Asking Millionaires How To Make $1,000,000

👣 25 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


From Zero to Hero: The Unrevealed Steps to Achieving Success

Knock Knock! Ever wondered how to go from curiosity to cash?🌟

We did the awkward door-knocking for you, and guess what we found? 🚪

Careers that started from less than zero and got skyrocketed! 😲

The ER doc with a house like a castle? Check! 💉
The tech recruiter rolling in the green? Double check! 💰
The builder who turned dreams into homes? Triple check! 🏠

Don’t just scratch your head, join us on this epic journey to discover the secrets of success, starting from scratch! 🌟

Swipe left, check the steps, and get ready to unlock the path to your own success story! 🗝️💡🔑

#SuccessUnveiled #FromZeroToHero #UnlockYourPotential

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Selecting a Neighborhood


Choose a specific neighborhood or area where successful individuals reside. Research and ensure that it’s safe and appropriate for approaching people.


  1. Research neighborhoods with affluent residents.
  2. Consider factors like safety, accessibility, and the willingness of people to engage in interviews.
  3. Plan your visit accordingly, taking into account the best times to approach residents.

Specific Details:

  • Be respectful of people’s privacy and property.
  • Ensure you have any necessary permissions or permits if required.

Step 2: Preparing for the Interviews


Prepare yourself and your team for the interviews by understanding the purpose and having a clear introduction.


  1. Clearly define the purpose of your interviews, which is to learn about people’s careers and how they achieved financial success.
  2. Prepare a brief and polite introduction that explains the purpose of your visit and video.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize that you are making a YouTube video to document people’s stories.
  • Have a camera or recording equipment ready if you plan to film the interviews.

Step 3: Approaching Residents


Approach residents respectfully and politely, seeking their consent for an interview.


  1. Knock on doors or approach people who are outside their homes.
  2. Greet them politely and introduce yourself and your team.
  3. Explain the purpose of your visit and the video you’re creating.
  4. Ask if they would be willing to participate in a brief interview.

Specific Details:

  • Be friendly and approachable to put people at ease.
  • Respect their decision if they decline to participate.

Step 4: Conducting the Interview


Conduct the interview professionally and respectfully, focusing on their career and financial success.


  1. Ask open-ended questions about their career journey, how they achieved success, and any significant milestones.
  2. Listen actively and engage in a conversation, showing genuine interest in their story.
  3. Encourage them to share insights and advice for aspiring individuals.
  4. Thank them for their time and participation.

Specific Details:

  • Have a set of prepared questions to guide the interview but be flexible to follow interesting narratives.
  • Maintain a friendly and non-invasive demeanor throughout the interview.

Step 5: Wrapping Up the Interview


Conclude the interview gracefully and express gratitude.


  1. Thank the interviewee for sharing their story and time.
  2. Ask if they have any final thoughts or advice they’d like to share.
  3. Collect any contact information for follow-up or permission purposes, if needed.
  4. Respect their privacy and property as you leave.

Specific Details:

  • Leave a positive impression, as you may wish to return for future interviews.
  • Ensure you have consent to use any recorded content in your video.

Step 6: Transitioning to a Different Game


Explain the decision to transition from playing games to a different career path.


  1. Reflect on your passion for games and the decision to pursue a different career.
  2. Consider how your interests and goals evolved over time.
  3. Identify the desire to make a living from a different endeavor.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the importance of personal growth and adapting to changing aspirations.
  • Mention any factors or experiences that influenced your decision.

Step 7: Choosing a Career Path


Discuss how you decided on your career path after graduating from college.


  1. Explain the thought process that led to the choice of a career.
  2. Mention the factors that influenced your decision, such as interests, skills, or market opportunities.
  3. Emphasize the importance of aligning your career with your strengths and passions.

Specific Details:

  • Share any insights or advice for individuals who are trying to determine their career path.

Step 8: Understanding Hedge Fund Management


Provide an overview of what running a hedge fund entails.


  1. Define what running a hedge fund means, which involves managing other people’s investments.
  2. Explain the key aspects of a hedge fund manager’s role, including investment strategies and decision-making.
  3. Highlight the importance of convincing investors of your expertise.

Specific Details:

  • Mention that running a hedge fund often involves significant financial responsibilities and risks.

Step 9: Convincing Investors


Detail the process of convincing investors to trust you with their money.


  1. Describe how you persuade potential investors that you possess a unique advantage in the market.
  2. Explain the importance of building trust and credibility in the financial industry.
  3. Mention any strategies or approaches you used to attract investors.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples of how you demonstrated your expertise to potential investors.

Step 10: Proving Your Expertise


Explain the necessity of demonstrating your ability to generate returns in the market.


  1. Discuss the importance of delivering on your promises and achieving positive results for investors.
  2. Share insights into your approach to finding and capitalizing on market inefficiencies.
  3. Emphasize the continuous need to identify mistakes in the market.

