6 Big Lessons to Win at Life | Robin Sharma

👣 13 Innovative Steps: From Content To Conversion!


Life's Crucial Steps: Your Roadmap to Prosperity and Fulfillment

Ready to kickstart your journey to success? 💪

Let’s talk about some life lessons they don’t teach you in school. 🤔

Ever wondered why small wins matter? 🏆

Or how staying on course is like flying a plane? ✈️

Learn why “nothing fails like success” and why asking for what you want is crucial. 💬

Dive into the power of value delivery, prioritizing exercise, and embracing failure on your path to greatness. 🌟

Join me in uncovering these hidden gems of life wisdom and unleash your full potential! 🚀💫

Stay tuned for the full guide! 📖

#SuccessSecrets #LifeWisdom #StayTuned

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Understanding the Concept of Small Wins


This step focuses on understanding the importance of small wins in achieving a successful life. It emphasizes that greatness is not solely achieved through revolutionary moments but through consistent, incremental progress.


  1. Recognize that an extraordinary life is not primarily about waiting for extraordinary moments to occur.
  2. Understand that small, consistent wins contribute significantly to the overall journey of success.
  3. Acknowledge that everyday choices and actions play a crucial role in achieving your goals.
  4. Shift your mindset from seeking sudden revolutions to appreciating the significance of incremental progress.

Specific Details:

  • Avoid the misconception that only grand events lead to a great life. In reality, it’s the accumulation of daily actions that matter.
  • Reflect on your daily routines and decisions to identify opportunities for small wins.
  • Understand that embracing small wins creates a positive momentum that propels you toward your long-term aspirations.

Step 2: Staying on Course


This step draws an analogy between flying a plane and navigating life. It highlights the importance of continuously adjusting and staying on course, even when distractions and setbacks occur.


  1. Imagine your life journey as being similar to flying a plane toward a destination.
  2. Recognize that external forces and distractions will attempt to divert you from your desired path.
  3. Understand that you have the power to make constant course corrections to stay aligned with your goals.
  4. Prioritize your ideals and long-term objectives over short-term temptations or distractions.
  5. Embrace the opportunity to get back on track whenever you deviate from your desired course.

Specific Details:

  • The analogy of keeping the needle at the center of the dial represents maintaining focus on your goals amidst life’s distractions.
  • Be aware of the seductions and distractions that may lead you astray.
  • Understand that each day provides a chance to realign yourself with your world-class ideals and aspirations.

Step 3: Embracing Imperfection and Progress


This step emphasizes the importance of recognizing that nobody is perfect and that life is a journey of continuous improvement.


  1. Accept that perfection is unattainable, and everyone is a work in progress.
  2. Embrace your imperfections as opportunities for growth and learning.
  3. Set realistic expectations for yourself and focus on progress rather than perfection.
  4. Be resilient in the face of setbacks and failures, viewing them as stepping stones toward your ideals.
  5. Continuously strive to align your actions with your aspirations over the course of your life.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that being human means having ideals and striving to live up to them, even though you may fall short at times.
  • Cultivate a growth mindset that views challenges and setbacks as opportunities for personal development.
  • Consistently work towards becoming the best version of yourself, knowing that it’s a lifelong journey.

Step 4: Emphasizing the Significance of Daily Actions


This step underscores the importance of daily actions in shaping your life. It highlights that what you do every day plays a crucial role in crafting your future and achieving success.


  1. Acknowledge that your daily actions define your life’s trajectory.
  2. Reflect on the choices you make daily, as they are the building blocks of your future.
  3. Cultivate a deep understanding that consistent, small daily actions are more impactful than occasional significant efforts.
  4. Prioritize making the most of each 24-hour period by aligning your actions with your long-term goals.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that an exceptional life is the result of consistent, intentional daily choices.
  • Consider the long-term implications of your daily habits and actions.
  • Strive to make each day count toward your desired future.

Step 5: Recognizing the Value of Small Wins


This step elaborates on the importance of recognizing and celebrating small victories in various aspects of life, such as relationships and personal growth.


