

Step 27: Speak the Truth in Love


Understand the value of speaking the truth with love and kindness, even when addressing challenging or sensitive topics.


  1. Cultivate the skill of speaking honestly while maintaining a compassionate tone.
  2. Prioritize open and respectful communication in your interactions with others.
  3. Practice active listening and empathy to foster understanding in conversations.

Specific Details:

  • Avoid confrontational or disrespectful language when expressing your views.
  • Strive for balanced conversations where truth and empathy coexist.

Step 28: Prioritize Personal Values


Place importance on your personal values and boundaries, making choices that align with what matters most to you.


  1. Identify and clarify your core values and boundaries.
  2. Make decisions and set boundaries based on your values, even if they differ from others’.
  3. Communicate your values and boundaries respectfully in relationships and interactions.

Specific Details:

  • Regularly review your values to ensure they align with your life choices.
  • Be assertive in upholding your boundaries while respecting those of others.

Step 29: Embrace Wisdom as Greater Than Smartness


Recognize the value of wisdom as being greater than mere intelligence or smartness. Understand that wisdom is derived from accumulating, assimilating, and applying truth.


  1. Acknowledge that wisdom is not solely dependent on high intelligence but on the application of knowledge and understanding.
  2. Strive to accumulate knowledge by seeking and discovering truth.
  3. Actively apply the truths you’ve collected in various aspects of your life to gain wisdom.

Specific Details:

  • Understand the difference between being smart and being wise.
  • Cultivate wisdom by applying truths and seeking deeper understanding.

Step 30: Understand the Significance of Truth


Grasp the significance of truth, particularly its association with God. Recognize that truth is a fundamental element of wisdom and understanding.


  1. Explore the connection between truth and God in religious and philosophical contexts.
  2. Study biblical references to truth and its importance.
  3. Reflect on how truth serves as the foundation for wisdom and understanding.

Specific Details:

  • Consider the symbolic significance of numbers, such as the number nine representing truth.
  • Delve into the concept of truth as a divine attribute.

Step 31: Explore the Symbolism of Numbers


Examine the symbolic meanings of numbers, particularly in religious or philosophical contexts. Understand how numbers can convey deeper spiritual truths.


  1. Research the symbolism of numbers in different belief systems and cultures.
  2. Reflect on the significance of numbers as they relate to spiritual and philosophical concepts.
  3. Explore the numerical symbolism present in religious texts and teachings.

Specific Details:

  • Consider how numbers are used to convey spiritual concepts and truths.
  • Investigate how numbers can represent divine attributes and principles.

Step 32: Recognize the Significance of the Number Nine


Acknowledge the symbolic significance of the number nine, particularly its association with truth. Understand that many numerical combinations lead to nine, emphasizing its importance.


  1. Reflect on numerical combinations that lead to the number nine, such as 60 x 60, 60 x 24, and others.
  2. Consider how the recurring presence of nine in various contexts highlights its connection to truth.
  3. Embrace the idea that truth ultimately prevails, whether accepted or resisted.

Specific Details:

  • Explore the mathematical patterns that lead to the number nine.
  • Understand how the number nine symbolizes truth and its enduring nature.

Step 33: Understand the Three Categories of Creation


Recognize the three main categories of creation as outlined: creation, creatures, and creative creators. Understand the distinctions between these categories and their significance.


  1. Study the concept of creation and identify elements that fall into this category.
  2. Explore the diversity of creatures in the natural world and recognize their role in creation.
  3. Reflect on the unique role of creative creators and their capacity to shape and innovate.

Specific Details:

  • Define creation, creatures, and creative creators.
  • Contemplate how these categories relate to one’s purpose and fulfillment in life.

Step 34: Recognize the Distinct Nature of the Three Categories


Acknowledge the unique characteristics and roles of the three creation categories: creation, creatures, and creative creators. Understand that these categories differ significantly and serve distinct purposes.


  1. Study the characteristics of creation, including natural elements like land, sea, and more.
  2. Explore the nature of creatures and how they interact with the environment.
  3. Reflect on the role of creative creators, which includes human beings’ capacity to innovate and produce.

Specific Details:

  • Define the unique attributes and roles of creation, creatures, and creative creators.
  • Contemplate the delegated responsibilities within these categories.

Step 35: Understand the Limitations of Creation


Recognize the limitations of creation, particularly its inability to intentionally reproduce without external agents or disturbances. Understand that creation serves a specific purpose but lacks conscious intentionality.


  1. Explore the concept of intentionality and how it relates to reproduction.
  2. Reflect on how creation relies on external factors for processes like pollination and growth.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that creation operates according to natural processes but lacks the ability to initiate intentional actions.

Step 36: Embrace the Unique Creative Capacity of Humans


Acknowledge the distinct creative capacity of human beings, which allows them to create out of existing elements and ideas. Understand that humans possess the ability to innovate and produce based on their unique capabilities.


  1. Reflect on the creative processes that humans engage in daily life.
  2. Recognize that human creativity involves utilizing existing resources, language, and ideas to bring about new creations.

Specific Details:

  • Embrace the idea that human creativity differs from divine creation but holds significant value in shaping the world.

Step 37: Emphasize the Distinct Nature of Humans


Understand and emphasize the distinct nature of humans as beings made in the image of God. Recognize that humans are not merely higher forms of animals but are uniquely created for a higher purpose.


  1. Reflect on the idea that humans are created in the image of God, which sets them apart from other creatures.
  2. Embrace the concept that humans possess a unique capacity for self-awareness, contemplation, and creativity.

Specific Details:

  • Acknowledge that humans have a higher purpose and potential beyond animalistic behaviors.

Step 38: Explore the First Commandment


Explore the significance of the first commandment given in Genesis 1:28, which emphasizes being fruitful, multiplying, replenishing, subduing, and having dominion. Recognize that this commandment sets the foundation for progressive productivity in human lives.


  1. Study Genesis 1:28 to understand its components and implications.
  2. Reflect on the command to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and have dominion as a formula for human fulfillment.

Specific Details:

  • Grasp the idea that fulfillment comes from progressively producing and fulfilling the purposes outlined in the first commandment.

Step 39: Embrace a Progressive Productivity Mindset


Embrace the concept that human lives are designed for progressive productivity. Understand that life is meant to improve, and each day should be better than the previous one.


  1. Cultivate a mindset that values self-improvement and personal growth.
  2. Set goals and work towards making each day, week, month, and year better than the one before.

Specific Details:

  • Acknowledge that embracing progressive productivity aligns with the divine intention for human lives.

Step 40: Reflect on the Three Stages of Fulfillment


Reflect on the three stages of fulfillment in the lives of human beings: being, doing, and having. Understand that these stages play a significant role in the pursuit of a fulfilling life.


