7 Traits Of Irresistible Offers: How To Create Offers That People Want To Buy

👣 7 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Learn the Winning Steps to Crafting Irresistible Opportunities

Ready to unlock the secrets of creating offers they can’t resist? 😎

Let’s talk about everyday choices, my friend. 🤔

Ever grabbed a snack 🍿 just because the packaging looked oh-so-tempting? Or scored a deal 🛍️ because it was simply too good to pass up?

It’s all about making irresistible offers! 💥

Imagine your life filled with offers people can’t say “no” to. 😱

Learn how to create deals so sweet, they’ll wonder how they lived without them. 🤩

Stay tuned, because we’re about to spill the beans on crafting offers that are pure 🔥.

Ready to dive in? 😃

#IrresistibleOffers #UnlockSuccess

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Easy to Understand


Your offer should be easy to understand and not confuse potential customers with too many elements.


  1. Simplify your offer to focus on a single, straightforward idea.
  2. Ensure that your offer is concise and clearly communicates the benefit to the customer.
  3. Avoid overwhelming customers with too many features or options.

Specific Details:

  • Use simple and clear language to describe your offer.
  • Provide a clear and compelling value proposition.

Step 2: Highly Desirable


Make your offer highly desirable by addressing customer needs and desires.


  1. Identify the pain points or desires your product or service can fulfill.
  2. Highlight how your offer addresses these pain points or fulfills desires.
  3. Create marketing materials that emphasize the benefits and emotional appeal of your offer.

Specific Details:

  • Use storytelling and emotional triggers to make your offer more appealing.
  • Focus on the benefits customers will receive.

Step 3: High Perceived Value


Ensure that customers perceive your offer as valuable.


  1. Showcase the unique value proposition of your offer.
  2. Use testimonials, reviews, or case studies to demonstrate the value others have received.
  3. Compare the value of your offer to its price.

Specific Details:

  • Provide tangible examples of how your offer has benefited others.
  • Highlight any exclusive features or bonuses that increase perceived value.

Step 4: Easy to Get


Make it easy for customers to take action and make a purchase.


  1. Simplify the buying process, reducing the number of steps required.
  2. Offer multiple payment options and a straightforward checkout process.
  3. Remove any barriers or obstacles that may deter customers from completing the purchase.

Specific Details:

  • Optimize your website or sales platform for mobile users for easy access.
  • Use clear and concise call-to-action buttons.

Step 5: Believable and Credible


Build trust with customers by making your offer believable and credible.


  1. Explain why you are offering such a compelling deal.
  2. Provide evidence of your expertise, authority, or trustworthiness.
  3. Be transparent about the terms and conditions of your offer.

Specific Details:

  • Share your company’s background and history.
  • Use data or statistics to support your claims.

Step 6: Low Risk or No Risk


Reduce or eliminate the risk for customers to encourage them to take action.


  1. Offer a money-back guarantee or a risk-free trial period.
  2. Clearly communicate your refund or return policy.
  3. Address any concerns or objections customers may have in advance.

Specific Details:

  • Make the return process hassle-free and customer-friendly.
  • Provide a clear timeline for refund processing.

Step 7: Urgency


Create a sense of urgency to prompt immediate action.


  1. Set a deadline for your offer to create a limited-time opportunity.
  2. Highlight the scarcity of your offer, such as limited quantities or bonuses.
  3. Use persuasive language to encourage customers to act now.

Specific Details:

  • Use countdown timers or limited-time banners on your website.
  • Clearly communicate the end date or availability of the offer.



You see, one of the most important things I’ve learnt in my business is to make an offer they can’t refuse. See, price is only an issue in the absence of value. One of the things that you got to do, you got to let people know. They can’t say no to your offer. Well, in my case, if they say no to my offer, they know what’s going to happen. Send one of my guys to their house with a baseball bat, teach them a lesson what it means to say no to Don Corleone.

Price vs. Value

Always remember when a consumer is making a buying decision, they’ve got a mental scale in their minds. Do I want to buy this or do I not want to buy this? It’s price versus value, price versus value. If the value is great enough, they have no problem paying their price. But price is always going to be an issue if you don’t offer enough value.

The Seven Traits of an Irresistible Offer

Trait number one, it has to be easy to understand.

You don’t want your offer to be very confusing. Oh, you get this, you get this and you get that, a bunch of stuff, it’s very, very confusing. It’s usually a single idea. One single simple idea that the consumer would understand. Let me give an example. If I was to ask you, okay, give me 50 bucks. You’re like, why should I give you 50 bucks? Oh, because I’m a nice person, I make videos, I teach you, you get value, give me 50 bucks. I don’t get it. I’m not going to give you $50, it’s very confusing, it’s a lot of different things. But if I was to say to you that give me $50, I’m going to give you $100 in return, no gimmick. Real 100 dollars, give me 50 bucks, I’ll give you 100 bucks, no gimmick. You see, it’s a very simple proposition, you want your offer, you want your proposition to be very simple, very easy to understand, and very easy to say yes to.

