The Psychology of Success, by Brian Tracy. Lesson 1 of the Phoenix Seminar (narrated and with subtitles)

👣 17 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Unleash Your Full Potential: Step-by-Step Guide to Success!

Ready to level up your life? 🌟

Ever wondered why some folks seem to have it all while you’re stuck on the struggle bus? 😩

Well, get ready to buckle up because we’re diving deep into the secrets of success! 💼

Picture this: You’re like a computer without a manual, trying to figure out this crazy game of life all on your own. 🤔

But what if I told you there’s a way to unlock your full potential and smash your goals like never before? 🤯

💡 It’s time to stop settling for average and start living your best life! From boosting your bank account 💰 to supercharging your relationships ❤️ and finding that inner peace 🧘‍♂️, we’ve got the keys to help you unlock the success you deserve.

Don’t be one of the 84% just coasting through life, barely scratching the surface of what you’re capable of. 🔑

It’s time to kick things into high gear and unleash your full potential! 🚀

So, are you ready to join the ranks of the elite few who are living their best lives? 💥

#Success #UnlockYourPotential #LifeHacks 💪🌟

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Introduction to the Seminar


This step involves introducing the seminar and its focus on the psychology of success.


  1. Greet the audience and introduce yourself as the host (e.g., “Hello, I’m Brian Trace, welcome to the Phoenix program.”).
  2. Provide a brief overview of the seminar’s content, emphasizing its focus on understanding why some people achieve more success than others.
  3. Pose thought-provoking questions to engage the audience (e.g., “Have you ever wondered why some people are more successful than others?”).

Specific Details:

  • Start with a welcoming and engaging tone to capture the audience’s attention.
  • Clearly state the purpose of the seminar and what attendees can expect to learn.

Step 2: Personal Journey to Understanding Success


This step involves sharing a personal anecdote related to the speaker’s journey in understanding success.


  1. Share a personal experience or story that sparked the speaker’s curiosity about success (e.g., “When I was 15 years old, I started questioning why some people achieve more success.”).
  2. Describe the speaker’s journey, including traveling to various countries, working different jobs, and investing significant time in studying success.
  3. Highlight the speaker’s dedication to finding answers to the question of why some people succeed more than others.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize the speaker’s extensive efforts in exploring the topic of success, including traveling and studying for over 25 years.
  • Illustrate the speaker’s commitment to understanding success, which serves as the foundation for the seminar’s content.

Step 3: Availability of Information on Success


This step discusses the abundance of information available on the topic of success.


  1. Explain that there is a wealth of information accessible today regarding success, more so than in any other time in history.
  2. Highlight the significance of this abundance of information in understanding and predicting success.
  3. Stress the idea that success is predictable and achievable with the right knowledge and approach.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples of the diverse sources of information on success, including research studies, literature, and personal development resources.
  • Emphasize the paradigm shift in understanding success as something predictable and attainable.

Step 4: Key Components for Achieving Success


This step outlines the two fundamental components necessary for achieving success.


  1. Identify the first essential component: making the decision to surpass previous levels of success and commit to achieving one’s goals.
  2. Highlight the importance of determination and goal-setting in the pursuit of success.
  3. Introduce the second crucial component: acquiring the knowledge and skills required to achieve success.

Specific Details:

  • Stress the significance of mindset and commitment in achieving success, emphasizing the importance of setting ambitious goals.
  • Emphasize the necessity of continuous learning and skill development in the journey toward success.

Step 5: Overview of the Seminar’s Purpose


This step provides an overview of the seminar’s purpose and what attendees can expect to learn.


  1. Explain that the seminar is designed to teach attendees how to achieve success.
  2. Highlight that the seminar incorporates insights from various disciplines, including science, religion, psychology, philosophy, and esoteric studies.
  3. Emphasize the practicality and applicability of the seminar’s teachings in real-life situations.

Specific Details:

  • Communicate the seminar’s value proposition by promising to deliver practical strategies and insights for achieving success.
  • Build anticipation by hinting at the breadth of knowledge and disciplines covered in the seminar.