  1. Contemplate the significance of “being” as the foundation for fulfillment, emphasizing self-awareness and knowledge of God.
  2. Recognize the importance of “doing” and the role of productivity in human lives.
  3. Understand that “having” represents the outcomes of productive living.

Specific Details:

  • Embrace the idea that fulfillment involves a balanced progression through the three stages, with “being” as the starting point.

Step 41: Embrace Your Creativity


Embrace your innate creativity, recognizing that it is an essential part of being made in the image of God. Understand that creating things and exercising your creativity is a fundamental aspect of human fulfillment.


  1. Reflect on the idea that creativity is a divine quality instilled in humans.
  2. Embrace opportunities to create and make things as a way to fulfill your purpose.

Specific Details:

  • Recognize that creating something, whether it’s art, a project, or an idea, can provide a deep sense of fulfillment.

Step 42: Understand the Nature of God’s Creation


Understand that God’s nature as a Creator is evident in the act of creation itself. Realize that the first thing God reveals about Himself is His creativity, and He designed humans to mirror this creative aspect.


  1. Contemplate the significance of God’s creative nature.
  2. Recognize that being created in God’s image means having the capacity to create.

Specific Details:

  • Embrace your role as a creative being and seek opportunities to express your creativity in various aspects of your life.

Step 43: Connect Fulfillment and Creation


Understand the connection between fulfillment and the act of creation. Realize that creating something, whether it’s a physical object, a project, or an idea, can contribute significantly to your sense of fulfillment.


  1. Reflect on moments in your life when you felt fulfilled by creating something.
  2. Seek out creative endeavors and projects that align with your interests and passions.

Specific Details:

  • Acknowledge that the act of creation can be a source of joy and satisfaction in your life.

Step 44 Understanding the Fulfillment of Creation


This step involves understanding why creating things can bring a sense of fulfillment.


  1. Acknowledge that creating things can lead to a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment.
  2. Recognize that when you create something, it’s natural to feel a sense of pride and achievement because you brought it into existence.

Specific Details:

  • Creating something, whether it’s a piece of art, a project, or an idea, can evoke a sense of satisfaction because it’s a manifestation of your creativity.
  • Understand that the act of creation is akin to exercising a god-like ability to bring something new into the world.

Step 45: God’s Creation and Connection


This step delves into the concept of God’s creation and the importance of connection.


  1. Consider that God created three categories: creation, creatures, and connection.
  2. Understand that creation, such as the heavens and the Earth, existed solely for God’s enjoyment, but it lacked awareness.
  3. Recognize that creatures, like humans, were created to interact with and utilize God’s creation but were initially unaware of God’s presence.
  4. Reflect on the idea that connection was missing when God created everything.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that creation was beautiful and good, but it couldn’t connect with God.
  • Highlight that God’s desire for connection led to the creation of creatures like humans who could have a relationship with Him.
  • Reference the scriptural example of God walking with man in the garden, signifying the importance of connection.

Step 46: Importance of Connection with Man


This step focuses on the significance of God’s connection with humans.


  1. Acknowledge that God’s connection with man brought a unique dimension to His creation.
  2. Consider the biblical reference to the voice of the Lord walking with man in the garden as evidence of this connection.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that when God created man, He gained a being with whom He could connect and communicate.
  • Reflect on the idea that the ability to connect with humans added depth and purpose to God’s creation.

Step 47: Reflection on Loneliness


This step explores the concept that loneliness was the missing element in God’s creation.


  1. Ponder the idea that something was lacking in God’s creation, and that something was connection.
  2. Reflect on the statement that it was not good for man to be alone.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that despite the beauty and goodness of God’s creation, there was an inherent need for connection and companionship, which led to the creation of humans.

Step 48: Human Connection in God’s Creation


This step elaborates on the unique role of humans in facilitating connection within God’s creation.


  1. Acknowledge that humans play a vital role in bridging the gap between God and His creation.
  2. Recognize that humans are conscious beings capable of connecting with both God and the created world.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that humans are not only part of God’s creation but also possess the ability to recognize and connect with the Creator.
  • Emphasize the significance of human consciousness and awareness in facilitating this connection.

Step 49: The Purpose of God’s Creation


This step delves into the purpose behind God’s creation, with a focus on connection.


  1. Contemplate that the ultimate purpose of God’s creation is to establish a meaningful connection between God, creatures, and the created world.
  2. Understand that this connection adds depth and purpose to the beauty and goodness of creation.

Specific Details:

  • Reflect on the idea that God’s desire for connection infuses His creation with profound meaning and significance.
  • Consider that humans are central to fulfilling the purpose of connection within God’s creation.

Step 50: Embracing Connection and Its Significance


This step encourages embracing the concept of connection as a fundamental aspect of God’s creation.


  1. Embrace the idea that connection is not just a desire but a central aspect of the divine plan for creation.
  2. Acknowledge that recognizing and fostering connections with others and with the world around us aligns with the purpose of creation.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that acknowledging the importance of connection can lead to a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in one’s life.
  • Reflect on how fostering connections can contribute to a sense of harmony and completeness within God’s creation.

Step 51: Applying the Concept of Connection in Life


This step focuses on practical applications of the concept of connection in everyday life.


  1. Consider ways in which you can foster connections with others, nature, and the world around you.
  2. Reflect on the positive impact of nurturing meaningful connections in your personal and spiritual journey.

Specific Details:

  • Explore actions such as building relationships, appreciating nature, and seeking moments of spiritual connection in your daily life.
  • Recognize that by actively embracing and promoting connections, you align with God’s purpose for creation and find fulfillment.

Step 52: Understanding the God-Given Connection


This step delves into the concept of God’s knowledge and the reason behind the creation of man.


  1. Acknowledge that God, being all-knowing, recognized that it was not good for man to be alone.
  2. Understand that humans, made in the image of God, were created primarily for a connection with God.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that just as God did not want to be alone, He created humans to fulfill His desire for connection.
  • Recognize that this foundational connection with God forms the basis for understanding human relationships.

Step 53: Creation of Woman for Connection


This step focuses on the creation of woman as a companion for man.


  1. Acknowledge that God created woman to provide companionship and connection for man.
  2. Understand that God foresaw that man, being a creator like Him, would need someone to share and appreciate the act of creation.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that God created Eve from Adam’s rib, signifying their close connection and unity.
  • Reflect on the idea that the creation of woman was an act of divine provision to fulfill the need for connection and companionship.

Step 54: Connection and Family


This step explores the implications of connection within the context of family.


  1. Recognize that with the creation of man and woman came the ability to care for each other and eventually have children.
  2. Consider the significance of the family unit as a place where connection, care, and love are nurtured.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that the mutual care and support between man and woman extend to the responsibilities of raising a family.
  • Reflect on the beauty of family as a natural outcome of the connection between man and woman.

Step 55: Severing the Connection


This step discusses how man severed his connection with God.