Trait number two, you want your offer to be highly desirable.

People don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want. And usually, we either buy something to avoid pain or to gain pleasure. To avoid pain, meaning that there’s a problem that we have or multiple problems that we have, how is your product or service going to solve me this problem? Not just a thing, right? Not just a thing, but how is this going to help me to ease my concern, to ease my stress, or to gain pleasure by giving me something that I’ve been wanting for a long time. So an offer is only truly irresistible, not from our perspective, but from the consumer’s perspective.

Trait number three, high perceived value.

Now what do I mean by high perceived value? It’s what’s valuable to the consumers. I remember many years ago, I saw these eBooks offers on ClickBank that they offer, a hundred eBooks for only a few dollars. It’s a lot of stuff, it’s just stuff. It’s just information, but it doesn’t have high perceived value to the consumers. So yeah, the value is high, but it’s not high perceived value to the consumers. So when your offer only has value but not high perceived value, from the consumer perspective, that is not good, that is not irresistible.

Trait number four, it has to be easy to get.

Because you have all those things, but it takes many, many steps or is very hard for the customers to say yes, or to buy or to take action. Now you have a sales prevention vehicle there. That doesn’t work, that’s not irresistible. Imagine I’m ready to buy. You have to have me fill out a 10-page thing and then I got to go to this website, and I got to put it in an envelope and I got to send it back to you. That’s not easy to buy, even though I want it, I like it, that’s not irresistible.

Believable and Credible

Trait number five, it has to be believable and credible.

You’ve heard of the saying before, it sounds too good to be true. So sometimes when you’re making an irresistible offer, the consumers think, oh, it sounds too good to be true. No different than I was asking you, “Hey, give me 50 bucks. I’ll give you 100.” Oh, what’s the catch? Why would you want to do that? That doesn’t sound right. So that’s not very believable and it’s not very credible. So whenever you’re making an irresistible offer, one of the very smart things that you could do is to give them a reason why you’re giving them such a good deal. Why are you giving them such a compelling offer? Maybe because this is a new product. You’re trying to gather customers, you’re trying to get testimonials, or maybe you have too much inventory. That’s why you give them a discount, or maybe because you want to build trust. Tell them that so now they know okay, this is why you’re giving me a good deal. This is why this is so compelling. Alright, I’ll take advantage of that.

Low Risk or No Risk

Trait number six, low risk or no risk.

You see this on TV, infomercials, 30-day money-back guarantee, 60-day money-back guarantee, 90-day money-back guarantee. Because the consumer is thinking, well, what if I don’t like it? What if this product doesn’t perform the way that you say it would? What about this? What about that? I don’t want to lose money. I don’t want to make a mistake. I don’t want to make a mistake in front of my family, then I look really stupid. So how could you reduce or better yet eliminate the risk for the consumers when they want the offer, and it’s easy to buy, and it’s credible, and you’re taking away the risk? Now it’s very, very easy for them to say yes.


Trait number seven, urgency.

Now you just need to give them a reason why they need to buy right now because people procrastinate. If you don’t give them a reason why they need to buy right now, they won’t buy because people don’t like risk. People don’t like to make decisions. Most people are not action-takers, right? They delay again and again and again, sometime or maybe I’ll get it in the future, guess what, that never happens. So give them a reason why they need to buy this right now. Now it could be a limited-time offer, meaning this offer is only available during this time. That’s a good reason. Or it can be limited quantity. If that’s true, you only have so many of these units available for purchase, tell them that or maybe it’s a limited-time bonus, that in order to get the bonuses you have to buy within this period of time, why you need to buy now, or maybe it’s a limited-time discount, in order to get this special price, preferred pricing, you need to take action

before this deadline. Or maybe it’s only the first 50, 100, 150 people will get this, afterwards then people won’t get that bonus anymore. There’s so many ways you could do this. But the bottom line is if you don’t give them a reason to act now, they won’t act and that’s how you make them an offer they can’t refuse.


  • Dan’s a force of nature.
  • He’s improved arguably millions of lives where they can provide themselves with more money.
  • His materials are great.
  • Excellent into the top of his game.
  • Everything he says has a purpose, and everything he does is done with heart.
  • What I’ve seen from Sifu Dan Lok, I didn’t see it from anyone else. He’s done it. He’s been there and he’s still doing it.
  • Because of Dan Lok, my revenue went 30% up.
  • I actually get like a clearer picture of how I should run my business.
  • I can feel it that he really, truly do want to help his students.
  • Start taking hold of more advanced strategies on building our brand, creating content, leveling up our team.
  • In an environment where I could actually be around people that were going to support that, encourage that, and hold me to a higher standard.
  • Dan is a great mentor to get you not only in the right frame of mind, but then to give you the know-how, the tools, the skills to get there.
  • If you will just follow his advice, go step by step according to his blueprint, you will achieve results more than you can imagine about.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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