  1. Understand that small wins are the stepping stones to greatness.
  2. Identify moments where you resist mediocrity and choose to deliver exceptional experiences, whether in customer interactions, family time, or personal routines.
  3. Appreciate how these small daily wins accumulate and set the tone for future successes.
  4. Embrace the concept of the “5 a.m. Club morning routine” as an example of small daily improvements leading to significant results.

Specific Details:

  • Small wins can be found in everyday situations, such as resisting distractions or choosing to prioritize quality time with loved ones.
  • Celebrate and acknowledge these small wins as they contribute to your overall success.
  • The “5 a.m. Club morning routine” signifies the power of consistent daily actions that align with your goals.

Step 6: Playing the Long Game for Sustained Success


This step emphasizes the importance of playing the long game in life and career, rather than aiming for short-term success. It advises against becoming complacent once success is achieved.


  1. Shift your perspective from seeking short-term success to aspiring for enduring success and a legendary status in your chosen domain.
  2. Acknowledge that sustaining success over decades requires humility, continuous effort, and a commitment to constant improvement.
  3. Avoid succumbing to arrogance or complacency when you achieve initial success.
  4. Stay focused on consistently delivering excellence and innovation to maintain long-term relevance.

Specific Details:

  • Understand that long-term success is built on a foundation of humility, dedication, and continuous learning.
  • Be cautious of the toxic influence of success, which can lead to complacency and a decline in quality.
  • Aim to create a lasting legacy in your field by prioritizing enduring success over fleeting achievements.

Step 7: Avoiding the Pitfall of Arrogance


This step warns against the dangers of arrogance that often accompany success. It advises maintaining humility and a strong work ethic even when successful.


  1. Recognize that success can lead to a shift from humility to arrogance if not managed carefully.
  2. Stay humble and grounded as you achieve success, avoiding complacency and overconfidence.
  3. Continuously invest in self-improvement and learning, regardless of your level of success.
  4. Foster a culture of humility within your team, community, or organization to prevent the negative effects of arrogance.

Specific Details:

  • Success can be deceptive and lead to a false sense of superiority, hindering further growth.
  • Prioritize self-awareness and a commitment to personal and professional development.
  • Encourage a culture of humility and growth within your environment to ensure long-term success.

Step 8: Playing the Long Game and Maintaining Humility


This step builds upon the importance of playing the long game in life and career. It emphasizes the value of staying humble, passionate, and punctual as you achieve more significant levels of success.


  1. Commit to continuous personal development and self-improvement, even as you attain greater success.
  2. Embrace the mindset of a lifelong learner, regardless of your age or achievements.
  3. Cultivate qualities such as humility, punctuality, and passion to ensure enduring success.
  4. Set higher standards for yourself as you grow older, striving to become even more energetic and passionate.

Specific Details:

  • Consistently invest time in self-improvement practices like reading, listening to podcasts, and setting goals.
  • Understand that age is not a limiting factor for maintaining enthusiasm and passion in your pursuits.
  • Be punctual and dedicated to your routines, especially as your responsibilities and success expand.

Step 9: The Power of Asking (Know, Ask, Get)


This step focuses on the importance of asking for what you want in various aspects of life. It highlights that failing to ask often results in not getting what you desire.


  1. Recognize that the power of asking is a fundamental aspect of achieving your goals.
  2. Understand that asking for what you want is essential in personal relationships, goal setting, and business interactions.
  3. Clearly communicate your needs, desires, and goals to those around you to increase the likelihood of receiving what you want.
  4. Embrace the principle of “Know, Ask, Get” as a reminder of the importance of expressing your needs and desires.

Specific Details:

  • Effective communication and asking for what you want are essential for achieving success in various areas of life.
  • Be proactive in sharing your goals and intentions with others to gain their support and assistance.
  • Remember that not asking is the only true failure, as it deprives you of opportunities and resources.