Step 6: Importance of Revising Outdated Notions of Success


This step emphasizes the need to discard outdated notions of success.


  1. Assert that it’s essential to abandon outdated beliefs about success, such as the correlation between intelligence, education, luck, appearance, and success.
  2. Share personal insights or experiences that led to the realization that traditional notions of success are flawed.
  3. Encourage the audience to reconsider their preconceptions about success and embrace a more nuanced understanding.

Specific Details:

  • Challenge common misconceptions about success and highlight the speaker’s own journey of questioning and reevaluation.
  • Emphasize that success is not solely determined by factors like intelligence or appearance but involves other critical elements.

Step 7: Defining Success


This step involves defining success and distinguishing it from survival instincts.


  1. Differentiate between survival instincts observed in animals and the human instinct for success.
  2. Define success as an internal drive to achieve, grow, and fulfill one’s potential.
  3. Explain that success goes beyond mere survival needs and encompasses aspirations for personal growth and accomplishment.

Specific Details:

  • Illustrate the distinction between survival instincts and the human drive for success.
  • Emphasize that success involves striving for personal growth and fulfillment beyond basic survival needs.

Step 8: The Seven Ingredients of Success


This step introduces the concept of the seven fundamental ingredients of success.


  1. Present the idea that success can be categorized into seven key components.
  2. Express the importance of integrating these ingredients to achieve desired outcomes.
  3. Tease the audience by promising that mastering these ingredients can lead to the realization of one’s aspirations.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the significance of understanding and mastering each ingredient for achieving holistic success.
  • Build anticipation by suggesting that the integration of these ingredients can empower individuals to achieve their goals.

Step 9: Correlation Between Inner Peace and Energy


This step discusses the significant correlation between inner peace and energy in medical and psychological research.


  1. Explain that medical and psychological studies show a strong correlation (80-90%) between inner peace and overall health.
  2. Introduce the concept of psychosomatic medicine, which emphasizes the influence of the mind on the body.
  3. Emphasize that achieving higher levels of inner peace automatically leads to improved mental and physical health.

Specific Details:

  • Provide statistics or examples from research studies to support the correlation between inner peace and energy.
  • Highlight the implications of this correlation for achieving overall well-being and success.

Step 10: The Importance of Loving Relationships


This step emphasizes the significance of loving relationships as a key ingredient for success.


  1. Define loving relationships as the ability to form long-term, mutually supportive connections with others.
  2. Stress that maintaining good relationships is essential for human well-being and success, with 85% of life’s problems and successes depending on the quality of relationships.
  3. Suggest that laughter and smiles serve as simple yet effective indicators of healthy relationships.

Specific Details:

  • Explain how stable and fulfilling relationships contribute to overall health, energy, and inner peace.
  • Highlight the role of laughter and smiles as indicators of happiness and the health of relationships.

Step 11: Achieving Financial Freedom


This step discusses the importance of financial freedom as a component of success.


  1. Define financial freedom as having enough money to meet one’s needs and pursue desired experiences without financial stress.
  2. Address common misconceptions about the role of money in success and emphasize its importance in accessing opportunities and enjoying life’s pleasures.
  3. Encourage individuals to strive for financial independence as a means to focus on other aspects of personal growth and fulfillment.

Specific Details:

  • Highlight the various ways in which financial freedom enables individuals to pursue their passions, education, health, and leisure activities.
  • Emphasize the importance of achieving a balance between financial stability and other aspects of life satisfaction.

Step 12: Developing Financial Skills


This step emphasizes the importance of developing financial skills as part of achieving success.


  1. Highlight the necessity for individuals to acquire the skills needed to earn enough money to support their desired lifestyle.
  2. Address the misconception that many people do not earn enough money to live comfortably and stress the importance of learning how to increase income.
  3. Promise to provide attendees with strategies and guidance for achieving financial goals through effort and determination.

Specific Details:

  • Encourage participants to recognize the importance of financial independence in pursuing other life goals.
  • Emphasize the need for proactive steps and commitment to learning financial skills for long-term success.