  1. Acknowledge that the connection between man and God was severed when man disobeyed God’s instructions.
  2. Understand that disobedience and following the serpent’s advice led to the disconnection.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that disobedience caused man to distance himself from God, leading to self-consciousness and vulnerability.
  • Highlight the act of covering up with fig leaves and hiding among the trees as symbolic of man’s attempt to widen the separation.

Step 56: God’s Sacrifice and Restoration of Connection


This step focuses on God’s act of sacrifice to restore the severed connection.


  1. Consider the sacrifice made by God, where an animal had to die, to restore the connection with man.
  2. Understand that this sacrifice symbolized the need for atonement to bridge the gap and restore the connection.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the significance of the coats of skin made from the sacrificed animal as a symbol of God’s grace and restoration.
  • Explain that a sacrifice was necessary to repair the severed connection, signifying the importance of reconciliation.

Step 57: The Role of Contribution in Fulfillment


This step introduces the concept of contribution as a source of fulfillment.


  1. Acknowledge that contribution plays a crucial role in finding fulfillment.
  2. Recognize that the act of giving, sacrifice, or contribution can mend broken connections and bring a sense of purpose.

Specific Details:

  • Reflect on how God’s act of sacrifice contributed to the restoration of the severed connection with man.
  • Understand that contributing to the well-being of others can be a pathway to fulfillment and connection.

Step 58: Foreshadowing of Christ’s Sacrifice


This step explores the symbolism of God’s sacrifice as a foreshadowing of Christ’s sacrifice.


  1. Acknowledge that the sacrifice made by God in the form of the animal foreshadowed the future sacrifice of Christ.
  2. Understand that the birth of Christ, as described in the scripture, fulfilled the prophecy of a child being born who would bear the government and be called mighty God, counselor, everlasting father, and prince of peace.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that the sacrifice of the animal was a symbol of the greater sacrifice that Christ would make for humanity’s redemption.
  • Recognize the profound significance of Christ’s sacrifice in restoring the connection between God and humanity.

Step 59: The Cycle of Creation, Connection, and Contribution


This step introduces the cyclical nature of life involving creation, connection, and contribution.


  1. Understand that the cycle of life involves a continuous interplay of creation, connection, and contribution.
  2. Acknowledge that each element in this cycle contributes to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Specific Details:

  • Explain how the cycle begins with creation, where individuals create something or achieve goals.
  • Highlight that the connection with others is vital because it allows for appreciation and shared experiences.
  • Reflect on the importance of contribution as a means to give back and maintain the cycle.

Step 60: Finding Fulfillment in Shared Appreciation


This step emphasizes the significance of shared appreciation and connection in finding fulfillment.


  1. Acknowledge that when you create something but have no one to appreciate it with you, it becomes harder to appreciate over time.
  2. Recognize the value of joining communities or masterminds where like-minded individuals can appreciate your achievements.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that when achievements are shared with others who understand and appreciate them, the sense of fulfillment is magnified.
  • Highlight the importance of finding people who can relate to your accomplishments, such as fellow entrepreneurs in mastermind groups.

Step 61: The Challenge of Sharing with Unrelated Individuals


This step addresses the challenge of sharing accomplishments with people who may not understand or appreciate them.


  1. Acknowledge that discussing your achievements with unrelated individuals can lead to misunderstandings or disinterest.
  2. Understand that finding a community of like-minded individuals can provide a supportive environment for sharing and appreciation.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that not everyone may appreciate or understand the intricacies of your achievements, making it important to seek out communities or networks that can relate.
  • Emphasize the value of surrounding yourself with individuals who share your passions and interests.

Step 62: Contribution in Parenting


This step discusses the role of contribution in parenting and sustaining new life.


  1. Understand that when a man and a woman come together, their connection results in the creation of new life in the form of a child.
  2. Recognize that a child is entirely dependent on its parents for care, nourishment, and support.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that a child cannot care for itself and relies on parental contributions for its survival and well-being.
  • Explain that the act of parenting involves continuous contributions from the parents to sustain the child’s life and development.

Step 63: The Ongoing Cycle of Creation, Connection, and Contribution


This step reinforces the concept of the continuous cycle of creation, connection, and contribution.


  1. Acknowledge that the cycle begins anew with the creation of a child and the connection between parents.
  2. Understand that parents’ contributions to their child’s upbringing are vital to nurturing the next generation.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that the cycle of creation, connection, and contribution perpetuates itself through generations, as children eventually grow and establish their own connections and contributions.
  • Emphasize the significance of this cycle in maintaining the continuity of life and society.

Step 64: The Balance Between Creation, Connection, and Contribution


This step discusses the importance of balancing creation, connection, and contribution in life.


  1. Recognize that imbalance, such as excessive focus on creation at the expense of connection, can lead to strained relationships and personal loss.
  2. Understand that maintaining a healthy equilibrium between these elements is essential for a fulfilling life.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that while creation can bring financial success, neglecting connections, especially within one’s family, can lead to personal and emotional losses.
  • Highlight the potential consequences of striving to hold onto possessions without contributing to the well-being of others, leading to isolation and dissatisfaction.

Step 65: The Dangers of Overemphasis on Possessions


This step discusses the dangers of prioritizing possessions over connection and contribution.


  1. Acknowledge that an excessive focus on acquiring wealth or possessions can lead to neglecting relationships and personal well-being.
  2. Recognize the potential negative outcomes, such as divorce and isolation, that can result from a lack of emphasis on connection and contribution.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that the pursuit of material success at the cost of relationships can lead to personal and emotional sacrifices.
  • Emphasize the importance of finding a balance between personal success and nurturing meaningful connections and contributions to others.

Step 66: The Importance of Giving and Contribution


This step underscores the significance of giving and contribution in one’s life.


  1. Understand that giving and contributing to others can lead to a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
  2. Acknowledge that being open to contributing can enhance relationships and create a positive cycle of connection and contribution.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that contributing to the well-being of others not only benefits them but also brings personal satisfaction and strengthens connections.
  • Emphasize that a willingness to give, whether in relationships or in the community, can lead to a sense of fulfillment and a more balanced life.

Step 67: The Misconception of Wealth Accumulation


This step addresses the misconception that wealth accumulation equates to true wealth.


  1. Acknowledge the common misconception that accumulating money is equivalent to wealth.
  2. Understand that true wealth involves more than just accumulating money.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that many people erroneously believe that accumulating a large sum of money is the ultimate goal of financial success.
  • Emphasize that wealth should be viewed holistically, encompassing various aspects of financial well-being, including cash flow.

Step 68: The Lesson from Israel’s Geography


This step draws a lesson from Israel’s geography, specifically the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea.


  1. Recognize the geographical feature of Israel, where the Sea of Galilee has an inlet and an outlet, while the Dead Sea only has an inlet.
  2. Understand the significance of this geographical distinction in relation to money and wealth.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that the Dead Sea is called “dead” because it has no outlet, which causes stagnation.
  • Emphasize the lesson that money, like water, should flow and not be stagnant for true wealth to be realized.