Step 10: Value Delivery and Prosperity


This step highlights the relationship between prosperity and the delivery of value. It emphasizes that creating value for others is key to financial success and recognition.


  1. Shift your focus from solely pursuing financial gain to providing substantial value to others.
  2. Commit to delivering exceptional value in your products, services, or contributions to your community.
  3. Understand that prosperity is a reflection of the value you deliver to the world.
  4. Strive to exceed expectations and create fanatical followers through your dedication to delivering value.

Specific Details:

  • Prosperity is a natural outcome of consistently delivering value to your customers, clients, or community.
  • Aim to create a culture of value delivery in your work and personal life, as it fosters lasting success and recognition.
  • Focus on creating a dedicated following by consistently exceeding expectations and providing unparalleled value.

Step 11: Prioritizing Exercise for Health


This step underscores the importance of regular exercise for overall health and well-being. It emphasizes that making time for exercise is essential to prevent future health issues.


  1. Acknowledge that regular exercise is a game-changer for your physical and mental health.
  2. Commit to incorporating exercise into your daily routine, even if it means waking up earlier.
  3. Recognize the numerous benefits of exercise, including increased energy, improved brain function, and better overall well-being.
  4. Prioritize your health and fitness to avoid future health problems and enhance your quality of life.

Specific Details:

  • Exercise in the morning can have a profound positive impact on your mindset and energy levels throughout the day.
  • Consistent exercise can help prevent illnesses and health issues, ultimately saving time and resources in the long run.
  • Make exercise a non-negotiable part of your daily routine to enjoy the long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Step 12: Embracing Failure and the Price of Greatness


This step encourages embracing failure as a necessary part of the journey towards greatness. It highlights that failure is not a true failure if you learn from it and continue pursuing your goals.


  1. Accept that failure is a part of the path to greatness and should not be feared.
  2. Understand that success often comes at the cost of facing and learning from failures and setbacks.
  3. Embrace the mindset of a person in the arena, willing to take risks and face criticism.
  4. Commit to learning from failures, staying resilient, and pursuing your dreams relentlessly.

Specific Details:

  • Failure should not deter you from your goals but serve as a valuable lesson in your journey.
  • Embrace the Teddy Roosevelt quote about the person in the arena, as it signifies the courage to face challenges and criticism.
  • Continuously seek to grow, adapt, and evolve from failures, as they are essential stepping stones towards greatness.

Step 13: Conclusion: Get Your Dreams Done


This step serves as a conclusion, emphasizing the importance of taking action and pursuing your dreams relentlessly. It encourages you to make a positive impact on the world through your actions.


  1. Commit to turning your dreams into reality by taking consistent action.
  2. Embrace challenges, criticism, and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.
  3. Remember that the world will be a better place because of your dedication and contributions.
  4. Maintain a mindset of service and continuous improvement, leaving a lasting legacy.

Specific Details:

  • Your dreams have the potential to create a positive impact on the world, and it is your responsibility to pursue them.
  • The true measure of success is not just achieving your dreams but also the positive influence you have on others.
  • Be relentless in your pursuit of dreams, knowing that your efforts will make a difference in the lives of others.



This mastery session is all about big lessons to win at life, and what I wanted to do is let you in under the kimono a little bit and share, you know, a number of the lessons that have been of service to me as I’ve walked through the journey of my life so far. And, you know, I must confess to you, I am no guru. In my book, “The Greatness Guide,” one of the first things I said, I think it was the first chapter, which is, “I’m no guru. I’m a work in progress. I am NOT the ideal, but I have a lot of ideals. I am far from perfect, but my dream and my hope is that by the end of my life, and I hope I get to live a long life, I live so many of the ideals that I aspire to.” And I think that’s the part of being human, you know, we have these ideals, and every single day when we fall, we get back up, when we get a little off course, we have the opportunity to get back on course.