Step 13: Setting Valuable Goals and Ideals


This step discusses the significance of setting valuable goals and ideals for success.


  1. Define goals and ideals as sources of meaning, purpose, and motivation in life.
  2. Explain that aligning goals and ideals with personal values is crucial for maintaining motivation and direction.
  3. Highlight the role of goals and ideals in providing a sense of significance and purpose in daily life.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples of how goals and ideals contribute to personal fulfillment and happiness.
  • Encourage attendees to reflect on their values and aspirations to set meaningful goals that resonate with their innermost desires.

Step 14: Self-Knowledge and Self-Understanding


This step emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge and self-understanding for success.


  1. Define self-knowledge and self-understanding as the awareness of one’s motivations, strengths, weaknesses, and values.
  2. Stress the importance of honesty and introspection in gaining self-awareness and confronting personal truths.
  3. Promise to provide attendees with tools and insights for self-exploration and positive change.

Specific Details:

  • Explain how self-knowledge enables individuals to make informed decisions and align their actions with their true selves.
  • Highlight the role of self-understanding in personal growth and development.

Step 15: Understanding the Underperformance


This step explains why the average person operates below their potential.


  1. Highlight statistics showing that most people operate at a low level of achievement, scoring between one to three on a scale of one to ten.
  2. Discuss the concept of underutilization in the workforce, where many individuals do not fully utilize their skills and potential.
  3. Present findings indicating dissatisfaction in various aspects of life, such as relationships and financial security.

Specific Details:

  • Provide examples or research findings to illustrate the prevalence of underperformance in different areas of life.
  • Emphasize the need for individuals to recognize and address the factors contributing to their underachievement.

Step 16: The Need for a Success Manual


This step advocates for the necessity of a success manual to guide individuals towards achieving their full potential.


  1. Compare human life to a computer without a manual, emphasizing the need for guidance and instruction in navigating life’s challenges.
  2. Propose the idea of incorporating a course on success into educational curricula to equip individuals with essential life skills.
  3. Present the seminar as a comprehensive guide or manual for success, promising to provide participants with valuable insights and tools.

Specific Details:

  • Illustrate the analogy of a computer without a manual to highlight the importance of guidance in achieving success.
  • Emphasize the seminar’s role in filling the gap by providing practical guidance and strategies for personal development.

Step 17: Effort and Multiplication of Efforts


This step discusses the importance of effort and the multiplication of efforts in achieving success.


  1. Emphasize the significance of effort in achieving success, highlighting the need for consistent and directed action.
  2. Introduce the concept of multiplying effort through increased understanding and effectiveness, leading to exponential results.
  3. Promise to provide attendees with tools and strategies to enhance the effectiveness of their efforts for greater success.

Specific Details:

  • Explain how understanding and effective implementation of principles can amplify the results of individual efforts.
  • Encourage participants to adopt a systematic approach to applying principles for optimal results.


Phoenix Seminar, Module 1: The Psychology of Success

Hello, I am Brian Trace, welcome to the Fênix program.

In this first chapter, we’re going to talk about the psychology of success. Have you ever wondered why some people have more success than others? Why some earn more money, are happier, have better jobs, relationships, and seem to enjoy their lives more? When I was 15 years old, this question started to bother me. I spent over 25 years traveling to more than 80 countries, worked in 30 different jobs, and invested a total of approximately 30,000 hours of study to try to find the answer to the question: Why do some people have more success than others? And you know what? I found out that this is one of the most studied topics in the world, that there is more information available on this subject today than at any other time, and that now we can say with total certainty that success is as predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. These days, we have the ability to achieve success much faster than we ever thought possible.

But for that, you must learn two basic things. Number one, you must make the decision to surpass all your previous levels of success. You must make the decision to achieve success and accomplish all the goals you set for yourself as you planned. And secondly, you need to learn how to do it. And this program was designed to teach you how to do it. We started several years ago, and over 150,000 men and women have gone through it in one way or another. Many of them said it was like receiving a new lease on life.

