5 BRAND NEW Digital Marketing Strategies for 2024 (HUGE Leap Forward!)

👣 5 Innovative Steps: From Content to Conversion!


Mastering the Essential Steps for Marketing Success in 2024

🚀 Hey there, rockstar! Ready to CRUSH your marketing game in 2024? 🤯

🤖 AI isn’t just for sci-fi anymore; it’s the secret sauce to turbocharge your business! Imagine doing MORE with LESS, and avoiding the epic fails of your competitors. 🙌

👀 Ever wonder how to turn your PODCAST into a VIRAL powerhouse? Or make those SHORT social media clips like a PRO? It’s easier than you think! 🎙️📲

🔥 Dive into the world of VIDEO PODCASTING, where relationships with your audience soar! You’re practically unstoppable with your voice in their ears! 🎥👂

🤫 And don’t miss the genius trick from Vanessa Lao – fake it ’til you make it with a FAUX podcast! 🎙️😏

🧐 Want to DOMINATE search engines in 2024? Dive DEEP into content only a HUMAN can create! Share your experiences, opinions, and take a STAND! 💪💬

🚀 Or go VLOGGER mode on YouTube, where AI can’t replace your unique charm! 📹😉

🧠 And there’s the QUIZ HACK – 40% conversion rate, baby! Who doesn’t love a good personality test? 💡📊

💥 Finally, make those META (Facebook/Instagram) ads POP with Chat GPT wizardry! Your email list is about to EXPLODE! 💣📧

👉 Dive into these game-changing strategies NOW! Your business will thank you later. 😉💼

Ready to SLAY 2024? 🚀👑 #MarketingMastery #AI #GameChanger #BusinessSuccess


Step 1: Leveraging Video Podcasting for Content Marketing


In this step, you’ll learn how to utilize video podcasting as a powerful content marketing strategy to build relationships with your audience and save time.


  1. Select Your Niche: Identify your niche or area of expertise for your podcast.
  2. Generate Podcast Topics: Use AI to list out 50 podcast topics related to your niche.
  3. Create a Spreadsheet: Create a spreadsheet to keep track of the topics you want to explore.
  4. Detailed Podcast Outlines: For each chosen topic, request a detailed podcast outline from AI.
  5. Add Personal Touch: Enhance the AI-generated outline with your own experiences, opinions, and advice to make it unique.
  6. Equipment and Setup: Invest in an affordable external microphone (e.g., Rode Podcaster) for better audio quality. Ensure you have a well-lit and aesthetically pleasing background for video.
  7. Recording and Editing: Use a smartphone and a simple AI editing program to record and edit your podcast.
  8. Delivery: Record your podcast, following the outline, and deliver it in your own voice and style.

Specific Details:

  • Podcast discoverability can be challenging, but YouTube is becoming a significant platform for video podcasts.
  • Maintain a visually appealing background for video podcasts, similar to what you’d use for a Zoom meeting.
  • You can use a computer screen with your podcast outline next to your camera for easy reference.
  • Video podcasting allows you to repurpose content for social media platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.

Step 2: Creating Engaging Short-Form Content for Social Media Marketing


Learn how to create engaging short-form content for various social media platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.


  1. Repurpose Podcast Clips: Convert interesting segments from your video podcast into short video clips.
  2. Leverage AI Tools: Utilize AI tools like GetMunch and Video to help edit and optimize your short-form content.
  3. Distribute Across Platforms: Share your short-form videos across Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts.

Specific Details:

  • Short-form content based on podcast clips is effective for engaging audiences on social media platforms.
  • AI tools can simplify the editing process and ensure your videos are optimized for each platform’s specifications.

Step 3: Search Engine Marketing Pivot


In this step, adapt your search engine marketing strategy for 2024 by focusing on content that AI struggles to replace and leveraging YouTube as a search engine platform.


  1. Deep Experience-Based Content: Concentrate on creating written articles that delve deeper into topics, providing real human experiences, opinions, and anecdotes.
  2. AI-Enhanced Content: Use AI, like Chat GPT, for the initial content draft, and then add your personal touch to make it unique.
  3. Take Stances and Opinions: When creating content, express opinions and take stances on relevant issues to engage readers more effectively.
  4. Consider YouTube: Recognize YouTube as the world’s second-largest search engine and create video content that AI struggles to replicate.