I was a member of summers ago; I was flying from Zimbabwe to White River, South Africa, and we were in a little plane, and the pilot allowed me to fly the plane. And it was really a fascinating experience because, you know, behind the controls, there was this needle, this dial, and he said, “Just make sure the needle stays at the center of the dial, and we’re going to be absolutely fine.” And so, literally, there was the winds and the forces taking this little plane off, and all I had to do was sort of turn the, I don’t know if you call it a steering wheel, but the controls back to bring the needle to front and center so he stayed on course. And we get off course and on course. And isn’t life like that? Every single day we get taken off course, you know, we get busy versus focused, we want to do the right, or we want to do the workout, but there’s a seduction by some kind of a distraction. We have an ideal of being world-class in our work, but there’s an attraction to sort of taking a little shortcut. And so, literally, every single day is an opportunity to get back on course with that needle of your world-class ideals.

So, I want to offer you some ideas that have really served me well because I’m just like you, I’m trying to aspire to the top of the mountain over the course of the rest of my life. And the first idea that life has really taught me is really this: small wins matter. I mean, we sometimes think that an epic life occurs one Sunday, Sunday, Friday afternoon when the stars line up, and something revolutionary occurs. And what I’m suggesting to you, with great love and great respect, is a great life is built not by revolution; a great life is built by evolution. Small and steady wins the race. What you do every day is far more important than what you do once every decade. I want you to really think about that idea. What you do every day is simply your life in miniature. And as you live every single day, so you’re crafting your life. What you do over the next hour is really building your future. And if you can just get, and I can just get every single pocket of 24 hours right as best as we humanly can, the rest of our life is going to take care of itself. So, small wins matter.

You know the moment in front of the customer where the pull was to go average and you become merchants of WoW, set you up for the next day of a way of being of WoW. The little win with your family when you feel like watching TV set you up for another win the next day. A little win of getting up at 5 o’clock and running your morning routine sets you up for a habit of a 5 a.m. Club morning routine. Small daily improvements over time will lead you to stunning results. Tiny wins are the way to greatness, and that’s one of the things life has taught me. When you look at the great companies, whether it’s an Amazon, whether it’s, you know, some of the tech startups coming out right now, whether it’s a Zappos, whether it’s a FedEx, whether it’s a Nike, whether it’s a General Electric, whether it’s some of the little shops in your neighborhood that we really admire because people still cook the food with love or they serve the food with love.

Small Wins Matter

People have an attention to tell great companies are built by those small, steady optimizations every single day. If you look at any great product, it wasn’t just one day that built the great product; it was a culture and a mindset of daily innovation and optimization when done consistently over time, which led to world-class even-even relationships. A great relationship is all about those small daily wins when done consistently, leading to a lifetime of love.

I was walking in the woods last week, and there was an elderly couple walking in front of me. They really stood out because they were moving fast, and they had these ski poles. So, this was autumn in my hometown, and they were walking with these ski poles. I sort of joked as I walked by them because pretty much only the three of us in this deep forest, and I said, “You’re missing the cell,” and they started laughing. We actually walked for about half an hour, and we started going pretty deep. They said to me, “You know, we’ve been married 52 years.” I said, “52 years? What’s your secret?” The woman said, “Well, we’ve had to put up with a lot,” which made me laugh. Then, it was all about the little small daily things they did to foster a lifetime of love. That’s my metaphor for you on rule number one.

Nothing Fails Like Success

Nothing fails like success. You’re successful, maybe it’s in your health, maybe it’s in your finances, maybe it’s in your career, maybe it’s in your family life, maybe it’s in the way that you show up in the world—awesome. You’re in a really vulnerable place right now. It is one thing to be successful; it is another thing to sustain success over the coming decades. Is that not a powerful idea? Let’s go to the entertainment industry. It’s very hard to be a one-hit wonder. Let’s not knock a one-hit wonder, but it’s even harder to become an iconic rock band or hip-hop band. Let’s go to the arts. It is very hard to come up with your Sistine Chapel, but it’s even harder to become a Michelangelo. Are you playing the short game or the long game? Lesson number two that life has taught me: play the long game; aim for legendary. Don’t just say, “I’m gonna be world-class in my dominant pursuit for a little window of time.” Say, “I want to have the guts and the grit and the acumen and the mindset and the capability and the commitment to create enduring success.” That’s why I say nothing fails like success. Success can be so toxic; it plays with your mind. You literally shift from humility to arrogance, and it is a very short fall from success to irrelevance.

