Asking 70 Year Old Billionaires If They Have Any Regrets

👣 24 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Discover the Vital Steps to Achieving Success and Building Your Legacy

Hey there, folks! 🚀

Ever wondered how those billionaires really did it? 💰 The ones who built empires and lived the high life? 🏙️

Well, guess what? 🕵️‍♂️

Uncle Noah’s got the inside scoop! 😎

It’s all about that fine balance between chasing your dreams 🌠 and enjoying the simple things in life. 🌄

Frank Sinatra vibes, anyone? 🎤

Who knew that too much work could lead to bad gas? 💨

Or that a $22 million airplane might not be the secret to happiness? ✈️

Family, gratitude, and authenticity – the REAL keys to success! 🙌

Ready to unlock the secrets of the millionaires’ club? 💼

Get ready to dive into the nitty-gritty with Uncle Noah’s step-by-step guide! 📚

Find out how they managed pressure, avoided regrets, and built a legacy that’s truly unforgettable! 🌟

Stay tuned for the ultimate guide to life, success, and everything in between! 🌈 You won’t want to miss this! 💪

#LifeLessons #SuccessSecrets #UnlockTheMagic

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Identifying Opportunity


Recognize opportunities in everyday situations that can lead to a business idea.


  1. Pay attention to common inconveniences or problems people face.
  2. Consider whether there is a solution or improvement that can be turned into a business.

Step 2: Taking Initiative


Have the initiative to act on your business idea.


  1. Once you identify a promising business idea, take action immediately.
  2. Don’t wait for perfect conditions; start with what you have.

Step 3: Persistence and Long-Term Vision


Understand that building a billion-dollar business takes time and persistence.


  1. Be prepared for a long journey; success may take years or even decades.
  2. Stay focused on your long-term vision and don’t be discouraged by early challenges.

Step 4: Financial Management and Investments


Handle finances wisely and invest strategically.


  1. Manage your business finances prudently, especially in the early stages.
  2. Consider reinvesting profits back into the business for growth.

Step 5: Navigating Partnerships


Be cautious when entering partnerships and understand their impact.


  1. Choose business partners carefully and consider their long-term compatibility.
  2. Be prepared for changes in dynamics, especially when significant money is involved.

Step 6: Celebrating Achievements and Finding Balance


Enjoy the fruits of your labor while maintaining balance in life.


  1. Celebrate milestones and achievements along the way.
  2. Remember to balance work and personal life to avoid burnout.

Step 7: Life Phases


Understand that life priorities and perspectives may change over the years.


  1. In your 20s, explore various opportunities.
  2. In your 30s, focus on what you do best.
  3. In your 40s, monetize your strengths.
  4. In your 50s, stop worrying about others’ opinions.

Step 8: Handling Success


Manage the transition into wealth and maintain your lifestyle.


  1. Be prepared for the changes that come with financial success.
  2. Consider maintaining a relatively modest lifestyle even after significant financial gains.

Step 9: Lifestyle Management


Maintain a balanced lifestyle and avoid extravagant spending.


  1. Resist the temptation to drastically change your lifestyle when you achieve financial success.
  2. Continue living within your means and avoid frivolous expenses.

Step 10: Business Objectivity


Maintain objectivity and don’t let your business own you.


  1. Keep a clear perspective on your business, even if you love it.
  2. Ensure that you retain control over your business and decisions.

Step 11: Avoiding Impulsive Expenses


Be mindful of impulsive or unnecessary spending.


  1. Consider the long-term implications of significant purchases.
  2. Avoid buying items solely for the sake of showing off or impressing others.

Step 12: Financial Satisfaction


Find contentment in financial stability rather than pursuing constant extravagance.


  1. Prioritize happiness and contentment over the pursuit of material possessions.
  2. Focus on financial security rather than constantly seeking more.

Step 13: Becoming a Millionaire


Attaining millionaire status requires observation and intuition.


  1. Use your observation skills to identify opportunities and trends in the market.
  2. Trust your intuition and be open to unconventional business ideas.

Step 14: Starting a Business Without a Great Idea


Starting a business doesn’t always require a groundbreaking idea.


  1. Look for practical and down-to-earth business opportunities, such as providing services that fulfill everyday needs.
  2. Consider solving common problems or making existing processes more efficient.

Step 15: Market Trends and Opportunities


Stay informed about market trends and emerging opportunities.


  1. Keep an eye on trends and changes in consumer behavior.
  2. Research profitable industries and niches with growth potential.

Step 16: Leveraging Resources


Utilize resources like research and expert guidance to make informed business decisions.


  1. Seek advice and information from experts in your field.
  2. Use data and research to make strategic decisions for your business.

Step 17: Managing Pressure and Gratitude


Handle financial pressures and express gratitude to those who have supported you.


  1. Recognize the impact of financial pressure on your mindset.
  2. Make an effort to express gratitude to colleagues, employees, and those who have helped you.

Step 18: Regrets and Reflection


Reflect on regrets and lessons learned from your experiences.