One gentleman told us it was like receiving a blank check for the future. In the next few hours, I will share with you crucial information that has been discovered and studied over 4,000 years in history, which combines disciplines such as science, religion, metaphysics, psychology, philosophy, and esoteric studies. All this knowledge led me to a conclusion, and that’s exactly what I want to present to you during this program. I can guarantee that if you apply just a few of the principles you will learn here, it will be enough to significantly improve your results in all areas of your life. Now, starting a study on the study of SUCCESS…

It is our duty to set aside some long outdated notions. For a long time, I believed in the idea that for someone to be successful in life, they had to be especially intelligent, or have an excellent education, be very attractive, have many contacts, or that success was just a matter of luck. Well, I examined this subject for a long time, and as far as I reached, there is no correlation between success, intelligence, education, luck, contacts, and good looks. Of course, these factors will help at some point, but there is no direct correlation. Success is based on other factors. Now, before we move forward, we need to define success. When observing humans and other animals, we quickly see that other animals have what we can call the instinct for survival. Other animals work to have enough food, a place to rest and reproduce, and then they hibernate or die, and this is their basic cycle. We humans have what we can call the instinct for Success. The instinct for success means that we humans are internally oriented towards success. It means that it is as natural for you to be a successful person or to want to succeed as it is to inhale and exhale. Even if you don’t recognize it, internally, you want to be something, want to have something, and want to do something. You want to realize all your potential as a human being. And if you allow me, this is an essential part of our human structure. We will never be completely satisfied as long as we are alive. We will always want to be bigger, want to do more, and have more. And of course, we come back to the question, why do so few people achieve success in their lives? And well, here we are going to start talking about what involves the instinct for Success. Now, I have studied…

Freedom, Financial and Beyond

Human life is characterized by an intrinsic feature of our species. As we know, most of the problems we face in life, about 85% of them, speak for themselves. 85% of your successes will depend on how well you relate to other people. The quality and quantity of our relationships are real indicators of our well-being as human beings. And as you know, problems in our relationships from early childhood to adulthood influence our health, energy, and inner peace. Stable relationships are fundamental to our health, energy, and inner peace. So, how do we measure our relationships? Well, one of the simplest measures that can be used is simply asking how much you laugh with another person. This is very important because how much you smile is what you will find when you enter into a happy relationship. You’ll see that one of the first things that disappear when a relationship starts to sour are the smiles. A smile is the spontaneous mark of a happy person, the real mark of a healthy person and a healthy relationship.

As you know from your own experience, the fourth ingredient of success is financial freedom. Financial freedom means you have enough money to no longer worry about money. And upon hearing this, some people will say success is just a matter of money, but I’m not interested in that now. Let me tell you something about money. It is indeed important. We use money to buy clothes, books, to have a good education, to pay for good healthcare, to travel, and to enjoy the good things in life. Each of us must work to reach the level where we have the ability to earn enough money to no longer worry about it. We must reach a point where we can think about bigger things, such as our relationships, our health, improving our minds, better caring for our spiritual side. We all must develop the ability to earn more money, and unfortunately, most people do not earn enough to live. In this course, you will learn how you can…

Effort, Goals, and Self-Realization

To earn the money you desire, effort and paying the necessary price are required. The fifth ingredient of success is valuable goals and ideals. Sometimes when we talk about ideals, we’re talking about values. We know that values live in the hearts of human beings; your values determine almost everything that happens to you. Goals and ideals give us a sense of meaning and purpose. Dr. Victor Frankl, founder of Logotherapy, concluded after a lifetime of research that we humans need meaning and purpose. We need to feel that we are doing something important, need a good reason to wake up and get out of bed, need to believe in what we do, need motivation, incentives, and to feel positive emotions. Thinking like this, you’ll realize that your goals and ideals are critical points because they need to be constantly in tune with your values. What we have discovered is that about 80% or more of people have very little or no internal value. Most people have no sense of direction, just drift, just do what they are asked, and this is a significant problem because it contributes to their unhappiness.