Know Ask Get

Lesson number three: life has taught me, know, ask, get. There is huge power in asking for what you want. A lot of times, we can have what we want; we just don’t ask for it. If the world around us doesn’t know what we want, how can the world deliver what we want? In your personal relationships, we’re not mind readers. If you don’t tell your partner what you want, your partner doesn’t know what you want. If you don’t set your goals, then you cannot get those goals because your brain doesn’t know what you want. In your business, if you don’t speak up and ask your client what you want, you won’t get the order. Lesson number three: ask, ask, ask. No ask, no get. And if you ask and you don’t get, at least you learn. The only failure is not trying.

Value Delivery

The fourth thing that life has taught me, and it’s a big lesson, is that prosperity is really a reflection of value delivery. If you want to make millions, you want to make billions, help billions. So, the marketplace rewards the value you produce. My obsession in our businesses is to give our customers ten times the value that they have any right to expect.

Value Delivery

So, every product, every event, every book is considered free. But my point to you is simply this: Do you have a mindset of someone who is just producing epic amounts of value and just pouring it into the marketplace? And if you do, you’re gonna start developing fanatical followers. I mean, why, under Steve Jobs, would people line up two days before at 3:00 in the morning to get the new product? It was because he produced such outrageous amounts of value in the user experience of each product that it became a cult, the cult of Apple. So, the point is simply this: You want more money, help more people. Bottom line.


Number five, and it’s a big one, and life has taught me this: Those who don’t make time for exercise must eventually make time for illness. Exercise really is a game-changer. When you get up at five o’clock in the morning, you spend those first twenty minutes in intense exercise, you sweat, you release BDNF, which is Miracle Grow for your brain, your brain just lights up. It releases dopamine, so you start feeling inspired, you increase your metabolic rate, you start to feel absolutely phenomenal.

So, there’s one tradition that once said when we are young, we would sacrifice all of our health for wealth, and when we get old, we would sacrifice all of our wealth for one day of good health. And health really is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see. My invitation to you, and it’s a lesson that I’ve learned from life, is few things are as valuable as getting into the finest fitness of your life. That is a decision that changes every other element of your life. You want to be fit like a pro athlete, you’ll want to wake up in the morning, you’ll want to do the run, do the yoga, do the swim, do the burpees, do the jumping jacks, do the skipping, and it will change every other dimension of your life.


What else has life taught me? It’s taught me that failure is the price of greatness. I love the Teddy Roosevelt quote, “Man in the Arena,” and to paraphrase it: Respect belongs not to the critic, not to the person in the bleachers, not to the audience; respect and admiration belong to the person in the arena who has the dream, who has the vision, who rolls up her sleeves and has the guts to get the vision done. Anyone can be a critic, and here’s what I’ve realized: Critics generally criticize the work they most wish they did.

My invitation to you is simply remember a lesson life has taught me, which is failure is the price of greatness, adversity is the price of ambition. And I would rather get to the end of my life bloodied and marred and scarred and say, “I didn’t spend the best years of my life chit-chatting around the water cooler. I didn’t spend the best hours of my best days condemning and criticizing and being a naysayer. I spent the best years of my life gloriously standing in the fire of ideals, my goals, and trying to get what my heart’s desires said I should do, even though I fell, and I was bloodied, and I was laughed at, and I was criticized, sometimes hated, and people tried to tear me down. That, to me, is what life is all about. And I think I should probably end on that invitation to you: Get your dreams done because the world will be a better place because you were in it. And that is my prayer for the rest of your life.

Hi, it’s Robin. I invite you to subscribe to this podcast and definitely go over to RobinSharma.com for more information, tools, and resources on mastery, leadership, performance, and living.

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Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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