Step 69: The Importance of Cash Flow


This step highlights the importance of cash flow in financial success.


  1. Acknowledge that having a consistent cash flow is more important than accumulating a large sum of money.
  2. Understand that money should be put to use and not merely accumulated.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that cash flow allows money to be utilized for various purposes and investments.
  • Emphasize that focusing solely on accumulating money while neglecting cash flow can hinder financial growth and enjoyment.

Step 70: The Choice Between Accumulation and Cash Flow


This step addresses the choice between accumulating money and having a steady cash flow.


  1. Understand that the choice between accumulation and cash flow can impact one’s financial well-being.
  2. Recognize the importance of achieving a balance between accumulation and cash flow.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that some individuals prioritize accumulating money for retirement, while others prefer to maintain a steady cash flow to enjoy life while still energetic.
  • Emphasize that finding a balance between accumulation and cash flow can lead to a more fulfilling financial life.

Step 71: The Value of Cash Flow in Enjoying Life


This step underscores the value of cash flow in enjoying life.


  1. Acknowledge that having cash flow enables individuals to enjoy their wealth while still active and vibrant.
  2. Understand that saving money solely for retirement might result in missed opportunities for enjoyment.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that having cash flow allows individuals to use their wealth for experiences and enjoyment when they have the energy to do so.
  • Emphasize the importance of using wealth wisely to enhance the quality of life throughout one’s lifetime.

Step 72: Wealth Beyond Personal Accumulation


This step discusses the perspective of accumulating wealth beyond personal gain.


  1. Acknowledge the desire to leave something for future generations, such as children.
  2. Understand that accumulating wealth for the benefit of others, like family, can be a meaningful purpose.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that wealth can be viewed as a means to provide for and support one’s family and future generations.
  • Emphasize the biblical wisdom of not accumulating treasures on Earth but considering the well-being of loved ones.

Step 73: Prioritizing Eternal Treasures


This step highlights the importance of prioritizing eternal treasures over earthly possessions.


  1. Acknowledge the wisdom of not treasuring earthly possessions that can be subject to decay and theft.
  2. Understand the value of focusing on eternal treasures that have lasting significance.

Specific Details:

  • Explain the biblical perspective of not laying up treasures on Earth, where material wealth is vulnerable.
  • Emphasize the importance of prioritizing spiritual and eternal values that go beyond material wealth.

Step 74: The Key to Success


This step summarizes the key to success based on the discussion.


  1. Understand that success is achieved by discovering God’s will for one’s life and fulfilling that purpose.
  2. Recognize that personal development aligned with one’s purpose leads to happiness, fulfillment, and success.

Specific Details:

  • Explain that success is not solely measured by wealth but by living in alignment with one’s purpose and fulfilling it.
  • Emphasize that discovering and living out one’s divine purpose can lead to both personal happiness and success.

Step 75: Conclusion and Blessings


This step concludes the video with a farewell and blessings.


  1. Conclude the video by expressing gratitude and best wishes to the audience.
  2. Sign off and convey that there is a coaching call to attend.

Specific Details:

  • Express gratitude for the audience’s time and attention during the video.
  • Extend blessings and well wishes to the viewers and mention the upcoming coaching call.


Ultimate Success Secret

Have you ever contemplated the ultimate success secret? Like if there were an ultimate success secret and ultimate secret to success, what would that be? Well, I’ve contemplated what the ultimate success secret is, but before I tell you what I believe the ultimate success secret is, I have to tell you what I believe the definition of success is. Because if I start talking about success and I don’t define it, I’m going to be talking about one thing, and you’re going to be thinking about another thing. And as my daughter says so eloquently, the biggest problem in communication is thinking that it happened, right? And then no communication happened because I’m talking about one thing, and you’re thinking about another thing.

I’m going to define success. I believe that the ultimate success in your life and in my life, the ultimate success is discovering the purpose for which God created you, developing yourself for that purpose because you are not ready already for the thing that God has ready for you. You’re not ready yet. You have to develop yourself. So we discover the purpose for which God created us, we develop ourselves for that purpose, and then we deploy ourselves in that purpose. And when we do that, we’re successful. Sometimes that success turns into a lot of money. Sometimes it does not. Sometimes that success turns into…

Discovering Your Purpose

Before you can ever, I believe, discover the purpose for which you were created, you have to yield yourself to that purpose before you know what it is. In other words, when God shows me what I’m here to do, whether it’s painful, whether it’s difficult, whether it’s climbing a high mountain, whether it’s dying a brutal death, whether it’s living a painful life, whatever it is, when God reveals to me the purpose for my life, I have to be yielded to it, and I have to be willing to be yielded to it before I know what it is.

And see, some of us want the details before we make the decision, right? God desires the decision before He will reveal the details. How do I know that? Because the scripture says, “If any man will do His will, he shall know the doctrine,” which means doing the will comes before knowing the doctrine. If you’re not doing the things He’s already shown you, He’s not in the habit of showing more stuff to the people who ignored the last stuff He told them. How many y’all picking up what I’m putting down? Talk to me.

So, I’m going to read a passage to you that doesn’t seem like a passage about success at all, but it really is. And here’s what it says in Genesis chapter 1, beginning with verse one. It says, “In the beginning, God created the Heavenly Earth, and the Earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light.'” Watch what happens next. “And there was light.”

God saw the light that it was good. Why was it good? Because God said, “Let there be light,” and it did what He said do, and therefore it was good. Are y’all tracking, okay? And God saw the light that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness, and the light God called day, and the darkness He called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

And God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” And God made a permanent firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament, and it was so.

So, it’s really interesting in English when we say, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth,” the heavens sound like the sky, right? The heavens and the Earth. But in the Bible, in Hebrew, where it says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens,” the Earth, it says, “Bereshit Bara Elohim et Hashem.” Hashem is the skywaters. So, the heavens were the Sky Waters, and…

Becoming Familiar with the Text

So if I don’t know if you remember reading this when you read about the flood or not, this is all parenthetical. It is not essential to anything I’m covering except, like, I think that the first objective when we’re reading the Bible, I think the first objective should be to become familiar with what it’s saying, right? If I don’t, I’m sorry, if I’m not familiar with what it says, how will I ever learn what it’s saying, right? I have to first, like, I have to know David from, I have to know David from Solomon. I have to know Joseph, um…

[Music] Jacob’s son from Joseph, the husband of Mary, from Joseph of Arimathea. I have to become familiar with the text, right? So, that’s the first thing that has to happen. So, Skywatch, and you’ll remember when the flood came, it says that The Fountains of the great deep were broken up, right? And I don’t know if this is what happened, but it seems like what could have happened. The Fountains of the great deep were broken up, and then water just gushed out of the earth and went up and broke the firmament that was above the water above the heavens. And then the water rained, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. That’s potentially obsessively what happened, okay?