Specific Details:

  • Mention any challenges you faced in proving your expertise and how you overcame them.

Step 11: Starting a Mobile Home Dealership


Explain how the couple began their mobile home dealership business.


  1. Describe the initial idea and motivation for starting a mobile home dealership.
  2. Mention the steps involved in setting up the business, such as legal requirements and securing financing.
  3. Explain any challenges they faced in the early stages.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the importance of a clear business plan and understanding the mobile home industry.

Step 12: Ownership and Financing of Mobile Homes


Discuss the transition from a dealership to owning and financing mobile homes.


  1. Explain how the business evolved to include ownership and financing of mobile homes.
  2. Detail the benefits and challenges of this expansion.
  3. Mention any strategies they used to attract mobile home buyers and investors.

Specific Details:

  • Share insights into the mobile home market and its potential for profitability.

Step 13: Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs


Provide advice for individuals early in their business careers.


  1. Offer recommendations for aspiring entrepreneurs, such as patience and risk management.
  2. Discuss the importance of not taking excessive loans or risks.
  3. Share any personal experiences or lessons learned that can benefit others.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the significance of financial prudence and strategic decision-making.

Step 14: Director of Finance Career


Discuss the career of the individual who works as the Director of Finance.


  1. Explain the role of Director of Finance in a software company.
  2. Mention how the career in finance led to financial success and the ability to afford a nice house.
  3. Highlight the balance between a day job and personal financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Share any insights into career progression and the advantages of a stable day job.

Step 15: Choosing a Career in Finance


Explain the personal motivation for choosing a career in finance.


  1. Share the childhood interest in finance and the stock market.
  2. Describe the path that led to a career in finance.
  3. Reflect on the alignment between personal interests and the chosen career.

Specific Details:

  • Mention any educational background or qualifications relevant to the finance industry.

Step 16: Consider Investing


Discuss the option of investing as a means to build wealth.


  1. Mention investing as a potential pathway to wealth.
  2. Compare investing to the skills used in a finance job, but with the added aspect of taking ownership in companies using other people’s money.
  3. Highlight the importance of understanding investment strategies and risks.

Specific Details:

  • Provide some general advice on starting with investing, such as researching investment opportunities and diversifying portfolios.

Step 17: Introduction and Background of the Speaker


Introduce the speaker and their background.


  1. Identify the speaker as Noah Kagan, the founder of AppSumo.
  2. Mention his previous roles at Facebook (number 30) and (number four).
  3. Encourage viewers to subscribe to his channel for business advice.

Specific Details:

  • Share some key highlights of the speaker’s career to establish credibility.

Step 18: Interviewing a House Builder


Discuss the profession of the individual who builds houses.


  1. Identify the interviewee as a house builder.
  2. Mention the interviewee’s name (John Lewis) and last name (Luce).
  3. Emphasize the significance of his profession in the context of financial success.

Specific Details:

  • Provide context about the interviewee’s background as a retired race car driver and his inspiration for building houses.

Step 19: Advice for Aspiring Individuals


Offer advice for young individuals starting their life journey.


  1. Provide recommendations for young people, acknowledging the challenges of the modern world.
  2. Discuss the changing landscape of opportunities and the importance of adapting to new circumstances.
  3. Reflect on the ease of securing loans and starting businesses in the past.

Specific Details:

  • Mention the idea of starting as an apprentice or pursuing education in a related field to gain skills and knowledge.

Step 20: Interviewing Residents About Their Careers


Explain the process of approaching residents and asking about their careers.


  1. Mention the approach of randomly approaching residents and inquiring about their professions.
  2. Describe the responses from a physician and a tech recruiter.
  3. Highlight the diversity of careers in the neighborhood.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the friendly and casual nature of the interviews.
  • Mention the interest in their careers and the willingness to share their stories.

Step 21: Career of the Physician


Discuss the career of the physician who works in the emergency room.


  1. Identify the interviewee as a physician working in an emergency room in San Antonio.
  2. Mention the unique aspect of living in Austin while working in San Antonio.
  3. Highlight the challenges and rewards of the medical profession.

Specific Details:

  • Share insights into the decision-making process that led to becoming a physician.
  • Reflect on the performance and job satisfaction in the medical field.

Step 22: Tech Recruiting Career


Explain the profession of the individual working in tech recruiting.


  1. Identify the interviewee as a tech recruiter.
  2. Mention the initial career in banking and finance, leading to a transition to the tech industry.
  3. Describe the motivation behind the career change.

Specific Details:

  • Share how better performance reviews and job satisfaction influenced the career switch.
  • Reflect on the differences between working in banking and tech recruiting.

Step 23: Advice for Daughters


Offer advice for the interviewee’s two daughters in their careers.