  1. Identify any regrets you may have, such as not showing enough appreciation.
  2. Use past experiences as learning opportunities for personal growth.

Step 19: Selling a Business


Consider the decision to sell a business and the reasons behind it.


  1. Assess the growth and sustainability of your business.
  2. If necessary, seek knowledgeable individuals who can help you make informed decisions about selling.

Step 20: Work-Life Balance


Strive for a balance between work and personal life.


  1. Recognize the importance of maintaining a balance.
  2. Prioritize spending quality time with family and loved ones.

Step 21: Legacy and How You Want to Be Remembered


Think about the legacy you want to leave behind.


  1. Consider how you want to be remembered by your family and loved ones.
  2. Reflect on the impact you’ve had on people’s lives.

Step 22: Success and Family


Measure success by the quality of your relationships with family.


  1. Prioritize building strong relationships with your children.
  2. Consider success as having adult children who want to be with you.

Step 23: Authenticity


Strive to be authentic and real in your interactions with others.


  1. Focus on being genuine and true to yourself.
  2. Aim for authenticity in your relationships and interactions.

Step 24: Building a Great Life


Define success as having a fulfilling and meaningful life.


  1. Measure a great life by the quality of your personal connections and experiences.
  2. Prioritize happiness and contentment in your journey.


Money and Regrets

“When the money hits the table, that’s when you find a real character of people. Do you regret selling it? You have to get done. I was in there for the money. Business people, they say they love their business. What was the exit? Was it worth it? All the work and the worrying. Almost a 120 billion dollar company, okay, but it’s not a trillion yet. Have you ever wondered whether all the hard work and sacrifice to build a billion-dollar business is even worth it?”

Becoming a Billionaire

“Well, in this video, I’m going to talk to the founders of Kinko’s, Uggs boots, and Qualcomm to ask them how they built their billion-dollar empires and whether or not they have any regrets. How is it to become a billionaire? I feel great. Tell you a funny story of my wife over here bought an ex-wife about a TV cabinet for 35,000, and it always picked me off that camera was so goddamn expensive. I was very upset with the cabinet. Sold the business, I’m happy with the cabinet.”

Business Ideas and Kinkos

“How do you use curiosity to come up with business ideas, and how did that help you come up with Kinkos? Well, I was at SC, and they were in line at SC making Xerox copies, and I figured why I want the same people be in line in Santa Barbara, Barbara. I didn’t have to take a lot of LSD and ruminate over the damn idea.”

Being Best Known

“What are you best known for? I think I’m best known for being the founder of ARG. I was surfing up at Malibu one day, and it was, you know, October, November, the water was getting really cold, and I was pulling on my sheepskin boots after surfing, and I just got goosebumps on it. I’m like, ‘God, there’s no Ugg boots in America,’ and I was with my buddy, and I said to him, ‘Hey man, we’ve got to go into business. We’re going to be instant millionaires.’ We had no idea that it would take 20 years.”

The Day of the Deal

“How did you feel the day it closed? The day the deal closed, it was great. Really interesting day because, you know, when the money…”

Money and Character

“Day because you know when the money hits the table, that’s when you find out real character of people, and a lot of greed came in the first couple of days leading up to that. Everyone’s, you know, best friends until the money hits the table, and then it’s like, ‘Oh, oh, it’s all me.’ Really interesting.”

Inventing and Qualcomm

“What did you invent as a part of, oh, what I’m known for is the Viterbi algorithm. It is the basis for 5G technology for cell phones. Now, it was a basis for 2G and 3G. It also had some impact on 4G. How did you come up with that idea for Qualcomm? Well, our first company came out of our University Research. When we started Qualcomm because we had limited capital, we went after government contracts.”

Size and Valuation of Qualcomm

“How many people work at Qualcomm? I think at peak 30 or 40,000, and then the valuation I just looked up, almost 120 billion dollar company. Okay, but it’s not a trillion yet.”

Receiving Money and Relief

“How is it when you received the money that day? Like, what happens? Oh, it’s just euphoric. Like, so you actually felt relief? Yeah, yes. Oh, you don’t understand the luxury of waking up every morning and not worrying and thinking about what you want to think about. I like that part the best.”

Celebrating Success

“How did you celebrate? Probably had a few cocktails, maybe smoked a joint or two. I just remember always being stressed out, and there’s a lot more to worry about than your business. I was ready for it to be sold a lot long prior tonight when I sold it.”

Living Life in Decades

“If you had to describe how people should live their lives in decades, how would you think about that? My mother said, ‘Honey, in your 20s, try everything. In your 30s, figure out what you do best, and in your 40s, make money from what you do best and try not to do too much. In your 50s, in your 20s, you really do care about what people think about you. You get to be 40; you don’t really care what people think about you. Then you get to be 60; you realize no one thought of you in the first place.'”

Enjoying the Money

“So when you received the money from Uggs, like how did you enjoy the money? My wife and I had been just eking it out for 20 years. Yes, the first few were really, really tough, and then suddenly we got millions in the bank, but our lifestyle did not change. Did we didn’t go to more expensive restaurants? We didn’t do a big vacation. We just carried on with life.”