Now, so Skyward, but I’m going to keep reading because I want you to see how awesome this is.

God Made the Firmament

Um, and verse 7, “And God made the firmament, divided the waters which are under the from the waters which are above the firmament, and it was so. And God called The Firm in heaven, and the evening in the morning were the second day. And God said, ‘Let the waters which are under Heaven be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear,’ and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the Gathering Together of the waters he called sea. God saw that it was…”

The Ultimate Success Formula

I want you to notice three phrases that keep happening over and over, okay? You all ready? “And God said,” “and it was so,” “and God saw that it was good.” “And God said,” “and it was so,” “and God saw that it was good.” “God said,” “and it was so,” “and God saw that it was good.”

When God looks at your life, if you want Him to see something good, what has to happen is you have to determine that when He says something to you—now, I’m not just talking about Lagos word. I’m not just talking about what the word says. I’m talking about the Rhema word, what He’s actually saying, what it means, what it’s telling us we should be doing. When we find something in Scripture that shows us what we should be doing, we should start doing it immediately. When we find something in Scripture that shows us what we shouldn’t be doing, we should stop doing it immediately. Are y’all tracking, okay?

So, God said, it was so, God saw it was good. So, what is the ultimate success formula? The ultimate success formula is studying for the purpose of applying the Word of God.

Why I Talk About God

People ask, “Why do you always talk about God?” Well, because He is everything. He’s the everythingness of everythingness. “Myron, why do you teach business from a Biblical perspective?” Because if I want my clients to succeed, that’s their best chance.

Practical Application of Faith

Like, not in some religious sense, but in a real practical, everyday sense. When I think about the fact that my life is where it is, and I look at my life at where it was, it doesn’t make sense. There’s no logical explanation why this kid who’s born to poor, hard-working parents contracted polio before he was a year old, ADD, ADHD, ABCDEFG. If I went to school today, they’d send me home with the whole alphabet. “Your son has the alphabet.” [Laughter] “What do you mean he’s got ADD, ADHD, ABCDEFG? He’s got the whole thing.”

Anyway, I know, hey, okay, hey, thanks for watching this video. I hope you’re enjoying it. But I want to take some time to invite you to join us at the Make More Offers Challenge. The Make More Offers Challenge, we do it once a month where I invite a bunch of entrepreneurs or would-be entrepreneurs to come and have me teach them in detail the four moves that can scale any business. I want to invite you to join us on the Make More Offers Challenge. Click the link in the description below. You will be glad you did. Join us as a VIP and make the rest of your life the best of your life. And now back to the video you are watching.

So, um, blind, I can’t run, right? I’ve got all this stuff. I’m not, I didn’t do great in school. Like, there’s no outward implication that this dude is going to do anything that will even help him survive, let alone thrive and be a person who guides other people in a way that blesses their life beyond anything they could have imagined. And it’s not because of me, I promise you. I promise you it’s not because of me, but it’s in spite of me. But it’s because of a decision I made a long time ago, and that is when I find something in the Bible and God tells me to do it, I’m going to do my best to do it.

And one of the first things I noticed after I came to Christ and I started studying the Bible, one of the first things I noticed was that was not what everybody was into. Like, even all the preachers that I knew weren’t into it. I’m like, “This is fascinating. Like, you think you have a better idea than God? How could that possibly be possible? Like, really, how could that possibly be? I don’t think it is.”

So, what is the ultimate success formula? Become a diligent student of the Word of God and apply it to your life. Find a principle. Go look through Proverbs, look through Genesis, look through the New Testament, the Old Testament, go look through it all. Find a principle, go start doing it.

The Ultimate Cheat Code

…start doing it and pay attention. So, I’m going to tell a story that I probably told before. Like, after I came to Christ, the guy who led me to Christ, Dr. Stan Harris, he spoke at a conference. I’m from Ashley live. He didn’t, um, he kind of tricked me because he didn’t tell me I was going to have to start reading the Bible until afterwards, right? And I wasn’t feeling it. Like, I didn’t read anything that wasn’t a karate book or a comic book. Nothing. Now, I’ve read hundreds of books, hundreds and hundreds of books, but I didn’t read anything that wasn’t a karate book or a comic book. And then I have to start reading this big, thick book with these little bitty words and two columns and no pictures, and I’m like, this does not seem like it’s going to be a good time, right?

And I started noticing that it told me to do something and said if you do this, this is what you can expect. And then I started testing those principles, and it started working exactly like it said. And I felt like, “This is crazy. Like, this is amazing. People knew. Like, this is the ultimate cheat code, the ultimate cheat code.” The God who created everything gave us a document that shows us how everything works if we will study it. And there are so many layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of this truth that it almost can’t be comprehended. But if you will just trust that it is truth and apply it like it’s truth and live like it’s truth, you will be blown away at how exponentially better the quality of your life gets.

By the way, exponentially better the quality of your life getting may not mean you’re going to be driving a Lamborghini. It just…

The Purpose of Talking About the Bible

It means you’re going to have fulfillment because you’re going to be doing the thing you were created for. I’m going to get into that in a minute. But I want you to wrap your mind around the fact, like, why do I talk about the Bible? Because my hope is that somebody will become inspired enough to start reading, studying, meditating on, memorizing Bible verses, not just so they can do it as a religious exercise, but for the purpose of applying it to every day of their life, every relationship in their life, everything they do in their life. That’s what my hope is.

From me speaking at a conference with 3,000 people, 7,000 people, 5,000 people, 35,000 people, and talking about the Bible and talking about God and talking about the principles that I’ve discovered in the word of God, and without apologizing for it. I’m not gonna apologize for it. Y’all asked me to speak. If you don’t want the Bible, you don’t want me. Invite somebody else. I’m cool with that. I’m not looking for work, right? And I’m not saying that from a place of arrogance. I’m just saying it from a place of ownership. I own my assignment. This is my assignment. This is what I’m here to do. I’m not going to do something different because people… And if you feel uncomfortable, well, go make yourself comfortable. That’s not your comfort. It’s not my responsibility.

Now, if you got a problem with me because of my disposition, that’s a problem I need to fix. Like, if I’m just a jerk and I’m obtuse and hard to get along with just as a matter of course, that’s my problem. I need to fix it. But if you got a problem with my position, that’s your problem. You go fix it because this ain’t that, and I ain’t he, right? I’m not even gonna try to fix it. But you don’t understand, you made me feel… I didn’t make you feel anything. You did that all by yourself, I promise you. There’s nobody who can make me feel anything. I mean, if you like…

Speaking the Truth in Love

Injure me, I might feel something, but I mean, say something, do something, your things won’t make me feel a certain way. Like, I am just who I am. I don’t… Here’s what we can do, here’s what we can learn how to do. We can learn how to speak the truth in love. Truth and love can exist in the same place, in the same person, at the very same time.