  1. Recommend the importance of studying hard and enjoying school.
  2. Emphasize following their passions and interests in school and career choices.
  3. Stress the value of education as a key to success.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage competitiveness in school and the pursuit of what they are passionate about.
  • Highlight the role of education in opening doors to opportunities.

Step 24: Approaching the Governor’s House


Explain the attempt to approach the governor’s house for advice.


  1. Describe the attempt to visit the governor’s house as YouTubers seeking advice.
  2. Mention the lack of response from the governor and the humorous confusion about the question.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the importance of respecting people’s privacy when seeking advice.

Step 25: Seeking Advice from Wealthy Friends


Discuss the strategy of seeking advice from friends or acquaintances who have connections to wealthy individuals.


  1. Recommend reaching out to friends who have connections with wealthy individuals.
  2. Share a personal example of seeking advice on real estate by taking someone out to lunch.
  3. Highlight the potential for gaining insights and guidance through existing networks.

Specific Details:

  • Stress the value of networking and building relationships to access valuable information.



We are out here in beautiful Westlake Hills. This is where Joe Rogan lives, Lance Armstrong, Matthew McConaughey, and so we are here going to go knock on random doors and find out what people do for a living. This is something since when I was a little kid, I was like how did these people get rich, and today we’re going to find out. All right, I always have seen this house for years. We’re in Austin, Texas. Let’s go. I love this house. So let’s see if they’ll tell us. We’re making a YouTube video, and we were just curious what you do for a living.

First Door

Person 1: I can’t answer that question, but thank you. Narrator: You know what’s funny, if I’m honest, when someone comes to my door, I don’t open my door. When someone knocks, I look through my blinds. I’m like, what you want? What you want?

Second Door

Person 2: I live in the area. We’re doing a series where we ask people what they do for a living. So do you mind if I ask you? Person 3: Yes, I don’t want to answer your questions. Narrator: Imagine some random guy comes to your door, “Oh, excuse me, um, what do you do for a living?”

Third Door

Narrator: Hello, sir, how are you? Person 4: I’m doing well. Narrator: Okay, first off, love your house. And so we’re actually shooting a YouTube video. There’s a guy back on your driveway. We were just kind of curious what you do for a living. Person 4: Among other things, I’m the founder of Dreamland, which is an amazing family venue in Dripping Springs, a venue unlike anything else. Narrator: What did you do to get the money to be able to make Dreamland? Person 4: My first career was in finance, a Wall Street guy, ran a hedge fund, and loved it. I thought it was a fun game to play. But about 7 years ago, I decided I wanted to play a different game when I grew up. I just love games.

When I graduated from college, I said, “Hey, what am I going to do? How can I make a living playing a game?” Running a hedge fund is basically taking other people’s money and trying to invest for them, convincing them first of all, convincing them that you have some sort of special edge, you know, something about markets that’s special and valuable.

That’s the hard part, actually. A lot of the hard thing is convincing people of that. Then, once you’ve convinced them, then you actually have to prove it. You have to find things, find mistakes in markets. And I believe that markets do make mistakes, that markets are not rational. We humans, as we all do, we all make mistakes. And basically, I was playing a game, and I did that for about 20 years.

Fourth Door

Narrator: This is weird. I’m just going to park in the driveway. Person 5: Sorry, our channel is for people in business, and so we’re like, what did people do to get these really nice houses?

Fifth Door

Narrator: Are you serious? I live in Zilker. Person 6: You do? I so, I was born Grace, and so her, we can’t air her story. She had a little bit of whne in her. So she was telling us that she married this guy, divorced, got some money, then she married another guy. He sold his company to Microsoft. He cheated on her. And then now she has a few houses. Narrator: Me and my husband started a mobile home dealership, and that’s kind of how we started our company. And then he turned it into where we would own and finance mobile homes. Mobile homes, nice. And then for people that are starting out, like people early in their business careers, what would you recommend or what advice do you have for them? Person 6: Be patient. Don’t take out a whole bunch of loans, even though people say do it because you’re already going to have a lot of risks. Yeah, you know you’re rich when your gate has a gate.

Sixth Door

Narrator: Hi, how are you? Person 7: Good. Narrator: Oh, awesome. Yeah, we live in the neighborhood, and this is totally random, but we’re making a YouTube video about what do people do for a living. So I love, we were curious. Person 7: What? Narrator: How’s it going? Person 8: Hi there. Narrator: So we’re making a YouTube video. We loved your house, and so we were kind of curious what you do for a living. Person 8: I am the director of finance of a software company. Narrator: And that makes enough money to get a really nice house like this? Person 8: Uh, so far. Narrator: Do you think, for people that want to get rich and get a nice house like this, it’s interesting because you have a day job. You don’t own the company. It’s a day job. Person 8: That’s right. Narrator: Is that kind of an interesting thing to think about? Because I think most people have the story like, “I need to go get a job. I need to go start my own company to do well.” And it seems like you’ve taken another path. Person 8: Yeah, um, you know, it can work well. You work, you get promoted, you get more money. My wife also works and has a good career, and that helps a lot. Narrator: How did you choose finance? How does that? Person 8: I was one of those nerdy little kids who always liked to stare at the stock market when they were like five, and the parents thought they were crazy. I just kind of kept following it from that age and fell into it. Narrator: Are there other careers that you would have considered or you recommend if people want to get rich? Person 8: Uh, I mean, there’s always investing, similar skill set to working at a company in.