The sixth ingredient of success is self-awareness and self-understanding. What does this mean? It means you know and understand who you are, why you do what you do, and what motivates you in life. It also means you are honest with yourself. It means you have the value and character to confront yourself. This is very important. Having the honesty to face your strengths and weaknesses, honesty and integrity to look within and try to understand why you do what you do and what moves you. Throughout this course, we will provide a great deal of information about why you are as you are and how you can positively change if you are not satisfied with your life.

The seventh ingredient of success is truly the result: the feeling of personal fulfillment. The feeling of personal fulfillment is what Abraham Maslow called self-actualization. Self-actualization means you feel you are becoming all that you are capable of being. It means that every day you feel you are progressing towards fulfilling your innate potential. Self-actualization is the result of having valuable goals and ideals, loving relationships, a high degree of self-awareness and self-understanding, which generates health, energy…

Understanding the Underachievement

Peace of mind, loving relationships, and financial freedom. The interesting and at the same time tragic part is why people achieve so little. The reason is that most people achieve so little. On a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of human potential, the average person is operating below what they are capable of achieving. On a scale of 1 to 10, the average person may not reach more than a two or three. About 84% of people working are underutilized in their jobs, not using all their skills and potential. 80% of them would like to be doing something else. A survey of couples revealed that 38% of them would prefer to be married to other people. We also found that the vast majority of people in our society, after earning a good salary their whole lives, retire without savings and face great difficulties.

Only 1% become rich, 5% become independent, 15% have modest savings, and 80% depend on others. The average savings saved by retired couples over their lifetimes in the United States or Canada today is less than 0.000. This means that after earning half to 1 million dollars in their lives, these people were unable to save to live well in their golden years. Why does this happen? The number one reason is that we come into this world without an instruction manual. We go through all our education and are never taught anything about personal success. Personally, I believe there should be a course on success in every school year and especially in universities. The fact is that we come into this world like a computer. Imagine you bought a beautiful computer, took it home, took it out of the box, and connected it, but there was no instruction manual. So you had to figure out how to make it work on your own. It’s like a combination lock. Imagine you received a closed box with a combination lock, and inside it is everything you ever dreamed of achieving, but you weren’t given the combination to the lock.

We come into this world without an instruction manual and spend a lifetime trying to figure out how to do things correctly. The key to success is first what we call understanding, which means learning how to do things correctly. This course is like an instruction manual for success; you will get more out of yourself after completing this course than you ever imagined. The second point is that it requires effort. There are many people, as you know, who study all their lives but never apply anything with the necessary effort or correctly. The midpoint here is the multiplication sign. Your effort multiplied by understanding equals results. In this course, we will dramatically increase your understanding and give you the tools to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your effort so that you do things not just well but correctly, and this will dramatically increase all your results. Many people who have completed this course have been able to earn more in the following year than in the previous 5 years.

Many of them have been able to achieve more progress in one or two years than in their entire lives. It is not uncommon for a person to complete this course and double or triple their income in a few weeks or months simply by applying these principles. Do these principles work? Yes, these principles work. These principles are the foundation of all success and achievement in adult life. Every successful man or woman uses these principles consciously or unconsciously. What we have done here is develop these principles together in this course as a system similar to a learning process. If you wish, adopt them. If you wish, use them. Implement them systematically and work with them consistently, even if for a short period, and you will see truly wonderful changes in your life. I believe you can be, do, and have anything you desire in life. You can grow, expand, and increase your potential. You can earn more money, have more peace of mind, be healthier, have more energy, have better loving relationships, financial freedom, a greater sense of personal fulfillment, a complete sense of inner peace, all this if you simply follow. I invite you to join me throughout this course.

Together, we will explore everything you are capable of achieving in your future. Together, you and I will see what you will be able to achieve in your life because what the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve. Napoleon Hill. Well, we’ve reached the end of the first lesson. Soon, I’ll be posting lesson number two. If you enjoyed this content, leave a like, and one more thing, comment here: I completed lesson number one, so I’ll know who watched to the end, and that’s very important to me. Avoid evil, do good, and have faith in your dreams. A big hug from your friend, Diego Melo. [SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT: What caught your attention the most in this lesson?]

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Picture of Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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