What I was in Pennsylvania last week, um, and I was playing golf with Keith Whitman, a friend of mine, and the golf course asked us, me and Keith and my brother-in-law John, if we’d let this other guy play with us that we didn’t know. Keith said yes. I personally would have asked some questions first, but it is what it is. I’m just keeping it real. I just know me, right? So we’re playing, we get to the third hole, dude takes out a cigarette. I’m like, “Bro, are you gonna smoke that? I don’t mind you smoking. I just don’t want to breathe it.” So I said as kindly as I could, “Hey, if you need to smoke, I get it. Do you. But we’re gonna let you go ahead and we’re gonna play without that because I don’t want to breathe that. No, that’s not… I’m not being rude. I wasn’t rude at all. I wasn’t being obtuse. But if that’s what you want to do, I got a three-year-old granddaughter who I want to dance with her at her wedding. I don’t want your secondhand smoke to be the cause of my demise so that I can’t dance with my granddaughter at her wedding.” Now, some people may think, “Well, that’s just too much, man.” It’s too much for you. It’s not too much for me because me wanting to dance with my granddaughter at a wedding and not wanting to breathe their secondhand smoke is more important to me than your feelings being hurt because I’m willing to tell you what other people in your life are not willing to tell you but they’re thinking it. Is that too… Y’all tracking? Okay.

So, you don’t have to be mean about it just because you disagree with somebody. You could smile and say, “You know what, that’s not gonna work. We’re not gonna be able to do that like that today.” Right? Okay.

So, um, we’ve defined success. The ultimate success secret is to become a student of…

The Pursuit of Wisdom

I believe I’m smart, but I’m not really smarter than you. I’m not really smarter than the average person. I’m average smartness on the smartness meter. Mine’s probably in the middle, right? But the advantage that I have that makes people think I’m smart is the fact that I have wisdom. And the wisdom that I have is based on the knowledge that I have and the understanding that I have. And if you understand that ignorance is the first prerequisite of wisdom, right? Ignorance is the absence of truth, knowledge is the accumulation of truth. So that’s why we need to read the Bible so we can accumulate truth.

Understanding is the assimilation of truth. Now I comprehend the truth that I’ve collected. Okay, then, um, wisdom is the application of truth. So I discover that something’s true, I apply it really, really fast, and people think you’re smart. No, I’m not smart. I’m wise because I’ve applied the truth. And wisdom is probably smarter than smart. And here’s what I mean by that.

Wisdom is smarter than smart when I discover truth because truth belongs to God, to the point where He makes Himself synonymous with truth. Like, if you think about numbers, right? If you think about the number system, like one is the number of unity, the unity of God. Like God is one. But two is the number of separation or holiness. Three is the number of God. Well, three times three is nine, and nine is the number for truth. Why is there three of them for God? I believe because of what it says in 1 John, chapter 5, verse 7: “There are three that bear record in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.” So the number for God, there are three, but they’re one. But you take that three…

The Significance of the Number Nine

So what is truth? Truth is God squared, right? Or, yeah, squared, square root, yeah, God squared. Three times three is nine. Nine is such an amazing number when you think about it because like three is the number for the earth, four is the number of the earth, five is the number of grace, also the number of, I mean, falsehood. Six is the number of falsehood, also the number of man. Seven is the number of completion, eight is the number of abundance, infinity, eternity, and the new beginning. Nine’s the number for truth.

What’s really interesting, because somebody made a comment on my YouTube channel when I was talking about nine a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about how everything answers to nine, right? Like, nine is the number for truth because all the other numbers have to answer to it, right? Because one plus… I mean, nine plus zero is nine, or two times… I mean, two times one times nine is nine, two times nine is eighteen, eighteen is a one and an eight, one plus eight is nine, three times nine is twenty-seven, two plus seven is nine, four times nine is thirty-six, three plus six is nine, and you keep on doing that. Then somebody made this post, and it blew my mind, right? So I’m gonna share what they said. I wish I could remember the person’s name who said it, but they said, “So if you think about the fact that there are 60 seconds in a minute, right? And there are 60 minutes in an hour. Did you know that if you take 60 times 60, I think this is right, 60 times 60 is 3600. 60 times 60 is thirty-six hundred, three plus six plus zero plus zero is nine. Wait a minute, there’s… There are 24 hours in a day, right? So there are 60 times 24. I think that’s 1440. It is 1440. 1 plus 4 plus 4 is 9. It’s like 9 is the number for truth.

And when the sooner we wrap our minds around the idea that ultimately the truth is the truth. And, by the way, there’s 24 hours in a day. And then if you take the number of hours in a day…

Understanding the Components of Purpose

So, what is truth? Truth is God squared, right? Or, yeah, squared, square root, yeah, God squared. Three times three is nine. Nine is such an amazing number when you think about it because like three is the number for the earth, four is the number of the earth, five is the number of grace, also the number of falsehood. Six is the number of falsehood, also the number of man. Seven is the number of completion, eight is the number of abundance, infinity, eternity, and the new beginning. Nine’s the number for truth.

What’s really interesting, because somebody made a comment on my YouTube channel when I was talking about nine a couple of weeks ago, we were talking about how everything answers to nine, right? Like, nine is the number for truth because all the other numbers have to answer to it, right? Because one plus… I mean, nine plus zero is nine, or two times… I mean, two times one times nine is nine, two times nine is eighteen, eighteen is a one and an eight, one plus eight is nine, three times nine is twenty-seven, two plus seven is nine, four times nine is thirty-six, three plus six is nine, and you keep on doing that. Then somebody made this post, and it blew my mind, right? So I’m gonna share what they said. I wish I could remember the person’s name who said it, but they said, “So if you think about the fact that there are 60 seconds in a minute, right? And there are 60 minutes in an hour. Did you know that if you take 60 times 60, I think this is right, 60 times 60 is 3600. 60 times 60 is thirty-six hundred, three plus six plus zero plus zero is nine. Wait a minute, there’s… There are 24 hours in a day, right? So there are 60 times 24. I think that’s 1440. It is 1440. 1 plus 4 plus 4 is 9. It’s like 9 is the number for truth.

And when the sooner we wrap our minds around the idea that ultimately the truth is the truth. And, by the way, there’s 24 hours in a day. And then if you take the number of hours in a day times the number of days in a week times the number of weeks in a year, it’s still going to come out to something that when you add them all together, it ends up to be nine. It’s just like everything answers to nine because everything answers to the truth. You don’t have to like the truth; eventually, you will yield to it. You’ll either yield to it on this side or you’ll yield to it on the other side, but everybody’s going to yield to the truth. Like not liking something is not… it doesn’t matter. It is what it is.