Seventh Door

Narrator: Finance except you take an ownership stake in the company using other people’s money. If you are new here, my name is Noah Kagan, and I am the founder of I was number 30 at Facebook and number four at So, if you’re an entrepreneur or side hustler, make sure to subscribe to the channel to help you on your business journey.

Person 9: His house is phenomenal. So, sir, what do you do for a living?

Person 10: Build new houses, man. And John Lewis, L-U-C-E.

Narrator: And then for anyone else who’s aspiring, if someone’s 21 years old, what kind of wisdom or thing would you recommend for them on their life journey?

Person 10: Oh, I don’t know. Nowadays, it’s so much more difficult and different than when I got started. Yeah, back when I got started, you went into the bank with a plan and convinced them that you were the guy, and they loaned you the money, and yeah, it was a little easier back then. I mean, if someone wants to be a builder to get rich, like how does someone start even today? Like be an apprentice, like someone goes and works as a contractor, I guess, probably. So, I mean, in my case, I was a retired race car driver. I didn’t have any idea what I wanted to do, but I was into architecture. So, that’s what got me inspired. So, I mean, actually, go get your degree in architecture but don’t be a practicing architect.

Narrator: I appreciate you taking the time. I know you have your call.

Person 10: No problem, dude. Awesome. That was awesome. I hope they’re not having like a party.

Eighth Door

Narrator: Hello, that is a huge dog. That’s a real fluffy dog. I loved your house. Like I’ve driven by it a lot, and so I was curious, what do y’all do for a living?

Person 11: Um, I’m a physician.

Narrator: Okay, what kind though?

Person 11: I work in an emergency room in San Antonio, but I happen to live here in Austin.

Person 12: I do tech recruiting.

Narrator: How is that job?

Person 12: It’s not easy, but it’s lucrative and it’s rewarding.

Ninth Door

Narrator: Well, I started off with over $100,000 of college debt. So, I started with less than zero, and I went into banking and finance and knew that as soon as I paid my debt off, that I’d had to GTFO. So, okay, I went over to working in tech and got more of a calling here.

Person 11: How did you know if it felt right?

Person 12: When I was in the job, I got better performance reviews than I ever did when I was in finance. And I liked what I was doing. I liked going to work every day. So, more than the banking stuff for sure. Banking stuff is, man, it’s terrible work. Yeah, I could imagine.

Person 11: Was it similar for you with physician? Is that something that you?

Person 11: No, my parents told me to do it, and I just did it.

Advice for Daughters

Narrator: You have a son or a daughter?

Person 11: We have two daughters.

Narrator: What advice do you have for them in their careers?

Person 12: Study hard, learn to love school. Yeah, whatever you’re passionate about in school, you should try to follow that through to your career because that’s going to lead you in the right direction. And you know, study hard, be competitive in school, and education is the key to everything.


Narrator: I love meeting more people that are not doing, like, I have a YouTube channel, or it’s like there’s many ways of doing well in this world. And like this house is just phenomenal. So, give me a test. Hello, all right, we’re pulling up. Let’s go. We’re YouTubers. We wanted to ask if there’s any advice.

Person 13: The governor has nope.

Narrator: Okay, I forgot what I was even supposed to ask. I was like, what do you do for a living? Is the governor. What do you do for a living? What does the governor do?

Person 14: I wouldn’t recommend just going up to random people’s doors and asking them what they did for a living or how to get rich. But I would think that one of the things I did during it, Isaac suggested it was that, do you already have friends who are wealthy or do you have friends that have friends that are wealthy or they friends of friends? Because if you’re curious to learn about this stuff, like I wanted to learn about real estate, and I was renting from a guy, and I said, “Hey, you seem like you’re doing well in real estate.

Can I take you out to lunch?” And from that, I’ve actually worked with him and invested with him, and he’s given me advice and guidance on real estate just because I took him out to lunch. So, you probably can find a lot of the information or different ideas from people already in your own network.

Narrator: If you liked this video and you want more of it, make sure you subscribe. But check out this video right up here, where you can actually see behind the scenes of the day in the life of me. I run a hundred million dollar software company, Check out this video up here if you’re not subscribed to the channel and you want more videos like this. Make sure to do that. I love you, and I’ll see you out there. PE PE.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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