Business and Objectives

“What was your expert? I was in there for the money, and it was always for sale. Just I sold it in 1997. But every day that business was out there was for sale. Business people, they say they love their business. You can enjoy your business once you love it, you’re losing your objectivity, and you can’t let that business own you; you own it.”

Spending Money

“What are some of the silly ways you’ve spent your money? Frivolous things I bought, yeah, or on the other side, I bought this goddamn airplane to be a big shot. No, that cost me a lot of money. How much was the payment? You bought 22 million dollars.”

Enjoyment and Satisfaction

“How did you enjoy your money? I had a Ferrari for a while because my kids talked me into it, but I didn’t like it. It was the Modena 360, I think. I got rid of it after 10 years. Had the best Mercedes that I could find at the time. It’s CLS 550, was just like a look like a dart, you know, it’s such a beautiful car. I’ve been through that, done that. I don’t need that for my ego anymore. You know, as long as the rent, I know, I’ve got no problems with the rent being paid for a year or two. That’s really all the money you need. The trick is to be happy when you do that sort of stuff, you know because I know a lot of millionaires are the most miserable people I know. They’re taking a step back for someone.”

Becoming a Millionaire

“How do you think someone today can become a millionaire? Use your eyes and your intuition, but unfortunately, we’re too damn rational a lot of times. It’s intuitive, and we don’t trust our instinct. Why does a customer want to buy something? They see all these big shots; they think that they built the business. Their customers built.”

Business Ideas in Today’s Economy

“What are you observing in terms of business ideas in today’s economy? Oh, there’s so many kids are too high for loot, and they want to do all the de-siphon and things. It’s just down and dirty stuff like every time you park your car, why is it somebody washing it for you? Why don’t you go to the place and say, ‘I’ll put a…”

Business Ideas and

“Car wash for you, charge for forty dollars, you’re going to lunch two hours later, you get a car wash. I mean, why? What’s happening? What’s happening? All that little hustle. What’s interesting about the stories in this video is that no matter how big the business becomes, it’s always about starting right now and having a promising business idea.”

Sponsorship and Regrets

“But what if you want to start a business, and you don’t got a great idea? We are working with, who y’all love so much last time. They have come back to hook us up with the sponsorship. Now, they have a whole team of analysts who are constantly nerding out researching the most profitable industries and business opportunities and send those to your inbox every single week.”

Sponsorship Offer

“On top of that, they also bring on successful CEOs and entrepreneurs for live business trainings and Q and A’s to teach you skills to build a company. Trends hooked us up with a special offer you all went crazy for last time; they’re doing it again. You can try out their community and get access to their business ideas for seven days for one buck. That is to start your seven-day trial for one dollar. Enjoy.”

Regrets and Work

“Do you have regrets of like that you work too much? It is a song. I don’t regret anything. It sounds like Frank Sinatra, ‘I did it my way,’ and I have no regrets. What regrets do you have from that time? Well, I was under so much pressure financially; I didn’t say enough thank-yous.”

Pressure and Gratitude

“I worked with really wonderful people, and I didn’t say thank you enough to them. But you’re in the middle of it all; it’s just hard to be grateful; you’re just so under so much pressure. I was just internally focused on paying my bills and all that, and I was jovial and very convivial to the managers, the executives; they could feel my fury a little bit.”

Worth of the Work and Worrying

“Was it worth it, all the work and the worrying? Now in my 40s, I didn’t sleep right; my neck always hurt, and I had bad gas. Now I don’t have any gas; I sleep like a baby, and my neck doesn’t hurt. Do you regret selling it or how do you feel about it? No, um, it was growing so fast; I just didn’t have the knowledge of finance to be able to forecast the production requirements.”

Letting Go

“When it got to about 15 million, I just thought, you know, I got to find somebody who can really take this and run with it because if I had tried to hold on to it, you know, I would have failed miserably that year because of my success. Do you wish you would have, like, worked less or done anything different with the experience?”

Enjoying Running the Business

“I couldn’t have worked less because it had to get done. I wouldn’t say I overworked, but I was always busy; my mind never switched off from oh, overall, it was really enjoyable, you know, running my own business and having really good staff and everyone; it was like a team of people on this really cool project.”

Being Remembered

“How would you like to be remembered? As I had an interesting wife, and I want to be remembered for being the head of my family and having a warm family. How would you like to be remembered? The most common compliment I get is the highest company that I get when I come off stage is people just go, ‘Oh my God, you’re so real,’ you know, and that I think is how I want to be remembered. I think I’m doing a good job.”

Success and Family

“What makes a great life? You know what success is? Success is when your children want to be with you when they’re adults. How many people could have all that, and the kids don’t come home for the holidays? Come on, I’ve been called ‘adoption’ my whole life. Most cool thing I’ve ever been called in my entire life. Dad. If you like this video, you are going to love this video right up here where I knock on Millionaire’s doors and ask them how to get rich.”


“Make sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already. Uncle Noah loves you, and I’ll see you out there.”

Post/Page #46254
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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