Now, having said all of that, I believe that we’re looking for multiple things when we study the scripture. There’s so much depth of truth in scripture that it just keeps on going deeper and deeper. Like, we read Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth.” So I’m going to write “creation,” and then I’m going to write “categories.” So God created categories in creation. He created three categories. What are they? Number one, He created creation. Creation is the sun, the moon, the stars, the air, the water, the trees, the rocks – creation. It’s just stuff. God created creation. The second thing He created was creatures. Creatures are dogs, cats, chimpanzees, alligators, crocodiles, lions, tigers, and bears. Creatures. Right? So God created creatures. Then the last thing that God created was…

Creatures, God’s Creation, and Delegation

Created creatures um and then the last thing that God created was he created I’m gonna I’m gonna use two words here he created creative creators. Now when he created so this is this is stuff, this is like animals, and insects this is people.

Now here’s what’s amazing, these three categories are very very different and God delegated some of his work to all of them. So God when God created when God created creation he created the land we heard we read about that a few minutes ago he created the sea but then he delegated the bringing forth of the animals. The land brought forth the animals or the Beast animals right, the sea brought forth the birds and the fish. So that’s what that’s what the creation brought forth.

So creation he delegated some of the work to Creation but guess what creation doesn’t have the ability to intentionally reproduce. What do I mean like animals intentionally reproduce, human beings intentionally reproduce, plants don’t intentionally reproduce, they have they.

Creation and Differentiation of Beings

Need an outside agent to disturb the environment so the pollination can happen. Are you attacking like in 80 of 20 of pollination happens because of wind and water? Eighty percent of pollination happens because of animals and insects, okay?

So creatures, he created animals, so he delegated these to produce stuff. He delegated animals to do things, like animals exist for the purpose of doing things; that’s what animals do, they do things, right? But humans, he created us to create things.

Now the creation that we do, the creation that we do is not the same as the creation that God did. So God created ex-nihilo in Greek, which means he created ex nihilo everything out of nothing, okay? We don’t have the ability to do that; we only have the ability to create out of something.

People say, “No, no, I created this out of an idea that I had in my head.” Yeah, but you had to have the language that you used in your head, and the pictures that you saw in your head existed before you created them in your head. So we have the ability to create out of something; we don’t have the ability to create out of nothing.

That’s why, by the way, man is not a higher form of animal. I remember when I was like in elementary school, I came home from school one day, and my mom used to always say the same, “What did you learn in school today, baby?” I learned we’re a higher form of animal. My mom said, “Don’t you ever say that again. You’re not an animal; you’re made in the image of God.” Like, I didn’t know why she was so bent out of shape, but I’m glad she was, because that left a mark on me. My mom was not having it; she was not having me talk about um… And so, if you look at…

Human Nature and Purpose

The animalistic behaviors that people practice today, a part of that reason is because back in the 1960s they started teaching children that we’re a higher form of animal. We’re not a higher form of animal; we’re way more a lower form of God than we are a higher form of animal. The Hebrew word for animal is [Hebrew word], which means “it is what it is,” which means a horse is a horse is a horse, of course, anyway. Which means that all a horse can do is what a horse could do the first day a horse got here. All a dog can do is what a dog could do the first day a dog got here. All a cat can do is all the things, like everything a cat was ever going to be able to do, it could do it on day one.

Human beings were created to create, which means just that by itself, our lives are progressively productive. The nature of our lives is progressive productivity. Our lives are supposed to get better; today’s supposed to be better than yesterday, this week’s supposed to be better than last week, this month’s supposed to be better than last month, this year’s supposed to be better than last year. If you’re not progressively producing, then you miss something somewhere.

In the First Command, which came thousands of years before the Ten Commandments, was the first command: “be fruitful, multiply, replenish the Earth, and have Dominion.” It’s in Genesis chapter one: be fruitful, do multiply, do replenish, do subdue, have dominion, be, do, have. That’s the formula.

Human Reflection of God’s Nature

Since we as human beings are made in the image of God, the better understanding we have of God, the better understanding we have of ourselves. That’s why the scripture says, “Be still and know that I am God.” Like I’m supposed to contemplate God. Do you know animals can’t contemplate God? Trees can’t contemplate God.

Which brings me to the three stages of fulfillment in the lives of human beings. So Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created.” Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever thought this; I’ve thought this many times. Why would He do that? Because the scripture later tells us that God is self-existent, He’s self-sufficient, He’s self-satisfied; He needs nothing. So if you need nothing, why would you make something? Are you attracted? Does that question make sense? I don’t need anything. If I don’t need anything, why would I make something? Well, the only answer I’ve been able to discover is this: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth” because He is creative, and therefore, it is His nature to create. If you are creative, it behooves you to create, right?

So, the first thing God tells about Himself is not that He’s love, He’s loved, but that’s not the first thing He says. He’s omnipotent, but that’s not the first thing He says. He’s omniscient, but that’s not the first thing He says. He’s not my presence; that’s not the first thing He says. The first thing He says is, “In the beginning, God created.” The first thing God tells us about man, and when I say man, I’m talking about men and women, is that He created us in His image, which means He created us to create stuff, and He made us to make stuff. That’s why you’re here. You are here to exercise your god-likeness in creativity. That’s why little kids love making things.

Fulfillment Through Creation

Why is it in them? It’s just in them; they can’t not make stuff because they’re made in the image of God. So the first, if you want to feel fulfilled, you have to… This is where fulfillment comes from, and success… No, this person’s successful, but they’re unfulfilled, they’re feeling miserable. Well, they’re not successful then. They may be rich and unsuccessful. You can be rich and unsuccessful. How’s that work? Well, you make a lot of money, but you don’t create anything. Or you make a lot of money, you don’t do the second one. You make a lot of money, you don’t do the third one.

So the first one, create. So create something, and in fact, I’m not going to write “create”; I’m going to write “creation.” So creation is the first thing that… Oops, I did the wrong thing. I went to the wrong page. So creation is the first thing that makes me feel fulfilled because I made something, and now I can look at this thing that I made, and I’m like, “I made that.” When I was a kid, I liked to put together model cars. Why? I made it. As an adult, my first business was like rebuilding cars. I could take an old, raggedy car, and I could take the engine out, didn’t run, put another engine in it, did run. Or I could take a car that was ragged here, I could do bodywork on it and paint it. And then I did that, right?

As an author, I take some thoughts that are in my head, and I put them down on some paper, and I get them printed, and it becomes a book. And I created that.

The Missing Element: Connection

Like the feeling that you get when you hold your first published book in your hand, it’s like, “I did this.” Why do you even care that much to feel all that great about what you did? Because you created it. It’s like when we create things, it makes us feel fulfilled because we’re exercising our God-likeness.