Specific Details:

  • Emphasize content that goes beyond simple AI-generated answers and provides value through human experiences.
  • Combine AI-generated content with your own opinions and experiences to create engaging content.
  • YouTube’s video content is less susceptible to AI replacement, making it a valuable platform for search marketing in 2024.

Step 4: Quiz-Based Lead Magnet for Email Marketing


Explore the use of quiz-based lead magnets to boost email marketing conversions.


  1. Select a Quiz Platform: Utilize AI-powered quiz builders like TryInteract to create engaging quizzes.
  2. Create a Quiz: Fill in basic information, and let the AI-powered quiz builder handle the rest.
  3. Embed on Your Website: Embed the quiz directly onto your website to make it accessible to visitors.

Specific Details:

  • Quizzes tend to have higher conversion rates compared to traditional lead magnets like eBooks or PDFs.
  • AI-powered quiz builders simplify the quiz creation process.

Step 5: Enhancing Meta (Facebook/Instagram) Ads with AI


Leverage AI to enhance your Meta (Facebook/Instagram) ads for maximum impact on growing your email list.


  1. Use Chat GPT for Ad Copy: Utilize Chat GPT to craft compelling ad copy for your Meta ads.
  2. Personalize Ad Messaging: Customize ad messaging to engage your audience effectively.
  3. Include Quiz Promotion: Incorporate your newly created quiz-based lead magnet in your ad campaigns to attract leads.

Specific Details:

  • Employ AI-generated content for ad copywriting to save time and improve ad quality.
  • Tailor ad messages to resonate with your target audience.
  • Promote the quiz-based lead magnet within your Meta ads to encourage email sign-ups.


Content Marketing

The difference between marketing your business in 2023 and what you can achieve in 2024 is going to be a huge leap forward, and it’s all thanks to AI. But how do you use it right and do way more with less, and avoid tanking your business by using it wrong? In this video, we’re going to hit all five major digital marketing categories where I’m going to show you the single tactic that’s working best for each in 2024 and the best way to use AI to help you supercharge it and do more in a whole lot less time. I’ll even help you avoid the traps that most businesses fall into when they use AI the wrong way.

Content Marketing and Podcasting

Now, let’s start with our first category: content marketing. Here’s a truth that I’ve discovered over the past few years: the businesses that make it big do it by offering information on the front end, then selling on the back end. This comes down to putting out helpful content on a regular basis that potential customers can find, watch, listen to, or read and begin to form a relationship with you in the process. This relationship can easily triple your leads and costs about 62% less than traditional advertising.

I chose to go all-in on videos for my content marketing, but there’s something that can work even better when it comes to relationship building, and that’s podcasting. People usually listen to podcasts all the way through, sometimes over an hour at a time, which lets you fast-track that relationship. But there’s always been a big problem with podcasts – discoverability is hard.

However, there’s a new player in podcasting – YouTube. In 2024, the video podcast is going to be huge. You can still upload the audio to traditional platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify, but you can also upload the video version right here onto YouTube. This increases the chances of finding your audience because that’s what YouTube does best.

Now, when it comes to coming up with podcast topics that align with your business, AI can help. Start with a prompt like “You’re an expert content creator in [Niche], list out 50 topics for a podcast about [X] for an audience of [Y].” Then take the ones you like, ask AI for a detailed podcast outline, and add your own flavor.

Starting a podcast isn’t as hard as it sounds. You can use a smartphone with an affordable external mic and set up a decent-looking background. The advantage of video podcasting is you can create a lot of content without heavy investment.

Social Media Marketing

Now, let’s move on to our next digital marketing category: social media marketing. Short-form vertical videos are still where it’s at. Across platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts, videos like this are dominating. These are basically repurposed video podcast clips. If you went all-in on video podcasting, you can easily repurpose content for social media platforms with no extra effort, thanks to AI.

Video Marketing and Social Media

AI tools like Get Munch and Video Who will not only chop up your long-form videos into short social media-ready clips but they’ll do the hard work of choosing which bits have the most viral potential in the first place. So without any extra work, you could end up with dozens of TikTok or Instagram-ready clips. You can post these everywhere automatically, and you don’t even have to think about which clips are going to work best.

My advice is that having both short and long-form videos online is going to help you the most. Both types of video will be top-of-funnel discovery tools for your business in 2024. Someone who likes one of your short videos might check out your podcast, and suddenly they’re all in on your funnel. When people see you in both places, you’ll essentially achieve what we call omnipresence – that being everywhere effect. And that repetition helps you build deeper connections faster.