But guess what? God created three categories. He created creation. Guess what creation didn’t even know? God created it. It was just there, and God could enjoy it for Himself and with Himself and by Himself. It was just creation. They created creatures, and creatures could do stuff with the creation, but they didn’t know He was there, totally unaware of God, totally unaware of themselves. Huh.

So, as weird as it sounds, when God created the heavens and the Earth, something was missing. What was missing? What was missing was connection.

Connection. God created creation, but God could not connect with creation. God couldn’t connect with creation. God couldn’t connect with creatures. But when God made man, He had somebody He could connect with. How do I know? Because the scripture says that the voice of the Lord walked with man in the garden in the cool of the day. There’s that connection. When God made man, God… When God created everything, He said, “And God said, and it was so, and God saw that it was good.” And God said, and it was good, and God saw it was good, and God said, and it was so, and God saw it was good. What’s the first thing God said wasn’t good? That’s not a good question. It’s not good for man to be alone. Huh, isn’t that interesting?

Now, other than the fact that God is God and God knows everything, how does God know that it’s not good for man to be alone? Because he’s made in the image of God, and it wasn’t good for God to be alone. So God created man, first and foremost, for a connection with God. But because man’s made in the image of God, and God created creation, and God created man to create more things, He knew that the man was going to need someone to connect with who could appreciate the fact that he had created it with him.

The Creation of Woman and the Separation

So He put Adam under heavenly anesthesia, took a rib out, made the woman, brought her to the man, woke him up, and said, “Adam, I got something for you.” Yeah, Adam said, “Let’s go,” right? So now, man has someone to connect with; he has a woman.

Okay, so what happens between the man and the woman? Well, now the man can take care of the woman, and the woman can take care of the man. But guess what? Then they have these little babies.

And it’s really interesting because even before we get to that, we won’t even get to the babies yet. Here’s, so you got, you got God created man, man’s yielded to God, man’s walking with God, not guarding the cooler today. What happens next? Man severs the connection between him and God. How does he do that? When he stopped doing what God said and did what the serpent said. So man severed the connection.

And guess what man did after he severed the connection? He tried to widen that separation. What did he do? He did two things. He made himself fig leaves, sewed fig leaves together to cover the fact that he was naked, his self-consciousness, to cover his vulnerability, to cover his self-consciousness, to try and cover up the fact that he messed it up. And then he what else did he do? He hid himself from the presence of the Lord among the trees of the garden.

So he’s widening the separation of that disconnection. But what did God do? It said, “And the Lord made coats of skin,” which means there had to be a what? Sacrifice. Something had to die to…

Connection and Contribution: Fulfillment Cycle

Restore the connection, and that’s the final piece, and that is oops…


The final piece is that brings fulfillment is contributions. So, contribution. What is the contribution? God gave a sacrifice, which is a type. It was a foreshadowing, a picture of the fact that one day God Himself would be that sacrifice. “For unto us, a child is born, unto us, a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder. He shall be called mighty God, counselor, everlasting father, Prince of Peace.” It’s a foreshadowing of Christ, the contribution. So God had to give a contribution to restore the connection.

So the connection can only be restored with a contribution. Now, here’s what happens. This is truly the cycle of life: creation, connection, contribution, creation, connection, contribution. You will feel fulfilled. You create something; you create it. Nobody’s there to appreciate it with you. It becomes harder for you to appreciate over time by yourself unless you’ve got somebody there who can appreciate it.

Like a lot of us who are entrepreneurs, we join masterminds. Why? Where there are other people who think like us, who can appreciate the things that we’ve accomplished as we share them with each other. Whereas if you’ve talked to your next-door neighbor about it, they’re like, “That’s weird,” right?

The Cycle of Life: Creation, Connection, Contribution

Contribution. So what happens now? You’ve got the man and the woman. They come together; the connection between them creates new life in the form of a child. Guess what? The child can’t take care of itself, can’t feed itself, can’t hold its own head, can’t change itself, can’t clean itself. So it has to have parents that contribute. Now the contribution of the two parents sustains the life of the child, and the cycle starts all over again: creation, connection, contribution.

You’re connected to the child; you’re contributing to the child until what? Until the child can go out and create on their own, and then they establish their own connections and then establish their own contributions. And we keep doing that over and over and over and over and over: creation, connection, contribution, creation, connection, contribution.

And if you have… If you have creation, creation will pay you a lot of money, but you have no connection. Like, you spend so much time in the creation that you abandon your family to go do that. And now you sever the connections. And so now, because you severed the connection, and you end up in divorce court, now your spouse gets half. And so now, the thing that you’re working all this time to create because you lack the ability to build and nurture connections, you lose half of what you created.

And then everything that you make, you try to hold on to it with both fists, until you don’t ever want to give anything. But you don’t ever want to give anything, any contribution to anyone or anything else; you just want to get all you can, can all you get, and sit on your can, right?

But watch what happens. We have been taught erroneously that accumulation is the same as wealth. Accumulation of money is the same wealth, but it’s not. In Israel, if you go to Israel, one of the things you’ll do is you’ll go to the Sea of Galilee, which is in the northern part of the country. You’ll go to the Sea of Galilee, and you might go out on a boat on the Sea of Galilee, which is really amazing. Then maybe later on while you’re on that trip, you’ll go down to the River Jordan, where John baptized Jesus, and River Jordan. The River Jordan flows from the Sea of Galilee all the way down until it empties into the Dead Sea. Why is the Dead Sea called the Dead Sea?

Money Flow: Cash Flow Over Accumulation

For one reason, it only has an inlet and accumulation; it has no outlet. And that’s why it’s dead. Until you understand that money should be flowing, it’s more important to have cash flow in a business than it is to have an accumulation of a lot of cash in a bit. I’d rather have zero money accumulated and a million dollars of cash flow than a million dollars accumulated and zero cash flow. Fortunately, I don’t have to choose. We can have both. But if I had to choose, I understand that cash flow is more important than accumulation.

So many people don’t understand that, and that’s why they’re saving up all of their money and accumulating as much money as they can for as long as they can so that one day they can retire when they’re too tired to do anything. But they saved up all that money to go do that. Money should be cash flow. Turn it into something that you can use while you still have the energy and vibrancy to enjoy it.

I have no desire to retire. Maybe you do, but I don’t. I have retirement accounts, but only because it saves me money on taxes. Otherwise, I don’t want to have something to leave to my children. I’m not accumulating wealth for myself. Like the Bible says clearly, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the Earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves do break through and steal.”

So I’ve got to end this video now. Hopefully, something I said in that big, long ramble about creation, connection, and contribution was helpful. How do you be successful? Discover the will of God for your life, find purpose for your life, develop yourself for that purpose, fulfill yourself in that purpose. When you do that, you will be both happy and fulfilled and successful. Stay blessed by the best. I’m out. I’ve got a coaching call that starts right now. I’m out of here. See y’all later.

Post/Page #39498
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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