But what if you don’t have time to sit down and record long-form podcasts or if you just know you’re not going to do it? Here’s a great tip from social media expert Vanessa Lao – she suggests creating a fake podcast. Most times, people who do this style don’t even have a podcast, and their mic isn’t even plugged in – all they have is a podcast mic not plugged in. They’re looking to an angle and they’re just talking as if they were talking to someone on a podcast. That has been proven to work, especially when we look at the metrics of engagement and retention on these videos. So it is something that you might want to consider trying, especially if you are someone who’s not ready to have a full-blown podcast just yet. Just make sure that your mic’s actually plugged in, or you might just get some trolls pointing it out and blowing your cover. That’s right – you’re a big fat phony.

Now, I do recommend these clips being around 1 to 3 minutes long, which is longer than I recommended in the past. The simple reason is that all these shorts platforms are having a really hard time monetizing those super short videos. Slotting ads in between 6-second clips is just really hard to do. So for 2024, the sweet spot is short but not too short. You’ll notice the same thing everywhere – TikTok, YouTube, and even Instagram are starting to push videos longer than a minute. If you want the biggest bang for your buck, I recommend sitting down for those long-form video podcasts, then letting AI chop it up into the best 1 to 3-minute clips and posting them across all your platforms. You may only do 1 hour a week, but anyone watching your social media will think you’re practically doing content creation as a full-time job. They’ll see you, appreciate your deep dives, and start to trust you. And that, my friend, is how you scale a business in 2024.

Search Engine Marketing

AI had a pretty unexpected negative consequence on marketing this past year. It used to be that you’d create great content for your website, optimize it for search, and you might rank your blog posts and even sales pages for your target keywords. But now that Google and Bing have gotten their paws all over their own AI tools, they’re planning on just answering search queries themselves through AI-driven chatbots.

So, when it comes to our third marketing category – search engine marketing – I would recommend a pretty big pivot. Specifically, in 2024, you need to be focusing on one of two types of search-based content.

Option one: You could go all in on deep experience-based written content. These are articles that go beyond answering simple questions. If the keyword phrase you’re trying to rank for could be easily answered by AI, you shouldn’t be going for that phrase anymore. Many people are searching for answers that require real human experiences, knowledge, and expert opinions. Those are the types of articles you should now be focusing on.

Option two: Stop trying so hard to rank in Google and try to rank on YouTube instead. YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine, and it’s a platform where AI has a much harder time replacing human-generated content. So, concentrate on topics that only a real human can answer, those based on your own experiences. You can still use AI like Chat GPT for your base content, but you should go one layer deeper by adding your personal experiences, anecdotes, opinions, and stances on issues. This will give Google’s users something to think about, not just a quick bite of information.

Email Marketing and Lead Magnets

All these digital marketing categories aim to move people deeper into your sales funnel. The goal for all these people you’ve connected with so far should be to get them onto your email list. Email marketing is still king when it comes to converting interested prospects into paying customers. But to do that, you’ve got to get them on your list in the first place.

Lead magnets are changing. In the past, you might have offered a free ebook or PDF, and that can work okay. The average written lead magnet converts at about 22.8%, but the conversion rate of people who take a quiz is almost double that at 40%. That’s twice as many leads on your email list with one simple switch. The problem has always been that creating a quiz can be a pretty tedious and confusing process, but AI can help you here as well. Use Try Interact’s new AI Quiz Builder – fill in some basic information and let them take over from there. Once it’s finished, you can embed the whole thing right on your website.

Paid Marketing

Now, how will you get people to your site to actually opt in for it? That brings us to the last category on our list – paid marketing. For my money, there is no better way to spend advertising budget than to spend it on getting people on my email list. Meta, AKA Facebook or Instagram ads, are still the best way to do it. But the AI solution for making these ads work extra hard for you is where this really gets good in 2024.

Post/Page #39798
Eric Collin

Eric Collin

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur who has been his own boss for virtually his entire professional journey. He has built a successful career on his own drive and entrepreneurial determination. With experience across various industries, such as construction and internet marketing, Eric has thrived as a tech-savvy individual, designer, marketer, super affiliate, and product creator. Passionate about online marketing, he is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others increase their income in the digital realm.


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